Simple-cdd is unusable at least with the arm64 platform. I updated my Debian 
testing to latest packages and the process stops at the very beginning to 
reprepo errors:

xfce@amlogic:~/Downloads/cd$ build-simple-cdd  --local-packages 
/home/xfce/Downloads/cd/debs/ --profiles desktop
2018-04-19 06:28:38 ERROR reprepro: updating package lists exited with code 255
2018-04-19 06:28:38 ERROR Last 5 lines of standard error:
2018-04-19 06:28:38 ERROR reprepro: updating package lists: aptmethod got 
2018-04-19 06:28:38 ERROR reprepro: updating package lists: aptmethod got 
2018-04-19 06:28:38 ERROR reprepro: updating package lists: aptmethod got 
2018-04-19 06:28:38 ERROR reprepro: updating package lists: aptmethod got 
2018-04-19 06:28:38 ERROR reprepro: updating package lists: There have been 
2018-04-19 06:28:38 ERROR reprepro failed with exit code: 255

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