Bug#806569: libgnupg-interface-perl: Breaks devotee

2015-11-29 Thread Kurt Roeckx
So I used this patch and everything seems to work now:


Bug#806569: libgnupg-interface-perl: Breaks devotee

2015-11-29 Thread Salvatore Bonaccorso
Hi Kurt,

On Sun, Nov 29, 2015 at 01:47:34AM +0100, Kurt Roeckx wrote:
> Package: libgnupg-interface-perl
> Version: 0.50-3
> Hi,
> A change between 0.45 and 0.50 seems to have broken devotee.  As a
> result I now get:
> gpg: can't open `--verify'
> gpg: verify signatures failed: file open error
> In /usr/share/perl5/GnuPG/Interface.pm there is:
> my @command_args
> = ref $args{command_args}
> ? @{ $args{command_args} }
> : ( $args{command_args} || () );
> unshift @command_args, "--"
> if @command_args and $command_args[0] ne "--";
> Where the last 2 lines have been added.  That unshift doesn't seem
> to make sense to me.

This change is to separate positional arguments from the commands in
gpg. I suspect that devotee confuses the use of command_args:

   Initialization Methods
   new( %initialization_args )
   This methods creates a new object.  The optional arguments are
   initialization of data members.

   hash_init( %args ).

   Object Methods which use a GnuPG::Handles Object
   list_public_keys( % )
   list_sigs( % )
   list_secret_keys( % )
   encrypt( % )
   encrypt_symmetrically( % )
   sign( % )
   clearsign( % )
   detach_sign( % )
   sign_and_encrypt( % )
   decrypt( % )
   verify( % )
   import_keys( % )
   export_keys( % )
   recv_keys( % )
   send_keys( % )
   search_keys( % )
   These methods each correspond directly to or are very similar to a
   GnuPG command described in gpg.  Each of these methods takes a
   hash, which currently must contain a key of handles which has the
   value of a GnuPG::Handles object.  Another optional key is
   command_args which should have the value of an array reference;
   these arguments will be passed to GnuPG as command arguments.
   These command arguments are used for such things as determining the
   keys to list in the export_keys method.  Please note that GnuPG
   command arguments are not the same as GnuPG options.  To understand
   what are options and what are command arguments please read
   "COMMANDS" in gpg and "OPTIONS" in gpg.

Take the following example to show that, which uses commands_args in
similar way as devotee:


use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;

use GnuPG::Interface;

my $gnupg = GnuPG::Interface->new();

# how we create some handles to interact with GnuPG
my $input   = IO::Handle->new();
my $output  = IO::Handle->new();
my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new(
stdin  => $input,
stdout => $output

my $pid = $gnupg->verify(
handles  => $handles,
command_args => [ '--verify', '/tmp/test.asc', ],

devotee indeed seems to use that this way loke in the above example, in dvt-gpg:

 98 sub invoke_gpg {
 99   my %params   = @_;
100   my $cmd_ref  = $params{'Command Args'};
101   my $args_ref = $params{'GnuPG Args'};
102   my $action   = $params{'GnuPG Cmd'};
132   if ($action =~ m/Verify/i) {
133 $pid = $gnupg->verify( handles  => $handles,
134command_args => $cmd_ref);
284 my $command_args;
286 if (-r "$bodydir/$msg_sig") {
287   $command_args = [ "--verify",
288 "$bodydir/$msg_sig",
289 "$bodydir/$msg",
290   ];
291 } else {
292   $command_args = [ "--verify", "$bodydir/$msg"];
295 my ( $stdout, $stderr, $status ) = ("", "", "");
296 ($stdout, $stderr, $status) =
297   invoke_gpg(
298  'Configuration' => $dvt,
299  'GnuPG Args' => \@gpg_args,
300  'GnuPG Cmd'  => 'Verify',
301  'Command Args' => $command_args

So note here you already set 'GnuPG Cmd' to 'Verify'. But the command_args
include '--verify'.

What now happens is:

execve("/usr/bin/gpg", ["gpg", "--verify", "--", "--verify", "/tmp/test.asc"], 
[/* 37 vars */]) = 0

The above example should thus simply read:


use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;

use GnuPG::Interface;

my $gnupg = GnuPG::Interface->new();

# how we create some handles to interact with GnuPG
my $input   = IO::Handle->new();
my $output  = IO::Handle->new();
my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new(
stdin  => $input,
stdout => $output

my $pid = $gnupg->verify(
handles  => $handles,
command_args => [ '/tmp/test.asc', ],

which correctly results 

Bug#806569: libgnupg-interface-perl: Breaks devotee

2015-11-29 Thread Kurt Roeckx
On Sun, Nov 29, 2015 at 08:57:47AM +0100, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> Hi Kurt,
> cut-cut-cut-cut-cut-cut-
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use autodie;
> use GnuPG::Interface;
> my $gnupg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
> # how we create some handles to interact with GnuPG
> my $input   = IO::Handle->new();
> my $output  = IO::Handle->new();
> my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new(
> stdin  => $input,
> stdout => $output
> );
> my $pid = $gnupg->verify(
> handles  => $handles,
> command_args => [ '/tmp/test.asc', ],
> );
> cut-cut-cut-cut-cut-cut-
> which correctly results in
> execve("/usr/bin/gpg", ["gpg", "--verify", "--", "/tmp/test.asc"], [/* 37 
> vars */]) = 0

I actually tried that before for 1 mail, and it works.  But I was
getting confused and it was getting too late.

So it had --verify twice before, and gpg just accepted both of
them ...

But I'm confused what I should do with this:
 'Configuration' => $dvt,
 'PassPhrase'=> "$Config{Pass_Word}",
 'GnuPG Args' => \@gpg_args,
 'GnuPG Cmd'  => 'Decrypt',
 'Command Args' => [ "--output",

I assume this will break, I didn't test that yet.  I assume the
proper way to fix that is to use handles?  But I could just move
it to @gpg_args and it should work too?


Bug#806569: libgnupg-interface-perl: Breaks devotee

2015-11-28 Thread Kurt Roeckx
Package: libgnupg-interface-perl
Version: 0.50-3


A change between 0.45 and 0.50 seems to have broken devotee.  As a
result I now get:
gpg: can't open `--verify'
gpg: verify signatures failed: file open error

In /usr/share/perl5/GnuPG/Interface.pm there is:
my @command_args
= ref $args{command_args}
? @{ $args{command_args} }
: ( $args{command_args} || () );
unshift @command_args, "--"
if @command_args and $command_args[0] ne "--";

Where the last 2 lines have been added.  That unshift doesn't seem
to make sense to me.
