package: pop-before-smtp
version: 1.41-1.1


I've used pop-before-smtp successfully with etch, but it stopped processing 
new logins in lenny. When I run 

pop-before-smtp --debug --reprocess 

manually, it works nicely, but not when I started it with the supplied 

After changing the line in initscript which starts the daemon like the 
following, it works again.

#       $pgm $dbfile $watchlog $logto --daemon=$pid        
$pgm --debug  --reprocess  --logto=/var/log/pop-before-smtp 
--watchlog=/var/log/mail.log --daemon=$pid

Interestingly the configfile provides those correct configurations for logto 
and watchlog as well, but they are ignored. --dumpconfig also shows them.


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