I performed similar task  (dist upgrade to squeeze) and ended up with the 
chain loader (what I wanted).

the chain loader to grub 2 worked just fine, I was happy with the operation of 
grub2, everything appeared to work correctly (all boot options checked out), 
so followed the option to remove grub-legacy....


after which system failed to boot, no menu options where prescented....
Problem resolved by booting from a live CD, chroot to my linux partition then 

grub-instal /dev/sda

Sorry can't remember exact grub error message...


having run grub 2 for about a week now the bootloader failed again.  this time 
Grub 2 would start but would inform me that it couldn't find any installed 
modules, continuing would prescent the usual BIOS can't find system disk error

Adian ruuning 

grub-instal /dev/sda

appears to have recovered the system, and I once again have my boot options 
for a few kernels, 'doze and 'doze re-install on the lappy.



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