[Andreas Tille, 2018-04-26]
> some packages I maintain received this kind of bug in the case of
> python-skbio it is
>    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'skbio'
> So the module that was just build is not found.  I guess this is due to
> some misuse of pybuild - but what did I wrong?  Python-skbio is available
> on Salsa[1] (updated to new upstream but with no change for the current
> problem).
> Any hint how to fix this?

that's because I had to change pybuild's internal paths (to make it work
with multiple modules/packages at the same time).

I added --print option for those who really need it (f.e. while
building sphinx docs) - please use it instead of hardcoding pybuild's
internal paths.

You can use it like this:

 PYTHONPATH=$(shell pybuild --print build_dir --interpreter python3) ...

I fixed few packages already, here's a list of other affected ones:

cypari2         Debian Science Team
keras           Debian Science Maintainers
khmer           Debian Med Packaging Team
macs            Debian Med Packaging Team
numba           Debian Science Maintainers
numexpr         Debian Science Maintainers
paleomix        Debian Med Packaging Team
petsc4py        Debian Science Maintainers
pyosmium        Debian GIS Project
pysal           Debian GIS Project
python-gevent   Laszlo Boszormenyi
python-skbio    Debian Med Packaging Team
rows            Paulo Roberto Alves de Oliveira
salt            Debian Salt Team
slepc4py        Debian Science Maintainers
snakemake       Debian Med Packaging Team
statsmodels     Debian Science Maintainers
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