Same here 
More info:

root@nas:/srv/Descargas# service amule-daemon start
Job for amule-daemon.service failed because the control process exited with 
error code.
See "systemctl status amule-daemon.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

root@nas:/srv/Descargas# systemctl status amule-daemon.service
● amule-daemon.service - LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/amule-daemon; generated; vendor preset: 
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since jue 2016-10-13 22:31:15 CEST; 1min 
12s ago
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 18125 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/amule-daemon start (code=exited, 

oct 13 22:31:15 nas amule-daemon[18125]: [8] ?? in /usr/bin/amuled[0x427e49]
oct 13 22:31:15 nas amule-daemon[18125]: [9] wxEntry(int&, wchar_t**) in /usr/
oct 13 22:31:15 nas amule-daemon[18125]: [10] ?? in /usr/bin/amuled[0x420c42]
oct 13 22:31:15 nas amule-daemon[18125]: [11] __libc_start_main in /lib/
oct 13 22:31:15 nas amule-daemon[18125]: [12] ?? in /usr/bin/amuled[0x42675a]
oct 13 22:31:15 nas amule-daemon[18125]: Aborted
oct 13 22:31:15 nas systemd[1]: amule-daemon.service: Control process exited, 
code=exited status=1
oct 13 22:31:15 nas systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Daemonized version of 
oct 13 22:31:15 nas systemd[1]: amule-daemon.service: Unit entered failed 
oct 13 22:31:15 nas systemd[1]: amule-daemon.service: Failed with result 

journalctl -xe relevant output:

-- Subject: Unit amule-daemon.service has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit amule-daemon.service has begun starting up.
oct 13 22:33:33 nas amule-daemon[18211]: 22:33:33: Warning: Mismatch between 
the program and library build versions detected.
oct 13 22:33:33 nas amule-daemon[18211]: The library used 3.0 
(wchar_t,compiler with C++ ABI 1009,wx containers,compatible with 2.8),
oct 13 22:33:33 nas amule-daemon[18211]: and your program used 3.0 
(wchar_t,compiler with C++ ABI 1010,wx containers,compatible with 2.8).
oct 13 22:33:33 nas amule-daemon[18211]: Assertion failed: ../../../../src/
libs/common/Path.cpp:CPath:258: Assertion 'm_printable.Length()' failed.
oct 13 22:33:33 nas amule-daemon[18211]: Backtrace follows:
oct 13 22:33:33 nas amule-daemon[18211]: [3] wxOnAssert(char const*, int, char 
const*, char const*, char const*) in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fc79298cc
oct 13 22:33:33 nas amule-daemon[18211]: [4] ?? in /usr/bin/amuled[0x57f3cc]
oct 13 22:33:33 nas amule-daemon[18211]: [5] ?? in /usr/bin/amuled[0x52a618]
oct 13 22:33:33 nas amule-daemon[18211]: [6] ?? in /usr/bin/amuled[0x53524e]
oct 13 22:33:33 nas amule-daemon[18211]: [7] ?? in /usr/bin/amuled[0x433935]
oct 13 22:33:33 nas amule-daemon[18211]: [8] ?? in /usr/bin/amuled[0x427e49]
oct 13 22:33:33 nas amule-daemon[18211]: [9] wxEntry(int&, wchar_t**) in /usr/
oct 13 22:33:33 nas amule-daemon[18211]: [10] ?? in /usr/bin/amuled[0x420c42]
oct 13 22:33:33 nas amule-daemon[18211]: [11] __libc_start_main in /lib/
oct 13 22:33:33 nas amule-daemon[18211]: [12] ?? in /usr/bin/amuled[0x42675a]
oct 13 22:33:33 nas amule-daemon[18211]: Aborted
oct 13 22:33:33 nas systemd[1]: amule-daemon.service: Control process exited, 
code=exited status=1
oct 13 22:33:33 nas systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Daemonized version of 
-- Subject: Unit amule-daemon.service has failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit amule-daemon.service has failed.
-- The result is failed.
oct 13 22:33:33 nas systemd[1]: amule-daemon.service: Unit entered failed 
oct 13 22:33:33 nas systemd[1]: amule-daemon.service: Failed with result 

David Garabana Barro
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