1.  when set to "IMAP_EMPTYTRASH=" it default to 0 so all the mail are
deleted of course.. is not important but of course an misc on code.. but
this are from 2017 so must be recheck with recent versions.. of course i
canot test with debian package cos does not build property

2. reported does not know what are doing.. when ask if all mail are moved
to trash with some sets of configuration doe snot know what are talking
about.. also does not read the hole documentation.. neither set the
IMAP_MOVE_EXPUNGE_TO_TRASH var property or IMAP_EMPTYTRASH variable in a
high number.

the only bug here is when there's no definition for IMAP_EMPTYTRASH= but is
a minor bug.. sysadmin or reported does not read property at documentation
or standard ..

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

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