retitle 526236 nvidia-graphics-modules-amd64: update for nvidia driver
185.18.14 on kernel 2.6.30


attached is an version of the previous patch updated for kernel 2.6.30
and driver 185.18.14.
(It is diffed against the SVN version of nvidia-graphics-modules-amd64,
just skip the previous version of the patch.)

Please also remove debian/nvidia-kernel-2.6.16-1-* from the svn
repository, these are leftover temporary directories from the
nvidia-graphics-modules-i386 age.

As long as linux-modules-nonfree support for nvidia is not available it
would be much more convenient for Debian+Nvidia users if binary module
packages would be available for the current sid kernel, too.

It would probably also reduce the bug reports of types
* nvidia-kernel-source does not build with my-favorite-module-builder
* nvidia modules are not available.


Attachment: nvidia-graphics-modules-amd64-2.6.30.patch.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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