Package: git-extras
Version: 4.1.0-1
Severity: normal

According to ‘/usr/share/doc/bash-completion/README.Debian’:

    Completions are kept in /usr/share/bash-completion/completions.

The Bash completion script for ‘git-extras’ is installed to the wrong
location, ‘/usr/share/bash_completion/git-extras’ (note the incorrect
underscore “_”).

To be effective the file should be installed to

This is done correctly by the Debhelper tool ‘dh_bash-completion(1)’
if it is configured to do so.

 \       “One of the most important things you learn from the internet |
  `\   is that there is no ‘them’ out there. It's just an awful lot of |
_o__)                                            ‘us’.” —Douglas Adams |
Ben Finney <>

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