Bug#857228: Wayland vs X Windows

2019-03-08 Thread Thomas L

Just to inform you that this bug is still present when installing Buster (with 
Gnome and Guake) from the Debian Buster DI alpha 5 DVD set.


Bug#857228: Wayland vs X Windows

2017-11-12 Thread Barak A. Pearlmutter
Additional bit of info: when using the above Gnome keybinding for F12,
and when guake is set up to make the window visible on the screen the
mouse is on, guake doesn't notice that the mouse has switched to a
different screen should such motion have occurred entirely within a
Wayland window. Presumably for the same reason xeyes stops tracking
the mouse while the mouse is inside a Wayland window.

Bug#857228: Wayland vs X Windows

2017-11-12 Thread Barak A. Pearlmutter
This happens for me too. I'm running Gnome, under Wayland. When an X11
window is selected, F12 toggles guake visibility. When a Wayland
window is selected, F12 does nothing. You can see something similar if
you run xeyes and notice that they follow the mouse when it is in an
X11 window, but not when it is in a Wayland window. (An easy Wayland
window to pop up is the setting window from the top-right Gnome
dropdown menu.)

> A workaround is to create a shorcut under System-Settings/Keyboard to make it 
> work.

Excellent idea. I tried it too, and it works well. Thank you Goran for
eliminating this pain point from my life!


At the bottom of the keyboard shortcuts settings panel, click the '+'
button to add a new shortcut, name it whatever you want (Toggle
Guake), give it the command /usr/bin/guake, and set it to the F12 key.

I wonder if this could be done automatically by the guake installation scripts?