libpam-tacplus (1.7.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

* libtac: Refactored the complex and overengineered TACACS+ session id generation,
    replacing it with getrandom(2).
  * libtac: gnulib now provides implementation of missing functions.
  * libtac: Removed legacy MD5 code and replaced it with gnulib.
* libtac: Legacy data structures such as attribute lists were replaced with gnulib structures. * libtac: CHAP implementation used a fixed challenge in contradiction with the RFC 1994 requirement. This was replaced with a pseudo-random challenge generated using getrandom(2). * libtac: ABI version set to 5:0:0. From now on, this is the only way to version the library.
    The legacy static variables tac_ver_ were removed as confusing.
* pam_tacplus: Calling process PID is now used as the task_id attribute in TACACS+ accounting session. This replaces an overengineered cryptographically random tasks identifiers.
  * libtac: Fix CVE-2016-20014. Closes: #1009966

-- Pawel Krawczyk <> Sat, 31 Oct 2022 22:44:00 +0100

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