Hello Cyril,

some more remarks ;-)

Am 20:59, schrieb Mader, Alexander (N-MSR):
The configuration is as described in


The configuration is archived in the first email of this bug report as well.

The restart with the upgraded packages gave me the GDM login screen. I
was able to logon successfully but everything was a bit slow. The reason
for this was that *everything* was *simultaneously* on *both* seats! In
other words a separate login was not possible any more. Finally both X
server froze at some point.

As mentioned in my last post the single X server grabs all the input devices although there are explicitly configured ones. In the log this can be found when the events 2 and 4 are registered in addition to the configured ones (3 and 5).

Is the observation of simultaneous logins just the result of all input devices being automatically registered with all X servers? In other words: Did I really login with both X servers? Would effectively separating the input devices allow distinct logins again? If so, how could I achieve this?

I could not find anything at the end of the
Xorg*log files but will send them asap.

Unfortunately, I deleted one of the logs during my experiments. So I have to reproduce the dual seat stuff :-( I am sorry, please, stay tuned ;-)

Best regards,
Alexander Mader

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