
Please remove kmerlin from the Debian archive, unstable (and stable if possible).

On a regular basis the protocols for MSN are changed and any clients trying to access this service also need to change. Unfortunatly kmerlin now has no upstream support and thus the client is not being maintained to account for protocol changes thus the application is completely unusable unless major re-engineering occurs.

kopte provides the same functionality and has been updated to cater for the changes to MSN.

Full details are avialble at:

--- Begin Message ---
tag 312130 wontfix
tag 325227 wontfix
retitle 312130 kmerlin: package unusable due to msn server changes
retitle 325227 kmerlin: package unusable due to msn server changes

On a regular basis the protocols for MSN are changed and any clients trying to access this service also need to change.

Unfortunatly kmerlin now has no upstream support and thus the client is not being maintained to account for protocol changes.

It is well beyond my capability to re-engineer kmerlin to work and I would suggest any prospective users change to something like kopete which is better supported upstream and has been updated to account for changes with the MSN servers.

I recommend that kmerlin be removed from Debian as in it's current state it is unusable.

Please do not rebuild kmerlin for the C++ migration.


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