I'm seeing the issue with 1.5~git20190812-107d469-1.

I don't see a package in Experimental, for what it's worth.

sudo apt-get -t experimental install gamemode

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree

Reading state information... Done

gamemode is already the newest version (1.5~git20190812-107d469-1).

That said, what I do see is this error message in syslog:

gamemoded[27352]: Error accessing /usr/libexec/cpugovctl: No such file or


libgamemode0 has the cpugovctl and gpuclockctl commands in /usr/bin.

The gamemoded binary has hardcoded paths to cpugovctl and gpuclockctl.

$ strings `which gamemoded` | grep -E '(cpugovctl|gpuclockctl)'



... <snip> ...


Placing cpugovctl and gpuclockctl in the PATH won't help (they're already

/usr/bin!) -- they have to match where the binary is hardcoded to expect

Either the packaging needs to change to put the binaries in /usr/libexec,

the build needs to change the libexec path to /usr/bin.

I'm less familiar with using meson to do builds, so I'd guess it'd be

something like adding "--libexecdir /usr/bin" to the 'meson build' command.

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