also the behaviour explained at the end of my previous mail* was apllied
perfectly to the KDE4 and KDE3 packages! in the past... for squeeze, etch
and sarge*

if as progress of depends and policy analisis progress, users like me we
can test in the way aditions or remotions was made over the main objetiv,
the gitea/gogs package..

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

2017-09-20 13:49 GMT-04:00 PICCORO McKAY Lenz <>:

> 2017-09-19 20:31 GMT-04:00 Michael Lustfield <>:
>> To be blunt, I struggled very hard to follow the text you wrote..
>> especially
>> true for the github bug report. I have done my best to understand what the
>> intended message was, but if I misunderstood then I apologize in advance.
> sorry for my english and you indestand almost all
>> On Mon, 18 Sep 2017 14:55:12 -0400
>> PICCORO McKAY Lenz <> wrote:
>> > 1) makde a package that only use the downloaded sources that ship all
>> > depends
>> This sounds like you're suggesting that we actually make use of content
>> within
>> the vendor/ directories. If that's the case then we'll need to discuss
>> DFSG in a
>> bit more depth because this will cause a clear violation.In fact, I'm
>> aware of sources within gogs/gitea that *DOES* *NOT* meet DFSG,
> right but only in a part.. i mean made the package and progressl
> Make the package, and progressively go removing or adding dependencies and
> objects according to what is going to work, for example in the case of
> dependency: if today xxx.yyy is provided then in the already made gogs
> package removing the xxx.yyy reference build in source, about the DFSG can
> be check as being used it, due some maybe drop important funtionality
> Each dependency needs to be individually packaged and reviewed for DFSG
>> standards. This work has revealed a lot of issues that have now been
>> resolved
>> (in Gitea). Unfortunately, the author/owner of gogs has no interest in
>> adopting
>> these changes. (details need not be repeated here)
> I also noted that gitea solved some problems inherints from gogs, but i
> also noted that on every new releaqse as they introduced fixeds, same
> amount of issues are newer due new features or bigfixeds itself
> this can be a problem.., the differences between gogs and gitea are more
> deep in development model but in funtionallity are pretty same..
>> > the other way its that do not make usage of thos depends pacakges that
>> > change too many in the time!
>> I didn't follow this at all.
> gogs and gitea used a specific commits of that depends.. and taking in
> consideration that packages on debian are "too older or too newer" respect
> the necesary..
> so then, maybe we need a special packages mades for those? sound like a
> duplication of work, but some examples maybe are owncloud and roundcube
>> packaging I have been working on offers a gogs meta package that selects
>> gitea.
>> This does not mean gitea is pretending to be gogs. It is a
>> relatively-compatible alternative.
> i dont think this would be a good idea. its better a good made
> separation.. no relation
> > gogs are focused on simplicity, no new features and only security fixeds
>> > gitea are focused on new features and changes too many ..
>> This is very much *not* the difference between the two. Gitea is a fork
>> of gogs
>> that was created for entirely different reasons. Many of those reasons
>> are why
>> gogs is not likely to ever exist in Debian repos.
> i already know about the problem that raised the fork of gitea.. but gitea
> are not a separate project different rom gogs.. the differences between
> funtionalities are few, but in development are too many...
>> Conforming to Debian policy does not come later, it comes first. Until I
>> have a
>> proper Debianized package, I will not release Gitea into Debian. I /do/
>> however, have a lot of progress made and only a few more new dependencies
>> that
>> need to pass through NEW.
> as i mention, to se real progress and funtionality (and if some ot the
> current depends are not fit) we suggest Make the package, and progressively
> go removing or adding dependencies and objects according to what is going
> to work, for example in the case of dependency: if today xxx.yyy is
> provided then in the already made gogs package removing the xxx.yyy
> reference build in source, about the DFSG can be check as being used it,
> due some maybe drop important funtionality
> so you can made all of then in a personal repository in alliot or in
> opensuse build service--
>> If you would like to help, check out the "(un)reproducible" column here:
> the complete log need DH_VERVOSE=1 due the test fail does not have a good
> trace... the debug output only had pointer addresses, i cannot setup better
> trace..
> seems are realted to 64 bit addresses, so i disable the checks and try to
> reproduce with the included in gogs, and does not able to reproduce.. due
> in the sources only 64 bit adreses are used--
> take in consideration that amount of go developer used 64bit by default,
> so more i386 setups are need, but current debian does not fit my need on
> i385 (too many req) so i used squeeze and in this setup are running well
> gogs.. gitea does not!
>> --
>> Michael Lustfield

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