Yes--I've got the "black screen" upon update to 4.16-2 also. Have
reverted to 4.16-1 until this latest "fupa" is found....Very willing
to test options if you have back on the "first fix"--the
config went out the door with the kernel update--only the creating an
alias works right now. A side note: took 4 minutes of grinding to get
to desktop...mutiple GDM errors before it "took".  Error:
pam_systemd(gdm-launch-environment:session): Failed to create session:
Start job for unit user@116.service failed with
'dependency'-----pam_systemd(gdm-launch-environment:session): Failed
to create session: Start job for unit user@116.service failed with
'failed'----pam_systemd(gdm-launch-environment:session): Failed to
create session: Start job for unit user-116.slice failed with

These 3 messages repeat about 400 times.

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