Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Adam Borowski <>

* Package name    : fonts-pc
  Upstream Author : VileR
* URL             :
* License         : CC-BY-SA 4.0
  Description     : TrueType conversions of PC ROM fonts

These fonts came from versions of IBM PC and its clones in the DOS era
(1981-1994), embedded in ROM, and used in text modes.  They are provided
in a form usable by modern display libraries.  Character coverage comes
from taking together many language versions sold regionally, with additional
characters that are expected today drawn in a given font's style.

I plan to make two binary packages: fonts-pc for the best known machines,
and fonts-pc-extra for the rest.

This package's immediate use is for cool-retro-term, but they're also
useful on their own.

The original machines came from either the US, UK, or Japan.  US doesn't
recognize copyright on bitmap fonts, so doesn't Japan.  In UK, copyright
on fonts is limited to 25 years, counting from the end of the calendar
year of first publishing.

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