On Mon, Oct 09, 2006 at 04:28:49PM +0200, Bas Zoetekouw wrote:
> Package: xen-hypervisor-3.0-unstable-1-amd64
> Version: 3.0-unstable+hg11561-1
> Severity: serious
> It seems Xen has a similar trademark policy as the much discussed
> Mozilla one.  Specifically http://www.xensource.com/xen-tm-faq.html
> says:
> | 16. If I distribute a changed version of the Xen??? hypervisor, may I
> | say that the changed product is the Xen hypervisor?
> | 
> | No. If you have changed an Official Version of the Xen hypervisor in
> | any way, then you have created something that is not an Official
> | Version of the Xen hypervisor. Because such a code base is entirely
> | beyond the oversight and quality control processes of XenSource, you
> | may not use the Xen??? trademark in any way in connection with your
> | product, and must use a different trademark for your product that will
> | not cause confusion with the Xen trademark or any other XenSource
> | trademark.
> This seems to make it impossible for Debian to patch released xen
> packages when security related bugs occur.  

Not just that.  If they release binary versions, we may not even be able
to release binary versions.  What I mean is, they may consider the act
of compiling specifically for Debian a changed version.  Has anyone
asked them that question?  There is also the issue of locations of
things on a Debian system, which may not match up with the defaults of
the upstream confguration.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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