
Apologies for my very late reply.  Detox already supports this feature,
through a second binary, called inline-detox.  This works as a Unix stream,
taking input on stdin, and returning output on stdout.  So, in the simplest
case, you could do:

echo "Filename that needs to be (cleaned up).mp3" | inline-detox

and it will return:


On stdout.

Hope that helps!

Doug Harple

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ari Moisio <ari.moi...@thp.nkl.fi>
Date: 2015-04-23 11:02 GMT+02:00
Subject: Feature wish: detox and non-existent files
To: schoenf...@debian.org


May i suggest    a new functionality on detox:

a new parameter,  for example -N that will pass the command line argument
thru defined sequence but does not care if the file exists and of course
will not try to rename it, olyn outputs  a cleaned filename to   the stdout.

I'm asking this for a CD ripping script   wwhere the filename comes from
cddb and i would like to pass already valid file name for the lame encoder.

Best regards
Ari Moisio
Näkövammaisten Keskusliitto ry.
050 401 5875

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