Package: partman-auto
Severity: normal

I am using following preseed scheme to partition my disks (RAID1+ LVM),
partition with highest priority "eats" all of the free space even tho it
has a
max size:

d-i partman-auto-raid/recipe string \
    1 2 0 ext2 /boot                \
          /dev/sda1#/dev/sdb1       \
    .                               \
    1 2 0 lvm -                     \
          /dev/sda2#/dev/sdb2       \

d-i     partman-auto/expert_recipe string        \
           boot-root ::                          \
             1024 30 1024 raid                   \
                $lvmignore{ }                    \
                $primary{ } method{ raid }       \
             .                                   \
             5000 35 -1 raid                     \
                $lvmignore{ }                    \
                $primary{ } method{ raid }       \
             .                                   \
             5000 50 10000 ext4                  \
                $defaultignore{ }                \
                $lvmok{ }                        \
                lv_name{ root }                  \
                method{ format }                 \
                format{ }                        \
                use_filesystem{ }                \
                filesystem{ ext4 }               \
                mountpoint{ / }                  \
             .                                   \
             2000 50 5000 ext4                   \
                $defaultignore{ }                \
                $lvmok{ }                        \
                lv_name{ log }                   \
                method{ format }                 \
                format{ }                        \
                use_filesystem{ }                \
                filesystem{ ext4 }               \
                mountpoint{ /var/log }           \
             .                                   \
             1024 60 1024+10% swap               \
                $defaultignore{ }                \
                $lvmok{ }                        \
                lv_name{ swap }                  \
                method{ swap }                   \
                format{ }                        \

I have also tried to set up partman-auto-lvm/guided_size to both % and in GB
but none of those leave any free space on LVM

results in:

root@debian-test:~# lvs
  LV   VG     Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync
  log  rootvg -wi-ao----   1.86g
  root rootvg -wi-ao----   4.66g
  swap rootvg -wi-ao---- 129.02g

so swap partition (I assume because of it's priority) eats all free space
tried "1024 60 2048" setting with same result) even tho max is set

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