On 11/14/2017 06:42 PM, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> Since the problem happened while running trigger processing of the
> *old* (stretch) version of openstack-dashboard, probably the package
> shipping (or no longer shipping) the "offending file"
> (roboto-fontface.scss ?) needs to declare a
>     Breaks: openstack-dashboard (<< 3:12)

Good catch, indeed, that should be the way to fix it.

FYI, Horizon copies and compile a bunch of js / css / scss, and
therefore, has a trigger on these packages, so that it can rebuild its
local (compiled / compress) copy whenever one of these packages update.

Now, I'm not sure where the logic is, and how this will affect other
packages than this one. :/ I guess our only hope here is testing, just
the way you do.


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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