Package: postgresql-common
Version: 199.pgdg90+1
Severity: normal

If I upgrade a cluster from v10 to v11 using pg_upgradecluster (in its
dump-and-restore variant), in the new cluster each database has a public
schema owned by user 'postgres', no matter who owned it before.

Further, in databases where the public schema had been dropped it
reappears in the new cluster.

I'm using the pgdg packages, but as I understand it you don't mind bug
reports for those here.
postgresql-10: 10.7-1.pgdg90+1
postgresql-11: 11.2-1.pgdg90+1

Steps to reproduce:

-- as root:
pg_createcluster --start 10 bugtest

-- as user postgres:
export PGCLUSTER=10/bugtest
createdb schematest1
createdb schematest2
createuser user1
createuser user2
psql -c'drop schema public' schematest1
psql -c'alter schema public owner to user1' schematest2
psql -c'grant usage on schema public to user2' schematest2
psql -c'\dn+' schematest1
                List of schemas
 Name | Owner | Access privileges | Description
(0 rows)
psql -c'\dn+' schematest2
                       List of schemas
  Name  | Owner | Access privileges |      Description
 public | user1 | user1=UC/user1   +| standard public schema
        |       | =UC/user1        +|
        |       | user2=U/user1     |
(1 row)

-- as root:
pg_upgradecluster 10 bugtest

-- as user postgres:
export PGCLUSTER=11/bugtest
psql -c'\dn+' schematest1
                          List of schemas
  Name  |  Owner   |  Access privileges   |      Description
 public | postgres | postgres=UC/postgres+| standard public schema
        |          | =UC/postgres         |
(1 row)
psql -c'\dn+' schematest2
 public | postgres | user1=UC/postgres+| standard public schema
        |          | =UC/postgres     +|
        |          | user2=U/postgres  |
  List of schemas
  Name  |  Owner
 public | postgres
(1 row)

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