As noted in (forwarded) github issue, this "fix" is totally bogus and (likely) breaks things.

ExecStop command is expected to kill daemon (in a friendly way), while (default handler for) kill(SIGSTOP) pauses/freezes/suspends process execution (and transmission-daemon does not override default SIGSTOP handler).

If ExecStop is not specified, systemd sends SIGTERM (which is handled by transmission-daemon, and should do right thing), and then (if process is still alive) SIGKILL.

If ExecStop is specified, but does not actually finish process (and kill -STOP does NOT finish transmission-daemon process), systemd waits for TimeoutStopSec, then sends SIGTERM (but as kill -STOP just suspended process, it will NOT be handled by transmission-daemon), and then (as process is still alive) sends SIGKILL.

So, as a result of this patch, transmission-daemon is killed in VERY unfriendly way (and very *slowly* - after waiting for 2*TimeoutStopSec).

As pointed in github issue, original poster log indicates that transmission-daemon dies by SIGSEGV, which is NOT signal that was (possibly) sent by systemd. That is, it is some transmission-daemon bug that was just triggered during "clean" process termination, and NOT systemd interaction issue. Obviously, when daemon is hard-killed, this SIGSEGV is not (immediately) triggered, but it does not really fix issue, only hides it.

P.S. from first look at sources, transmission-daemon handles termination signals synchronously, so this is (probably) not async-signal-unsafe-function-in-signal-handler kind of bug.

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