Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I request an adopter for the nautilus-admin package.

I am the developer of the upstream project.
It's rarely updated, and usually only to add new translations.

I was keeping the source code of the Debian package in the "debian" branch of
this Git repository:
In there I currently have a new version of the package on hold, as Debian is
currently frozen.

After you clone that repository and checkout the "debian" branch, you can get
it ready for work with these commands:
$ uscan --force-download
$ tar xf ../nautilus-admin_*.orig.tar.xz

I'll maintain the package in the meantime.

The package description is:
 Nautilus Admin is a simple Python extension for the Nautilus file manager
 that adds some administrative actions to the right-click menu:
   * Open as Administrator: opens a folder in a new Nautilus window
     running with administrator (root) privileges.
   * Edit as Administrator: opens a file in a Gedit window running
     with administrator (root) privileges.

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