Bug#870308: ruby-ridley FTBFS: test failures

2018-02-18 Thread Miguel Landaeta
tags 870308 + confirmed pending

I prepared an upload with a new upstream that fix this bug.

However, since I'm no longer involved in the maintenance of this
package (#890767), I'd prefer that another team member take a look at
the git repo and complete the upload to fix this bug.

Miguel Landaeta, nomadium at debian.org
secure email with PGP 0x6E608B637D8967E9 available at http://miguel.cc/key.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." -- Nietzsche

Description: PGP signature

Bug#870308: ruby-ridley FTBFS: test failures

2017-07-31 Thread Adrian Bunk
Source: ruby-ridley
Version: 4.4.3-2
Severity: serious
Tags: buster sid

Some recent change in unstable makes ruby-ridley FTBFS:


│ Run tests for ruby2.3 from debian/ruby-tests.rake│

 ruby2.3 -S rake -f debian/ruby-tests.rake
/usr/bin/ruby2.3 /usr/bin/rspec --pattern ./spec/\*\*/\*_spec.rb
Run options: include {:focus=>true}

All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true}
 Using the `raise_error` matcher without providing a specific error or message 
risks false positives, since `raise_error` will match when Ruby raises a 
`NoMethodError`, `NameError` or `ArgumentError`, potentially allowing the 
expectation to pass without even executing the method you are intending to 
call. Actual error raised was #. Instead consider providing a 
specific error class or message. This message can be suppressed by setting: 
`RSpec::Expectations.configuration.on_potential_false_positives = :nothing`. 
Called from 
 `block (3 levels) in '.

Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's 

  1) Client API operations deleting all clients deletes all clients from the 
 # Temporarily skipped with xit
 # ./spec/acceptance/client_resource_spec.rb:68

  2) User API operations deleting all users deletes all users from the remote
 # Temporarily skipped with xit
 # ./spec/acceptance/user_resource_spec.rb:68

  3) Ridley::Chef::Cookbook::SyntaxCheck#validate_template asks #shell_out to 
check the files syntax
 # Not yet implemented
 # ./spec/unit/ridley/chef/cookbook/syntax_check_spec.rb:113

  4) Ridley::Chef::Cookbook::SyntaxCheck#validate_ruby_file asks #shell_out to 
check the files syntax
 # Not yet implemented
 # ./spec/unit/ridley/chef/cookbook/syntax_check_spec.rb:117

  5) Ridley::ClientObject#to_json 
 # No reason given
 # ./spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/client_object_spec.rb:5

  6) Ridley::ClientObject#regenerate_key 
 # No reason given
 # ./spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/client_object_spec.rb:9

  7) Ridley::SandboxObject#checksums 
 # No reason given
 # ./spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/sandbox_object_spec.rb:30

  8) Ridley::Connection configurable retries attempts five (5) retries by 
 # Temporarily skipped with xit
 # ./spec/unit/ridley/connection_spec.rb:17

  9) Ridley::Connection configurable retries given a configured count of two 
(2) retries attempts two (2) retries
 # Temporarily skipped with xit
 # ./spec/unit/ridley/connection_spec.rb:29

  10) Ridley::Connection#stream creates a destination file on disk
 # Temporarily skipped with xit
 # ./spec/unit/ridley/connection_spec.rb:62

  11) Ridley::Connection#stream returns true when the file was copied
 # Temporarily skipped with xit
 # ./spec/unit/ridley/connection_spec.rb:68

  12) Ridley::Connection#stream contains the contents of the response body
 # Temporarily skipped with xit
 # ./spec/unit/ridley/connection_spec.rb:72

  13) Ridley::Resource::delete_all sends a delete request for every object in 
the collection
 # No reason given
 # ./spec/unit/ridley/resource_spec.rb:137

  14) Ridley::CookbookResource#update 
 # No reason given
 # ./spec/unit/ridley/resources/cookbook_resource_spec.rb:151

  15) Ridley::DataBagItemResource 
 # No reason given
 # ./spec/unit/ridley/resources/data_bag_item_resource_spec.rb:6

  16) Ridley::DataBagResource#find 
 # No reason given
 # ./spec/unit/ridley/resources/data_bag_resource_spec.rb:21

  17) Ridley::RoleResource 
 # No reason given
 # ./spec/unit/ridley/resources/role_resource_spec.rb:6


  1) Client API operations creating a client returns a Ridley::ClientObject
 Failure/Error: raise Errors::HTTPError.fabricate(env)