Bug#1068422: can't import dask.dataframe - TypeError: descriptor '__call__' for 'type' objects doesn't apply to a 'property' object

2024-05-04 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/dask/dask/pull/11035
Control: tags -1 fixed-upstream patch

Thanks and probably yes (but I haven't tested that fix myself), as while 
it didn't happen in 3.11.8, it *does* happen in 3.11.9:


Bug#1069608: topplot: missing test-depends on python3-all

2024-04-21 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Source: topplot
Version: 0.2.2+repack-1
Tags: patch
Severity: serious
Justification: blocks testing migration of other packages

topplot tries to run its autopkgtest in all versions of Python (which is 
good), but does not test-depend on all those versions of Python.

This previously worked because numpy depended on them.  However, this 
has now been removed (see #945824), causing topplot's autopkgtests to fail.

Adding python3-all to the Depends in debian/*tests*/control should fix 
this bug, but I have not actually tested this.

Bug#1068422: possibly caused by python 3.12.3 Re: Bug#1068422: can't import dask.dataframe - TypeError: descriptor '__call__' for 'type' objects doesn't apply to a 'property' object

2024-04-21 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
This bug is not *obviously* known to dask upstream, but their CI is 
failing and I haven't checked why.

It happens only in Python 3.12, not 3.11:
and still doesn't happen in testing, but does happen in mostly-testing 
from unstable:


This suggests that the trigger may be the upgrade of Python itself 
(3.12.2-1 in testing -> 3.12.3-1 in unstable).

*Possibly* related items from the upstream Python changelog:

Bug#1068349: nbsphinx/nbconvert broken by lxml 5.2: lxml.html.clean

2024-04-07 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: unblock 1068104 by -1
Control: unblock 1068104 by 1068422

To avoid being blocked by this bug, the pandas version I just uploaded 
temporarily disables the documentation.

This is also an option for any other affected packages that urgently 
need to be uploaded.  (I don't know whether the other two listed 
Blocks/Affects are that urgent.)

Bug#1068422: can't import dask.dataframe - TypeError: descriptor '__call__' for 'type' objects doesn't apply to a 'property' object

2024-04-04 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Package: python3-dask
Version: 2023.12.1+dfsg-2
Severity: serious
Control: affects -1 src:pandas
Control: block 1068104 by -1

Importing dask.dataframe currently fails with the error

TypeError: descriptor '__call__' for 'type' objects doesn't apply to a 
'property' object

amd64 https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/pandas/-/jobs/5543041
i386 https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/pandas/-/jobs/5543042

This appears to have started recently, as this log from 2024-03-31 
doesn't have it, and to occur in unstable but not testing:


As the version of dask has not changed in this time, the cause is 
probably a change in some other package; I don't know which one.

Bug#1068104: pandas: FTBFS on 32-bit architectures with -D_TIME_BITS=64

2024-04-01 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Thanks - I plan to look at this tomorrow.

Bug#1066801: pandas: FTBFS: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dateutil/zoneinfo/__init__.py:26: UserWarning: I/O error(2): No such file or directory

2024-03-14 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: retitle -1 pandas: test-failing warning with new xarray

This is a warning being treated as an error, but the one in 
test_to_xarray (probably due to the new version of xarray), not the 
zoneinfo one.  This is a FutureWarning, so it should be OK to *use* the 
current pandas with the new xarray.

The same warning happens in autopkgtest but isn't treated as an error 
there, so didn't block the new xarray.

I intend to try fixing this later.

Bug#1063274: pydevd: autopkgtest-failing warning with pandas 2.1

2024-02-20 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
Is that a yes to>> Does just the patch (not the new upstream) also break 
debugpy?or have you not tried specifically that?

(I'm looking for a quick fix for the autopkgtest fail to unblock the 
pandas 2.x transition.  I agree that upgrading to a new upstream is a 
good idea in the long run.)

the bytecode version in pydevd is behind that in Debian,

This is currently true (Debian has python3-bytecode 0.15.1, upstream 
pydevd 2.10.0 vendors 0.13.0.dev), but if it were a problem I'd expect 
it to mean that pydevd/debugpy were *already* buggy, not that my patch 
makes them worse.

Bug#1063274: pydevd: autopkgtest-failing warning with pandas 2.1

2024-02-19 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
Thank you for caring about not breaking other packages, and yes, that's 
a good reason to not upload that new upstream for now.

Does just the patch (not the new upstream) also break debugpy?  (It 
shouldn't be able to, since it only touches test code.)

Bug#1063274: pydevd: autopkgtest-failing warning with pandas 2.1

2024-02-19 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
This has been merged but not uploaded - is there a reason it shouldn't 
be, or have you just not had time?

Bug#1044057: python-ulmo and pandas 2

2024-02-18 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: tags -1 patch

This should fix this (and as the filename suggests, also re-adds spme 
older fixes that seem to have been dropped by mistake between -1.1 and 
-2), but has not been tested: the relevant tests aren't run by default 
and there vaguely might be legal issues around ulmo's tests.Description: Don't fail on malformed or changed test data

CDEC has malformed lines that pandas 1.4+ errors out on
(I'm not sure why earlier pandas didn't do the same);
GHCN has simply changed at the source.

Author: Rebecca N. Palmer  (but upstream independently came up with the on_bad_lines part)
Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/1017573 https://bugs.debian.org/1044057
Forwarded: partly no, partly not-needed, partly https://github.com/ulmo-dev/ulmo/pull/214

--- a/test/cdec_historical_test.py
+++ b/test/cdec_historical_test.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ def test_get_stations():
 stations_file = 'cdec/historical/all_stations.csv'
 with test_util.mocked_urls(stations_file):
 stations = ulmo.cdec.historical.get_stations()
-assert 2000 < len(stations)
+assert 1900 < len(stations)
 assert u'PRA' in stations.index
--- a/test/ghcn_daily_test.py
+++ b/test/ghcn_daily_test.py
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ import test_util
 test_stations = [
 'country': 'US',
-'elevation': 286.5,
+'elevation': 325.8,
 'gsn_flag': 'GSN',
 'hcn_flag': 'HCN',
 'id': 'USW3870',
-'latitude': 34.8831,
-'longitude': -82.2203,
+'latitude': 34.8833,
+'longitude': -82.2197,
 'name': 'GREER',
 'network': 'W',
 'network_id': '3870',
--- a/ulmo/cdec/historical/core.py
+++ b/ulmo/cdec/historical/core.py
@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ def get_stations():
 # I haven't found a better list of stations, seems pretty janky
 # to just have them in a file, and not sure if/when it is updated.
 url = 'http://cdec.water.ca.gov/misc/all_stations.csv'
-# the csv is malformed, so some rows think there are 7 fields
-col_names = ['id','meta_url','name','num','lat','lon','junk']
-df = pd.read_csv(url, names=col_names, header=None, quotechar="'",index_col=0)
+# the csv is malformed, so some rows think there are 7-8 fields
+col_names = ['id','meta_url','name','num','lat','lon']
+df = pd.read_csv(url, names=col_names, header=None, quotechar="'",index_col=0,on_bad_lines='skip')
 return df
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ def get_station_sensors(station_ids=None, sensor_ids=None, resolutions=None):
 sensor_list.columns = ['sensor_id', 'variable', 'resolution','timerange']
 sensor_list.columns = ['variable', 'sensor_id', 'resolution', 'varcode', 'method', 'timerange']
-sensor_list[['variable', 'units']] = sensor_list.variable.str.split(',', 1, expand=True)
+sensor_list[['variable', 'units']] = sensor_list.variable.str.split(',', n=1, expand=True)
 sensor_list.resolution = sensor_list.resolution.str.strip('()')
 station_sensors[station_id] = _limit_sensor_list(sensor_list, sensor_ids, resolutions)

Bug#1044071: feather and pandas 2.0

2024-02-08 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: tags -1 patch

It does sometimes happen that fixing "can't import the tests" reveals 
"the tests fail".  Fixed in the Salsa merge request.

Bug#1063274: pandas 2.x fixes

2024-02-08 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: tags -1 patch

See the Salsa merge request.

Bug#1061761: marked as pending in snakemake

2024-02-08 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
Control: tag -1 pending


Bug #1061761 in snakemake reported by you has been fixed in the
Git repository and is awaiting an upload. You can see the commit
message below and you can check the diff of the fix at:


Adapt to f-strings being tokenized in Python 3.12. (Closes: #1061761)

(this message was generated automatically)


Bug#1063273: seaborn: autopkgtest fail on i386 - probable rounding error

2024-02-08 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: tags -1 pending

This appears to be fixed in Salsa (before I reported it) - is there any 
reason not to upload this now?

Bug#1063435: geopandas: test fail with pandas 2.x on 32 bit - int32 vs int64 mismatch

2024-02-07 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Package: python3-geopandas
Version: 0.14.3-1
Severity: serious
Control: block 1043240 by -1

In pandas 2.x (now in unstable), there are a few places where geopandas 
uses native-size int but the plain pandas objects used as test 
references are always int64, failing the test:


Probably a reasonable response is to ignore this 
(check_index_type=False/check_dtype=False) but I haven't looked carefully.

Bug#1063274: pydevd: autopkgtest-failing warning with pandas 2.1

2024-02-05 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Source: pydevd
Severity: serious
Tags: patch

A pydevd test uses DataFrame.applymap(), and fails because this now 
raises a FutureWarning.  Replacing it with DataFrame.map() as this 
message suggests would probably fix it.

Bug#1063273: seaborn: autopkgtest fail on i386 - probable rounding error

2024-02-05 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Package: python3-seaborn
Version: 0.13.2-1
Severity: serious

seaborn's autopkgtest failed on i386, with differences small enough that 
they are plausibly rounding error (i.e. should be ignored, by using 
*almost_equal instead of exact comparisons), but I haven't looked carefully.

Bug#1044073: Sorry Re: python-altair and pandas 2.0

2024-02-03 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

On 03/02/2024 22:01, Andreas Tille wrote:

The point I was making in my mail was that I had trouble running the
tests in **latest** upstream version (5.2.0).

Sorry - I'd misread your previous message as you having tried 5.x, found 
that it didn't work due to the missing dependency, and decided to try 
4.x with tests skipped instead.

I think we should strive for latest upstream in

Agreed, assuming that doing so doesn't break things.

Bug#1061761: snakemake issues with Python 3.12

2024-02-03 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

It looks like this is at least two issues:
- Tests mix tabs and spaces, which is no longer allowed = upstream 2459
- Assumes f-strings are not tokenized, which they now are = upstream 

Fix in progress on the debian-v7 branch.  (The main branch has 8.x, 
which doesn't work due to missing dependencies.)

Bug#1044073: python-altair and pandas 2.0

2024-02-03 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Please don't skip/xfail tests - my suggestion above is an actual fix:


(In a fork because, despite its description, this is not actually a 
debian-science package.  The Salsa CI "fail" is because the *old* 
version is uninstallable due to Breaks: in pandas and the piuparts 
upgrade test counts this as a fail.)

Bug#1044076: influxdb-python and pandas 2.1

2024-02-03 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
My fixes are pushed to Salsa, but they're in a fork because this isn't a 
debian-science package:


Bug#1044076: influxdb-python and pandas 2.1

2024-01-30 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
Note that this uncertainty is only around whether this is a complete fix 
- even in the case where it's not, it *wouldn't* be actively worse than 
doing nothing, though it would be hiding the problem.

Bug#1044076: influxdb-python and pandas 2.1

2024-01-29 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
Some looking through the code suggests that the precision is user-set 
and hence constant within a single query, and hence that this fix is OK, 
but I'm not entirely certain of that.

There are ways to make pandas 2.x accept mixed time format, but I think 
they're 2.x _only_ and/or slow.

Bug#1053946: tqdm and pandas 2.1 / python 3.12

2024-01-29 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
That turned out to be easier than it looked - fixing the easy one also 
made the others go away.  Please upload this:


Bug#1058160: tqdm and pandas 2.1 / python 3.12

2024-01-28 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: retitle 1058160 tqdm: tests failing/hanging in Python 3.12

That works for #1053946 (pandas 2.x), but #1058160 (python 3.12) is more 
than a single hanging test, and it's not immediately obvious what should 
be done.

Attempted fix (caution, currently just skips the hanging test) and 
failure logs:


Bug#1056828: Severity / marking of "uses cython3-legacy" bugs

2024-01-03 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
pandas and statsmodels are currently using cython3-legacy.  I left their 
cython 3.0 bugs open when I made this change, as I do want to actually 
switch them to cython 3.x at some point.

These bugs have now been raised to RC.  Is this an intentional attempt 
to remove cython3-legacy (which seems unlikely as there is no such bug 
on cython3-legacy itself), or have they been mistaken for packages that 
still depend on plain cython3 but don't build with cython3 3.x (which 
would be an active FTBFS and hence RC)?

If the second, how should such bugs be marked to make them less 
confusing?  Is removing the usertag enough?

Bug#1055848: cfgrib failing to find eccodes

2023-12-10 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: retitle -1 cfgrib: test failure - can't find eccodes

Because we now enforce that build-depends of testing must be in testing, 
this bug is blocking python-xarray and hence pandas from testing, so is 
more important than this package's popcon would suggest.

I consider it likely that the real bug is in ecmwflibs, specifically 
this function, but haven't actually tested that:


Bug#1055847: python-sparse crash on arm64 (and possibly other non-x86)

2023-12-10 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
At least on arm64, this appears to be a crash in a @numba.jit function. 
Given numba's known issues on non-x86 (e.g. #1033907), this suggests 
that actually fixing it _may_ not be reasonable.

In pandas I don't recommend/build/test-depend on numba on the problem 
architectures, but python-sparse has a hard Depends on numba so that 
doesn't appear to be an option here.

A potential option is to disable the tests on these architectures and 
display a warning on import (for an example, see 

Bug#1056504: python-sparse in Python 3.12

2023-12-10 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: tags -1 fixed-upstream

This was fixed upstream by 
.  It still exists here because 
debian/patches/fix-test-fails-on-i386.patch effectively reverses that 
fix, possibly by accident.

Bug#1031414: Proposed RM: libgpuarray - abandoned, RC-buggy

2023-12-10 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
libgpuarray has been de facto abandoned upstream since 2018, and is 
currently unused in Debian.  (Its original user was theano, which was 
removed in #1042574.)

It currently has what may or may not be a wrong-answer bug (#1031414), 
and two broken-by-transition bugs.  (The latter two _might_ be easy to 
fix - I haven't tried because I've already mostly given up on it.)

Hence, I intend to request removal.

Bug#1055801: pandas: test failures with Python 3.12

2023-12-08 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: severity -1 normal
Control: retitle -1 pandas/pytables: ignored test fails with Python 3.12
Control: found -1 2.1.3+dfsg-1
Control: tags 1057805 pending

In 1.5.3+dfsg-8, these are ignored, so are no longer an FTBFS but are 
still a bug.  I don't know whether they're a pandas bug or a pytables 
bug; they don't appear to be known to either upstream.

(The build failure on armhf, #1057805, was because this xfail took 
precedence over the existing run=False xfail and hence exposed a 
long-known crash, #790925.  This should be fixed in -9.)

If the 'affects' is because you were trying to test those reverse 
dependencies in Python 3.12, this should now be possible.

Bug#1055801: pandas: test failures with Python 3.12

2023-12-07 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: unblock -1 by 1043240

The remaining test failures (all pytables-related) exist in both pandas 
1.5 and 2.1, and do not appear to be known upstream.

If they are all crashes rather than wrong answers (which I think they 
are), I intend to ignore them for now to unblock this, but still 
consider them bugs.

Bug#1053700: xarray test failure on s390x

2023-11-25 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
I retried the arm64 test and it passed, so it's probably just a random 
hang (I've seen those before in pytest).  Hence, I now _do_ suggest 
uploading current Salsa.

Bug#1053700: xarray test failure on s390x

2023-11-25 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
This fix worked but the new upstream version added another similar 
issue, so s390x failed again.

I have pushed a fix for this, and enabled allow-stderr to fix armel 
(error output from an already-xfailed test).  I don't know what's 
causing the hang on arm64, so please do _not_ upload this just yet.

Bug#1050854: xarray test failure on amd64

2023-11-21 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
I have added what should be fixes for #1053700 and #1044869, but they 
are currently untested as salsa-ci only runs the autopkgtest on amd64. 
#1050854 appears to have been fixed (or at least xfailed - it passed on 
salsa-ci but they say it's flaky) by upstream.

Bug#1053700: xarray test failure on s390x

2023-11-19 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: tags -1 patch

These all come from xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py, and are probably 
fixable by replacing both instances of ("M8[ns]" if 
sys.byteorder=='big' else "haven't actually tried that.

Bug#1050854: xarray test failure on amd64

2023-11-19 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

This bug is now a crash (not the original error message):
I don't know whether the same patch still works.

The Salsa repository now appears to be up to date.

You probably also want to include the fixes for the other two RC bugs 
(see there).

Bug#1053672: Apple copyright notices in test .xlsx files

2023-10-08 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Source: openpyxl
Version: 3.0.9-2
Severity: serious

licensecheck -r --copyright . on openpyxl finds these:

./openpyxl/formatting/tests/data/conditional-formatting.xlsx: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: 2007 Apple Inc.]
./openpyxl/reader/tests/data/complex-styles.xlsx: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: 2007 Apple Inc.]

If opened in 'less' these files do contain the text "Copyright 2007 
Apple Inc., all rights reserved.", marked as 'etext'.

However, if opened in LibreOffice, no _obvious_ command displays this 
text.  File > Properties instead displays creation and modification 
dates/authors that match the openpyxl upstream commit dates/authors 
(2012-4), which suggests that these are *not* straightforward copies of 
Apple-owned example files.

Their actual contents are mostly formatting, i.e. they look like 
something created specifically to be a test case for reading formatting, 
or possibly a documentation example for formatting but the above makes 
that less likely, not something copied from real-world use.

Given this, why is that copyright notice there, and what does it imply 
that we should do?  (E.g. does Apple Numbers automatically copy 
Apple-owned items (e.g. fonts) into files it creates?  If so, is there a 
way to remove these items to get a Free file?)

Bug#1052454: numexpr: unnecessarily disables security check

2023-09-22 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Package: python3-numexpr
Version: 2.8.6-2
Severity: serious
Justification: block testing migration of a known security hole
Tags: patch

numexpr 2.8.5 introduced a security check, which was initially buggy 
enough to break pyfai and pandas (#1049326).  Fixes for this were sent 
upstream, but only some of them made it into numexpr 2.8.6.

Hence, Debian 2.8.6-2 disabled this security check.  However, this is 
not actually necessary to fix these bugs, and reopens a code execution 
security hole if numexpr is used to parse untrusted input.

This is fixed by the fix1049326v2 branch in Salsa.  This fix has also 
been sent upstream as https://github.com/pydata/numexpr/pull/452.

(Sorry that this didn't get to you earlier - I tried to post to 
#1049326, and didn't notice the error message that posting to archived 
bugs is not allowed.)

Bug#1033907: numba crashes on non-x86

2023-08-19 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
numba also crashes on mips64el, mipsel and armhf (and s390x but that was 
already known; not amd64, i386 or ppc64el).  However, I agree that arm64 
is a good place to start trying to fix this, given how common it is.

For examples, see the pandas 2.0.3+dfsg-3 / 1.5.3+dfsg-5 build logs. 
Given the different error messages, there may be more than one bug here.

Bug#1049326: pandas FTBFS with numexpr 2.8.5

2023-08-17 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
On further thought, both of those probably should be fixed in numexpr - 
I have pushed them to fix1049326.

With those changes to numexpr, the new pandas (1.5.3+dfsg-5) should 
build; pytables will still also need its upstream fix.

Bug#1049326: pandas FTBFS with numexpr 2.8.5

2023-08-17 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
stringToExpression() in this numexpr patch needs a default of True for 
sanitize (like the others already have), because pytables calls that 


(The other failure in there is one I plan to fix.)

The two pytables tests with [] are operations that are supposed to fail 
but that now check for the wrong exception type - upstream fix:


Bug#1049326: pandas FTBFS with numexpr 2.8.5

2023-08-17 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
Given that this is a security feature and we hence want it in quickly, 
I'd consider that patch enough to xfail/disable the remaining issues in 
pandas, but discussions with upstream are ongoing.

(It also won't do anything about the pytables breakage, known upstream 
as #1044.)

Bug#1049326: pandas FTBFS with numexpr 2.8.5

2023-08-16 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
I pushed this fix to Salsa as the 'fix1049326' branch - it isn't enough 
to fix pandas by itself, but is plausibly an improvement.

Bug#1049326: pandas FTBFS with numexpr 2.8.5

2023-08-15 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
Numexpr upstream have what they think is a fix for the exception issue 
(though not the overflow change), but it hasn't been tested yet:


Bug#1049326: pandas FTBFS with numexpr 2.8.5

2023-08-14 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/54546
Control: affects -1 python3-pandas

There's actually *two* bugs here: an exception in eval/query, 
https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/54449, and a changed result 
with integer overflow, https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/54546.

I now consider the exception non-RC, but I don't currently know whether 
the changed result counts as a wrong result (RC) or as something that 
was always undefined (not RC, disable the test).

I have also checked that disabling numexpr in pandas is straightforward 
(though for performance reasons, I'd prefer not to), and that pandas 
1.5.x is also affected (by both bugs).

Bug#1049326: pandas FTBFS with numexpr 2.8.5

2023-08-14 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Package: python3-numexpr
Version: 2.8.5-1
Severity: serious
Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/54449
(actually they found it first)

I only have actual logs for 2.0.x, but I suspect 1.5.x is also affected.

As a short term fix, it may be possible to disable pandas' numexpr 
support, but I haven't yet had time to try that.

It's also possible that as this is a security feature, it should be 
forced through ignoring the breakage, but I don't know enough to have a 
meaningful opinion.

Bug#1043048: Please give back statsmodels on mips64el Re: (Bug#1043048: fixed in openblas 0.3.23+ds-3)

2023-08-07 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
This does seem to have worked: the openblas build log no longer contains 

Hence, please give back statsmodels on mips64el.  (DMs aren't allowed to 
use the self-service link.)

Bug#1043048: openblas: gives wrong results on mips64el, ignores test failures

2023-08-05 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: tags -1 upstream

Upstream CI's mips64 qemu test has what look like the same FATAL ERRORs, 
in MIPS64_GENERIC but not SICORTEX, but is still listed as passing.

Which suggests that they also have both parts of this bug (wrong answers 
on mips64el, and errors not actually failing the build), and that 
switching back to SICORTEX will probably work.

Bug#1043048: openblas: gives wrong results on mips64el, ignores test failures

2023-08-05 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

The most obviously relevant
change between those is that the installed BLAS changed from atlas to

It looks like this wasn't a change of default, but that experimental 
uses libatlas and unstable uses libopenblas.

(I don't know why, as the obvious dependency chain is src:statsmodels -> 
python3-scipy -> python3-pythran -> libopenblas-dev | libatlas-base-dev 
on both, and libopenblas is installable in experimental.)

It looks like version 0.3.21+ds-4 is not affected by this issue and
passes its testsuite. Can you possibly check whether statsmodels builds
against that version?

It did (successfully) in statsmodels version 0.13.5+dfsg-7.  The 
openblas build logs also show the issue starting between .21 and .22.

Bug#1043048: openblas: gives wrong results on mips64el, ignores test failures

2023-08-05 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Package: libopenblas0-pthread
Version: 0.3.23+ds-2
Control: affects -1 src:statsmodels
Severity: serious
Justification: the default BLAS should NOT silently give wrong answers
(i.e. if there's no easy way to actually fix this, please switch the 
default on mips64el back to atlas, and consider removing this package 
from mips64el)

statsmodels recently (between 0.14.0+dfsg-1 and -2) started to FTBFS on 
mips64el with multiple wrong test results.  The most obviously relevant 
change between those is that the installed BLAS changed from atlas to 

openblas' own tests on mips64el ( 
ACCURATE".  (I don't know why this isn't failing the build, which is 
possibly a bug in itself.)

openblas upstream are not _obviously_ aware of this.  Given the 
existence of .github/workflows/mips64.yml, this suggests it _may_ be 
nontrivial to reproduce in qemu.

Bug#1042043: pandas: FTBFS: failed tests

2023-07-26 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: tags -1 fixed-upstream patch

This is probably caused by the new fsspec version, and is also seen in 


Upstream fix:

Bug#1041803: hyperspy: FTBFS test_image fails

2023-07-23 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Package: hyperspy
Version: 1.7.3-1
Severity: serious

hyperspy currently FTBFS with several failing tests:

Bug#1027215: Proposed RM: theano, keras, deepnano -- broken by numpy 1.24, theano mostly abandoned upstream

2023-07-23 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: reopen -1 1026539

theano has been mostly abandoned upstream since 2018.  (The Aesara fork 
is not abandoned, but includes interface changes including the import 
name, so would break reverse dependencies not specifically altered for it.)

It is currently broken (FTBFS due to multiple test failures), probably 
by numpy 1.24 (#1027215).

Its reverse dependencies (keras and deepnano) are both also broken by 
this.  (keras _also_ has apparently unrelated problems, #1026738, and is 
orphaned, #1027938.)

This was previously discussed in #1027215, where it was noted that 
removing keras would also block the addition of qmean (ITP #976981), but 
attempts to fix it failed.  (Note that what is in Salsa isn't actually a 
fix: theano skips most of its tests in Salsa CI because they take 
several hours.)

Bug#974792: Proposed RM: beignet -- RoM; FTBFS with LLVM > 9, replaced by intel-opencl-icd

2023-06-20 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Additional information:

As a rough estimate of how much speed this would cost on older hardware, 
I previously measured beignet as 8-16x faster than pocl (but this will 
obviously depend on hardware and application).  However, beignet (on 
hardware that can't use intel-opencl-icd) is limited to single precision 
and OpenCL 1.2, so some OpenCL code won't run at all in beignet (e.g. 

beignet skips its tests if it can't find suitable GPU hardware (because 
buildds/debci probably don't have it), so if you think you have a fix, 
check whether the tests actually ran.  There are some hints on enabling 
the GPU in a chroot in README.source, but I'm not sure if they actually 

Bug#974792: Proposed RM: beignet -- RoM; FTBFS with LLVM > 9, replaced by intel-opencl-icd

2023-06-18 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
beignet FTBFS with LLVM > 9 (#974792).  beignet uses libllvm/libclang 
heavily enough that it usually has this kind of bug on a new LLVM 
release, but this time my attempts to fix it failed (see the Salsa CI logs).

It is abandoned upstream and mostly replaced by intel-opencl-icd.  (This 
is not a perfect replacement because it has a higher minimum hardware 
requirement, but pocl-opencl-icd also exists and should (slowly) work 

Given this, I don't consider it worth spending more time on, and will 
make this into a real RM request if nobody objects.  (I may have already 
kept it around for longer than actually made sense because it was my 
first package as an official maintainer.)

Bug#1033589: python3-theano: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'bool'.

2023-03-27 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
While that particular problem is easy to fix, there are other 
incompatibilities that aren't (see #1026539, #1027215) and I intend to 
let autoremoval happen.

Bug#1027215: Bug#1026539: How much do we lose if we remove theano (+keras, deepnano, invesalius)?

2023-03-03 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

On 03/03/2023 06:00, Andreas Tille wrote:

Ahh, so aesara is not really a "fork" but a "rename"?

The original is abandoned (no new development since 2017, and now mostly 
unmaintained, which is probably why it has this kind of bug).  Aesara is 
a continuation by a new upstream (possibly one that mostly wanted it for 
their own use), that chose to break compatibility.

Bug#1026539: Bug#1027215: Bug#1026539: How much do we lose if we remove theano (+keras, deepnano, invesalius)?

2023-03-02 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

On 02/03/2023 10:38, Andreas Tille wrote:

I admit I do not see any good reason to stick to the old version if we
decided before that keras/deepnano are no real blockers to even drop
theano.  Thus I was considering it more promising to spent my time on
the latest version.

1.1.2 isn't the latest version, just the latest that calls the module 
theano rather than aesara.  (I chose it to package because I didn't want 
to fully break compatibility, then abandoned it because I didn't like 
how much it did break.)

Do you want to ask release team for permission to do this?

If it would have build smoothly on all architectures, yes.

If you wouldn't want to do this work if it can't get into bookworm 
(possibly because you'd prefer to package 2.0 as aesara if you have to 
wait until trixie anyway), you might want to ask them first.

But we have
the first trouble on arm64[1]
Sorry - I forgot that theano skips most of its tests on Salsa-CI 
(because there's enough of them to take several hours), which is 
probably why it "passed" that but failed the full build.

Given how many failures there are (everywhere), I don't consider this 
worth fixing, but you are of course free to disagree.

(If you're planning to xfail tests, note that I consider *wrong-answer* 
bugs (though not crash bugs) in this kind of package to be RC.  I 
haven't checked whether we currently have any.)

Bug#1026539: How much do we lose if we remove theano (+keras, deepnano, invesalius)?

2023-03-01 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
I agree that switching to Aesara is probably the only reasonable option 
other than removal.  (I'd given up on trying to fix 1.0, and was 
intending to let removal happen.)

However, it's a much bigger change than is normally allowed in bookworm 
at this point.  (1.1 includes multiple breaking changes, which is why 
it's in experimental, but a quick codesearch suggests these parts *may* 
not be used in keras/deepnano. 
https://github.com/aesara-devs/aesara/releases?page=8 )

Do you want to ask release team for permission to do this?  Or do you 
want to try the same patches on 1.0?  (I suspect that that won't work, 
but I haven't actually tried it.)

(Also, you might not want numpy1p24_compat.patch - the v1p0 branch is 
currently in whatever state it was in when I gave up on it, and my vague 
memory is that this was a failed experiment, though I don't know if that 
meant "actively bad" or just "not a (full) solution".)

Bug#1031706: optuna: test_create_new_trial randomly fails on s390x

2023-02-20 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Package: python3-optuna
Severity: serious
Control: affects -1 python3-pandas

test_create_new_trial (both parts) sometimes fails on s390x, failing the 

It might make sense to remove this package on s390x, if it isn't 
reasonable to actually fix this.

Bug#1031705: pymatgen: 7th item of test_babel randomly hangs autopkgtest

2023-02-20 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Package: python3-pymatgen
Severity: serious
Control: affects -1 python3-pandas

The autopkgtest sometimes times out, and when it does, the last line is 
io/tests/test_babel.py and 6 'pass' dots, implying that the 7th item hung.

All known instances are on amd64.

Bug#1031414: clinfo breaks libgpuarray autopkgtest on i386: numerical deltas

2023-02-17 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
Possibly useful here: gdb disassemble works inside pocl kernels, see 
#920497 for an example.

Bug#1031414: clinfo breaks libgpuarray autopkgtest on i386: numerical deltas

2023-02-16 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: reassign -1 src:pocl,src:libgpuarray
Control: found -1 pocl/3.1-3
Control: found -1 libgpuarray/0.7.6-13
Control: retitle -1 libgpuarray: i386 test fail with new pocl

The trigger is probably pocl, not clinfo.  I don't yet know whether the 
bug is in pocl or libgpuarray.

Bug#1030096: dask.distributed intermittent autopkgtest fail

2023-02-10 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

On 10/02/2023 06:41, Andreas Tille wrote:

Am Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 08:44:01AM +0530 schrieb Nilesh Patra:

But I am not sure if this counter would be set to 2 days (from 5 days)
or not -- will likely need to ask release team.

As far as I observed the migration time is now 5 days (no matter whether
autopkgtest or not).

I think the "5 days" on the tracker page is because the reverse 
dependencies' autopkgtests haven't all been run yet, and will change to 
2 days once they have:


On 10/02/2023 03:43, Diane Trout wrote:
> Though I made two changes that should dramatically increase the odds of
> the tests passing.
> One I told it to skip all the "isinstalled" marked tests, which are all
> skipped during build time, and the build seems to run far more
> reliably.
> I got the idea because it seemed like the vast majority of test
> failures are related to the daemons running or failing to shut down.

That might be true on amd64, but I don't think it's true of arm*/s390x: 
the tests that are failing there do *not* appear to be isinstalled tests.

I suspect the tests wouldn't have worked on those architectures in 
2022.02 either, and we didn't notice because the previously mentioned 
bug was causing the autopkgtest to not actually run the tests. 
(dask.distributed is arch:all, so it's only built once, presumably on 

> While talking on IRC about dask.distributed problems I learned of the
> flaky autopkgtest restriction which says the test is expected to fail
> intermittently and is not suitable for gating continuous integratin.
> So I marked the current whole autopkgtest run as flaky.
> So CI should also ignore the results of failed test runs now.

Having only flaky tests that fail counts as having no tests:

That presumably means 5 days, which we don't have, i.e. *don't* unless 
release team tell you otherwise.

> When under less time pressure I think a good plan might be two split
> the tests internally marked as isinstalled or flaky into a separate
> autopkgtest run that's marked flaky and let the CI gate on the more
> reliable tests.

As stated above, that's probably the wrong split for this.

Bug#1030096: dask.distributed intermittent autopkgtest fail

2023-02-09 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
Upstream's reason for treating warnings as errors is just generic 'find 
potential problems' (https://github.com/dask/distributed/issues/6048).

On 09/02/2023 21:33, Diane Trout wrote:

That worked, but armel (test_steal_twice), armhf (something outright
crashing) and s390x (lots) all failed.

Aren't those all still on -1? I only see amd64 and arm64 having run

At https://ci.debian.net/packages/d/dask.distributed/

That summary listing is the wrong place to look for that information - 
either use tracker.debian.org or click the 'testing' (*not* 'unstable') 

All 3 of them have failed repeatedly.  (armel's failure is sometimes 
test_single_executable_deprecated instead.)

The armhf crash is a bus error (possibly unaligned memory access?) in 
protocol/tests/test_highlevelgraph.py, and the traceback suggests it 
*may* be in something other than dask.distributed, though it's also 
possible that dask.distributed is copying objects around with the wrong 

"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pandas/core/array_algos/take.py", line 
163 in _take_nd_ndarray
"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pandas/core/array_algos/take.py", line 
117 in take_nd
"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pandas/core/internals/blocks.py", line 
880 in take_nd
"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pandas/core/internals/managers.py", line 
752 in 
"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pandas/core/internals/managers.py", line 
751 in reindex_indexer
"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pandas/core/internals/managers.py", line 
978 in take
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pandas/core/generic.py", line 
3886 in _take
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pandas/core/generic.py", line 
3871 in take
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dask/dataframe/backends.py", 
line 517 in group_split_pandas

  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dask/utils.py", line 640 in __call__
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dask/dataframe/shuffle.py", line 
941 in shuffle_group

  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dask/layers.py", line 47 in __call__
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/distributed/worker.py", line 
3047 in apply_function_simple
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/distributed/worker.py", line 
3025 in apply_function
line 65 in run
"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/distributed/threadpoolexecutor.py", line 
57 in _worker

  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/threading.py", line 975 in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/threading.py", line 1038 in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/threading.py", line 995 in _bootstrap

Bug#1030096: dask.distributed intermittent autopkgtest fail

2023-02-09 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

On 09/02/2023 21:33, Diane Trout wrote:

The place to ask is debian-release; no comment on the likely result.

I'll try to ask.

Looking at the old logs, I think the old "passing" test *didn't actually 
run* the tests (just collected them, which was enough to fail on a 
dask/dask.distributed mismatch), because it did -k "not ( $SKIP_TEST )" 
when the variable was actually called SKIP_TESTS, causing

ERROR: Wrong expression passed to '-k': not (  ): at column 8: expected 
not OR left parenthesis OR identifier; got right parenthesis

and apparently-no tests run.

(This was fixed in
, apparently without noticing that it had ever existed.)

Which makes this not-a-regression...

Bug#1030096: dask.distributed intermittent autopkgtest fail

2023-02-09 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

On 09/02/2023 17:07, Diane Trout wrote:

Would it make sense to drop those errors back to warnings, and do you
know enough about the setup.cfg language to do it quickly?

Plausibly yes but I don't actually know, and remove the 'error' line at 

I went ahead and requested another run for the failed amd64 run and
left the passing arm64 run alone.

That worked, but armel (test_steal_twice), armhf (something outright 
crashing) and s390x (lots) all failed.

Also how did numba 0.56.4-1 get overridden to be back in testing?

Can we get dask.distributed forced back in? It looks like it mostly
works, it feels like we're mostly fighting over it not being robust to
environment specific issues.

The place to ask is debian-release; no comment on the likely result.

Bug#1030096: dask.distributed intermittent autopkgtest fail

2023-02-08 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

On 09/02/2023 06:36, Diane Trout wrote:

Also there's still some flaky tests as the rebuild triggered by my just
committing the changelog release had a failure in "test_release_retry"

I don't think I've seen that particular one before, though like several 
others it's a warning being treated as an error because dask.distributed 
now does that (in setup.cfg).

debci doesn't appear to have run yet.  (If it does and fails, note that 
there's a retry button next to failure reports.  Given how tight we are 
on time (we need to be in testing by the 12th), I'd rather not re-upload 
(restarting the migration clock) if we don't have to.)

Also, we need to close this bug (by email _not_ by uploading).

Bug#1030096: dask.distributed intermittent autopkgtest fail

2023-02-08 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

On 08/02/2023 22:09, Diane Trout wrote:

I just got back a passed from salsa. So does anyone want to make any
more changes? Or should we release this version?
The *maybe* remaining issue is that test_balance_expensive_tasks[enough 
work to steal] seems to fail repeatedly when it fails, so if we want to 
ignore that (I don't claim to know whether that's a good idea), it needs 
an xfail/skip not just a flaky.

I haven't seen that failure in your runs, but I don't know whether that 
means you've fixed it or just that you were lucky.

Mostly, please upload *something* today, because we won't know for sure 
whether it passes on a real buildd/debci until we try that, and if it 
doesn't then the sooner we find out the better.

Bug#1030096: dask.distributed intermittent autopkgtest fail

2023-02-08 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

I think I got the code to detect if IPv6 is available to work correctly
so I could set the DISABLE_IPV6 environment variable that
dask.distrubted supports.

This probably refers to

This doesn't work: because run-tests is set -e, failing this check 
immediately ends the autopkgtest with failure (without even running the 
main tests):


I think you instead need the command inside the if-test, something like

if ip -6 addr | grep global ; then
   if ping6 -c 4 2001:4860:4860:: ; then
  echo "Working ipv6 connectivity"

but I haven't tested that.

I went with skipping the 32bit tests instead of xfailed because I don't
think they can work as written since I really think they're making
really large memory requests that can't ever succeed on 32bit.

Agreed - I'm possibly in the habit of using xfail rather than skip 
because I'm often xfailing the kind of things that might get fixed later.

You did a lot of work on trying to get the flaky tests to work more
reliably, and all that's included.

(marking a few more tests as flaky) isn't included.  However as 
previously mentioned, I don't claim to know whether we actually should 
be marking those particular tests as flaky, so it's fine to omit that 
one if you think we shouldn't.

Also as previously mentioned, test_balance_expensive_tasks[enough work 
to steal] seems to fail repeatedly when it fails, so if we want to 
ignore that (again, I don't claim to know whether that's a good idea), 
it needs an xfail/skip not just a flaky.

Bug#1030096: Any ideas Re: #1030096 dask.distributed intermittent autopkgtest fail ?

2023-02-06 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

On 07/02/2023 03:20, Diane Trout wrote:

What's your test environment like?

Salsa CI.

I don't think head is hugely different from what was released in -1.

The diff looks like Andreas adjusted the dask dependency version,
configured a salsa CI run, and added some upstream metadata files

That sounds like you're not looking at my branch at all.  As previously 
stated, that's

(It's in a fork because I can't push to debian-python.)

See earlier in this bug for which test failures still remain.

Bug#1030096: Any ideas Re: #1030096 dask.distributed intermittent autopkgtest fail ?

2023-02-06 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
I agree that xfailing the tests *may* be a reasonable solution.  I'm 
only saying that it should be done by someone with more idea than me of 
whether these particular tests are important, because blindly xfailing 
everything that fails is effectively not having tests.

If we do choose that approach, at least test_balance_expensive_tasks 
needs to be an outright xfail/skip not just a flaky, because when it 
fails it fails repeatedly.

On 06/02/2023 19:38, Diane Trout wrote:

The most important thing about dask / dask.distributed is they really
should be at about the same upstream version.

I knew that, and was planning on 2022.12.1 of both when I decided to go 
ahead with pandas.  What went wrong was that I only tested a build, not 
an autopkgtest, and thought the failing tests were dask.distributed's 
(known) inability to run all its tests in a buildd environment.


I'm not 100% sure how to
mark that in the d/control file.

Depends: python3-dask (>= 2022.12.1~), python3-dask (<< 2022.12.2~)
but I haven't tested that.

Bug#1030096: Any ideas Re: #1030096 dask.distributed intermittent autopkgtest fail ?

2023-02-06 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
(Background: the pandas + dask transition broke dask.distributed and it 
was hence removed from testing; I didn't notice at the time that if we 
don't get it back in we lose Spyder.)

On 05/02/2023 21:44, Rebecca N. Palmer wrote:
I currently have this in a state where it sometimes succeeds and 
sometimes doesn't:


Tests I've seen to fail multiple times (and don't have a fix for):
test_balance_expensive_tasks[enough work to steal]
(Seems to be the most common problem.  Using @pytest.mark.flaky to try 3 
times doesn't seem to have helped, suggesting that if it fails once it 
keeps failing in that run.  Applying part of upstream pull 7253 seemed 
to make things worse, but I haven't tried applying the whole thing.)


Tests I've seen to fail once:

And now test_failing_task_increments_suspicious (once):
(We don't have to pass build-i386 (as this is an arch:all package) or 
reprotest, but if these are effectively-random failures, they might also 
be able to occur in build or autopkgtest.)

I'm probably the wrong person to be working on this - I don't know 
enough about this package to say whether ignoring this kind of 
intermittent failure (as my 'flaky' marks do) is appropriate, or to have 
much idea how to actually fix it.

We could also try upgrading dask + dask.distributed to 2023.1, but 
that's a risky move at this point.

Bug#1030096: #1030096 dask.distributed autopkgtest fail

2023-02-05 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
I currently have this in a state where it sometimes succeeds and 
sometimes doesn't:


Tests I've seen to fail multiple times (and don't have a fix for):
test_balance_expensive_tasks[enough work to steal]
(Seems to be the most common problem.  Using @pytest.mark.flaky to try 3 
times doesn't seem to have helped, suggesting that if it fails once it 
keeps failing in that run.  Applying part of upstream pull 7253 seemed 
to make things worse, but I haven't tried applying the whole thing.)


Tests I've seen to fail once:

Bug#1030096: #1030096 dask.distributed autopkgtest fail

2023-02-04 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
That removed most of the test failures, but there seem to be a few 
apparently random ones left (2 runs both failed, but with different errors).

On 04/02/2023 21:35, Andreas Tille wrote:

Any reason to not push to master directly?

I don't do that with packages that aren't mine.  Also see above.

Bug#1030096: #1030096 dask.distributed autopkgtest fail

2023-02-04 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
I have an attempt to fix this in Salsa now (in my fork), but it hasn't 
had time to run the tests yet, so I don't know whether it works.

Note the above mention that if we lose dask.distributed then we lose 
Spyder, which makes this a bigger issue than I initially thought.

Bug#1030208: Acknowledgement (statsmodels: FTBFS with scipy 1.10 on 32-bit: int64 -> int32 cast)

2023-02-01 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: merge -1 1030210 1030221

Not obviously known upstream.

It's due to the test passing an int64 array to np.bincount (which casts 
to native-size int).  Hence, we can probably get it to pass by 
explicitly casting to int32 in the test code, but I haven't tried that yet.

I don't know exactly what caused this array to be int64 instead of int32.

Bug#1030208: statsmodels: FTBFS with scipy 1.10 on 32-bit: int64 -> int32 cast

2023-01-31 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Package: python3-statsmodels
Version: 0.13.5+dfsg-4
Severity: serious

Since scipy 1.10, some statsmodels tests fail on 32-bit with a message 
that int64 -> int32 casting is unsafe.  I haven't yet had time to 
investigate further.

Bug#1017573: patch Re: ulmo broken by pandas 1.4+

2023-01-28 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: tags -1 patch
Control: unblock -1 by 1011225
(Block possibly added by mistake - these don't look related.)

This patch is now available as a Salsa merge request, and passed 
build+autopkgtest there.

Bug#1004869: python-xarray autopkgtest fail on i386

2023-01-23 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: reopen -1
Control: found -1 2023.01.0-1

This patch was dropped in the next upload (probably by accident), and 
hence this bug has reappeared.

It is currently listed as blocking pandas from testing, though I'm not 
sure why (it isn't obvious why pandas and xarray would have to go together).

Bug#1029251: pandas: FTBFS: tests failed

2023-01-21 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: tags -1 pending

Looks like rounding error in a test; ignored in Salsa.

Bug#1029232: dask.distributed: broken by version mismatch with dask

2023-01-20 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
Would you like some help?  If so, please push what you currently have to 
Salsa so we can see it.

(No promises - #1029251 doesn't look like a big job but I might be wrong 
about that.)

Bug#1029232: dask.distributed: broken by version mismatch with dask

2023-01-20 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Package: python3-distributed
Version: 2022.02.0+ds1-3
Severity: serious

dask.distributed has been failing its autopkgtests since dask was 
upgraded to 2022.12.1.

This is the expected result of upgrading one but not the other: I'd seen 
the same in my test PPA, and the upstream setup.py/requirements.txt 
require exactly matching upstream versions of dask and dask.distributed.

Hence, it can probably be fixed by upgrading dask.distributed to 
2022.12.1.  (See also discussion in #1028667.)

(Upgrading *both* dask.distributed and dask to 2023.1.0 probably also 
works, but I haven't tested that.)

My PPA package of dask.distributed 2022.12 might be useful:
(Don't upload that as-is: it tries to run more of the tests during the 
build because PPAs don't have autopkgtest, which doesn't work.)

This and ulmo #1017573 (which has a patch) are the remaining blockers 
for pandas 1.5.

Bug#1028667: dask BD-Uninstallable

2023-01-16 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

On 16/01/2023 07:22, Diane Trout wrote:

On Sun, 2023-01-15 at 14:42 -0800, Diane Trout wrote:

On Sun, 2023-01-15 at 18:16 +, Rebecca N. Palmer wrote:

Probably fixed - see my merge request on Salsa.

I'd tried to build versions of dask from 2022.03 - 2022.06 and they
failed with what appeared to be a strong dependency on pyarrow, which
debian doesn't have.

Did you get around that for 2022.12?

Apparently 2022.12.1 builds without issue.

I merged your salsa PR, have a couple useful things from my branch and
there's about 2 tests triggering 5 failures in the autopkgtests to see
if I can tell whats wrong with in 2022.12.1

Autopkgtest passes on my version:
Are you using pytest-xdist?  I vaguely remember that breaking things in 
pandas, though I might be wrong about that.

Though before releasing it I would like to try to build the matching
dask.distributed package.

(That fails some tests, but it's trying to run them during the build, 
which is known to be an issue for this package.)

Though I also need to clean up my git history to get the 2022.12.1
changes I made onto salsa. But I'm going to do that tomorrow morning.


Bug#1028667: dask BD-Uninstallable

2023-01-15 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Probably fixed - see my merge request on Salsa.

Bug#1028667: dask BD-Uninstallable

2023-01-14 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: retitle -1 dask: B-D on python-numpy-doc which no longer exists
Control: tags -1 pending

The python-numpy-doc error is because that package no longer exists. 
This build-dependency has already been removed in Salsa.

However, that version doesn't build the dask documentation due to other 
issues.  There's a version in my test PPA that I think does build the 
documentation, but I have *not* checked whether that documentation works 
(that PPA existed for checking whether the new dask + dask.distributed 
broke any of their reverse dependencies):


The python3-pandas error is because pandas now declares a Breaks: on 
dask (<= current) because of #1025393, and dask build-depends on 
python3-distributed and hence indirectly on itself.  (dask 2022.12 fixed 
#1025393, but there's a bootstrapping problem there...)

Does temporarily removing the build-dependency on python3-distributed 
work, or do we need a (temporary?) pandas without that Breaks?

Bug#1027215: How much do we lose if we remove theano (+keras, deepnano, invesalius)?

2023-01-14 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
theano has been mostly abandoned upstream since 2018.  (The Aesara fork 
is not abandoned, but includes interface changes including the import 
name, so would break reverse dependencies not specifically altered for it.)

Its reverse dependencies are keras, deepnano and invesalius.

It is currently broken, probably by numpy 1.24 (#1027215), and the 
immediately obvious fixes weren't enough 

Is this worth spending more effort on fixing, or should we just remove it?

Bug#1028373: pandas: test-failing warnings with numpy 1.24

2023-01-10 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Package: python3-pandas
Version: 1.5.2+dfsg-4
Severity: serious

Looks like the numpy 1.24 issues I knew about weren't the only ones.

Fix in progress in Salsa.

Bug#1028359: pygpu: fails to import in numpy 1.24

2023-01-09 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Package: python3-pygpu
Version: 0.7.6-12
Severity: grave

numpy 1.24 no longer has np.bool, which makes pygpu fail to import:

pygpu/dtypes.py:74: in _fill_dtype_registry
register_dtype(np.bool, ["ga_bool", "bool"])
numpy/__init__.py:284: in __getattr__
raise AttributeError("module {!r} has no attribute "
E   AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'bool'

Full log: https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/theano/-/jobs/3771271

Bug#1027254: dask and pandas 1.5

2023-01-09 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
(I meant to send that to the dask/pandas bug, which is #1025393, but 
both of them are potential reasons to update dask.)

The intake issue is now https://github.com/dask/dask/issues/9813
(They're planning to fix it in intake rather than dask, but we might not 
be allowed to do that after the 12th.)

Bug#1027254: dask and pandas 1.5

2023-01-09 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
To get the new upstream version to work, dask_sphinx-theme, dask and 
dask.distributed all need to be updated, in that order.  Tests here:


dask didn't run its tests (PPAs only build, not autopkgtest), and 
dask.distributed failed its tests but possibly because I was trying to 
run more of the tests than it normally would.

There were 2 issues in rdeps:
intake forwards error messages in a way that doesn't work if they 
contain newlines, which one of the new dask's does.  My fix for that was 
to patch dask to not have this newline.
python-streamz can't find loop_in_thread - I don't yet know why, given 
that that still exists in the new dask.distributed.


If you instead want to patch 2022.02 (warning, I haven't tested this 
approach), there seem to be 2 sets of failing tests:

dropna: fixed by 

groupby: these are tests that compare dask to pandas, in a case where 
pandas' behaviour changed.  Upstream dask decided to make the same 
change (https://github.com/dask/dask/pull/8961).

Warning, I haven't tested this approach, and since numpy 1.24 has gone 
ahead that bug would also need to be fixed.

Bug#1026539: theano FTBFS

2023-01-03 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
Please do *not* upload theano 1.12 to unstable - it's the Aesara 
version, which may seriously break backward compatibility.

I haven't had time to properly look at this bug yet.

Bug#1024906: apparently fixed Re: dask autopkgtest fail with python 3.11

2022-12-03 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
This combination stopped failing on 2022-11-22/23 (without a dask 
upload, suggesting it was fixed somewhere other than dask itself).

Hence, I suggest closing this bug.

Bug#1000922: llvmlite: uninstallable due to llvm-11 removal

2022-11-27 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: severity -1 grave
Control: merge -1 1024795
Control: retitle -1 llvmlite: uninstallable due to llvm-11 removal

It looks like closing and reopening this removed its "blocks" 
relationship to 1000941 (the llvm-11 removal request).  Hence, llvm-11 
has now been removed, making llvmlite (and hence numba) uninstallable.

Do we have an llvm-13/14 llvmlite + numba that works on amd64?  The one 
that was uploaded as 0.38.1-2 failed even there (#1014690), but the 
above implies there's been more work since then.

As noted above, numba already has bugs on non-amd64 
(https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?src=numba).  I suggest 
either removing llvmlite/numba on non-amd64, or having them warn on 
import on non-amd64 (like 

(I generally consider it a serious bug - in the Debian BTS sense of "I'd 
rather remove the package than release it like this" - for a 
mathematical library to silently give wrong answers.  However, I don't 
know how common this opinion is, or whether any of numba's non-amd64 
bugs actually are wrong answers rather than exceptions/crashes.)

Bug#1020060: statsmodels sometimes FTBFS

2022-11-13 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
It also doesn't fail on the buildds.  (The failed binNMU of statsmodels 
for Python 3.11 is instead the expected result of trying to build 
statsmodels on a Python version without pandas - pandas failed due to 

Is there anything special about the mass-rebuild environment that might 
explain why it fails there and not elsewhere?  (Possibly the standard 
email should link to a description of that environment?)  Has it failed 
there more than once?

Bug#1023965: pandas FTBFS with Python 3.11 as supported version

2022-11-13 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: block 1021984 by -1
Control: tags -1 fixed-upstream fixed-in-experimental

There's more than just those 2[0].
Some are tests that expect an error and check the message (not just the 
type), and fail because the message has been reworded - these should be 
trivial to fix.
The 2 in test_null_quote_char/test_null_byte_char don't look like this, 
but also don't look like major problems.

The ones that may need someone else's attention (because DMs can't 
upload arbitrary packages) are that Debian's parso is too old to support 
3.11 - I've filed a new bug about this.

I'm in the process of moving to pandas 1.5 (#1017809), which probably 
fixes these[1], but also breaks a few reverse dependencies[2].  Do I 
take the 'serious' tag to mean this is urgent enough to fix in 1.3?

(the lxml-not-found errors are probably because it hadn't been built in 
3.11 yet)
[2] https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?experimental=1=pandas and 
maybe more because I haven't done a build test yet

Bug#1020060: statsmodels: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:105: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1

2022-09-19 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
This is the same test as #1014278 / upstream 8341, but now on amd64. 
From the upstream discussion, it may be a numerically unstable test.

It doesn't fail everywhere: a test build on Salsa CI passed, as did the 
last debci runs.  (reproducible-builds FTBFS on the second build, on 
amd64/sid only, but on a _different_ test.)

Bug#992673: libgpuarray *gemv, *ger test fails

2021-10-26 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

Control: tags -1 pending

(fixed in Salsa, as far as I consider it my bug)

It looks like both of these originate further down the stack, not in 

The *ger error code is an OpenCL compile failure from inside clblast, so 
likely either pocl or clblast.

The *gemv problem appears to be that the definition of gemv is 
y=alpha*A.dot(x)+beta*y, the spec allows and possibly requires the 
second term to be skipped entirely if beta is 0, clblas does this but 
clblast doesn't, and libgpuarray pygpu has a short form for beta=0 that 
uses an uninitialized (i.e. potentially NaN) y.  As a workaround I am 
changing this to a zero y, but it maybe should be fixed in clblast.

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