On 06-Jan-2023, Rock Storm wrote:

> A long time ago you requested/volunteered to package the Mullvad client
> app. Did you get anywhere with it?

I did not; the bug report #840160 was correctly retitled to an RFP and I no
longer intend to create or maintain that package.

> May I know what were the issues (if any) why this app never made it into
> the archive?

At the time of declaring the ITP, I was in private communication with the
Mullvad developers. They told me the code was ready to be published as free
software "soon" and that they'd be getting back to me when it was ready.

They did not contact me again, and I don't know anything more from them.

> I thought of packaging and had a look at the app's code on GitHub and it
> looks quite a complex app now written in languages I'm not familiar with
> (yet). So any insights would be appreciated.

I wish you luck! It would be good to get the Mullvad VPN client in shape
for Debian.

 \             “The greater the artist, the greater the doubt; perfect |
  `\       confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation |
_o__)                                           prize.” —Robert Hughes |
Ben Finney <bign...@debian.org>

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