
2003-05-14 Thread David N. Welton

Finito il webbit, direi che e` ora di parlare di cosa e` andato bene,
cosa e` andato male, e cosa possiamo fare per migliorare.

*) L'organizzazione ha messo tutti i gruppi di 'volontari' (anche dei
   cani e porci) in quello spazio dove non era neanche chiaro che
   c'erano degli stand fra i tavoli di computer.  Direi che questo non
   ci ha aiutato molto.

*) Noi abbiamo avuto uno stand con 3 o 4 altri gruppi.  Questo,
   secondo me non andava bene.  La Debian e` un'organizzazione al
   livello mondiale.

*) Il nostro stand era troppo mescolato con l'area hackers (non so
   come si chiama).  Questo impediva, IMO, alla gente normale di
   passare e dare un'occhiata.  Sarebbe il caso di avere solo alcune
   persone allo stand, e gli altri fuori, altrove.  Era molto confusa
   la situazione.

*) Mi sembra di capire che abbiamo fatto una buona raccolta di soldi
   per le magliette, e i CD.  La macchina per masterizzare i CD sul
   luogo era una'idea buona.  Sarebbe il caso di pubblicare le somme
   da qualche parte, in modo di essere 'trasparente' come

*) Io sto molto scomodo dicendo qualcosa che vale a dire 'scrivete in
   inglese', ma debian-events-eu in teoria era il posto piu` adatto
   per organizzare la nostra partecipazione al webbit.

*) Altro?

David N. Welton
   Consulting: http://www.dedasys.com/
 Personal: http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/
Free Software: http://www.dedasys.com/freesoftware/
   Apache Tcl: http://tcl.apache.org/

Re: webbit

2003-05-14 Thread Federico Di Gregorio
Il gio, 2003-05-15 alle 00:16, David N. Welton ha scritto:
 Finito il webbit, direi che e` ora di parlare di cosa e` andato bene,
 cosa e` andato male, e cosa possiamo fare per migliorare.
 *) L'organizzazione ha messo tutti i gruppi di 'volontari' (anche dei
cani e porci) in quello spazio dove non era neanche chiaro che
c'erano degli stand fra i tavoli di computer.  Direi che questo non
ci ha aiutato molto.

l'organizzazione ha fatto overbooking, lo sanno e si sono scusati.
speriamo che l'inconveniente non si ripeta l'anno prossimo.

 *) Noi abbiamo avuto uno stand con 3 o 4 altri gruppi.  Questo,
secondo me non andava bene.  La Debian e` un'organizzazione al
livello mondiale.

noi (non solo Debian ma i 13 gruppi del software libero italiano
presenti) eravamo gli **unici** ad aver avuto tutto gratis. non mi
sembra il caso di dire non andava bene, anche se siamo
un'organizzazione a livello mondiale.

 *) Il nostro stand era troppo mescolato con l'area hackers (non so
come si chiama).  Questo impediva, IMO, alla gente normale di
passare e dare un'occhiata.  Sarebbe il caso di avere solo alcune
persone allo stand, e gli altri fuori, altrove.  Era molto confusa
la situazione.

vedi sopra overbooking. comunque di gente normale ne e` passata
tantissima. senza offesa, ma ti ho visto pochissimo allo stand, come fai
a sapere che la gente era poca?

 *) Mi sembra di capire che abbiamo fatto una buona raccolta di soldi
per le magliette, e i CD.  La macchina per masterizzare i CD sul
luogo era una'idea buona.  Sarebbe il caso di pubblicare le somme
da qualche parte, in modo di essere 'trasparente' come

domani mando tutto in lista.

 *) Io sto molto scomodo dicendo qualcosa che vale a dire 'scrivete in
inglese', ma debian-events-eu in teoria era il posto piu` adatto
per organizzare la nostra partecipazione al webbit.

no. scrivo sempre su debian-events-eu, prima alcuni mesi prima, poi
pochi giorni prima ed infine dopo l'evento. e` un evento assolutamente
italiano ed e` perfetto per debian-devel-italian. se qualcuno vuole
riportare tutte le discussioni su debian-events-eu lo faccia pure ma
visto che non 1 degli iscritti mi ha mai mandato un messaggio per
chiedermi ulteriori informazioni, mi sembra che la cosa non interessi.

 *) Altro?

si. ci vorrebbe qualche proposta per l'anno prossimo. a parte la
disorganizazione dello stand dovuta all'overbooking i sembra che siamo
andati bene, ma sicuramente si puo` fare di meglio. pero` ci vogliono


Description: Questa parte del messaggio =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E8?= firmata

Re: webbit

2003-05-14 Thread Marco d'Itri
On May 15, Federico Di Gregorio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 visto che non 1 degli iscritti mi ha mai mandato un messaggio per
 chiedermi ulteriori informazioni, mi sembra che la cosa non interessi.
Concordo. Personalmente vedo webbit principalmente come un evento
sociale, quindi in questa ottica l'interesse per uno straniero è

ciao, |
Marco | [969 ce9.VYL7fPlWY]

Description: PGP signature

Gnome 2 dans SARGE

2003-05-14 Thread Marc Lorber


Ce n'est surement pas le lieu adquat pour poser cette question ... mais
quelqu'un aurait-il une ide de la date de transition vers Gnome 2 pour
Sarge ?
Sinon, il y a des portages de Gnome2 pour Woody mais quid de sarge ???

Merci d'avance

Marc Lorber

Re: Gnome 2 dans SARGE

2003-05-14 Thread Michel Grentzinger
Le Mercredi 14 Mai 2003 08:40, Marc Lorber a crit :


 Ce n'est surement pas le lieu adquat pour poser cette question ... mais
 quelqu'un aurait-il une ide de la date de transition vers Gnome 2 pour
 Sarge ?
 Sinon, il y a des portages de Gnome2 pour Woody mais quid de sarge ???

Le mieux, c'est d'aller voir sur le Systme de Suivi des Paquets  l'adresse 
suivante :

Tu pourras voir les bogue restant  corriger et pourquoi le paquet n'est pas 
encore dans Sarge.

Michel Grentzinger
Available on http://www.keyserver.net

Re: Gnome 2 dans SARGE

2003-05-14 Thread Frédéric Bothamy
* Marc Lorber [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-05-14 08:40] :
 Ce n'est surement pas le lieu adéquat pour poser cette question ... mais
 quelqu'un aurait-il une idée de la date de transition vers Gnome 2 pour
 Sarge ?

Quand les règles d'inclusion des paquets relatifs à Gnome 2 seront
satisfaites, donc pas de date précise.

 Sinon, il y a des portages de Gnome2 pour Woody mais quid de sarge ???

J'ai fait avant-hier soir un apt-get -t unstable install gnome
nautilus sur une sarge (35 Mo à télécharger et 120 Mo à installer), ça
s'installe correctement et ça fonctionne plutôt pas mal ensuite.


Re: Gnome 2 dans SARGE

2003-05-14 Thread Michel Grentzinger
Le Mercredi 14 Mai 2003 10:11, Sven Luther a écrit :
  Le mieux, c'est d'aller voir sur le Système de Suivi des Paquets à
  l'adresse suivante :
  Tu pourras voir les bogue restant à corriger et pourquoi le paquet n'est
  pas encore dans Sarge.

 Et specialement le nouveau :


 Te donnera une information bien plus clair que ce que tu peut obtenir a
 travers le PTS.

C'est très bien cet outil !! Je ne connaissais pas, merci !

Michel Grentzinger
Available on http://www.keyserver.net

Re: Gnome 2 dans SARGE

2003-05-14 Thread Frédéric Bothamy
* Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-05-14 10:11] :
 On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 09:31:11AM +0200, Michel Grentzinger wrote:
  Le Mercredi 14 Mai 2003 08:40, Marc Lorber a écrit :
   Ce n'est surement pas le lieu adéquat pour poser cette question ... mais
   quelqu'un aurait-il une idée de la date de transition vers Gnome 2 pour
   Sarge ?
   Sinon, il y a des portages de Gnome2 pour Woody mais quid de sarge ???
  Le mieux, c'est d'aller voir sur le Système de Suivi des Paquets à 
  suivante :
  Tu pourras voir les bogue restant à corriger et pourquoi le paquet n'est 
  encore dans Sarge.
 Et specialement le nouveau :
 Te donnera une information bien plus clair que ce que tu peut obtenir a
 travers le PTS.

Justement, j'ai vérifié cela avant de répondre et cela ne donne pas AMA
de résultats humainement lisibles pour gnome-core : il parle seulement
de paquets non-installables, ce qui n'est pas très parlant si on ne
connaît pas précisément les règles de testing
(http://www.debian.org/devel/testing, la 5e règle).


Re: Gnome 2 dans SARGE

2003-05-14 Thread Sven Luther
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 11:07:53AM +0200, Frédéric Bothamy wrote:
 * Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-05-14 10:11] :
  On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 09:31:11AM +0200, Michel Grentzinger wrote:
   Le Mercredi 14 Mai 2003 08:40, Marc Lorber a écrit :
Ce n'est surement pas le lieu adéquat pour poser cette question ... mais
quelqu'un aurait-il une idée de la date de transition vers Gnome 2 pour
Sarge ?
Sinon, il y a des portages de Gnome2 pour Woody mais quid de sarge ???
   Le mieux, c'est d'aller voir sur le Système de Suivi des Paquets à 
   suivante :
   Tu pourras voir les bogue restant à corriger et pourquoi le paquet n'est 
   encore dans Sarge.
  Et specialement le nouveau :
  Te donnera une information bien plus clair que ce que tu peut obtenir a
  travers le PTS.
 Justement, j'ai vérifié cela avant de répondre et cela ne donne pas AMA
 de résultats humainement lisibles pour gnome-core : il parle seulement
 de paquets non-installables, ce qui n'est pas très parlant si on ne
 connaît pas précisément les règles de testing
 (http://www.debian.org/devel/testing, la 5e règle).

As tu clicker sur le lien Expand uninstallable packages, qui te donne
la liste complete des problemes, et notament le fait que gnome-vfs
depende de fam, qui est bloque par kde 3 qui est a son tour bloque par
perl, python et gcc 3.3, entre autre.

Sinon, ecris a Björn Stenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] et fait lui part de tes
remarques, peut etre qu'il ajoutera une petite explication ou un lien
vers la faq de testing.

Personnellement j'espere voir cette page faire partie du PTS
definitivement bientot.


Sven Luther

[Ann] debian-bts-control.el

2003-05-14 Thread Peter S Galbraith
I rarely announce software, but this could be useful to DDs.

Whenever I wanted to add tags or something to a bug report, I'd start my
browser to http://www.debian.org/ - Bug Reports - Developers'
information on manipulating bugs by email.  Just to get the syntac

So I wrote debian-bts-control.el, an Emacs interface to build the email
messages.  It knows all the commands and their options with TAB

If you want to try it, install `dpkg-dev-el' from unstable, and do:

 M-x debian-bts-control

Subsequent invocations add a directive to the same email message.

Hope you like it!


Re: Debian MIA check

2003-05-14 Thread Martin Michlmayr
* Graham Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-05-13 21:50]:
 are you all also checking to see if people in the nm queue are still

If they have not been approved by their AM yet, their AM will notice
and put them on hold and eventually reject them.  For those who have
been approved by their AM, they have been pinged at some point more or
less recently.

 also, what about people who have a package uploaded (they are listed
 in Maintainer), but havent started the nm process and dont seem to
 be active?

Yeah, they are currently quite hard to track down.  See
for some comments on this.  Eventually, I'd like to see sponsorship as
a pre-stage to NM so those people would be recorded on nm.debian.org.

Martin Michlmayr

Re: The Debian Mentors Project

2003-05-14 Thread Fabio Massimo Di Nitto


On Tue, 13 May 2003, Rene Engelhard wrote:

 And that looks like it is f*cked. Is this Depends: done manually?
 I do not thing dpkg-shlibdeps did that. Where is libc6?

Actually i was only worried about the licence because i know it can't be
there. We use it at work :-)


Our mission: make IPv6 the default IP protocol
We are on a mission from God - Elwood Blues


Re: The Debian Mentors Project

2003-05-14 Thread Fabio Massimo Di Nitto


On Tue, 13 May 2003, Emile van Bergen wrote:


 On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 10:16:38PM +0200, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:

  I think upload must be moderated somehow. Even the uploader himself claim
  that he is unsure about licence of the product.

 Well, if the packages can only be downloaded by registered DDs, then the
 problem's solved I'd say?

Yes probably it is. Leaving the upload free and let only DDs download is
a solution.


Our mission: make IPv6 the default IP protocol
We are on a mission from God - Elwood Blues


Re: The Debian Mentors Project

2003-05-14 Thread Fabio Massimo Di Nitto


On Tue, 13 May 2003, Christoph Haas wrote:

 Hi, Fabio...

 On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 10:16:38PM +0200, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
  Really nice job but the first side effect is already there:
  Package: icaclient

 Thanks for the hint. That was a test package I was uploading to stress
 test the dupload process on the server. It wasn't really meant to stay
 there. :)

ehhe well i had no way to know :-)

  I think upload must be moderated somehow.

 Let's see. I hope that the users are not misusing our server to upload
 pornography or warez. In fact we are checking the uploads in regular
 intervals and will kick those users and their packages out. A completely
 moderated dupload process will IMHO slow the whole process down.

Then i think that the suggestion made in another post to somehow limit the
download would be enough. In this way there will be noway to redistribute
illegal stuff around and people will not be tempted to do so from the


Our mission: make IPv6 the default IP protocol
We are on a mission from God - Elwood Blues


Re: Returning from vacation. (MIA?)

2003-05-14 Thread Clay Crouch

I hate to start off my return to the Project this way, but I just can't let
this one go unanswered. :^(

On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 10:48:45PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 07:05:38PM -0500, Clay Crouch wrote:
  And please don't be offended by the .sig.
 That .sig is problematic beyond just its content; it is 12 lines long and
 adds almost 1kb to each of your messages (probably longer than the contents
 of many messages).  Refer to RFC 1855 or any other netiquette document for
 further information.

Hmmm An ettiquette lesson before a welcome back and a work assignemnt,
just because you find my anti-spam measures draconian and my filter bypass
info in my sig to be annoying.

Charming, to be sure

Pleased to meet you


And yes I am fully aware of nettiquette and it's dim view on long
sigs. I had planned to trim out the text that caused you so much angst
after a few transmissions, once anyone here who might give a damn had
actually seen it.

I drop that tagline into any new places I venture about 5 times before
I trim it, as a standard practice. Since I've been gone a while, d-d
sort of qualifies as new for the purpose, don't ya think?

  Procmail is a godsend, dealing with anywhere between 25 to 100 spams a day
  on three of my email addresses. I will see anything on debian-devel and on
  debian-private, but if anyone sends me private mail, please follow the
  directions below
 This approach tends to cause a lot of headaches for people who legitimately
 want to contact you; I do not recommend it.  Try bogofilter, spamassassin
 and the like instead.  I receive over 100 spam emails per day, and less than
 5% make it past bogofilter, with zero false positives so far.

Rest assured, I made my choice of anti-spam tactics while being fully
informed about several other filtering options. I couldn't possibly
care less what you do or do not recommend for spam filtration techniques.

Five percent failure, eh? Try zero percent, with zero false positives.

And the headaches for legitimate communications are almost all mine,
since I make the choices and adjust ~/.procmailrc accordingly.



Can the QA team use an additional 5-20 hours a week of volunteer help
from an already-registered Developer? Could the Project use another
Alpha autobuilder? If not

/ Clay Crouch  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \
| PGP 94781680: 020E 793B 455D 9737 5956 1A3B 0AE8 807A 9478 1680   |
| GPG 7D2AD631: 2319 2356 FEDF 4631 63F3 762A E443 1C2A 7D2A D631   |
| I loathe spam. Therefore, I have procmail set up to send mail to  |
| /dev/null by default, unless your address matches a rule. To send |
| me mail, put PASSTHRU-UNFILTERED in the subject line to dodge   |
| the one-way trip to /dev/null. I will add your address to my  |
| filter, so you only have to do this once per address. :^) |

Re: Returning from vacation. (MIA?)

2003-05-14 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 11:27:31PM -0500, Clay Crouch wrote:

 I hate to start off my return to the Project this way, but I just can't let
 this one go unanswered. :^(

Perhaps not, but you could have answered more civilly.  A triumphant return,

But, if we must...

 On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 10:48:45PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
  On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 07:05:38PM -0500, Clay Crouch wrote:
   And please don't be offended by the .sig.
  That .sig is problematic beyond just its content; it is 12 lines long and
  adds almost 1kb to each of your messages (probably longer than the contents
  of many messages).  Refer to RFC 1855 or any other netiquette document for
  further information.
 Hmmm An ettiquette lesson before a welcome back and a work assignemnt,
 just because you find my anti-spam measures draconian and my filter bypass
 info in my sig to be annoying.

It is a gross disservice to your fellow developers who need to contact you
in order to do useful work.  Do you expect everyone who might ever need to
contact you to read debian-devel and find out about this ridiculous practice
of yours?  Or do you send one of those obnoxious autoreplies asking people
to confirm their messages to you?

 Rest assured, I made my choice of anti-spam tactics while being fully
 informed about several other filtering options. I couldn't possibly care
 less what you do or do not recommend for spam filtration techniques.

It is reassuring to know that I will not be suffering any disadvantage from
being unable to experience the enjoyable and productive experience of
exchanging email with you.  Clearly your filter is not the only problem in
getting through to you.

 Five percent failure, eh? Try zero percent, with zero false positives.

Zero percent?  That would imply that you never get any spam via
debian-devel, since you said that you do not apply your filter to those



Not to mention the legitimate mail that you lose because people are not
interested in jumping through hoops for the pleasure of contacting you.

 Can the QA team use an additional 5-20 hours a week of volunteer help
 from an already-registered Developer?

I'm afraid they can't hear you.  They have their anti-spam filters on, and
you forgot to include the magic passphrase in the subject of your message.
This week, it's woozle-wuzzle.

 - mdz

Re: Do not touch l10n files (was Re: DDTP issue)

2003-05-14 Thread Denis Barbier
On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 10:36:53PM +0200, Bill Allombert wrote:
 On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 10:04:43PM +0200, Denis Barbier wrote:
  On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 05:56:08PM +0200, Bill Allombert wrote:
   Do we have such standard document for the original english description ?
   No, and there is no dedicated team to review them.
 There have been no email send to this list from November 2002 to
 February 2003. Can we call that a team ?  

This list is stalled when no input is sent, but this is certainly not
the fault of those who are kindly reviewing English prose.

   Telling them 'you do not speak french, so don't try to understand' is
   not acceptable.
  Sure it is.  If they believe that the translator is wrong, they can
  ask a trusted person of their own to review the translation.
 I have done that several time myself. The result was several time that
 the ddtp translation were sheer nonsense. I am sorry. So I have used
 my veto right to uploaded meaningful translation.  Trust is not given
 for free, one need to deserve it.

I guess that you did it for French translations.  Do you imagine
sending such a message to a Japanese translator:
  My description has a comma separated list but your translation
  does not contain any comma.  Moreover there is no space between
  words which makes your text look ugly.  For these reasons I will
  apply my veto right.

Here is what I am talking about: some developers alter translations
for languages they do not understand, which is silly.  If you are not
fluent in a given language, do not try to fix translations, it is
likely that you will make them worse.

 For example removing trailing dot of the short description from the
 french translation is wrong if the english version has it. The dot must
 first be removed from the english version and then from the translation.
 So notify the maintainer and wait until he upload a fixed version.

Right, but this is not what is discussed here.  English description is not
wrong, so the translator had no reason to send a bugreport.

 As far as my experience is concerned, people allows themselves to
 translate description of packages they do not understand in english
 instead of giving up  and produce nonsense as translation. This is
 that I would like the reviewers to focus on, not on typographical details.

I agree this is a problem, but I do not know how to prevent these people
from translating.  Telling reviewers to relax grammar rules does not help.
OTOH some French maintainers are unable to write plain French but
translate their material, this is also a problem.


Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Matt Zimmerman
Please get this OFF of debian-private and onto -devel.  Quote me 

On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 11:23:52AM +0300, Chris Leishman wrote:
Security should be important in the testing distribution.
[etc. etc. etc.]
If you want to see security updates for 'testing', then start preparing
security updates for 'testing'.  It does not help to describe in detail 
you hope that someone else will do.  The best (and often only) way for 
to promote your agenda is to start doing the work.

1) People don't run testing, and hence we lose a large portion of
our testing process
2) There is more incentive to move to another distribution entirely
Market share arguments don't tend to carry much weight in Debian.
Developers in general don't stand to lose anything at all if Debian has
fewer users.
- If a security vulnerability is found in a 'testing' package, then an
announcement is made (perhaps a testing-security-announce list?)
- The package it is immediately withdrawn from the testing 
- If no fixed package is available, an empty 'placeholder' package is
installed into testing along with a debconf message to inform the user
that the package will be removed for security reasons.  The message
should also indicate what the problem is, and what actions are required
to get a new version into testing.  As an alternative, a downgraded
version could be provided
If you do not accept the arguments against this, then start doing it, 
see whether it is worthwhile.

I think this process would provide the following advantages:
- It would remove the security risk for _all_ testing users
Perhaps, but there are far easier ways for users to eliminate this risk,
such as running stable, or upgrading problematic packages to the 

If unstable has a fix for the bug, then it is a waste of time to work on
testing because users can just upgrade.  If unstable does not have a 
fix for
the bug, then it is still a waste of time because unstable needs to be 
anyway, and that package will replace the one in testing once it has
survived in unstable.

- It would provide strong incentive for people to help out in fixing RC
bugs or patching packages in order to get the missing package back into
If the package is not fixed by release time, it will be removed anyway. 
is the maintainer's responsibility to work toward having the most 
versions of his packages in 'testing'.

 - mdz
Please respect the privacy of this mailing list.
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security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Chris Leishman
My 2c worth
Security should be important in the testing distribution.  I think it's 
fine to say that testing is not guaranteed to be stable, that bugs in 
packages may very well be present and that you shouldn't run testing if 
your not willing to accept that risk.  I think it's another thing 
entirely to say that there may be known security problems in testing 
that we're not going to fix in a timely fashion.

Here's my rationale:
People want to run testing, but aren't willing to accept a overwhelming 
security risk.  They run testing to not only get the latest packages, 
but also to contribute to debian by reporting bugs and _testing_ the 
new distribution.  These people form a pretty significant part of 
debians testing process.

Whilst I think these people are more than happy to put up with weird 
packaging bugs and broken software, if we indicate that running testing 
will almost certainly expose you to security vulnerabilities I believe 
these people are going to be a lot less likely to want to run the 
testing distribution.  Which will result in 2 things:

	1) People don't run testing, and hence we lose a large portion of our 
testing process
	2) There is more incentive to move to another distribution entirely

With this in mind, I think we MUST avoid making this statement of 
insecurity and do our best to avoid this situation.

As a proposal to remedy this, I think the following actions would be 
appropriate (although I'm sure others may propose even better schemes):

- If a security vulnerability is found in a 'testing' package, then an 
announcement is made (perhaps a testing-security-announce list?)
- The package it is immediately withdrawn from the testing distribution.
- If no fixed package is available, an empty 'placeholder' package is 
installed into testing along with a debconf message to inform the user 
that the package will be removed for security reasons.  The message 
should also indicate what the problem is, and what actions are required 
to get a new version into testing.  As an alternative, a downgraded 
version could be provided

I think this process would provide the following advantages:
- It would remove the security risk for _all_ testing users
- It would provide strong incentive for people to help out in fixing RC 
bugs or patching packages in order to get the missing package back into 

Obviously there needs to be some more thought put into exactly how the 
withdrawal/replacement of packages occurs, and I think others out there 
will have a better idea of how that could work than I.

Chris Leishman

Description: Binary data

Re: Do not touch l10n files (was Re: DDTP issue)

2003-05-14 Thread Paul Hampson
On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 05:56:08PM +0200, Bill Allombert wrote:
 I am french and I don't regard the 'Imprimerie Nationale' rules as binding.
 We are still a free country.
 Do we have such standard document for the original english description ?
 No, and there is no dedicated team to review them.

This is not for lack of trying... People keep trying to tie
down the English language with an institution similar to
the one French has (the name of which I can't remember) but
it never sticks. Certain endeavours have English-language
manuals (Journalism, government writing come to mind) but,
as I understand it, there's no authority on English beyond
the Oxford, Webster's and Macquarie (and others I don't know)
Dictionaries for UK, US and Australian English.

On the other hand, what we want in Debian (I presume) is
standard {langauge} which is usually fairly easy to agree
upon. It's the most formal subset spoken by the most people,
I suspect. So in French I understand it's the form dictated
by the language institute in Paris who's name I have not
remembered since I started this email. In English I guess
you'd take the Harvard Dictionary of Style combined with
an appropriate dictionary? In Japanese it would be standard
Japanese (that was easy!) which is pretty much polite
Tokyo-speak, thanks to the agressive attempts of previous
Japanese governments to stamp out all other dialects. ;-)

I daresay the style choice for a given language should be
made by the people on the debian-l10n-{language} mailing
list. And the adhered to by writings in that language...
Presumably a webpage listing such documents would be a
good idea.

As a native English and poor Japanese speaker, this
discussion can only really be of academic interest to me
since Japanese's computer-typographical formatting seems
to have been massively influenced by US English, and so
doesn't present any interesting cases (off the top of my
head) to parallel a marked difference in writing quality
between comma-seperated lists and semicolon/newline
seperated lists apparent in French but not in English.

I think in English semicolons and commas also seperate
different things, but I'd have to go back and reread the
apache description before I can comment on which is correct
in English here.

Paul TBBle Hampson, MCSE
6th year CompSci/Asian Studies student, ANU
The Boss, Bubblesworth Pty Ltd (ABN: 51 095 284 361)

Of course Pacman didn't influence us as kids. If it did,
we'd be running around in darkened rooms, popping pills and
listening to repetitive music.
 -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

This email is licensed to the recipient for non-commercial
use, duplication and distribution.

Description: PGP signature

[OT] Storms (Re: Do not touch l10n files (was Re: DDTP issue))

2003-05-14 Thread Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 08:05:29PM +0100, Mark Brown wrote:
 On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 01:27:45PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
  We have a similar expression in (American) English.  It's a tempest in
  a teapot.
 Storm in a teacup for British English.

Tormenta en un vaso de agua in Spanish. So it seems that french and 
spanish drink more water than tea.


Description: PGP signature

Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Chris Leishman
On Tuesday, May 13, 2003, at 05:20 PM, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
Please get this OFF of debian-private and onto -devel.  Quote me 
Redirected thread to debian-devel.
If you want to see security updates for 'testing', then start preparing
security updates for 'testing'.  It does not help to describe in 
detail what
you hope that someone else will do.  The best (and often only) way for 
to promote your agenda is to start doing the work.
Actually - I didn't suggest this.  I suggested there should be some 
consensus on what to do about security problems in testing - my main 
suggestion is that packages should be simply removed and the user 
notified of what actions they can do to get it back (such as upgrading 
to an unstable version, downgrading to a stable version, or fixing the 

1) People don't run testing, and hence we lose a large portion of
our testing process
2) There is more incentive to move to another distribution entirely
Market share arguments don't tend to carry much weight in Debian.
Developers in general don't stand to lose anything at all if Debian has
fewer users.
The important point was the first one.  The 2nd one was just another 
effect of not doing anything about the issue which some people might 
care about.

- If a security vulnerability is found in a 'testing' package, then an
announcement is made (perhaps a testing-security-announce list?)
- The package it is immediately withdrawn from the testing 
- If no fixed package is available, an empty 'placeholder' package is
installed into testing along with a debconf message to inform the user
that the package will be removed for security reasons.  The message
should also indicate what the problem is, and what actions are 
to get a new version into testing.  As an alternative, a downgraded
version could be provided
If you do not accept the arguments against this, then start doing it, 
see whether it is worthwhile.
I can't just start doing it.  For one this is the sort of issue that 
needs a bit of consensus and input from the people actually in charge 
of the process.  It's not like just submitting a patch or uploading a 
new package.  I also clearly stated it's just an example of what could 
be done, but I think there may be better ways...

Another example might be to just replace the package with another 
version that has a very, very loud debconf warning that it has known 
security problems and asking if the user really wants to install it.

It's more of a policy issue first.  Once thats worked out, then we can 
worry about the how.

I think this process would provide the following advantages:
- It would remove the security risk for _all_ testing users
Perhaps, but there are far easier ways for users to eliminate this 
such as running stable, or upgrading problematic packages to the 
Yes, there are.  But all of these loose one of the main reasons I feel 
we even have a testing distribution - to have people testing it.

If unstable has a fix for the bug, then it is a waste of time to work 
testing because users can just upgrade.  If unstable does not have a 
fix for
the bug, then it is still a waste of time because unstable needs to be 
anyway, and that package will replace the one in testing once it has
survived in unstable.
I don't disagree.  Thats why I didn't suggest a policy of creating 
patched versions for testing.  Instead, simply remove and inform the 
user that it's a problem.

- It would provide strong incentive for people to help out in fixing 
bugs or patching packages in order to get the missing package back 
If the package is not fixed by release time, it will be removed 
anyway.  It
is the maintainer's responsibility to work toward having the most 
versions of his packages in 'testing'.
Again I agree.  All I think is that removal of security issues should 
be done before it even gets into testing.  My suggested policy was that 
nothing with a security bug should go into testing - and anything with 
a security bug should be removed via an empty upgrade (and the user 
informed).  Of course there's may be other ways that have the same 
basic effect.

The maintainer can then work towards getting their package back into 

*shrug*  I'm just trying to open a bit of reasonable discussion.  I'll 
summarize so that people replying have less to quote:

- I believe that people who are willing to run the testing distribution 
are happy to assume the risk of problematic packages and broken 
packaging - and are in usually happy to contribute bug reports where 
- I also believe that the majority of these people are NOT willing to 
accept this risk when it comes to known security issues.  They're happy 
to deal with packages not working right, or the inability to install 
something for various reasons, but they're not willing to have their 
box compromised.
- I think there should be 

Re: Do not touch l10n files (was Re: DDTP issue)

2003-05-14 Thread Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 12:25:24PM +0200, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
  The translation team. Any other scheme is flawed and tends to problems
  (people doing the same work will collide, it has happened in the past with
  translations and will happen in the future if the maintainer, and not the
  translation teams ,is still the one merging changes)
 The translation team will not get anything from BTS anyway... so i don't
 see how this can work. the DD will be always the interface in this case.
 user - BTS - DD - translation team

That's why might need a 'translation' tag so that translation teams can 
subscribe to the PTS for packages they translate and receive the 
'translation' bugs directly.

Currently, however, the DD does not always have to be the interface, that's 
what the PTS is for.
user - BTS - DD
.- translation team

But having a 'translation' tag makes it easier to handle.

   That's why i was asking information to grisu in the beginning for which is
   the proper procedure. Only a nice flamewar was born out of it.
  Grisu is _not_ the translation team coordinator for French. Denis is.
  Grisu manages the DDTP but that does not mean he gets a decision on how a
  translation should be made.
 I did ask for a procedure. not to solve the problem from us. There is a

Then you should have asked in debian-i18n, not to the translation team. In
my opinion things that happened (like people starting to talk in french and
not Cc'ing you) were related to using the translation team address and not
the -i18n one.

 If this was the only point in the entire discussion, sure i can leave it
 out and we can stop discussing here.

It's not the only point, but, as the thread at -l10n-french (and the one at 
-devel) show you think it's a layout issue whileas the french team thinks 
it's a typographical issue.



PS: My (english) typos are not premeditated, I just type too fast and don't 
red over what I send when time/work is pressing...

Description: PGP signature

Re: Returning from vacation. (MIA?)

2003-05-14 Thread Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 01:11:45AM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 11:27:31PM -0500, Clay Crouch wrote:
  Can the QA team use an additional 5-20 hours a week of volunteer help
  from an already-registered Developer?
 I'm afraid they can't hear you.  They have their anti-spam filters on, and
 you forgot to include the magic passphrase in the subject of your message.
 This week, it's woozle-wuzzle.

Great! We can now officially consider you a debian developer. You've been 
hitten with a cluebat! Send the chopters in.

And now for something completely different, friendly


Description: PGP signature

Re: Do not touch l10n files

2003-05-14 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Tue, 13 May 2003 09:12:25 +0200, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña

 Maintainers or developers do not have a say on how translations are
 done except for gettext sintax errors. If you do not like how a
 translation team works, but you do not understand the language,
 tough luck.

If this is a turf war between translators and developers; then
 the person with upload rights shall win. 

As a package developer I hold veto powers over anything
 shipped in my package, since it is my signature that goes with it,
 and I am responsible for all bugs. 

I suggest you tune down the confrontational tone.

Kill files are an expression of resentment by the unmemorable or
untalented against the memorable and talented.  Your appearance in
kill files merely marks the fact that you have more than once tried to
make people think, when they really would rather not.  It is an
honor. Tim Maroney, who is in at least a few...
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: Returning from vacation. (MIA?)

2003-05-14 Thread Peter Makholm
Clay Crouch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 10:48:45PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

 That .sig is problematic beyond just its content; it is 12 lines long and
 adds almost 1kb to each of your messages (probably longer than the contents
 of many messages).

 Pleased to meet you


Nice entrance.

Let me predict the future. Within a month you have kill-filled anyone
in the project who matters more than just maintaining a few
packages. And most of us has has given up on you.

 Peter Makholm |According to the hacker ethic, the meaning of life
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |is not Friday, but it is not Sunday either
 http://hacking.dk |  -- Peeka Himanen

Re: Do not touch l10n files

2003-05-14 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Tue, 13 May 2003 22:04:43 +0200, Denis Barbier [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 Sure it is.  If they believe that the translator is wrong, they can
 ask a trusted person of their own to review the translation.  It is
 silly that people who do not speak a foreign language can have a
 judgement on what a translation should look like and perform changes
 in localized files (I am not talking about the Apache description
 here) without notifying the translator.

Silly? My, we must have a chip on our choulder. Equally silly
 as non-maintainers having delusions of control over what gets shipped
 with a package?

The tree in which the sap is stagnant remains fruitless. Hosea Ballou
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/
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Re: Do not touch l10n files (was Re: DDTP issue)

2003-05-14 Thread Tollef Fog Heen
*  (Denis Barbier)

| I sent a templates.fr file for cvs in #136340, which has been included
| in 1.11.1p1debian-4.  I do not know if this file was included verbatim,
| but 1.11.1p1debian-8 did not contain any 0xa0 characters (in ISO-8859-1
| encoding) which were replaced by normal spaces.  Now Tollef is telling
| me that those characters should never have been put into templates.fr,
| and removing them was right.

The mail sent to me from the BTS did _not_ include any 0xa0 characters
at all, and according to my .zsh_history, I did not wget the file off
the web, but rather copypasted the template from the mail.  (The mail
has charset: iso8859-1, so copypasting does not give me any charset
issues as warned in the mail).

I was confusing the template with the issue in 142665.

Tollef Fog Heen,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are  : :' :
  `. `' 

Re: Please notify the maintainers when removing packages

2003-05-14 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
* Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-05-07 12:18]:
 On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 09:44:54AM +0200, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
  But they *should* read the bug mail they receive, and I guess that was
 Michaels point. If they don't read their bug mails they don't seem to
 care about their package anyway.
 Yes, sure. But then again, we only have so much free time, and we
 prioritize it differently. It happened for me back then, with the
 active-dvi package. At the time there was a FTBFS bug or something such
 not really all that problematic, and i knew there was going to be a new
 upstream release nextly.

 Well, usually FTBFS bugs _are_ problematic, if people aren't ignorant
about other architectures than their own.

 If i had not noticed it, the package would have been removed without
 any kind of information to the maintainer, and i would maybe not even
 have noticed.

 What makes you think so? I can't follow the reasoning for why you think
that it would have been removed right then.

 We maintainer are recommended to have good comunications channels to our
 upstream, but i suppose that the release manager should have good
 comunication channels to the different maintainers to, which doesn't
 seem to be always the case.

 O.k., I can understand that request and it makes sense. I was just
under the impression that the Release Update mails that the RM sent
are much more informative and important to read than the weekly RC bug

 Also, i understand that they are also MIA maintainers, or semi-MIA ones,
 and that for them it will not make much of a difference, but if we help
 out even one good-intentioned maintainer, it is already a good thing.

 The MIA maintainers are a big problem on their own, unfortunately. We
definitely should get rid of them or at least be able to get some
informations from them to see when they will have time again and suspend
them somehow. But that was discussed already quite intensively...

  If the users may be interested in the package they definitely *should*
 subscribe to d-d-a.  d-d-a does *not* only address the debian developers
 but all the people that are interested in the development of debian in
 general. That is, also those interested in any single package.
 But the bug scan package is not in any readable form. It mostly says the
 same as last week. If some kind of diff where available, it would make
 more sense to read it.

 And again I was not talking about the bug scan mails, I was speaking
about the Release Update mails. I still have the impression that a
REMOVE tag in the bug scan mail doesn't mean much but just an indicator
on how long a RC bug might be open already. I am still not convinced
that packages actually were removed with *only* the REMOVE notification
in the bug scan mail. Noone has showed me yet that this impression is

 About the idea of some kind of diff you got me interested. I might
want to take a look on what can be done on that point. Maybe something
like (EXAMPLE, there are no such bugreports):

Package: t-prot (debian/main)
Maintainer: Gerfried Fuchs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New: [REMOVE], 0815 [ + ]
Changed: 4711 [P  ] (+P)

 If there are no new RC-bugs or no changes the package shouldn't be
listed, if I get you right. I'll take a look on the original script, if
I can find it.

 It is easy to say that everyone should fix bugs, respond quickly to
 mails, and so one, but the people saying it should be held to the same

 I try as good as I can ;)

 Then mail the debian maintainer that you are going to remove their
 package, is that asked too much ?

 Some developers seem to consider every additional mail by default as
spam and object to anything in that respect. But don't get me wrong, I
understand your point here.

 And beside, it is basic courtesy, but then i have long known that some
 of the most important debian people have a tendency to be quite rude
 to other developpers. Did i tell you how i got blacklisted by James
 Troup when i was too eager to find the reasons for build problems he
 told me about in not so clear ways.

 It seems to be a special sort of manners when your higher up,
sometimes. Have been in some infight with one of the uppers, too. It's
just that because one is longer in the project it doesn't mean that s/he
can't be wrong...  (and that is no judgement of your problem with elmo;
I don't know anything about it)

 Well, but if you don't get properly informed in the first place, you may
 not notice, and not everyone can pass hours each day to read all the
 debian information.

 Scanning for ones name in the weekly bugscan mail isn't that time
intensive, so don't overdo it.

 This is wrong, sure the package can get removed if there are RC bugs,
 but when will that be, what release schedule do we have so i can
 schedule my free time so as to fix that most efficiently ?

 So simply don't take the REMOVE in the bugscan mail too serious. From
what I have understood it was never the last word before a package was

Re: can touch(1) readonly files

2003-05-14 Thread Dan Jacobson
I see, if I wanted chmod 444 to stop me from touch(1)ing my files,
then I would have to give up
$ chmod 0 x; ls -l x
-- 1 jidanni  jidanni 0 2003-05-14 07:38 x
listing my files.  Ok, over and out.

Re: Returning from vacation. (MIA?)

2003-05-14 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Tue, 13 May 2003 23:27:31 -0500, Clay Crouch [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 Hmmm An ettiquette lesson before a welcome back and a work
 assignemnt, just because you find my anti-spam measures draconian
 and my filter bypass info in my sig to be annoying.

 Charming, to be sure

 Pleased to meet you


Ah yes. Another of the special little people for whom the
 rules of ettiquette do not apply.

 And yes I am fully aware of nettiquette and it's dim view on
 long sigs. I had planned to trim out the text that caused you so
 much angst after a few transmissions, once anyone here who might
 give a damn had actually seen it.

 I drop that tagline into any new places I venture about 5 times
 before I trim it, as a standard practice. Since I've been gone a
 while, d-d sort of qualifies as new for the purpose, don't ya

Yes, all the aforementioned lusers always have special
 circumstances due to which the rules that apply to other do
 not apply to them, or at least not for this one instance.

You better hope to high heaven that you never need har from me
 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]; for I refuse to jump through silly hoops. 

I am deeply CONCERNED and I want something GOOD for BREAKFAST!
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/
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Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 10:07:16AM +0300, Chris Leishman wrote:
 Actually - I didn't suggest this.  I suggested there should be some 
 consensus on what to do about security problems in testing - my main 
 suggestion is that packages should be simply removed and the user 
 notified of what actions they can do to get it back (such as upgrading 
 to an unstable version, downgrading to a stable version, or fixing the 

This isn't possible in general; when mysql has a security problem
you can't just tell people to (a) not use it, or (b) just run the
unstable/stable version anyway, in spite of whatever reasons they based
their decision to use testing on in the first place.

We already know the right way of dealing with security bugs; we do it for
our stable releases. If you care about security and testing, all you have
to do is the same thing that's being done there. It's really that simple.


Anthony Towns [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

  ``Dear Anthony Towns: [...] Congratulations -- 
you are now certified as a Red Hat Certified Engineer!''

Re: Please notify the maintainers when removing packages

2003-05-14 Thread Sven Luther
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 09:55:36AM +0200, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
 * Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-05-07 12:18]:
  On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 09:44:54AM +0200, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
   But they *should* read the bug mail they receive, and I guess that was
  Michaels point. If they don't read their bug mails they don't seem to
  care about their package anyway.
  Yes, sure. But then again, we only have so much free time, and we
  prioritize it differently. It happened for me back then, with the
  active-dvi package. At the time there was a FTBFS bug or something such
  not really all that problematic, and i knew there was going to be a new
  upstream release nextly.
  Well, usually FTBFS bugs _are_ problematic, if people aren't ignorant
 about other architectures than their own.

Sure, but the solution is often simple.

  If i had not noticed it, the package would have been removed without
  any kind of information to the maintainer, and i would maybe not even
  have noticed.
  What makes you think so? I can't follow the reasoning for why you think
 that it would have been removed right then.

Well, it was prior to one of our freezes/releases, my package was about
to be dropped/removed/whatever, if i had not taken immediate action.

It was a few years ago though, and things may have changed some since
then, but it remains that it is easier to overlook a mail from one of
the mailing lists, even if it is a required read and a simple grep or
whatever is needed, than a mail sent to you personnally.

  We maintainer are recommended to have good comunications channels to our
  upstream, but i suppose that the release manager should have good
  comunication channels to the different maintainers to, which doesn't
  seem to be always the case.
  O.k., I can understand that request and it makes sense. I was just
 under the impression that the Release Update mails that the RM sent
 are much more informative and important to read than the weekly RC bug

Sure, but it cost nothing, or almost so, so why not send a personal mail
to concerned developers ?

  About the idea of some kind of diff you got me interested. I might
 want to take a look on what can be done on that point. Maybe something
 like (EXAMPLE, there are no such bugreports):
 Package: t-prot (debian/main)
 Maintainer: Gerfried Fuchs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 New: [REMOVE], 0815 [ + ]
 Changed: 4711 [P  ] (+P)
  If there are no new RC-bugs or no changes the package shouldn't be
 listed, if I get you right. I'll take a look on the original script, if
 I can find it.

Maybe there could be two sections in the mail, one about changes from
the previous week, and the other the global listing as we do now. Sure
it repeats some of the data, but is it that problematic ? Maybe the
second section could be only for older, not changed problematic
packages, or maybe this could be two separate mails.

  It is easy to say that everyone should fix bugs, respond quickly to
  mails, and so one, but the people saying it should be held to the same
  I try as good as I can ;)
  Then mail the debian maintainer that you are going to remove their
  package, is that asked too much ?
  Some developers seem to consider every additional mail by default as
 spam and object to anything in that respect. But don't get me wrong, I
 understand your point here.

Hah, and one small mail is going to make a difference compared to the
huge amount of spam that we get trough the debian lists and mailing
addresses ? And anyway, i don't hear the people who would receive such
mails objecting, and if they are not doing their work correctly, they
deserve a reminder. I think people are just rejecting this idea on
principle or something such.

  Well, but if you don't get properly informed in the first place, you may
  not notice, and not everyone can pass hours each day to read all the
  debian information.
  Scanning for ones name in the weekly bugscan mail isn't that time
 intensive, so don't overdo it.

If we had  a .procmail rule that would search for ones maintainer address
in the these mails, extract the relevant info and sen it as a separate
mail, then it would make things much easier, without needing to try to
change something on the sending end. 

  This is wrong, sure the package can get removed if there are RC bugs,
  but when will that be, what release schedule do we have so i can
  schedule my free time so as to fix that most efficiently ?
  So simply don't take the REMOVE in the bugscan mail too serious. From
 what I have understood it was never the last word before a package was
 actually removed.

But there is no guarantee of that. I have heard reports lately of
packages that were silently removed, and remember a maintainer wondering
why a package was dropped silently from potato during the release.


Sven Luther

Re: Debian MIA check

2003-05-14 Thread Héctor García Álvarez
El mar, 13 de 05 de 2003 a las 18:11, Joey Hess escribió:
 Tor Slettnes

I am the maintainer for those packages and I'm not MIA for the moment.
Please check your list again.

BTW, if someone wants to help testing latest mindi/mondo please check on 

Héctor García Álvarez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Re: Returning from vacation. (MIA?)

2003-05-14 Thread Matthias Urlichs

Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 Or do you send one of those obnoxious autoreplies asking people to
 confirm their messages to you?

FWIW, if they are only sent in reply to spam status dubious messages, I
wouldn't call them obnoxious.

I agree, though, that an auto-bit-bucket, which doesn't _at_least_ send an
autoreply with the information how to bypass the thing, is rather stupid.

Matthias Urlichs  | {M:U} IT Consulting @ m-u-it.de  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. | http://smurf.noris.de
You Go Yahweh - and I'll go Mine!

Re: Do not touch l10n files (was Re: DDTP issue)

2003-05-14 Thread Martin Quinson
On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 12:57:51PM +0200, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
 On Tue, 13 May 2003, Martin Quinson wrote:
  On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 09:42:16AM +0200, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
   If you really believe that the apache description should be improved than
   you file a bug against apache asking to changing layout, proposing the
   better one so that everyone can be alligned to it.
  If I understand well, you are bored because you think that the layout used
  in french could be good in all languages, but the french translators sort of
  kept it for themselves.
 No, I am not bored. People in some msgs wrote that the french layout is
 better. I am not against the fact that it can be better. Just use the
 right way so that everyone can benefit in a similar way.

But you missed our point saying that we don't want to use it in french
because it looks better, but because we have to. The fact that it looks
better and could be used in the other languages as well is another point,
and nobody in the french team never commented on that.

Again, in french, that's not just esthetical. And we, as french translators,
let you the decision about the esthetic of the thing for the other languages.

 I don't want to prevent you to use your language like i wouldn't like the
 otherw ay around. Is there any way to be closer to the original esthetical

Nop. It must be so in French. The previous translation was an obvious error.

And I'm not the right person to decide if it's better looking in other
languages since I'm only native french speaker.

Your engagement for the quality of your package is really great. Only, I
think that you are not responsible of the translation. I know that there is
a lack in debian framework concerning this point, but it really should be so
('cause maintainer cannot be responsible for translations they do not
understand. How do you handle tranlations in russian, japaneese and

Correcting this lack is a completely other topic, too large to be discussed
here (browse debian-i18n archives if you really care).

As long as this lack isn't corrected, feel free to mark all bugs
concerning the french translation as forwarded to upstream, and forward it
to our mailing list. We will take care of them and help you to correct them.

Bye, Mt.

Learning and doing is the true spirit of free software -- learning without
doing gets you academic sterility, and doing without learning is all too
often the way things are done in proprietary software.
  -- Raph Levien 

Re: Debian MIA check

2003-05-14 Thread Simon Huggins

On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 11:25:49AM +0200, Héctor García Álvarez wrote:
 El mar, 13 de 05 de 2003 a las 18:11, Joey Hess escribió:
  Tor Slettnes
 I am the maintainer for those packages and I'm not MIA for the moment.
 Please check your list again.
 Héctor García Álvarez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm guessing Joey's grep for [EMAIL PROTECTED] wasn't anchored and so
picked up [EMAIL PROTECTED] too.

 _[EMAIL PROTECTED]  -+*+- fou, con et anglais  _
(_)   Ah.  So you're a waffle man! - Talkie Toaster(_)
(_)  (_)

DebConf 3 for New Maintainers

2003-05-14 Thread Joachim Breitner

Hi, I tried this already on debian-mentors, but maybe the right persons are 

I am considering going to DebConf 3. Now Oslo is not really close (I
live in southern germany), and being a High School student, I would have
to argue with my principal whether I may go or not during school time,
so it should be worth the money and effort.

Well enough introduction; my main question is: Would it make sense for
me to attend Debcamp. Maybe my idea about DebCamp is wrong, but it
sounds as if it is just a very large debian hacking session, so one
needs to have something to hack on, and something to hack with. Would I
find a task there, or should I make sure I have one beforehand? Do I
have to bring my own PC?

What are your experiences, and what would you suggest a debian (the
project, not the distro) newbie?


Joachim Breitner 
  e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Homepage: http://www.joachim-breitner.de
  JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C | ICQ#: 74513189
  Geekcode: GCS/IT/S d-- s++:- a--- C++ UL+++ P+++ !E W+++ N-- !W O? M?+ V?
PS++ PE PGP++ t? 5? X- R+ tv- b++ DI+ D+ G e+* h! z?
Bitte senden Sie mir keine Word- oder PowerPoint-Anhänge.
Siehe http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.de.html

Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Chris Leishman
On Wednesday, May 14, 2003, at 11:22 AM, Anthony Towns wrote:
This isn't possible in general; when mysql has a security problem
you can't just tell people to (a) not use it, or (b) just run the
unstable/stable version anyway, in spite of whatever reasons they based
their decision to use testing on in the first place.
I'm not sure I see why not.  It is testing after all - packages are not 
required to be functional and people running testing are happy to deal 
with that situation.  And I think its much better than having mysql 
installed with a security problem and not knowing about it.

We already know the right way of dealing with security bugs; we do it 
our stable releases. If you care about security and testing, all you 
to do is the same thing that's being done there. It's really that 
I care about security in testing, and I believe others do too.  But I 
don't think the process should be the same as with stable releases.  
Testing should not become another psudo stable distributionit's for 
testing.  So I don't think security management needs to be anywhere 
near as comprehensive.

*shrug* But maybe I'm wrong and it's just me who likes to run testing 
(to help out with 'testing' the distribution) but doesn't really like 
the idea of having to deal with known remote security problems.  Maybe 
nobody else cares and I should just shut up ;-)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Gnome2, libgtk2 gtk2 apps like gaim / mozilla

2003-05-14 Thread Sander Smeenk

Since I while I am forced to shut down my Linux workstation when I leave
my workplace. And since then I noticed that every time I boot again, and
start my X, and open my apps like Gaim and Mozilla, the font used is
HUGE (Helvetica, 12px, or something), while I have set the font to be
Verdana, 9px using gnome-control-center's font-setting dialog.

Changing fontsettings there affects libgtk2-using applications like gaim

Now, each time I boot and start X, I have to start gnome-control-center
atleast once to have my fonts at my own preferred size. The moment I
doubleclick the 'AaBb'-Font option and the window pops up, my fonts get
set to Verdana, 9px like I want them to be. So, gnome/libgtk2 has stored
it somewhere, it just needs to be activated.

I don't use Gnome2 as a desktop manager, eg. I don't have panels
running, I only use gaim, which links against libgtk2. So the problem is
where gaim (and other libgtk2 using apps) don't start some component
that gnome-control-center does start to load my own preferences.

This is a bug, in my humble opinion. But I am not sure where to report
it. Gaim? Mozilla? One of the hundreth gnome packages? :)
I could use some advise here.

Someone on IRC (IRCName: Tomas Gren, Nick: Stric on #debian-devel) told
me it has to do with the X-servers XSETTINGS extension and pointed me to
a site[1] where I found a tool to 'play around' with this extension. And
indeed, when I run the 'xsettings-client' tool directly after starting
X, there are no settings at all. Then when I start gnome-control-center
and open the fonts dialog, the settings appear and have the correct

So, could anyone please help me decide where to report this, and maybe
solve this? I'm not that good at libgtk2 and the X server :|

I don't think it should be necessary to run the complete gnome2 suite to
have my fonts at my own preference ;)


| Waarom worden mensen meteen geloofd als ze zeggen dat er aan de hemel 
| 400 biljoen sterren zijn, maar als je ze vertelt dat de deurpost pas
| geverfd is moeten ze voelen!
| 1024D/08CEC94D - 34B3 3314 B146 E13C 70C8  9BDB D463 7E41 08CE C94D

Re: Please notify the maintainers when removing packages

2003-05-14 Thread Matthias Urlichs
Hi, Richard Braakman wrote:

 On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 11:15:44PM +0200, Matthias Urlichs wrote:
 They will complain about Debian, not about their package's maintainer,
 when they upgrade to Sarge and the program they've been using is
 irretrievably auto-deinstalled.  :-(
 Does this happen a lot?  Both apt and dselect are very polite about not
 removing my packages.  What tool do you use?
The update to sarge will remove a whole lot of pachages because newer,
differently-named packages replace them. Examples: coreutils. All C++
libraries. A whole lot of differently-packaged stuff from KDE2.2.

The fact that one of the programs which you use daily, but have
almost-forgotten the .deb name of, is among the lot of them may well get
lost. After all, apt-get doesn't distinguish, if packages are removed
because of missing dependencies, between those which have been Replaces:'d
and those that haven't.

Matthias Urlichs  | {M:U} IT Consulting @ m-u-it.de  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. | http://smurf.noris.de
There is nothing stranger in a strange land than the stranger who comes
to visit.

Re: Do not touch l10n files (was Re: DDTP issue)

2003-05-14 Thread Bill Allombert
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 08:40:17AM +0200, Denis Barbier wrote:
Telling them 'you do not speak french, so don't try to understand' is
not acceptable.
   Sure it is.  If they believe that the translator is wrong, they can
   ask a trusted person of their own to review the translation.
  I have done that several time myself. The result was several time that
  the ddtp translation were sheer nonsense. I am sorry. So I have used
  my veto right to uploaded meaningful translation.  Trust is not given
  for free, one need to deserve it.
 I guess that you did it for French translations.  Do you imagine

You guess wrong. I meant I have asked a trusted person (who was a
developer of the upstream project and was a native speaker) about the
translation. He tell me the translation was nonsense and provided me
with a correct one and was reviewed by other upstream developers.


Imagine a large red swirl here. 

Re: Gnome2, libgtk2 gtk2 apps like gaim / mozilla

2003-05-14 Thread Ross Burton
On Wed, 2003-05-14 at 12:22, Sander Smeenk wrote:
 Since I while I am forced to shut down my Linux workstation when I leave
 my workplace. And since then I noticed that every time I boot again, and
 start my X, and open my apps like Gaim and Mozilla, the font used is
 HUGE (Helvetica, 12px, or something), while I have set the font to be
 Verdana, 9px using gnome-control-center's font-setting dialog.


If you don't want to start GNOME via gnome-session (you can remove the
panel from the session if you wish) you must run gnome-settings-daemon
in your startup to populate the XSETTINGS database.

Ross Burton mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 www: http://www.burtonini.com./
 PGP Fingerprint: 1A21 F5B0 D8D0 CFE3 81D4 E25A 2D09 E447 D0B4 33DF

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Bug marked as done messages to-be-MIMEified?

2003-05-14 Thread Matthias Urlichs
I hate inline mail forwarding. It loses information, breaks programs
(inline-quoted mails typically get From: replaced by From: at some
step), and makes things like signature checking needlessly complicated.

debbugs forwards some emails as inline attachments, notably the bug
has been marked 'done' confirmation. I think that's wrong.

Unless there's a strong preference to keep things the way they are, I'd
like to prepare a patch to change that -- so speak up now.

Matthias Urlichs  | {M:U} IT Consulting @ m-u-it.de  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. | http://smurf.noris.de
Step by step walk the thousand-mile road.
-- Musashi, Book of Five Rings

Re: Gnome2, libgtk2 gtk2 apps like gaim / mozilla

2003-05-14 Thread Sander Smeenk
Quoting Ross Burton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

  Since I while I am forced to shut down my Linux workstation when I leave
  my workplace.

 If you don't want to start GNOME via gnome-session (you can remove the
 panel from the session if you wish) you must run gnome-settings-daemon
 in your startup to populate the XSETTINGS database.

Ok, that sounds logic. Is this documented somewhere? I mean, there must
be more users who are likely to run into this problem?

(btw, I received your reply *before* my own message returned from the ml! :))

Kind regards,

| If space is a vacuum, who changes the bags?
| 1024D/08CEC94D - 34B3 3314 B146 E13C 70C8  9BDB D463 7E41 08CE C94D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Gnome2, libgtk2 gtk2 apps like gaim / mozilla

2003-05-14 Thread Mateusz Papiernik
 I don't use Gnome2 as a desktop manager, eg. I don't have panels
 running, I only use gaim, which links against libgtk2. So the problem
 is where gaim (and other libgtk2 using apps) don't start some
 component that gnome-control-center does start to load my own

Just set it in ~/.gtkrc-2.0 .

ycie byoby o wiele atwiejsze do zrozumienia, gdyby matka natura daa
nam kod rdowy.

Re: Debian MIA check

2003-05-14 Thread Josip Rodin
On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 11:51:53AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
  If you know how to reach any of the people listed in [1] and [2] below,
  please feel free to contact them and get them to reply to
 Is there a mnemonic for that?  I.e., does wat stand for something?

wherefore art thou (see the source for emilie in dak CVS).

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Kalle Kivimaa
Chris Leishman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I care about security in testing, and I believe others do too.  But I
 don't think the process should be the same as with stable releases.
 Testing should not become another psudo stable distributionit's
 for testing.  So I don't think security management needs to be
 anywhere near as comprehensive.

Why not? Testing would be my personal choice for running a desktop (or
laptop) Linux, were I not otherwise involved with Debian development.
The only bad thing is the non-existent security (I could live with
occasional critical bug but the level of critical bugs in unstable is
too much to bear for most users). There are, however, some pre-plans
afoot regarding that (more or less running the same process as with
stable, of course with different people responsible).

* Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife. *
* (Groucho Marx)  *
*   PGP public key available @ http://www.iki.fi/killer   *

Re: DebConf 3 for New Maintainers

2003-05-14 Thread Andreas Tille
On 14 May 2003, Joachim Breitner wrote:

 Hi, I tried this already on debian-mentors, but maybe the right persons are
The best list for this kind of discussion is probably debian-events-eu.

 I am considering going to DebConf 3. Now Oslo is not really close (I
 live in southern germany), and being a High School student, I would have
 to argue with my principal whether I may go or not during school time,
 so it should be worth the money and effort.
I doubt that you will get any better education than at Debcamp.  By the
way what kind of school is it which has no holidays at this time?

 Well enough introduction; my main question is: Would it make sense for
 me to attend Debcamp. Maybe my idea about DebCamp is wrong, but it
 sounds as if it is just a very large debian hacking session, so one
If I guess from the first Debian conference in Bordeaux than a large
Debian hacking session might be the right word.  At


you can find some images / impressions by James Bromberger and links to
other peoples photo collections.  A good feeling about such sessions might
give for instance


and others. (By chance you can find our current DPL in the blue T-Shirt on
this image.)  If you ask me it was one of my most productive times to work
for Debian.

 needs to have something to hack on, and something to hack with. Would I
 find a task there, or should I make sure I have one beforehand?
The main task I addressed there was fixing RC bugs.  We made a list at the
white board where people announced to work on a package.  (I remember that
I was browsing the packages in reverse alphabetical order.)  If you look at
the current list of RC bugs it is more work than you could manage in this
time and this situation will hardly be changing drastically until July.

The fun thing is that you have lots of competent people to get help solving
bugs and ironing out new bugs you might notice while working on these packages.
As I said in the beginning: No better education is possible.

 Do I have to bring my own PC?
I would recommend this.  When I was in Bordeaux in 2000 without my own Laptop
it was much less fun. :-(  The educational effect decreases drastically!

 What are your experiences, and what would you suggest a debian (the
 project, not the distro) newbie?
If you know the distro you know the unsolved problems.  If you have trouble
finding problems which might be solved I would volunteer to compile a
list. ;-))

Kind regards


Re: Returning from vacation. (MIA?)

2003-05-14 Thread Josip Rodin
On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 11:27:31PM -0500, Clay Crouch wrote:



 Can the QA team use an additional 5-20 hours a week of volunteer help
 from an already-registered Developer? Could the Project use another
 Alpha autobuilder? If not

The Project always needs more help, but it sure as hell doesn't need more
fucked up attitude.

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: Gnome2, libgtk2 gtk2 apps like gaim / mozilla

2003-05-14 Thread Mike Hommey
On Wednesday 14 May 2003 13:22, Sander Smeenk wrote:

 Since I while I am forced to shut down my Linux workstation when I leave
 my workplace. And since then I noticed that every time I boot again, and
 start my X, and open my apps like Gaim and Mozilla, the font used is
 HUGE (Helvetica, 12px, or something), while I have set the font to be
 Verdana, 9px using gnome-control-center's font-setting dialog.

 Changing fontsettings there affects libgtk2-using applications like gaim

Mozilla is an exception. To change font, you need to edit 

* {
font-size: 10pt !important;
font-family: FreeSans;
to this file will make Mozilla use FreeSans 10pt font.

This will go a long way towards the war on terror. Terrorists won't be able
to install and use unauthorized OS's. This could potentially save thousands
of lives. -- a slashdotter about Trusted Computing

Re: Gnome2, libgtk2 gtk2 apps like gaim / mozilla

2003-05-14 Thread Ross Burton
On Wed, 2003-05-14 at 12:52, Sander Smeenk wrote:
  If you don't want to start GNOME via gnome-session (you can remove the
  panel from the session if you wish) you must run gnome-settings-daemon
  in your startup to populate the XSETTINGS database.
 Ok, that sounds logic. Is this documented somewhere? I mean, there must
 be more users who are likely to run into this problem?

Not sure, probably somewhere.  It might be in the GNOME Admin Guide.

Most people who use just GTK+ apps won't use the GNOME stuff to set the
prefs, but edit the traditional ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file by hand.  You are
weird by using the GNOME control center to configure GTK, but not
running it (gnome-settings-daemon) at startup via gnome-session.

Ross Burton mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 www: http://www.burtonini.com./
 PGP Fingerprint: 1A21 F5B0 D8D0 CFE3 81D4 E25A 2D09 E447 D0B4 33DF

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Michael Stone
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 10:07:16AM +0300, Chris Leishman wrote:
Yes, there are.  But all of these loose one of the main reasons I feel 
we even have a testing distribution - to have people testing it.
You are falling into the trap of overselling testing. Having people test
testing at this point in the development cycle is useless, because the
real activity is in unstable. You're trying to make testing something it
isn't, then trying to reshape policy to meet your idea of what testing
should be. You're hardly the first to do that, but it's no more correct
this time. I strongly recommend that *nobody* run testing as a everyday
system, because it just isn't a good choice for that. All the complaints
we see every couple of weeks about testing would be swept away if people
followed this advice and simply didn't use testing.
Mike Stone

Re: Do not touch l10n files (was Re: DDTP issue)

2003-05-14 Thread Theodore Ts'o
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 12:07:29PM +0200, Martin Quinson wrote:

 Your engagement for the quality of your package is really great. Only, I
 think that you are not responsible of the translation. I know that there is
 a lack in debian framework concerning this point, but it really should be so
 ('cause maintainer cannot be responsible for translations they do not
 understand. How do you handle tranlations in russian, japaneese and

This is a fundamental question for which there definitely isn't
consensus, and it is a fundamental polity (governance) issue.

One is that the linguistic teams have full and ultimate responsibility
over the translations, and there is no recourse or appeal if the
maintainer doesn't like what they have done.   

Another position is that the maintainer is ultimately responsible; he
or she may delegate responsibility to helpers, just as the Debian
Leader may delegate certain responsibilities to subordinates.
However, it is clear that the maintainer or the Debian Leader is
ultimately responsible, even if the wise maintainer and/or Debian
Leader may not choose to exercise his or her perogatives very often.

This point is a subtle one.  I will point out that in a corporate
setting, it's quite normal for the employer's manager and or his
manager's manager will not fully understand all of the work that that
the employee does.  Yet they are still responsible for the work of the
employee, and if they don't like it, they can tell the employee to do
things a different way, or in the extreme case, they can fire him.

Obviously, if the manager doesn't completely understand what the
employee is doing, there will be a certain negotiation, and a certain
back and forth over goals and directions and what is and isn't
technically possible, etc.  Hopefully, said negotiations will be done
in a mutally respectful and civil manner.  But that doesn't change the
fact that ultimately the manager gets to have the final say.

Which model people subscribe to makes a lot of difference in how they
communicate.  For example, if your manager doesn't like the work that you
do, even if you think his grounds for objecting may not be the best
ones, would you tell him, tough luck?   Probably not

- Ted

P.S.  To the extent that the DDTP gives the package maintainer veto
rights, it seems pretty clear that at least initially the DDTP
believed that the package maintainer was ultimately responsible.
Given comments and the tenor of the tone made by some of the people on
some of the language teams, it's not clear they believe that as
strongly today.

xf86config bug

2003-05-14 Thread Neil McGovern

I can't seem to find the package that xf86config belongs to, but the bug
is as follows:

xf86config writes to /etc/X11/XF86Config, rather than
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4, which is the one being read.

Anyone know where this bug should be reported to?

Many thanks,
16 Channels in mode 4
I disclaim everything I can under English law.
gpg key - http://www.halon.org.uk/pubkey.txt ; wwwkeys.pgp.net 8DEC67C5

Re: DebConf 3 for New Maintainers

2003-05-14 Thread Simon Richter

 I am considering going to DebConf 3. Now Oslo is not really close (I
 live in southern germany), and being a High School student, I would have
 to argue with my principal whether I may go or not during school time,
 so it should be worth the money and effort.

I cannot help you on that one. I suspect that DebConf time will be the
last possible time for examinations, so better check with your teachers.

Other than that, most of us will probably be going to LinuxTag Karlsruhe
before, as the flight from Frankfurt to Oslo is probably the cheapest
way there.


GPG Fingerprint: 040E B5F7 84F1 4FBC CEAD  ADC6 18A0 CC8D 5706 A4B4

Description: PGP signature

Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Steve Kemp
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 03:04:10PM +0300, Kalle Kivimaa wrote:

 Why not? Testing would be my personal choice for running a desktop (or
 laptop) Linux, were I not otherwise involved with Debian development.
 The only bad thing is the non-existent security (I could live with
 occasional critical bug but the level of critical bugs in unstable is
 too much to bear for most users). There are, however, some pre-plans
 afoot regarding that (more or less running the same process as with
 stable, of course with different people responsible).

  What kind of pre-planning is taking place?  The idea of security
 updates for testing?

  Every time this appears to have been raised it's usually shot down
 very quickly; unless I've missed something.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug marked as done messages to-be-MIMEified?

2003-05-14 Thread Mark Brown
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 01:46:47PM +0200, Matthias Urlichs wrote:

 Unless there's a strong preference to keep things the way they are, I'd
 like to prepare a patch to change that -- so speak up now.

Many e-mail clients require the user to explicitly open an attached
e-mail message in order to view the contents.  I'd much rather not have
to do that in order to discover why a bug has been closed - it's much
more friendly to have the explanation from the e-mail in line in the
close message.  This needn't exclude the possibilty of having the
message as an attachment but it's something that it'd be good to bear in

You grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream - or a fever.

Re: Please notify the maintainers when removing packages

2003-05-14 Thread Colin Watson
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 01:33:00PM +0200, Matthias Urlichs wrote:
 Hi, Richard Braakman wrote:
  On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 11:15:44PM +0200, Matthias Urlichs wrote:
  They will complain about Debian, not about their package's
  maintainer, when they upgrade to Sarge and the program they've been
  using is irretrievably auto-deinstalled.  :-(
  Does this happen a lot?  Both apt and dselect are very polite about
  not removing my packages.  What tool do you use?
 The update to sarge will remove a whole lot of pachages because newer,
 differently-named packages replace them. Examples: coreutils.

fileutils, shellutils, and textutils are still present and not
conflicted with. My understanding is that they will still be there in

 The fact that one of the programs which you use daily, but have
 almost-forgotten the .deb name of, is among the lot of them may well
 get lost. After all, apt-get doesn't distinguish, if packages are
 removed because of missing dependencies, between those which have been
 Replaces:'d and those that haven't.

Replaces: is frequently misunderstood. On its own (without Conflicts:),
it does *not* mean that the whole target package has been superseded,
and certainly does not mean that it will be automatically removed on

Furthermore, apt will tell you before removing packages, unless you have
deliberately configured it otherwise. Anyone who ignores this is unwise
at best.

In addition, we are talking about packages being removed from the
archive and you suddenly brought up packages being automatically
uninstalled from people's systems. These two events are not directly
related. The fact that a package is no longer available in the archive
does *not* imply that it will be automatically removed, and in the
majority of cases (C++ is unfortunately pathological) packages from
woody will continue to work on sarge.

In short, I don't think packages are automatically removed from people's
systems as easily as you think.


A strawman proposal: testing-x86 (Was: security in testing)

2003-05-14 Thread Theodore Ts'o
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 02:22:05PM +0300, Chris Leishman wrote:
 I care about security in testing, and I believe others do too.  But I 
 don't think the process should be the same as with stable releases.  
 Testing should not become another psudo stable distributionit's for 
 testing.  So I don't think security management needs to be anywhere 
 near as comprehensive.
 *shrug* But maybe I'm wrong and it's just me who likes to run testing 
 (to help out with 'testing' the distribution) but doesn't really like 
 the idea of having to deal with known remote security problems.  Maybe 
 nobody else cares and I should just shut up ;-)

Well, ideally, people could test packages in unstable.  When I was
first started experimenting with Debian, 4 years ago, I used to use
unstable.  But there was a time when I got bitten with a succession of
bad uploads that trashed my system one way or another --- a buggy perl
or lilo upload, that was not easy to repair.  So that's why I jumped
to testing --- because life was too short to have to stich my system
together after a careless maintainer uploaded something that obviously
couldn't have been tested before the upload, and that was happening
too often.

But after a while, I started noticing that way too many packages were
never entering testing.  In many cases, it was because they were
stalled because of a platform-specific bug on another architecture, or
because the package depended on a specific version of a very
complicated package (such as glibc), and the complicated package was
stalled for one or more reasons.  If a large number of packages aren't
entering testing, then obviously those packages can't get the benefit
of wider testing by the people who use testing.

In addition, some of my machines aren't necessarily behind firewires
some or all of the time.  A case in point is my laptop, where I
actually do all of my mail reading and most of my developing these
days.  (With some help from distcc :-).  Not being able to get
security updates is a real problem those classes of machines where the
administrator is willing to be run something bleeding edge, but for
which security fixes are hung up because of RC bugs in the package or
in some package dependency.

I've solved the problem for myself by just simply biting the bullet
and using unstable.  I either have gotten lucky, or maintainers of
core packages have gotten much more careful about testing their
packages before uploading, so I haven't gotten screwed by updates as
often as I did before.  If that's the case, then maybe the testing
distribution has outlived its usefulness.

But if people feel otherwise, then it would make sense to think of
ways in which testing might be able to be more true to its original
goals --- which is to expand the number of people who can test out
packages before a stable release.  If that's the case, then for a
giving platform:

* it's silly to not let a package be tested by a greater
number of people if it's being held up due to a
failure on an unrelated architecture.

* it's silly to not let a package be tested by a greater
number of people while we noodle over the question of
whether the GNU FDL meets the DFSG, or whether the
documentation needs to be eventually split out and put
into non-free.

So let me make the following modest strawman proposal.  Let us posit
the existence of a new distribution, which for now I'll name
testing-x86.  Let's set aside the question of whether there should
be testing-arch for every single architecture, and whether this
should supplant the existing testing distribution.  Is the following
feasiable operationally, from an implementation point of view, from a
space on ftp servers point of view, etc?

Let us assume that there is one or more human(s) in the loop, which
server as the the master of the testing-x86 distribution.  Once the
required time period has been met based on the priority of the upload,
if there are no RC bugs, then the package enters testing-x86
immediately.  If there *are* RC bugs, notification of this fact plus a
list of the RC bugs are sent to the testing-x86 master(s).  If the RC
bugs are not really critical for testing, then the human(s) in the
loop can make a manual decision to allow that package to enter

Since the testing-x86 distribution is, as the name suggests, specific
only for the x86 architecture, RC bugs which are specific to other
platforms needn't prevent the package from entering testing-x86.  In
practice, does this happen?  Well, let's take a look at just one
package as an example, glibc.  Glibc currently has 4 RC bugs.  But
none of them would or should prevent the glibc in unstable from
this proposed testing-x86 distribution:

*)  One bug is specific to sparc64 (#18838)

*)  One bug is specific to m68k (#184048)

*) And two bugs are copyright issues; one is the GNU FDL 

Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Björn Stenberg
Michael Stone wrote:
 All the complaints we see every couple of weeks about testing would be swept
 away if people followed this advice and simply didn't use testing.

This brings back the question I never got an answer for: Who is Debian for?

If only stable and unstable are supposed to be used, Debian excludes the vast
majority of computer users. Is this intentional? Is it desired?


Re: Bug marked as done messages to-be-MIMEified?

2003-05-14 Thread Colin Watson
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 01:46:47PM +0200, Matthias Urlichs wrote:
 I hate inline mail forwarding. It loses information, breaks programs
 (inline-quoted mails typically get From: replaced by From: at
 some step), and makes things like signature checking needlessly
 debbugs forwards some emails as inline attachments, notably the bug
 has been marked 'done' confirmation. I think that's wrong.

Yes, and also it causes nasty problems with character sets. There's at
least one bug filed, and I've been meaning to change it for a while now.

 Unless there's a strong preference to keep things the way they are,
 I'd like to prepare a patch to change that -- so speak up now.

Go ahead.


Re: DebConf 3 for New Maintainers

2003-05-14 Thread Colin Watson
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 01:20:20PM +0200, Joachim Breitner wrote:
 Well enough introduction; my main question is: Would it make sense for
 me to attend Debcamp. Maybe my idea about DebCamp is wrong, but it
 sounds as if it is just a very large debian hacking session, so one
 needs to have something to hack on, and something to hack with. Would
 I find a task there, or should I make sure I have one beforehand? Do I
 have to bring my own PC?

I'm not sure any of us really know what Debcamp will be like yet, given
that it's the first time we've tried it as such. I certainly plan to
have things ready for myself to hack on, but it will largely depend on
who else is there. If other people on various teams I'm on show up then
I'd certainly want to take advantage of that; after all working in
closer cooperation with people than you can normally manage is the big
advantage of a hackathon-style event.

Still, I think it's clear that not everyone there will have projects
ready for themselves. There'll be installer and bug-squashing types
there at least who could always do with help and who can pass out tasks,
and probably other teams I don't know about. If you're capable of
diagnosing bugs and preparing patches I don't think you'll find yourself
short of work. :)

Do bring a laptop, or if necessary another type of machine, if you can.
Although we've not had a Debcamp before, we've had smaller fairly
disorganized hacking sessions at previous conferences and it would have
been a real pain not to have had my laptop with my development
environment. It also lets you be much more independent. I'd suggest
bringing a wireless network card if you have one, just to avoid the
hassle of wires trailing all over the place. (I'm not involved with the
organization, though. Tollef, do you know if there'll be wireless base
stations around or, will we be doing ad-hoc mode?)


Re: Bug marked as done messages to-be-MIMEified?

2003-05-14 Thread Colin Watson
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 01:59:41PM +0100, Mark Brown wrote:
 On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 01:46:47PM +0200, Matthias Urlichs wrote:
  Unless there's a strong preference to keep things the way they are, I'd
  like to prepare a patch to change that -- so speak up now.
 Many e-mail clients require the user to explicitly open an attached
 e-mail message in order to view the contents.  I'd much rather not have
 to do that in order to discover why a bug has been closed - it's much
 more friendly to have the explanation from the e-mail in line in the
 close message.

Usually this is controlled by the Content-Disposition: header.
Content-Disposition: inline should be displayed inline;
Content-Disposition: attachment will often be hidden until explicitly


Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Colin Watson
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 01:30:38PM +0100, Steve Kemp wrote:
 On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 03:04:10PM +0300, Kalle Kivimaa wrote:
  Why not? Testing would be my personal choice for running a desktop (or
  laptop) Linux, were I not otherwise involved with Debian development.
  The only bad thing is the non-existent security (I could live with
  occasional critical bug but the level of critical bugs in unstable is
  too much to bear for most users). There are, however, some pre-plans
  afoot regarding that (more or less running the same process as with
  stable, of course with different people responsible).
   What kind of pre-planning is taking place?  The idea of security
  updates for testing?
   Every time this appears to have been raised it's usually shot down
  very quickly; unless I've missed something.

I haven't seen it be shot down. I've seen people saying the
infrastructure's there, it's just that nobody's actually doing the
updates, though.

However, I wasn't aware of any of the pre-plans Kalle refers to. I
didn't think anyone had actually picked up this ball yet.


Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Kalle Kivimaa
Steve Kemp [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   What kind of pre-planning is taking place?  The idea of security
  updates for testing?
   Every time this appears to have been raised it's usually shot down
  very quickly; unless I've missed something.

Actually the last time (if I searched the archives correctly) the
response to the suggestion of providing security updates for testing
was go ahead and do it, don't just complain.


* Zathras is used to being beast of burden to other peoples' needs. Very  *
* sad life. Probably have very sad death, but at least there is symmetry. *
*  (Babylon 5, War Without End)   *
*   PGP public key available @ http://www.iki.fi/killer   *

Re: Status of Sarge Release Issues (Updated for May)

2003-05-14 Thread Theodore Ts'o
On Sat, May 10, 2003 at 10:16:40PM -0400, Morgon Kanter wrote:
 This one time, at band camp, Marc Haber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, 5 May 2003 17:17:20 -0500, Chris Cheney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I have read that Linus is planning to have 2.6 released before July and
  have 2.7 open for commits by Kernel Summit time (July).
 Can't remember where I heard it, but it was a reputable source. I 
 heard that 2.6 was for release on the (American) night of Halloween.

You're thinking of the feature freeze, which was October 31st
(Halloween) of last year (2002).  It went fairly well, actually, in
terms of discipline of not letting new features after the code freeze.
We beat up Linus pretty badly last year about how long the 2.4 freeze
cycle went.

There is an IRC discussion scheduled today to talk about the 2.5
shutdown / 2.6 release issues, and the current date which is being
floated amongst the kernel developers is June or July.  The Kernel
Summit will be held just before the Ottawa Linux Symposium in July,
and both Linus Torvalds and Andrew Morton (the annointed 2.6
maintainer) will be there.  There have been jokes that if necessary,
we will just get Linus really drunk and then rip it out of his hands
and give it to Andrew if Linus 2.6.0 hasn't been released by then.  :-)

Seriously, although the date is not guaranteed, I think it's very
likely that 2.6.0 will be out in Summer 2003.   

That being said, distro's may want to wait a while before they're
confident enough to ship a 2.6 kernel as their default kernel in their
distribution.  Current guesses are that we'll likely see commercial
distributions with 2.6 based releases as early as 2003 Q4, and more
likely, 2004 Q1 or Q2.

I'll note that with 774 RC bugs in the Debian as of this writing,
given the typical rate at which RC bugs seem to being opened as well
as closed out, it seems pretty likely that 2.6 will stablize long
before Sarge is ready to ship.  (This is not meant as a criticism;
however, we can all choose to take this as a challenge if we 
wish.  :-)

- Ted

Re: Bug marked as done messages to-be-MIMEified?

2003-05-14 Thread Matthias Urlichs
Hi, Colin Watson wrote:

 Yes, and also it causes nasty problems with character sets. There's at
 least one bug filed, and I've been meaning to change it for a while now.


Color me embarrassed for not checking the bug list before posting.

(#131881, for reference)

Matthias Urlichs  | {M:U} IT Consulting @ m-u-it.de  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. | http://smurf.noris.de
If pro is the opposite of con, what is the opposite of progress?

Re: Bug marked as done messages to-be-MIMEified?

2003-05-14 Thread Matthias Urlichs
Hi, Mark Brown wrote:

 Many e-mail clients require the user to explicitly open an attached e-mail
 message in order to view the contents.

IMHO, if your client requires more keystrokes / mouseclicks to open an
attachment at the top than to scroll down to some random place near the
end of a message (depending on how large the close message actually is),
you should switch clients. ;-)

 This needn't exclude the possibilty of having the message as an
 attachment but it's something that it'd be good to bear in mind.
Hopefully your client honors the Content-Disposition: header, then this
isn't going to be a problem.

Matthias Urlichs  | {M:U} IT Consulting @ m-u-it.de  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. | http://smurf.noris.de
Murphy's Last Law: If nothing went wrong today, you're probably dead.

Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 10:07:16AM +0300, Chris Leishman wrote:
 On Tuesday, May 13, 2003, at 05:20 PM, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 If you want to see security updates for 'testing', then start preparing
 security updates for 'testing'.  It does not help to describe in detail
 what you hope that someone else will do.  The best (and often only) way
 for you to promote your agenda is to start doing the work.
 Actually - I didn't suggest this.  I suggested there should be some
 consensus on what to do about security problems in testing - my main
 suggestion is that packages should be simply removed and the user notified
 of what actions they can do to get it back (such as upgrading to an
 unstable version, downgrading to a stable version, or fixing the bugs).

I think that users would react rather negatively to having packages (ones
that they use) effectively disappear from their system, but the only way to
be certain is to experiment with the process.  You can easily simulate this
by providing dummy packages in a private repository.

 1) People don't run testing, and hence we lose a large portion of
 our testing process
 The important point was the first one.  The 2nd one was just another 
 effect of not doing anything about the issue which some people might 
 care about.

We didn't even have testing until quite recently, and it is likely that
unstable users still provide the majority of our testing.  IMHO, it is only
particularly valuable for users to run testing when a release is
approaching (at which point security updates and removals take place en

 If you do not accept the arguments against this, then start doing it, and
 see whether it is worthwhile.
 I can't just start doing it.  For one this is the sort of issue that needs
 a bit of consensus and input from the people actually in charge of the
 process.  It's not like just submitting a patch or uploading a new
 package.  I also clearly stated it's just an example of what could be
 done, but I think there may be better ways...

You can be in charge of the process if you are willing to make the effort.
It is a lot like uploading a new package, only outside of the Debian

 It's more of a policy issue first.  Once thats worked out, then we can 
 worry about the how.

Debian policy seems to be formed as a result of consensus, to reflect what
is already known to work, and usually not as a means to effect widespread
change.  Debian developers in general should start to do X is often the
very last step in the process, not the first.

 Yes, there are.  But all of these loose one of the main reasons I feel we
 even have a testing distribution - to have people testing it.

If testing were to do nothing more than ensure consistency in dependencies,
architectures and source/binary relationships, then it would still be very
much worthwhile.

 If unstable has a fix for the bug, then it is a waste of time to work on
 testing because users can just upgrade.  If unstable does not have a fix
 for the bug, then it is still a waste of time because unstable needs to
 be fixed anyway, and that package will replace the one in testing once it
 has survived in unstable.
 I don't disagree.  Thats why I didn't suggest a policy of creating 
 patched versions for testing.  Instead, simply remove and inform the 
 user that it's a problem.

What value does this provide for the users?  It may incite them to complain
to the maintainer, who might (if they are active) try to get a fixed version
into testing, and disrupt their work, but this is not a good way to motivate
maintainers.  As for the user's security, this is like amputating a limb as
treatment for a fracture.

 Again I agree.  All I think is that removal of security issues should 
 be done before it even gets into testing.  My suggested policy was that 
 nothing with a security bug should go into testing - and anything with 
 a security bug should be removed via an empty upgrade (and the user 
 informed).  Of course there's may be other ways that have the same 
 basic effect.

If packages in 'testing' were constantly disappearing without warning, this
would seem to make it significantly less attractive to users (which you
would seem to want to avoid).

 - I believe that people who are willing to run the testing distribution 
 are happy to assume the risk of problematic packages and broken 
 packaging - and are in usually happy to contribute bug reports where 
 - I also believe that the majority of these people are NOT willing to 
 accept this risk when it comes to known security issues.  They're happy 
 to deal with packages not working right, or the inability to install 
 something for various reasons, but they're not willing to have their 
 box compromised.

The people I know who run testing do it on single-user or trusted-users-only
machines, on rather tightly controlled local networks.  They do not notice
or care about security problems for the most part.

We can both 

Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Steve Kemp
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 02:20:51PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:

 I haven't seen it be shot down. I've seen people saying the
 infrastructure's there, it's just that nobody's actually doing the
 updates, though.

  Yes I've seen this mentioned previously also.  If it's a matter of
 finding people it should be obvious very quickly whether there are
 spare resources.

  I'm honestly not sure how much involvement would be necessary, I 
 guess unlike updates to stable there wouldn't be so many controls upon
 the testing archive, and uploads could be made directly without any
 real problem.

  If it just comes down to applying patches, and doing the rebuilds then
 it seems to be the kind of job a small team could manage; unless I'm
 missing something?

 However, I wasn't aware of any of the pre-plans Kalle refers to. I
 didn't think anyone had actually picked up this ball yet.

  Unless somebody steps forward just now I'll asusme that the ball is
 still dropped ;)


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug marked as done messages to-be-MIMEified?

2003-05-14 Thread Mark Brown
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 02:24:25PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:

 Usually this is controlled by the Content-Disposition: header.
 Content-Disposition: inline should be displayed inline;
 Content-Disposition: attachment will often be hidden until explicitly

Assuming the mail client pays attention, of course.

You grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream - or a fever.

Re: Debian MIA check

2003-05-14 Thread Matthias Urlichs
Hi, Branden Robinson wrote:

 Is there a mnemonic for that?  I.e., does wat stand for something?

Is that email address an alias for [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?

(ObTLA: mia == missing in action)

Matthias Urlichs  | {M:U} IT Consulting @ m-u-it.de  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. | http://smurf.noris.de
The bad reputation UNIX has gotten is totally undeserved, laid on by people
who don't understand, who have not gotten in there and tried anything.
-- Jim Joyce, owner of Jim Joyce's UNIX Bookstore

Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Matthias Urlichs
Hi, Michael Stone wrote:

 All the complaints
 we see every couple of weeks about testing would be swept away if people
 followed this advice and simply didn't use testing.

So why is there a testing in the first place if nobody's supposed to use

Sorry, but I think I agree with the proposal to do security updates for

Matthias Urlichs  | {M:U} IT Consulting @ m-u-it.de  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. | http://smurf.noris.de
Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow.

Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Kalle Kivimaa
Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 However, I wasn't aware of any of the pre-plans Kalle refers to. I
 didn't think anyone had actually picked up this ball yet.

Pre-plans in this case means that two people (one DD and one NM) have
been talking about it seriously. So, if you want to shoot the idea
down, go ahead, no harm done :) And if someone else is thinking about
picking up the ball, go ahead, the pre-planners are probably willing
to join any other initiative as well.

* Zathras is used to being beast of burden to other peoples' needs. Very  *
* sad life. Probably have very sad death, but at least there is symmetry. *
*  (Babylon 5, War Without End)   *
*   PGP public key available @ http://www.iki.fi/killer   *

Re: DebConf 3 for New Maintainers

2003-05-14 Thread Matthias Urlichs
Hi, Andreas Tille wrote:

 By the
 way what kind of school is it which has no holidays at this time?

Random factoid: The German sub-states have a staggered school holiday
schedule so that the Autobahn will still be somewhat-free _sometimes_
during these six weeks.  (Seriously.)

Bavaria is last; the school holiday here starts sometime late July.

Matthias Urlichs  | {M:U} IT Consulting @ m-u-it.de  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. | http://smurf.noris.de
Few people now believe in the devil; but very many enjoy behaving as their
ancestors behaved when the Fiend was a reality as unquestionable as his
Opposite Number.

Re: Do not touch l10n files (was Re: DDTP issue)

2003-05-14 Thread Matthias Urlichs
Hi, Theodore Ts'o wrote:

 To the extent that the DDTP gives the package maintainer veto rights, it
 seems pretty clear that at least initially the DDTP believed that the
 package maintainer was ultimately responsible.

It's the maintainer's name and signature on the package, after all.

On the other hand, the maintainer has to be able to trust their
translators. They're presumably doing it for the good of Debian and not
because they want to push their own agendas by subverting translations.

To get back to the case which triggered all this (reformatting a
comma-separated enumeration into a list), IMHO there is a perfectly valid
reason to do that -- Engllish-language text typically is shorter than the
equivalent in other languages, and French (with its tendency not to use
any nice short English-language words if it can possibly be helped) is no

Thus, what might be a nicely concise list of package attributes turns into
an unwieldy mess when translated to French or German.  :-/

Matthias Urlichs  | {M:U} IT Consulting @ m-u-it.de  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. | http://smurf.noris.de
Someone on IRC was very sad about the uptime of his machine wrapping
from 497 days to 0.
-- linux-kernel

Re: Do not touch l10n files (was Re: DDTP issue)

2003-05-14 Thread Matthias Urlichs
Hi, Martin Quinson wrote:

 It must be so in French.

Sorry for being pedantic, but must is an overly strong word here.

You may have valid reasons for not using a comma-separated list here, but
French grammar certainly allows comma-separated enumerations if one so
desires. (Spoken language, for instance, if nothing else.)

They may be bad style (see my other email on that), but they're not
actually _forbidden_ by anybody.

Matthias Urlichs  | {M:U} IT Consulting @ m-u-it.de  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. | http://smurf.noris.de
A paranoid is a man who knows a little of what's going on.
-- William S. Burroughs

Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Sven Luther
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 10:19:08AM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 There are already very clear statements about this.
 The ``testing'' distribution contains packages that haven't been
 accepted into a ``stable'' release yet, but they are in the queue for that.
 The main advantage of using this distribution is that it has more recent
 versions of software, and the main disadvantage is that it's not completely
 tested and has no official support from Debian security team.
 (emphasis added)
 Q: How is security handled for testing and unstable?
 A: The short answer is: it's not. Testing and unstable are rapidly moving
 targets and the security team does not have the resources needed to properly
 support those. If you want to have a secure (and stable) server you are
 strongly encouraged to stay with stable. However, the security secretaries
 will try to fix problems in testing and unstable after they are fixed in the
 stable release.

What is missing is a statement warning users that testing is less secure
than unstable.


Sven Luther

Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Sven Luther
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 10:19:08AM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 10:07:16AM +0300, Chris Leishman wrote:
  On Tuesday, May 13, 2003, at 05:20 PM, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
  If you want to see security updates for 'testing', then start preparing
  security updates for 'testing'.  It does not help to describe in detail
  what you hope that someone else will do.  The best (and often only) way
  for you to promote your agenda is to start doing the work.
  Actually - I didn't suggest this.  I suggested there should be some
  consensus on what to do about security problems in testing - my main
  suggestion is that packages should be simply removed and the user notified
  of what actions they can do to get it back (such as upgrading to an
  unstable version, downgrading to a stable version, or fixing the bugs).
 I think that users would react rather negatively to having packages (ones
 that they use) effectively disappear from their system, but the only way to
 be certain is to experiment with the process.  You can easily simulate this
 by providing dummy packages in a private repository.
1) People don't run testing, and hence we lose a large portion of
our testing process
  The important point was the first one.  The 2nd one was just another 
  effect of not doing anything about the issue which some people might 
  care about.
 We didn't even have testing until quite recently, and it is likely that
 unstable users still provide the majority of our testing.  IMHO, it is only
 particularly valuable for users to run testing when a release is
 approaching (at which point security updates and removals take place en

Yes, but this is not something that is clearly said. Many people run
testing without even being aware that there may be security issues, or
more precisely, that the security issues are orders of magnitude worse
than even what is in sid.


Sven Luther

Re: Bug marked as done messages to-be-MIMEified?

2003-05-14 Thread Colin Watson
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 03:57:09PM +0200, Matthias Urlichs wrote:
 Hi, Colin Watson wrote:
  Yes, and also it causes nasty problems with character sets. There's
  at least one bug filed, and I've been meaning to change it for a
  while now.
 Color me embarrassed for not checking the bug list before posting.
 (#131881, for reference)

No, that's decoding of MIME messages in the CGI scripts, which is
completely different. At the moment the only thing I can find is buried
in the middle of #136654, so maybe it was actually only filed in my
brain (which has no web interface) ...


Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 03:00:17PM +0100, Steve Kemp wrote:

   I'm honestly not sure how much involvement would be necessary, I 
  guess unlike updates to stable there wouldn't be so many controls upon
  the testing archive, and uploads could be made directly without any
  real problem.

There certainly should be controls, if package uploads were to be allowed to
bypass the normal delay in unstable.

   If it just comes down to applying patches, and doing the rebuilds then
   it seems to be the kind of job a small team could manage; unless I'm
   missing something?

So far nobody has lifted a finger as far as I know, though many people talk
about how critically important it is (cough).

 - mdz

Re: Debian MIA check

2003-05-14 Thread Martin Michlmayr
* Matthias Urlichs [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-05-14 16:00]:
  Is there a mnemonic for that?  I.e., does wat stand for something?
 Is that email address an alias for [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?


Martin Michlmayr

Re: Debian MIA check

2003-05-14 Thread Matt Hope
On Wed, 14 May 2003, Matthias Urlichs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote...

 Hi, Branden Robinson wrote:
  Is there a mnemonic for that?  I.e., does wat stand for something?
 Is that email address an alias for [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?
 (ObTLA: mia == missing in action)

Or should that be awol@ ?

(Absent with-out leave)


Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Steve Langasek
[Back story: this thread started because there is still a vulnerability
in the version of Samba in testing, which has been fixed in both stable
and unstable.  Collateral bugs prevent Samba from propagating from
unstable to testing any time soon.]

On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 06:22:26PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
 On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 10:07:16AM +0300, Chris Leishman wrote:
  Actually - I didn't suggest this.  I suggested there should be some 
  consensus on what to do about security problems in testing - my main 
  suggestion is that packages should be simply removed and the user 
  notified of what actions they can do to get it back (such as upgrading 
  to an unstable version, downgrading to a stable version, or fixing the 

 This isn't possible in general; when mysql has a security problem
 you can't just tell people to (a) not use it, or (b) just run the
 unstable/stable version anyway, in spite of whatever reasons they based
 their decision to use testing on in the first place.

 We already know the right way of dealing with security bugs; we do it for
 our stable releases. If you care about security and testing, all you have
 to do is the same thing that's being done there. It's really that simple.

I'm not sure what you mean by the same thing, but as I see it, there
are three possible ways to get a fixed package into testing: an upload
to security.debian.org, an upload to testing-proposed-updates that's
accepted into the main archive, or via the normal unstable-testing

Figuring that a security upload would be preferable, I approached the
security team and offered to prepare an upload.  I was effectively told
that this isn't done, and because it isn't done, most testing users
don't have security.d.o in their sources.list, so don't bother.  Since
the security.debian.org site is under the administrative control of the
security team, it doesn't seem like this is going to go anywhere without
their acquiescence.

That leaves t-p-u, or the normal unstable-testing route.  Well, as
release manager, I would expect you to be the one to approve an upload
to t-p-u.  If the right way to handle this is via security.d.o,
presumably you think an upload to t-p-u is the wrong way?

The only remaining option is to get a dependency chain that passes
muster with the testing scripts.  While this is a goal anyway, and while
fixing the RC bugs in other packages is good for the release as a whole
:), it's certainly the least efficient way to make a fixed package
available and does nothing to help those testing users whose machines
are being compromised today because they had no reason to believe they
should add deb http://security.debian.org/ woody/updates main on a
machine running testing.

So, I guess I'll be filing with ftp.d.o to have the vulnerable Samba
package removed from testing.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug marked as done messages to-be-MIMEified?

2003-05-14 Thread Mark Brown
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 03:58:44PM +0200, Matthias Urlichs wrote:

 attachment at the top than to scroll down to some random place near the
 end of a message (depending on how large the close message actually is),
 you should switch clients. ;-)

Not everyone will be able to do that, of course.  If people don't think
users with problem mail clients are going to be that big a deal then I'd
say go for it.

You grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream - or a fever.

Re: Do not touch l10n files (was Re: DDTP issue)

2003-05-14 Thread Christian Couder
On Wednesday 14 May 2003 14:27, Theodore Ts'o wrote:
 On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 12:07:29PM +0200, Martin Quinson wrote:
  Your engagement for the quality of your package is really great. Only, I
  think that you are not responsible of the translation. I know that there
  is a lack in debian framework concerning this point, but it really should
  be so ('cause maintainer cannot be responsible for translations they do
  not understand. How do you handle tranlations in russian, japaneese and

 This is a fundamental question for which there definitely isn't
 consensus, and it is a fundamental polity (governance) issue.

Yes, it is also linked with the problem of Translators' status in Debian.

The Constitution says :

Developers are volunteers who agree to further the aims of the Project 
insofar as they participate in it, and who maintain package(s) for the 
Project or do other work which the Project Leader's Delegate(s) consider 

So if a Delegate consider Translators' work worthwile or if Translators 
maintain packages, they should be given the Developer status (if they follow 
the same kind of new maintainer process of course) and then be responsible 
for their work as well as Developers.

 One is that the linguistic teams have full and ultimate responsibility
 over the translations, and there is no recourse or appeal if the
 maintainer doesn't like what they have done.

There can be some recourse or appeal (to some committee or to the Project 
Leader) and the translator teams still maintain full and ultimate 
responsibility as well as Developers do. Don't give us false alternatives.

 Another position is that the maintainer is ultimately responsible; he
 or she may delegate responsibility to helpers, just as the Debian
 Leader may delegate certain responsibilities to subordinates.

This would clearly create 2 class of citizens within Debian or at least 
another hierachical level.

I wont go further discussing your message. The problem exists and has been 
ignored for a (too) long time. And my preference is clear.

Regards anyway,
Christian Couder (translator of Debian web pages since 1999 and still not 
Developer, so with no vote).

Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 06:35:46PM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:

 Yes, but this is not something that is clearly said. Many people run
 testing without even being aware that there may be security issues, or
 more precisely, that the security issues are orders of magnitude worse
 than even what is in sid.

This is documented prominently on the website.  If people do not look before
they leap, there is little we can do.

 - mdz

Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Gunnar Wolf
Michael Stone dijo [Wed, May 14, 2003 at 08:25:45AM -0400]:
 Yes, there are.  But all of these loose one of the main reasons I feel 
 we even have a testing distribution - to have people testing it.
 You are falling into the trap of overselling testing. Having people test
 testing at this point in the development cycle is useless, because the
 real activity is in unstable. You're trying to make testing something it
 isn't, then trying to reshape policy to meet your idea of what testing
 should be. You're hardly the first to do that, but it's no more correct
 this time. I strongly recommend that *nobody* run testing as a everyday
 system, because it just isn't a good choice for that. All the complaints
 we see every couple of weeks about testing would be swept away if people
 followed this advice and simply didn't use testing.

I'm sorry, I am on a public terminal, and can't quite remember where I
read it - But testing should always be close to a releasable state. Of
course, currently it is not due to debian-installer is still not ready
for human consumption... But the bulk of testing should always be
usable. Testing was introduced because the inadequacy of freezing
unstable for months in order to get a release done.

Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23
Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973  F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF

Re: xf86config bug

2003-05-14 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 01:43:10PM +0100, Neil McGovern wrote:

 I can't seem to find the package that xf86config belongs to, but the bug
 is as follows:

apt-get install reportbug
reportbug `which xf86config`

reportbug will allow you to look at existing bug reports (which you should)
before filing the bug.

 - mdz

Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Matthias Urlichs
Hi, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

 IMHO, it is
 only particularly valuable for users to run testing when a release is
 approaching (at which point security updates and removals take place en

Wasn't testing supposed to be a perpetually mostly-releasable Debian?

Anyway, a release is _always_ approaching (until the time Debian dies, of
course...) -- the question is how far away it is.  ;-)

Matthias Urlichs  | {M:U} IT Consulting @ m-u-it.de  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. | http://smurf.noris.de
Disc space -- the final frontier!

Re: DebConf 3 for New Maintainers

2003-05-14 Thread Joachim Breitner

Am Mit, 2003-05-14 um 14.22 schrieb Andreas Tille:
 On 14 May 2003, Joachim Breitner wrote:
  I am considering going to DebConf 3. Now Oslo is not really close (I
  live in southern germany), and being a High School student, I would have
  to argue with my principal whether I may go or not during school time,
  so it should be worth the money and effort.
 I doubt that you will get any better education than at Debcamp.  By the
 way what kind of school is it which has no holidays at this time?
Gymnasium in Baden-Würtemberg
(For our english-speakers: Gymnasium in German is not the gym, but a
kind of public High School)

  Do I have to bring my own PC?
 I would recommend this.  When I was in Bordeaux in 2000 without my own Laptop
 it was much less fun. :-(  The educational effect decreases drastically!
Well, that sould definatly interesting. I just hope I manage to get a
laptop 'till then. Or would you think a zaurus with debian is sufficient
:-) (Actually, why not: One might allow me to ssh on his machine so I
can actually compile stuff *g*)

  What are your experiences, and what would you suggest a debian (the
  project, not the distro) newbie?
 If you know the distro you know the unsolved problems.  If you have trouble
 finding problems which might be solved I would volunteer to compile a
 list. ;-))
I think the problem is that for most bugs you need either very deep
knowledge of the program or of some language or (mostly) both. So if you
can't do much C, a lot of bug fixing is out of your reach. Well, maybe
I can find some bugs I can fix with perl or shell etc until then.

Joachim Breitner 
  e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Homepage: http://www.joachim-breitner.de
  JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C | ICQ#: 74513189
  Geekcode: GCS/IT/S d-- s++:- a--- C++ UL+++ P+++ !E W+++ N-- !W O? M?+ V?
PS++ PE PGP++ t? 5? X- R+ tv- b++ DI+ D+ G e+* h! z?
Bitte senden Sie mir keine Word- oder PowerPoint-Anhänge.
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Joachim Breitner 
  e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Homepage: http://www.joachim-breitner.de
  JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C | ICQ#: 74513189
  Geekcode: GCS/IT/S d-- s++:- a--- C++ UL+++ P+++ !E W+++ N-- !W O? M?+ V?
PS++ PE PGP++ t? 5? X- R+ tv- b++ DI+ D+ G e+* h! z?
Bitte senden Sie mir keine Word- oder PowerPoint-Anhänge.
Siehe http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.de.html

Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

Re: Do not touch l10n files (was Re: DDTP issue)

2003-05-14 Thread Martin Quinson
[I only speak for myself, and not for the french translation team neither
for the ddtp, in which I'm not involved at all. Please flame *me* for what I

On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 08:27:02AM -0400, Theodore Ts'o wrote:
 On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 12:07:29PM +0200, Martin Quinson wrote:
  Your engagement for the quality of your package is really great. Only, I
  think that you are not responsible of the translation. I know that there is
  a lack in debian framework concerning this point, but it really should be so
  ('cause maintainer cannot be responsible for translations they do not
  understand. How do you handle tranlations in russian, japaneese and
 This is a fundamental question for which there definitely isn't
 consensus, and it is a fundamental polity (governance) issue.
 One is that the linguistic teams have full and ultimate responsibility
 over the translations, and there is no recourse or appeal if the
 maintainer doesn't like what they have done.   
 Another position is that the maintainer is ultimately responsible; he
 or she may delegate responsibility to helpers, just as the Debian
 Leader may delegate certain responsibilities to subordinates.
 However, it is clear that the maintainer or the Debian Leader is
 ultimately responsible, even if the wise maintainer and/or Debian
 Leader may not choose to exercise his or her perogatives very often.
 This point is a subtle one.  I will point out that in a corporate
 setting, it's quite normal for the employer's manager and or his
 manager's manager will not fully understand all of the work that that
 the employee does.  Yet they are still responsible for the work of the
 employee, and if they don't like it, they can tell the employee to do
 things a different way, or in the extreme case, they can fire him.
 Obviously, if the manager doesn't completely understand what the
 employee is doing, there will be a certain negotiation, and a certain
 back and forth over goals and directions and what is and isn't
 technically possible, etc.  Hopefully, said negotiations will be done
 in a mutally respectful and civil manner.  But that doesn't change the
 fact that ultimately the manager gets to have the final say.
 Which model people subscribe to makes a lot of difference in how they
 communicate.  For example, if your manager doesn't like the work that you
 do, even if you think his grounds for objecting may not be the best
 ones, would you tell him, tough luck?   Probably not
   - Ted
 P.S.  To the extent that the DDTP gives the package maintainer veto
 rights, it seems pretty clear that at least initially the DDTP
 believed that the package maintainer was ultimately responsible.
 Given comments and the tenor of the tone made by some of the people on
 some of the language teams, it's not clear they believe that as
 strongly today.

Please keep in mind that I have nothing to do with the DDTP. My advice is

I completely agree with you on several points, like the fact that there is
no special reason in the constitution or in policy or in BCP or in any
official Debian writting to say that the maintainer is not responsible for
the content of the translations.

I only meant that it's rather illogical to ask to maintainer to review texts
in languages he/she don't understand. I know that this issue is related to
what can be found for porting to architectures the maintainer does not know,
but still, there is some quite fundamental differences here. 

Thanks to the wonderfull dbuild architecture, it is very easy to know if
there *is* a problem on a given architecture, and what the right solution
is (apply patches as long as dbuild repports an error). 

This is not true for translations, since no mecanical validation is enough.
Even if a text is ispell-clean, there might be a ton of gramatical error,
typographical ones and even badly constructed sentences which do not sound

Moreover, languages are sometimes difficult even for native speaker. French
is a rather good example of this complexity, and explains why we cam up with
so complicated reviewing processes within our team: webpages are posted at
least three time to the ML, in [ITT] mails for 'intend to translate', [DDR]
for 'ask for review', and [RELU] for 'reviewed, ready to be commited'
emails ; the DDTP integrate a reviewing process where all description have to
be accepted by 3 other translators before being declared as usable by the
end user.

So, if we need so much work to find a good translation when all involved
people are native french speaker, how can you explain that maintainers can
'detect errors in our work' (like the use of the non breaking space ASCII
code to follow our typographical rules), and corrupt our work so easily?

Please note that this discussion, like most of the previous ones on this
topic, is moving from a very simple problem (maintainer shouldn't try to
fix translation when they are not native 

Re: Do not touch l10n files

2003-05-14 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Wed, 14 May 2003 12:07:29 +0200, Martin Quinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 Your engagement for the quality of your package is really
 great. Only, I think that you are not responsible of the

The maintainer is responsible for the package. And, unless the
 translation is not part of the package, the maintainer is responsible
 for it.

 I know that there is a lack in debian framework concerning this
 point, but it really should be so ('cause maintainer cannot be
 responsible for translations they do not understand. How do you
 handle tranlations in russian, japaneese and bokmal?).

Heck, there are parts of the code for packages that I maintain
 that I may not totally  understand; but I am still responsible for
 the package. When there are things I think the upstream has done
 incorrectly, I ask for help, or do research, and learn ennough to
 modify things, or revert recent changes. 

The  same applies to translations.

Old soldiers never die.  Young ones do.
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/
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Re: Do not touch l10n files

2003-05-14 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Wed, 14 May 2003 16:27:53 +0200, Matthias Urlichs [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 Hi, Theodore Ts'o wrote:
 To the extent that the DDTP gives the package maintainer veto
 rights, it seems pretty clear that at least initially the DDTP
 believed that the package maintainer was ultimately responsible.

 It's the maintainer's name and signature on the package, after all.

Quite so.

 On the other hand, the maintainer has to be able to trust their
 translators. They're presumably doing it for the good of Debian and
 not because they want to push their own agendas by subverting

I trust my upstreams too. But I always look through the diffs
 on updates, and I have local patches to fix upstream bugs all the
 time. I may not undestand intricate upstream code, but that does not
 prevent me from fixing obvious bugs. 

I see the translations as upstream. A different upstream,
 perhaps, than the rest of the code, but I retain control of what goes
 in my packages.

I don't make the rules, Gil, I only play the game. Cash McCall
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/
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Re: xf86config bug

2003-05-14 Thread Christoph Haas
On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 01:43:10PM +0100, Neil McGovern wrote:
 I can't seem to find the package that xf86config belongs to

dpkg -S `which xf86config`
xbase-clients: /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config


.signature [Modified] 3 lines --100%--3,41 All

Re: A strawman proposal: testing-x86 (Was: security in testing)

2003-05-14 Thread Colin Walters
On Wed, 2003-05-14 at 09:14, Theodore Ts'o wrote:

 I've solved the problem for myself by just simply biting the bullet
 and using unstable.  I either have gotten lucky, or maintainers of
 core packages have gotten much more careful about testing their
 packages before uploading, so I haven't gotten screwed by updates as
 often as I did before. 

I think the latter is generally the case.  People who upload broken
stuff to unstable get berated pretty heavily.

 So here are my questions.  Is the testing-x86 distribution a crazy
 idea?  How hard would it be to implement it? 

Actually adding a distribution is pretty easy.  All it really needs is
Packages and Sources files for the most part, which are very small
relative to the archive size.

The only negative consequence I can think of is that the real testing
would probably get less, well, testing.

Re: A strawman proposal: testing-x86

2003-05-14 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Wed, 14 May 2003 09:14:20 -0400, Theodore Ts'o [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 If that's the case, then maybe the testing distribution has outlived
 its usefulness.  But if people feel otherwise, then it would make
 sense to think of ways in which testing might be able to be more
 true to its original goals --- which is to expand the number of
 people who can test out packages before a stable release.  If that's
 the case, then for a giving platform:

Hmm. I always thought that testing was a tool for release
 management, and a replacement of the freeze mechanism. If so, it is
 really only ready for extensive use and testing close to a stable
 release -- when the RM calls uponm and lets lose the hrdes on testing
 to sniff out undiscovered bugs. Untl then, it is a no mans land where
 the ravening winds howl and moan.

The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are
composed entirely of lost airline luggage. Mark Russell
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/
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Re: Returning from vacation. (MIA?)

2003-05-14 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Wed, 14 May 2003 11:45:48 +0200, Matthias Urlichs [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 Or do you send one of those obnoxious autoreplies asking people to
 confirm their messages to you?

 FWIW, if they are only sent in reply to spam status dubious
 messages, I wouldn't call them obnoxious.

I am not sure I understand. If such a message is sent to me, I
 certainly find them obnoxious. I have low-scored all sauce messages
 away to oblivion. 

One may desire a spurious respect and precedence among one's fellow
monks, and the veneration of outsiders. Both monks and laity should
think it was my doing. They should accept my authority in all matters
great or small. This is a fool's way of thinking. His self-seeking
and conceit just increase. 73, 74
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/
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Re: security in testing

2003-05-14 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Wed, 14 May 2003 15:16:38 +0200, Björn Stenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 Michael Stone wrote:
 All the complaints we see every couple of weeks about testing would
 be swept away if people followed this advice and simply didn't use

 This brings back the question I never got an answer for: Who is
 Debian for?

Isn't is obvious? Me, of course. Y'all are working to provide
 a stable environment for my machines at home. Least ways, that's what
 I am working for. ;-)

Now I'm having INSIPID THOUGHTS about the beatiful, round wives of
HOLLYWOOD MOVIE MOGULS encased in PLEXIGLASS CARS and being approached
by SMALL BOYS selling FRUIT ...
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/
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