I've just been bitten by this too with a jessie install, nagios3,
mod-gearman-module and gearman-job-server. The tiniest setup I could
conceive using those components.

I've outlined my approach and symptoms here:

Can't get mod-gearman to work no jessie's gearmand version 1.0.6 - Google

In that thread, Sven Nierlein, the main committer in mod-gearman, says:

> The Consol Labs Repository still contains gearman 0.33 because there is
> still an open bug for newer Gearman releases.
> See https://bugs.launchpad.net/gearmand/+bug/1176324

Subsequently I found this current bug report.

>From the https://bugs.launchpad.net/gearmand/+bug/1176324 I've traced down
this patch:
http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tangent-trunk/gearmand/1.2/revision/853.1.1 .
I think this is the relevant patch for this issue (but not sure) but the
code has changed too much since 1.0.6 for the patch to apply even with the
best hand-holding I could muster. I've put more info in that bug report.

I've tried building 1.1.12 from source and my problem went away. I'll see
how well I succeed making a 1.1.12-based debian source package.

At least to me, gearman-job-server is completely useless with this issue.
There is one thing it doesn't do: Allow me to execute jobs...

What are the odds of version 1.1.12 making it into sid and jessie before
the jessie freeze? ;-)

Peter Valdemar Mørch

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