wine exits non-zero on any operation on a previously working amd64
install of 1.6.1-6.

Downgrading to wine from testing (although awkward due to the changes
in dependencies) does restore a working Wine installation. Downgrading
to 1.6.1-6 from -7 via snapshots just gave a lot of broken dependencies
and I couldn't see a simple way to get the /usr/bin/wine executable
back, hence going back to testing.

No output is shown with the packages in sid, the only clue is the exit
code seen with echo $?

Working install achievable with these packages from testing:
ii  libwine                               1.4.1-4                        i386   
ii  libwine-bin:i386                      1.4.1-4                        i386   
ii  libwine-gecko-1.4                     1.4+dfsg1-3                    all    
ii  wine-bin                              1.4.1-4                        i386   
and these support packages:

sudo apt-get install -t jessie  libice6:i386 libsm6:i386 libssl1.0.0:i386 


Neil Williams

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