> Anyway, some more info:
> I only see the crash if krdc uses the tightvnc encoding.  So a workaround
> is:
>         krdc --encodings "copyrect zlib hextile" host:0
> or to get 8bpp color like the original poster has:
>         krdc --low-quality --encodings "copyrect zlib hextile" host:0
Thanks for your work,
I was always connecting in "low quality" mode, so it did'nt work.
I had'nt tried with high quality because were connections to far hosts.

I suppose "low quality" mode requires tight encoding so it don't works, 
but "high quality" uses more bandwidth hungry encodings (so no uses tight) 
and it works...

Thank you very much for your workaround!

> I will try to look into this from the libvncserver side (x11vnc uses it),
> but it may be some time before I can get to it since I may need to
> build krdc and put in debugging output.
> Karl

Thanks again for your work!

Pau Tallada.

| Pau Tallada Crespí                            Linux User : #345498 |
| SIP URL : sip:pautallada AT ekiga.net         GPG Key : 0xC2E6DD29 |
| Mail : pau_tallada AT telefonica DOT net                           |

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