On Fri, 26 Jul 2019 16:39:11 -0300, intrig...@debian.org wrote:

> If libwww-search-perl is suitable for Bullseye, please either port
> libwww-search-perl away from pkg-components or consider taking over
> its maintenance upstream.

I have a local branch which doesn't use pkg-components any more but
the new component features of gbp and uscan, and some loops in
d/rules … following the nice docs at

What keeps me from uploading is that the version number, with the
"group"ing approach in d/watch, is
which is a bit ugly (and lintian also complains about long file names
which might cause issues somewhere, probably because of this).

If I'm understanding uscan(1) correctly, instead of "group" we could
also use "ignore" in d/watch, then we're back at 2.51.80-n but then
we probably never learn about updates of the components, and updating
a single component is probably also an issue?

/cc-ing yadd as the uscan expert :)


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