
Similar behaviour here with Linux elf 5.7.0-3-686-pae #1 SMP Debian
5.7.17-1 (2020-08-23) i686 on i386 box.

Calling _exit(1). Core file will not be generated.
 failure in syscall 0403
Received signal 11 SEGV_ACCERR 000006c01193
#0 0x000004f3c77f (/usr/lib/chromium/chromium+0x4b1177e)
#1 0x000004e8da12 (/usr/lib/chromium/chromium+0x4a62a11)
#2 0x000004f3c3ee (/usr/lib/chromium/chromium+0x4b113ed)
#3 0x0000b7eec1e4 ([vdso]+0x11e3)
#4 0x000006115d28 (/usr/lib/chromium/chromium+0x5cead27)
#5 0x00000611ccf4 (/usr/lib/chromium/chromium+0x5cf1cf3)
#6 0x00000611ca4a (/usr/lib/chromium/chromium+0x5cf1a49)
#7 0x0000b7eec1e4 ([vdso]+0x11e3)
#8 0x0000b7eec1cd ([vdso]+0x11cc)
#9 0x0000b7eec12a ([vdso]+0x1129)
#10 0x0000b386cf69 (/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so+0xc3f68)
  gs: 00000033  fs: 00000000  es: 0000007b  ds: 0000007b
 edi: 00000193 esi: bfd7ed88 ebp: bfd7ed58 esp: bfd7ed40
 ebx: 09b63d38 edx: 00000080 ecx: 06c01193 eax: 00001000
 trp: 0000000e err: 00000007  ip: 06115d28  cs: 00000073
 efl: 00210206 usp: bfd7ed40  ss: 0000007b
[end of stack trace]

is one of many such error messages on the terminal.

Running with -g wasn't very helpful, but among the errors reported was:
 ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glDrawElements: buffer format and fragment 
output variable type incompatible

This was on first installetion. Seems to be completely broken :-)

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