Re: Évènement parisen pour la sortie de Debian 12 / Bookworm

2023-06-05 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Merci à l'April! J'irai, heureux de te retrouver après si longtemps 
Aurélien, et ceux qui viendront :)

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Debian Developer non uploading
Community team member
Accessibility team member
debian-l10n-french team member
President of Debian France non-profit organization

Le 05/06/2023 à 13:29, Aurélien COUDERC a écrit :

Bonjour à toutes et tous,

pour la sortie de Debian 12 prévue ce samedi, l’April [0] a la gentillesse nous 
accueillir à son local dans le 14e arrondissement de Paris pour fêter 
L’idée est de se retrouver autour d’un verre et d’échanger sur la nouvelle 
version de Debian.

Développeurs / développeuses, utilisateurs / utilisatrices et curieux / 
curieuses sont les bienvenues.
C’est un apéro dont vous êtes le héro / l’héroïne donc vous y trouverez ce que 
vous voudrez bien apporter à boire ou à manger. ;)

Nous pouvons accueillir jusqu’à *25 - 30 personnes* de manière confortable et 
l’évènement sera organisé sous réserve d’un nombre minimal de participants donc 
si vous êtes intéressés prière de vous inscrire ici :
et de vous désinscrire si vous avez un empêchement.

Où : local de l’association April, 44/46 rue de l'Ouest (cour intérieure), 
Paris 14e
Quand : samedi 10 juin 2023 à partir de 18H
Quoi : à vous de nous dire sur le lien [2] ci-dessous
Contacts :
- par courriel :
- via Mastodon :

Vous pouvez me contacter directement pour plus d’informations. Prière d’éviter 
les réponses à tout le monde sauf si approprié.



Re: faciliter la contribution ?

2022-04-02 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

Le 01/04/2022 à 17:12, Marc Chantreux a écrit :

salut à tous,

encore une fois, je me retrouve à ne pas "ramasser la cuillère":

* j'ai vu une typo dans la description française d'un paquet
* j'ai matériellement pas le temps de faire grand chose de plus que

apt show gitweb > gitweb-control
quilt new typo
EDITOR='sed -i s/cdi/cgi/' quilt edit control
quilt refresh
mutt -H- -s 'gitweb: typo in french control' \ < patches/typo

* quand j'utilise reportbug, je me rend compte que je ne sais même
   plus a qui j'ai envoyé des patches
* si je tente de faire plus, je me rend compte que contribuer à
   debian peut vite être chronophage.

Je ne suis pas sûr de tout suivre. Effectivement, il n'est pas possible 
d'envoyer le patch directement au responsable du paquet. Il est par 
contre possible, via reportbug, de créer le bug et dans le mail qui le 
crée, de joindre le patch. Certes, on pourrait ajouter une étape 
derrière, consistant à tagguer le bug comme ayant un patch, mais c'est 
même pas vital, le responsable pouvant le faire.

Ce process semble lourd? Sur n'importe quel projet opensource on a ce 
système de rapport avec pièce jointe qui peut être patch ou autre.
QUant au fait ensuite de ne pas perdre ses patches, c'est vrai que c'est 
un sujet mais bon, après ça relève du responsable du paquet je dirais.


du coup je me dis depuis quelques temps

* c'est con de perdre tous ces petits patches (au doigt mouillé je
   dirais ~ un par mois)
* ces petits patches pourraient permettre à des gens qui ont l'envie
   et le temps de suivre debian de plus prêt (les bonnes pratiques en
   cours, la façon d'agir avec la communauté).

je partage cette réflexion en espérant que ça puisse servir:

* soit à ma gouverne parce qu'il existe peut-être un outils pour ça
   (ou que cette pratique va créer plus de bruit que de résolution)
* soit parce que c'est peut-être une bonne idée dont la communauté
   peut s'emparer.

mes 2 centimes ... même pas ... mon centime...

bon we a tous


si une liste spoon existait et si quelqu'un me guidait vers
les bonnes pratiques (éventuellement un atelier de travail remote),
je serais ravi d'outiller la chose si nécessaire.

Re: Tone policing by a member of the community team [Was, Re: Statement regarding Richard Stallman's readmission to the FSF board]

2021-04-06 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

We disagree here about the definition.  But the definition is not the point;
the effect is the same: asking "both sides" to "de-escalate" when one party
has been subjected to an existential attack by the other, prioritizes
"civility" over equity.

But considering things differently canot help building a welcoming 
community, as any person feeling attacked can say "fuck off" or "fuck 
you". So in other situation, if someone kills another, the family is 
allowed to kill him?

Asking everyone to try remaining civilized when they interact is not an
attempt to invalidate what you could say or think, or to criticize you
as a person especially since you're not specifically targeted.

Transphobia by definition is not civilized and the rules of civilized
discourse do not apply when dealing with individuals who are external to
your civilization.  An individual whose very existence is being rejected by
an interlocutor has no moral obligation to respond in a "civilized" way to
the attacker, and any Code of Conduct which insists on civilized discourse
under these circumstances does harm to the oppressed.

I can understand your point, but please admit it is not a consensus. 
Some persons consider that "Fuck off, nobody asked you for your shitty 
fascist opinion" is not acceptable publicly regardless the 
circumstances. And not because a transphobic deserves respect, but 
because doing so, you do not help the community to build and fight such 
ideas. First because if anyone can say this if he fels ofended, where 
and who is the limitation and why the offender would not consider 
himself allowed to escalate? Second because doig so, what do you bring 
to the community? Except expressing your frustration and your feelings, 
or your legitimate pain, what result can such a message have? Worst, 
why, me (abstraction), who is not part of the initial attack, as a 
simple member of the mailing, should I read such mail for a topic out of 
my life and what can I do for the author, anyway? Why someone makes me 
read this while I am a volunteer, I am here to relax, and dont know both 

That is why usually, and it seemed to work so far, such attacks are 
reported to CT, DPL, listmasters and BTS owner, and they take the 
appropriate actions to express the community support and protect the 
person against such horrible attacks. Such way results a ban or better, 
while a furious mail on a mailing list may, but also hurts 
third-(parties, creates a sad precedent, in public, and does not help 
the attacked person to fix the problem itself. And no, I dont want 
someone to discover Debian see such attacks in archives on the mailing. 
I prefer him to read 1) the mail (unfortunately) and 2) a notification 
from the listmasters that the author was banned. It would not discourage 
newcomers, unlikely insulting messages from persons estimating their 
attack deserves a strong public reply.


Re: Tone policing by a member of the community team [Was, Re: Statement regarding Richard Stallman's readmission to the FSF board]

2021-04-06 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL


Firstly, I was notidied via mail that the message was initially private 
(but it was not, if I understand what you say, and since I read it). I 
am sorry for this as your thread should have been private and would not 
have created such situation. I would not have had any feedback if it had 
been private, sure.

Secondly, and I let others CT members confirm or not, the author of this 
message is now under attention, so that such facts do not happen again. 
I am not sure anymore (so much things happent last week about mailing 
lists), but the person may be under a possible ban or ban by 
listmasters. If he is not, the mail I sent requested him to stop, and if 
he does not, actions needs to be taken categorically.

Anyway, even if we struggle against transphobia, and that is a central 
point of our CoC and our general action as a CT, when the public mails 
become insulting, with words such as "shit" or others personal injures, 
are not acceptable anyway. Even if such a tone defends a minority, it 
does not help Debian to be a welcoming community. The good thing is to 
report such mails, in particular when becoming public, and ban the 
person who is author of such attacks against transphobic or any other 
form of diversity.

So my mail was not to support any attack against diversity but to stay 
in a welcoming environment, choosing words, or ignoring, and preferring 
reporting to the relevant teams (listamsters, CT, etc) instead of making 
escalation of words publicly. the context is already very flamish, so I 
hope we can avoid to add still flames by tone, and prefer addressing 
such mails, indeed unacceptable, privately and via the typical Debian 


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Debian Developer non uploading
Community team member
Accessibility team member
debian-l10n-french team member
President of Debian France non-profit organization
Le 06/04/2021 à 00:58, Steve Langasek a écrit :

Hi all,

After some long thought, I believe this message warrants a public response
(and discussion).

The facts are these:

  - an individual who is not part of the Debian community sent me (and other
people) a private, unsolicited email sharing his views on the current
topic of the day.
  - I responded, privately, telling him exactly what I thought of him and his
  - He in turn forwarded my private responses to a public mailing list
without my consent.

The response by Jean-Philippe, a member of the Debian Community Team, was a
call for de-escalation and civility "by both sides"; i.e., tone policing.

While I am no oppressed minority who is going to be turned away from Debian
as a result of such tone policing, a member of the Community Team tone
policing an ally who is categorically rejecting transphobia sends a very bad
message to trans members of our community.  It shows that responding to
transphobes by communicating using strong language that the Debian community
rejects their views leaves one potentially subject to censure from the
Community Team.

I think the Community Team should do better.

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 09:21:32PM +0100, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:


Please descalate, it is an emergency. The RMS debate is very difficult for
many people I guess, painful or, at least, energy consumer. It often results
to ghoughts about the compliance of some mails with the code of conduct. But
those 2 mails are clearly not acceptable from the formal point of view. You
cannot let yourself dominate by your badest feelings, injuring each other
etc. I am sure that is completely out of the code of conduct. Be respectful,
avoiding to say words such as "shit" "fuck" "fascist", and please try
staying moderated. Debian will be a welcoming community if anyone can
express his opinons politely and others reply politely, with respect, even
if he disagrees. So really, descalte! If the thread is so abrasive, just
don't reply, ignore, I am sure it will not change your daily life in your
team or in the project. Or wait some hours before doing it. But again, such
wordings are unacceptable, regardless the topic itself and the ideas. Keep
in mind you speak publicly and your mails stay in archives forever.

Thanks in advance


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Debian Developer non uploading
Community team member
Accessibility team member
debian-l10n-french team member
President of Debian France non-profit organization
Le 26/03/2021 à 20:22, Michael Shigorin a écrit :

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 11:23:21AM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 09:14:16PM +0300, Michael Shigorin wrote:

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 09:18:19AM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:

You absolutely have NO right to speak for all of the community do go and apologize for the attempt in public.

And I tell you that you're humanophobic by claiming someone
is "transphobic".

Fuck off, nobody asked you for your shitty fascist opinion.

It's *you* who's 

Re: Bug#986382: DPL Jonathan Carter's passport number is *******

2021-04-04 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

Hi guys,

Please stop replying. That is a troll, will be banned quickly, dont 
maintain it alive. Just ignore, listmaster and bts will do what is 
needed. Keep power for other more interesting things.


Le 04/04/2021 à 23:18, a écrit :

If you don't want these ego-maniacs to use your name in their vendettas 
you can resign from Debian.  This is the choice.  How many people will 
resign if Debian votes to attack Stallman?  Please tell us before the 
vote finishes so we call can know this now.

No matter the outcome of this vote.  Having the vote at all suggests 
that people are expendable.  Volunteers can be hung over the side of the 
ship while people have an email argument about what to do next.

Why don't you understand how toxic this is?

There are so many years of defamation in Debian now.  Delete it all 
now.  Delete the negative options from the vote now.  Please stop or we 
stop you.

From: Stephan Lachnit 
Subject: Re: Bug#986382: DPL Jonathan Carter's passport number is ***
Date: 04/04/2021 22:38:20 Europe/Paris

> Why does the toxic woman want to destroy reputations?

If you refer to Jonathan Carter, that isn't even the person that
started the vote, nor an original author of the open letter. Do your
research, tbh to me it seems like you are a complete outsider.

> Destroy nobody - Or destroy everybody! You can't have it both ways.

First of all, nobody wants to "destroy" RMS. Calling someone to resign
isn't destroying them, especially if they were just (secretly)

Secondly, why are you so toxic and want to "destroy" everybody? There
is really no point, all you do is make the FLOSS community weaker and
more divided. And since you seem to care about RMS and his ideas, I
don't think that is something you would like.

> If Debian is a vehicle for defamation, every one of you faces full 

Debian is a democracy. Assume one person votes in favor of RMS (which
as you can see some people will do), why do you want them to face your
alleged consequences? That doesn't make sense. They have no power to
do the things you ask for. In fact, nobody in Debian has. Again, I
don't think you understand the Debian project at all.

> Your jobs are the targets. Your families are targets.

I can understand that you are angry even if I don't agree with your
views, but I don't think anyone here wants to harm RMS. Everyone here
just wants the best for the FLOSS community. Why do you want to harm
them so badly?

Opinions on how what's the best for the community may differ, but
that's fine. Discussions are healthy, as long as they stay friendly
(btw your mails aren't). I have learned a lot from discussions, and
yes sometimes people (me included) get unfriendly or say things that
turn out to be false. But as long as we apologize for mistakes, we can
grow from it.

> No volunteer should have to suffer you toxic people

Don't you think, just maybe, that we shouldn't suffer from your
toxicity as well? Especially since we will suffer much more than you
can ever suffer from this. I mean, what's the worst that can happen
from your point of view? RMS resigns again? Then everything would be
just like a month ago.


Re: Statement regarding Richard Stallman's readmission to the FSF board

2021-03-26 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL


Please descalate, it is an emergency. The RMS debate is very difficult 
for many people I guess, painful or, at least, energy consumer. It often 
results to ghoughts about the compliance of some mails with the code of 
conduct. But those 2 mails are clearly not acceptable from the formal 
point of view. You cannot let yourself dominate by your badest feelings, 
injuring each other etc. I am sure that is completely out of the code of 
conduct. Be respectful, avoiding to say words such as "shit" "fuck" 
"fascist", and please try staying moderated. Debian will be a welcoming 
community if anyone can express his opinons politely and others reply 
politely, with respect, even if he disagrees. So really, descalte! If 
the thread is so abrasive, just don't reply, ignore, I am sure it will 
not change your daily life in your team or in the project. Or wait some 
hours before doing it. But again, such wordings are unacceptable, 
regardless the topic itself and the ideas. Keep in mind you speak 
publicly and your mails stay in archives forever.

Thanks in advance


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Debian Developer non uploading
Community team member
Accessibility team member
debian-l10n-french team member
President of Debian France non-profit organization
Le 26/03/2021 à 20:22, Michael Shigorin a écrit :

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 11:23:21AM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 09:14:16PM +0300, Michael Shigorin wrote:

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 09:18:19AM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:

You absolutely have NO right to speak for all of the community do go and apologize for the attempt in public.

And I tell you that you're humanophobic by claiming someone
is "transphobic".

Fuck off, nobody asked you for your shitty fascist opinion.

It's *you* who's a fascist here.
Go read the definition and look at what *you* do.


Both of my grandfathers actually fought Nazi and Japanese
invaders.  Looks like none of yours ever confronted them --
they would have raised you a human, not a fascist.

But you will learn the hard way.

Good luck.

Not very good at fucking off, are you?


Jonathan, I hereby demand that the Debian Project gets rid
of this manipulative, insultive, divisive and libelous member.
He (them? it?) can't even stand by the rules (pro|im)posed.

I'm considering providing financial support to Chris Punches
and asking him to not omit suing Steve Langasek by chance:
(of course the issue was deleted, mindless as it could be).

Re: Manual-page legends

2021-02-04 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

Le 04/02/2021 à 18:13, Thaddeus H. Black a écrit :

Have the header and footer legends of Debian Project manual pages been
discussed on this list?  Is there convention or guidance?  If so, then
the search engine and I are unaware of it.

What kind of manpages do you refer to? The kernel ones? Could you give 
an example?

My drafts [1] look like these:

 | FOO(1)Debian, the Universal Operating System FOO(1) |
 | |
 | NAME|
 | ... |
 | |
 ~ ~
 | |
 | 0.1.0   1970-01-01   Page 1 |

 | BAR(7)Debian, the Universal Operating System BAR(7) |
 | |
 | NAME|
 | ... |
 | |
 ~ ~
 | |
 | The Debian Project  1970-01-01   Page 1 |

One is aware that many manual pages print "Foo Manual" at the top,
but when package foo installs no other executable than foo(1), the
legend "Foo Manual" seems repetitive and uninformative. [2]

If the Debian Project were to have a convention or to issue guidance
regarding the header and footer legends of Debian Project manual pages,
what should that convention or guidance be, in your view?

 1: It's probably irrelevant but, for information, my drafts were
not autogenerated by a tool like, for example, pod2man(1).
Rather, they were marked up by hand according to groff_man(7).
 2: In the lower right, whether groff(1) prints "Page 1"
or "FOO(1)" depends on the output device.

recherche d'un analyste testeur un peu bidouilleur

2020-11-05 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

Bonjour à tous,

HYPRA est une entreprise sociale d'utilité publique qui, outre un gros 
service d'accompagnement individuel et collectif, s'appuie sur des PCs 
qu'on fait tourner sous Debian. On a grâce à cela installé Debian chez 
plus de 100 personnes, essentiellement en situation de déficience 
visuelle, âgées ou grands débutants.

On cherche à bosser avec une personne capable de tester la compatibilité 
des machines (une fois par an à peu près) avec Debian, ainsi que la 
validité des développements logiciels qu'on peut faire upstream 
(améliorations de thèmes, ajout de fonctions, débogages, etc). Pour les 
machines, on doit souvent tester l'accélération graphique, vu qu'on 
utilise Compiz pour avoir des effets visuels poussés, et firefox/Chrome.

Je pense que ça peut plaire à quelqu'un d'autodidacte et de touche à 
tout, assez structuré mais qui a envie de varier ses journées entre de 
l'investigation dans la configuration avancée du bureau, le test de 
fonctions et un peu de matériel (genre un admin sys).

N'hésitez pas à diffuser, car la compétence est rare quand on touche au 
logiciel libre.

Bien cordialement,

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Debian Developer non uploading
Community team member
Accessibility team member
debian-l10n-french team member
President of Debian France non-profit organization

Analyste testeur et validation - fiche de poste.xlsx
Description: MS-Excel 2007 spreadsheet

Re: Debian Academy Team and Wiki

2020-08-28 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL


I was afraid I lost the mail, but I have it, great.

My suggestions about this topic I am very interested in is:
- using the debian welcome wiki page and IRC channel, the team has an 
interesting background to base a platform I think
- I created there a draft to get a tool for profiling newcomers in order 
to suggest contributions ways and appropriate resource:  (first heading)

- I attach a draft about how we could fill the debian welcome wiki page 
to hope users and contributors. I dsill did not release, as it is a WIP 
and I dont want to change so much the wiki before being ready, but here 
is it attahced

Thanks for this project I hope we can work together on it with our 
skills and experience

Best regards

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Debian Developer non uploading
Community team member
Accessibility team member
debian-l10n-french team member
President of Debian France non-profit organization
Le 28/08/2020 à 21:14, jathan a écrit :

Hi everybody,

Due many of you liked the talk and the initiative, I would like to start
the team and an official wiki for Debian Academy. I was wondering
whether to create it in the team or community section. Can someone
please tell me what would be most suitable?

pages assistance:

== Who can I talk to ==

Because Debian is a world-wide and volunteer project, you cannot get a support 
or advice through phone or speech. You can talk to our users and contributors 
using the following solutions, all write-based.

Note that even if this solution exists, you should firs read what is writen 
below, in order to avoid to ask a frequent question, having a several times 
written reply, because repeating make people tired and not awesome.

=== mails ===
* Traditionally, most Debian users subscribe their mail on a list. You will 
then get the most extended support subscribing your mail to 
[[|debian-user-* lists]]. They will give you 
technical help in specific languages and other kind of support.
* For you information, you can check all he available mailing lists (many 
lists) [[|on the list of mailing lists]].

=== forum ===

 * Ask your questions and check the beginners guides on 
[[|the Debian forums]]

=== chat ===

If you prefer to chat, perhaps you will find help on:
* [[irc://|#debian-welcome]]
* as for the mailing lists mentioned above, you have channels to get a 
technical or general help. Replace # debian-welcome above with: #debian 
(general and in English), #debi-nayourlanguages, eg. #debian-fr, #debian-it, 

If you do not have any IRC client or do not know what it is, replace irc with 
web (eg. [[|#debian-welcome]]
== Important prerequisities ==

Note that Debian has no as a job to provide you for a out-of-the-box computer. 
Such thing would be impossible to do due to the diversity of the existing 

To use a free software computer according to our society proposal, you need to 
like the "do it yourself". We arrange things to make things easier, we document 
the tools, we provide users help resources, but we do not warranty our 
arrangement will work immediately on your compputer. You will need to install 
all the system, define your needs and install the packages according to it 
(although most current needs are automatically installed when you install th 
basic system). Hence the massive documentation that will be pointed here.
If you would prefer to have an out-of-the-box computer, contact the 
[[|Debian computer sellers]]. Such 
things cannot be free-payment AND with quality warranty, because volunteers do 
what they can with a limited time and not fulltime contributors, which are few.

== How to use a free software computer ==

To have benefits of software distributed by Debian, you will need to install:
* a kernel;
* programs to make it work;
* some basic utilities to start wih using the computer;
* the Debian tools to manage the packages you have installed.

To do this, you can download a media containing what is needed to get started, 
it will download and install automatically all you need.

=== If you have a good connection to the Internet ===
=== If you have a low connection to the Internet ===

If your bandwish is small, due to your Internet provider or because you are 
behind a firewall, the first solution is to get the full media to install 
Debian and the most popular applications.

If that is too long, or if further installations of additional components take 
too time, you can get the media through 
{{|DVD/CDs sellers]]. You also will do it if 
you cannot burn yourself your medias.

In general, a single CD/DVD/USB stick is enough

Re: Debian for dummies and the elderly

2020-08-22 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL


Le 22/08/2020 à 16:58, guillaume philippe a écrit :

Hello debian developpers.

"Ordissimo" is a range of personal computers (five models at the start 
of 2019), intended for beginners and "all those who do not want to 
complicate their life with computers". The first model was developed 
from early 2003, then marketed from December 2004, by the company 
Ordissimo (formerly Substantiel), created in 2002. The licenses of the 
various software integrated in the Linux Ordissimo distribution are 
detailed by the distributor .

The source codes of the free software used and adapted are published by 
the distributor.

It is based on enlightment desktop environnement, debian stable.

It could be interesting to fork this os to make a simple computer and a 
debian for dummies and the elderly.

As you mention a business project, let me introduce the Hypra project: 
half users are more than 75 years, more than 1000 persons learnt using a 
computer and the INternet on this system. This system is simply a usable 
Debian out of the box on a pre-tested computer. The Hypra repos enable:

- to apply patches before Debian when useful
- choosing different software releases when updates introduce regression 
of accessibility
- apply settings making more friendly the interface but not acceptable 
upstream or in Debian by the traditional community

The desktop is MATE, making Debian accessible for anyone, even disable 
eldery persons, eg. visual disable ones.

In other way if you speak french you could help "emmabüntus" os 
distribution and debian facile ISO and website in order to develop 
handymenu and translate debian documentation to english.

Unfortunately, such projects need just manpower, free or paid. The 
non-Web GUI skills are so rare, finding volunteers about it is nearly 
impossible for this specific target. All the more if not paid. Beyond 
the mainstream development, such persons need a universal-design 
approach, a global approach in the design, that is far from the master 
culture in the free software communities. If we do, yes, Debian can be 
used out of servers, on desktop, including disable and/or old persons. 
Needs mainly affect upstream, the Debian accessibility team makes a high 
work from the existing things.


Thanks .


Mr Philippe

Re: Debian pour les nuls et les personnes âgées.

2020-08-22 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

Le 22/08/2020 à 17:18, guillaume philippe a écrit :

Bonjour aux développeurs debian francophone.
Je voulais vous présenter 3 projets francophones intéressant et qui 
s'intéressent aux nuls en informatique.

Le premier :ordissimo.
C'est une entreprise commerciale qui vends des ordinateurs avec un os 
debian adapté au personnes en grande panique avec un ordinateur.
Il ont créer un os dérivé de debian avec une interface hyper simplifiée. 
Il serais peut-être intéressant de forker cette os et de le proposer en 
open source et gratuitement.

Puisqu'on présente un projet commercial, je rajoute à la liste le projet 
Hypra, dont plus de la moitié des utilisateurs a plus de 75 ans. Près de 
1000 personnes de plus de 60 ans ont suivi des ateliers collectifs 
d'informatique sur cette base et avec succès. C'est une Debian, tout 
simplement, sur un ordi préqualifié pour. Sauf que les dépôts Hypra 

- d'appliquer des patches par anticipation quand cela est utile
- de choisir les versions de logicielles quand les mises à jour posent 
des soucis d'accessibilité
- d'appliquer des configurations qui rendent l'interface plus conviviale 
mais qui, upstream ou dans Debian, ne serait pas facilement admis par la 
communauté traditionnelle.

Le bureau est MATE, ce qui permet d'avoir un OS accessible aux personnes 
atteintes de DMLA ou tout autre handicap visuel évolutif.

Deuxième projet :emmabüntus.
Cette os permet aux communautés Emmaüs et d'autres entreprise 
d'insertion de reconditionné de vieux ordinateurs.
Il travaille également avec des associations qui proposent des ordi de 
récupération au Togo.

Troisième  projet: debian facile

C'est un site internet et il développe un iso simplifié basé sur debian.
En autre documentation simplifié et handymenu de l'ancienne distribution 

Si vous trouvez ces projets intéressants,  je vous invite à y contribuer 
si vous avez du temps libre.

Malheureusement on a surtout besoin de gens motivés, quitte à les payer. 
Parce que la compétence dans les interfaces graphiques non Web se fait 
rare. Trouver des gens payants c'est déjà dur, mais bénévoles ça l'est 
encore plus. Surtout que les besoins design des seniors, la conception 
universelle, est loin de faire partie de la culture dominante dans le 
logiciel libre, or c'est la clé pour que Debian touche ce public. Après 
en soi, oui, toute contribution est la bienvenue.



Mini debconf online

2020-05-29 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL


Pour votre information, une présentation de l'association Debian France 
se tiendra à 14h aujourd'hui à l'occasion de la minidebconf online qui 
se tient ce week-end:

Pour voir la conf:
Pour interagir: irc, sur le serveur oftc, canal #minidebconf-online
(il faudra me pinguer pour que j'en aie conscience)

Pas de slides prévues, faute de temps (je viens de découvrir l'heure) 
pour faire ça en équipe.

Dans tous les cas les vidéos seront archivées.


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Debian Developer non uploading
Community team member
Accessibility team member
debian-l10n-french team member
President of Debian France non-profit organization

Debian France renouvelle ses instances

2020-03-22 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

Bonjour à tous,

L'assemblée générale annuelle de l'association Debian-France vient de se 
terminer. Pas de confinement ici, puisque tout se passe en ligne et peut 
donc continuer envers et contre tout. Pour rappel, Debian France est une 
association qui se propose de représenter Debian en France, voire en 
Europe puisqu'elle est la seule organisation de confiance (Trust 
Organization) active du projet Debian sur ce continent. Ce statut lui 
permet ainsi de recueillir des dons pour le projet Debian et de gérer le 
budget du projet qui lui incombe, en parallèle du sien.

L'assemblée générale a renouvelé le tiers de son conseil 
d'administration, actant ainsi l'entrée de Cyril Brulebois, un 
développeur Debian de longue date, au sein de son organe directeur. Le 
CA a reconduit le bureau de 2019, mais a élu un nouveau président: 
Jean-Philippe MENGUAL.

2019 avait marqué un véritable redécolage de Debian France: présence 
marquée aux FOSDEM, au Capitole du libre, à Paris, Lyon, organisation 
d'une minidebconf à Marseille, d'un meet-up à Bordeaux. Elle espère 
faire pareil en 2020, mais avec une claire volonté de mieux associer la 
communauté francophone des développeurs et des utilisateurs de Debian. 
Tout ce que fait l'asso doit avoir un "label" Debian clair, être partagé 
ici, et avec le projet dans son ensemble quand un budget est nécessaire 
ou pour les événements d'ampleur internationale (minidebcon). Dès 
février, Debian France a, via Debian, soutenu la tenue d'un sprint de 
l'équipe Ruby par exemple.

Donc l'asso espère mieux communiquer avec toute la communauté et 
s'articuler avec toutes ses composantes, comme debian-facile.

L'enjeu, outre une promotion plus marquée de Debian (Ubuntu étant moins 
présent), c'est aussi d'inspirer des gens qui, en entendant parler des 
actions, peuvent vouloir y contribuer. Ils sont les bienvenus! Tenir les 
stands, participer aux choix de goodies, adhérer à l'association, 
candidater au conseil d'administration pour 2021, autant de choses qui 
aideront à faire vivre l'asso et promouvoir le projet Debian. L'asso est 
"trusted organization", donc gère une partie du budget de Debian, elle 
doit donc être composée, au CA et au bureau, de développeurs Debian (pas 
exclusivement mais bon). Autant dire qu'avec moins de 100 développeurs 
vivant en France, toute bonne volonté est bienvenue! Et toute 
candidature à être développeur Debian est une bonne idée si vous vous en 
sentez capable et en avez envie.

Haut-les-coeurs donc, et merci à tous ceux qui suivent l'association et 
le projet! L'association remercie tous ses membres qui ont participé à 
l'assemblée générale et son bureau qui a géré cette année avec 
enthousiasme et dynamisme. Elle espère que cette année sera riche en 
synergies et partage, dans l'esprit du logiciel libre."


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

Re: Bits from the Debian Community Team (Jan 2020)

2020-01-09 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

Last (but definitely not least!): We're continuing to look for more
volunteers to help in the Community Team. While we strongly believe
that making Debian a good and welcoming place for collaboration is a
responsibility of *all* members of our community, there's also a need
for dedicated people to assist when things are not working so well. If
you think you'd like to help, please contact us - we promise not to
bite! :-)

The process you follow to accept or not new contributors is not quite 
clear for me and/or not encouraging. When I proposed help, I had a 
further reply saying "if we accept, we contact you, otherwise no". But 
as there is not timing, impossible to know wether the application is 
accepted or rejected and why. I guess now my application was rejected, 
no problem, but it works like a job, strange. More communication would 
have helped. Furthermore, you should explain the process for anyone who 
would want to help to make people want to do so. And what are your 
criteria or whatever.

I dont remove my proposal if not yet rejected, but indeed I am less 
motivated, all the more I wonder what I would have done in recent 
difficult situations in Debian related to CoC.



Steve, for the Community Team

Re: idee de logement pour sprint à Paris, fevrier 2020

2019-11-27 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Les asso que je connais et qui ont eu ce sujet ont eu recours à 
l'auberge de jeunesse près du collège Aymé Césère (place Nathalie 
Saraute dans le 18e à Paris, pas loin de Porte de la Chapelle). La Cité 
U internationiale a pu aussi aider, mais plus cher.


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Le 27/11/2019 à 09:58, Cédric Boutillier a écrit :


J'organise à Paris un sprint pour l'équipe Ruby juste après le FOSDEM en

On attend 8 personnes de l'étranger, et je suis à la recherche de pistes
pour organiser le logement. Je me demandais si les gens de cette liste
qui ont organisé des événements du même genre avaient des trucs et astuces
concernant cet aspect.

Merci d'avance pour vos retours.



Présentation de Debian au Capitole du libre

2019-10-19 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

J'ai proposé au capitole du libre une présentation de Debian
volontairement orientée grand public, donc un peu hétérodoxe. Ca manque
d'exactitude lexicale et de rigueur terminologique, mais c'est fait
pour, via l'analogie du magasin de distribution.

Je vous soumets le premier jet (pleins de fautes je pense, mais je
corrigerai l'orthographe après):

J'aimerais un avis et de l'aide pour:
- la conformité de ce que je dis à la sensibilité de notre communauté
- des remarques sur le format: je pense utiliser pandoc, mais je ne sais
pas si visuellement ce sera acceptable. Toute aide sera bienvenue sur le
format donc, et si ça demande que j'écrive beaucoup moins, je peux.
- des contributions graphiques: je pense rajouter des liens, mais si
vous avez des idées d'images, de photos, etc, pour illustrer, je prends.
Ca permetra put-être de moins écrire, je garderai l'écrit pour mon pitch

Merci à tous de votre aide et de vos retours


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

Une information pour ceux qui veulent nous aider à promouvoir Debian

2019-10-19 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Bonjour à tous,

Déjà pour présenter à ceux qui ne connaissent pas: Debian France est une
 asso française qui promeut Debian. Elle est administrée par des
dévelopeurs Debian, mais pas que (je suppose qu'elle est connue mais
bon, sait-on jamais s'il y a de récents et nouveaux DD).
En tant que Trust organization, Debian France, qui a plus de dix ans, a
des stands aux events français, organise des minidebconf, des meet-ups, etc.

Pour le parisiens, on peut contribuer ensemble à l'asso et à Debian tous
les jeudis dans les soirées de contribution au libre organisées par Parinux.

Pour ceux que ça intéresse, signalez-vous sur la liste ou ici et venez nous voir! On n'y est pas
toujours mais si on a du monde pourquoi pas.

Nous aimerions organiser deux thèmes d'ici novembre:
- la rédaction d'un flyer double sur "Contribuer à Debian" (difficile
tant c'est vaste) et "Aider Debian France". Toute compétence de comm,
graphime, etc est bienvenue à nos côtés.
- j'ai besoin d'aide pour monter une conf pour le Capitole sur le thème
Préenter Debian au grand public. Le concept que j'imagine repose sur
l'idée de préenter Debian comme un distributeur de logiciels, avec tout
ce que cela implique pour l'utilisateur et le contributeur. Mais j'aurai
besoin d'aide car je veux que ça soit fun. Je fais un mail spécifique
tout à l'heure.

J'en parle ici car cette présentation, volontairement hétérodoxe, je
voudrais m'assurer qu'elle ne choque personne du projet.


Re: Bits from the DPL (August 2019)

2019-10-01 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

An idea: establishing a time of discussion. At the end, if there is not
consensus (as Gitlab), there is not. If there is, ensuring every DD can
still have an opinion via GR or changes proposals in some guidelines
(Debian Policy, etc). While mails are too much and so long to be
followed by "silent" DDs, no DD can ignore a GR or a change in the
guideline, or he is respnosible. Would help for ensuring a full
consensus, limiting some repeats mails. We do his successfully for DPL


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Le 01/10/2019 à 23:12, Bernd Zeimetz a écrit :
> On 10/1/19 3:57 PM, Sam Hartman wrote:
>> What would be more useful than this criticism  is concrete advice on how
>> I can shorten them while still accomplishing my goals.
> after flying over your d-d-a mail again, my suggestion:
> - create a blog post for each point you are discussing
> - summarize that post in 3-4 lines and add a link to the blog post.
> - send that to d-d-a.
> That will
> - give people an overview of what you are doing without spending lots of
> time on it.
> - those who want to know the details can read your blog posts
> If you really want to send everything by mail:
> - create a tl;dr with the summaries on top.
> - interested parties can still read the long version below and reply to
> it. Although that will be annoying to follow as those replies will
> handle more than one topic...
> mail

2019-05-28 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL


Forwarding mail from to my mailbox makes me apply complicated 
filters to stay subscribed to ML I wish. Do you confirm me it is really not 
wanted to pull mails from a Debian machine via POP? I really would love to 
separat ma Debian box fromothers.

Tell me if I should ask to another place.

Thanks for your help.

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

Bug#764006: ITP: wnckmm -- This package provides a C++ wrapper to libwnck

2014-10-04 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

* Package name: libwnckmm
  Version : 1.0
  Upstream Author : Povilas Kanapickas
* URL :
* License : LGPL
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description : This package provides a C++ wrapper to libwnck.
This package is a dependency for Emerald, a decorator. This decorator itself
is useful with Compiz on MATE DE, so that low-visual impaired people can use
a typical DE with typical windows and button, even if they use Compiz.
Given the purpose of this package, pkg-a11y team and I will handle it. Any
co-maintainer and sponsor is welcome.

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Bug#764008: ITP: emerald -- 0.9.7-beta1

2014-10-04 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

* Package name: emerald
  Version : 0.9.7+beta1
  Upstream Author : David Reveman
* URL :
* License : GPL
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description : Emerald is a window decorator that allows for a wide variety
of new looks to be added to application windows. Emerald project is a window
decorator that provides the borders to your windows normally provided by Marco
(MATE). It is not required for Compiz to operate, however it allows for 
decorations to be edited or even created from scratch. For now, there are plenty
of existing Emerald themes that can be downloaded and used first. Using Compiz 
and Emerald together can produce some genuinely stunning-looking desktop 
environments, although it is still possible to install and use them separately.
Emerald manager allows you to add themes easily by import option, first you 
to download themes then import via Emerald Manager. I added theme pack to PPA 
which contains approx 35 themes and two other theme sets Avalon-Dark-Light, 
Hoverglass that looks really great if used with matching Gtk themes. The themes
are very useful for accessibility for low-visual impaired people, so that they
can use Compiz and MATE with Orca and a typical layout.
Given the purpose of the package, pkg-a11y could handle it. Any co-maintainer
and sponsor is 9elcome.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Accepted edbrowse 3.5.1-1 (source amd64) into unstable

2014-09-28 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 22:41:21 +0200
Source: edbrowse
Binary: edbrowse
Architecture: source amd64
Version: 3.5.1-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: debian accessibility team
Changed-By: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
 edbrowse   - /bin/ed-alike webbrowser written in C
 edbrowse (3.5.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team upload.
   [ Jean-Philippe MENGUAL ]
   * Upstream update.
   [ Samuel Thibault ]
   * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6 (no changes).
   * control: Add libncurses5-dev Build-Depends.
 525986621378c88b11cf8f06207478018a66b1c5 2041 edbrowse_3.5.1-1.dsc
 392bb5aacb275fd95a2ae0f9e782a88d2bfe0d77 726961 edbrowse_3.5.1.orig.tar.gz
 57cab44c4f83198113c521266d4bc87e45bce300 4972 edbrowse_3.5.1-1.debian.tar.xz
 3faf315afdc8391c44f8165e52a5156d79ab9951 318662 edbrowse_3.5.1-1_amd64.deb
 241be5e5734b4217db5dd582515c8e04a0dc61b307eb424f5fcd52fe038762eb 2041 
 b847a1d39f9226d9cb6392f5c0b9679cf7084a4a983260ca12563b537a7d9332 726961 
 e40e9f8f5a9ca77faaf00e9c9707145bb47e458addc3cd3851abddf14dace1fe 4972 
 a902fec50a161a151e29e3818da4cbacdd08ef50273f0a4414c084d41dec946c 318662 
 29d1f806c217edb17bb264785bee4f5d 318662 net extra edbrowse_3.5.1-1_amd64.deb
 2552bd38ab869da14d9323c5d3245fb1 2041 net extra edbrowse_3.5.1-1.dsc
 a88f14bfb048d30ae02967ae2fcf6259 726961 net extra edbrowse_3.5.1.orig.tar.gz
 45c625e8d0a7cb7c73e9a805eddfd206 4972 net extra edbrowse_3.5.1-1.debian.tar.xz

Version: GnuPG v1


To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Accepted festival 1:2.1~release-4 (source amd64)

2012-01-28 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2012 23:27:39 +0100
Source: festival
Binary: festival festival-dev
Architecture: source amd64
Version: 1:2.1~release-4
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Changed-By: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
 festival   - General multi-lingual speech synthesis system
 festival-dev - Development kit for the Festival speech synthesis system
Closes: 657597
 festival (1:2.1~release-4) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Jean-Philippe MENGUAL ]
   * Added a new build-dep with libaudiofile-dev. Closes: #657597
   [ Samuel Thibault ]
   * Add myself as uploader.
 5c78c1dcc3b278482f70f42a51a567a4c6fbcd4d 1586 festival_2.1~release-4.dsc
 e82cee689d9d1421a5bb78c4de5c8a0255d6e7ae 97258 
 c0738f301b0004ee188e9318f268f0040978b960 1059106 
 533718017d188c45b9260dbabd70ffd1e915893f 887506 
 9039cb479f4410a9db3a0353f18972e7c0812f66c5aaea984983053eacd99ad7 1586 
 83bc89842d00ae46f45ee056a64772c17278474ad0891bf7e790afd47d9ea770 97258 
 3a34dd4112173f4aee073c0694c75e89e5f7cce70aba20964bf157a7ac178873 1059106 
 8447786c78b271ce3f12edba874ed697fb40abf7934fc06e8b91721d7126a68a 887506 
 10ea391d635ee2604ec9bf16b0daf2df 1586 sound optional festival_2.1~release-4.dsc
 222b413cf8a7d7e944ae0a545339acb1 97258 sound optional 
 decefa50c0ea8eab2a2fc15b7571dfff 1059106 sound optional 
 b295313d656ec668491977b574e9db5f 887506 libdevel optional 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


  to main/f/festival/festival-dev_2.1~release-4_amd64.deb
  to main/f/festival/festival_2.1~release-4.debian.tar.gz
  to main/f/festival/festival_2.1~release-4.dsc
  to main/f/festival/festival_2.1~release-4_amd64.deb

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Accepted festival 1:2.1~release-2 (source amd64)

2012-01-07 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 02:18:09 +0200
Source: festival
Binary: festival festival-dev
Architecture: source amd64
Version: 1:2.1~release-2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Changed-By: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
 festival   - General multi-lingual speech synthesis system
 festival-dev - Development kit for the Festival speech synthesis system
Closes: 589614 592052 606173 639648
 festival (1:2.1~release-2) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Peter Drysdale ]
   * Commits from Jean-Philippe incorporated in master
   * Fix spelling and hyphen lintian problems
   * Move to dh style packaging
   * Remove parts of redundant namespace patching and individually title
 patches. Gcc version patching no longer needed (Closes:  #592052)
   * Provide HTS compatibility module for HTS 2.1 voices (Closes: #589614)
   * General way of adding languages from Sergio Oller (Closes: #606173)
   * Include clustergen module which is on in 2.1 (Closes: #639648)
   * Add Peter Drysdale to uploaders
   [ Samuel Thibault ]
   * debian/rules: fix clean rules.
   * debian/control: depend on quilt.
   [ Jean-Philippe MENGUAL ]
   * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no change needed)
   * Fixed debian/patches/lib_festival.scm.diff (desplays replaced with 
 2e9cfb0dfae527c491d3aeaca21cc48bde3d825e 1528 festival_2.1~release-2.dsc
 e4c18c7c9b0ee1fadcceb66322cddec38f9eb268 97139 
 2d7639cbfcedc356b4e8f4c45af1d216a520432a 1058970 
 e92880026bcad8ced157eea72501ad4ccdd9d613 887372 
 33be6434a14c416ea5bd73aadc516d53a09d3d47951d815a8be938a584446f5d 1528 
 e0ad4042c9d10dffbaf5448cc78324ef88f0a120fbb8c96801647aafaf373272 97139 
 82639bdbee3ef2ef25ab12b28a0e7fbff90e9292999bd15159c7cf9587d31a7a 1058970 
 f32bbc937deb4a02d979d89e6d6931db8fae657800971effe99323847b301780 887372 
 7f0050befccb9163eec49f974b078b48 1528 sound optional festival_2.1~release-2.dsc
 ca5321b30a752626bec76781a589e251 97139 sound optional 
 20924dfa4a1415f3b246a73760ca79bb 1058970 sound optional 
 8be7b70ad90346a3b715017fcb9b125a 887372 libdevel optional 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


  to main/f/festival/festival-dev_2.1~release-2_amd64.deb
  to main/f/festival/festival_2.1~release-2.debian.tar.gz
  to main/f/festival/festival_2.1~release-2.dsc
  to main/f/festival/festival_2.1~release-2_amd64.deb

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Accepted festival 1:2.1~release-3 (source amd64)

2012-01-07 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 08 Jan 2012 03:07:32 +0100
Source: festival
Binary: festival festival-dev
Architecture: source amd64
Version: 1:2.1~release-3
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Changed-By: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
 festival   - General multi-lingual speech synthesis system
 festival-dev - Development kit for the Festival speech synthesis system
 festival (1:2.1~release-3) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Samuel Thibault ]
   * debian/rules: Fix clean rule again.
 0c962e879192254e2a524e08fb4a9d3d7e1e9a21 1528 festival_2.1~release-3.dsc
 b506c8f1cc9d21067f0d35053fbd482b68b1f417 97166 
 4412930006b521e852e46b6ab5e0b776e0dc46c9 1059086 
 2156fa69a82d7609fcdc181a61f488d4151b3971 887430 
 422d9940769925ff3e614d0cf4bf0ed29b08e3772b7911c212def5284b8f3014 1528 
 1d66c984974ff6cf29c26c3c1d333c2e1676304edd3584c40836e25769f58a2d 97166 
 d3f7b992b23455a4d74f4282c937d936e2f2c14e2c5ed996e9639835a075fc3d 1059086 
 c974ebcbbfa968167bfa2379eab95928bdb6575b0bbf32548a1eb4d169a1b162 887430 
 dd74cac4220fc09dc515c7b1cf930e8d 1528 sound optional festival_2.1~release-3.dsc
 a028530f39c0a92c045327df9312f237 97166 sound optional 
 52a706d8231afab34a7f560b502790bc 1059086 sound optional 
 0c2c1e2b8b4d2a2f49a244f65635777c 887430 libdevel optional 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


  to main/f/festival/festival-dev_2.1~release-3_amd64.deb
  to main/f/festival/festival_2.1~release-3.debian.tar.gz
  to main/f/festival/festival_2.1~release-3.dsc
  to main/f/festival/festival_2.1~release-3_amd64.deb

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Accepted edbrowse 3.4.8-1 (source amd64)

2011-11-06 Thread Jean-Philippe Mengual
Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2011 18:30:02 +0200
Source: edbrowse
Binary: edbrowse
Architecture: source amd64
Version: 3.4.8-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Changed-By: Jean-Philippe Mengual
 edbrowse   - /bin/ed-alike webbrowser written in C
 edbrowse (3.4.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream version (3.4.8).
   * patches: removed
 83b92c467ec2decb361ff081dd89a59751104053 1451 edbrowse_3.4.8-1.dsc
 7ee49b166dadc06569ab1cf987e594c310d26eaf 706698 edbrowse_3.4.8.orig.tar.gz
 3f34ee3dcc776b47d5f022978455d8ec4660cc2e 4498 edbrowse_3.4.8-1.debian.tar.gz
 67f11ecc583c838c28272d80bb8a8cf55cb76c55 343970 edbrowse_3.4.8-1_amd64.deb
 829eeb1404c8485fe8219eda7202f280aea1da5dd370c89c36649701a5d7a204 1451 
 aea2c2997fbc23fd63b008af83e7023367ceb5165703f4c62d73b56802fb7766 706698 
 84bc132fe520fd8af3014265e92a3baba65d89d148e9da0d1c9e79f80643ffed 4498 
 84a66761677cea8dfa42da435cb9fa8a7c1f6a6be57ea88ef1082825732dbc31 343970 
 5c58596394c3c24e55d4205cb8f3f7d2 1451 net extra edbrowse_3.4.8-1.dsc
 8b309299f50e26b2046f1fc8c9875ab8 706698 net extra edbrowse_3.4.8.orig.tar.gz
 0b79fae30114e7bc2bcbcc50e64cecc3 4498 net extra edbrowse_3.4.8-1.debian.tar.gz
 189f208762edde3de1352a720f72da69 343970 net extra edbrowse_3.4.8-1_amd64.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


  to main/e/edbrowse/edbrowse_3.4.8-1.debian.tar.gz
  to main/e/edbrowse/edbrowse_3.4.8-1.dsc
  to main/e/edbrowse/edbrowse_3.4.8-1_amd64.deb
  to main/e/edbrowse/edbrowse_3.4.8.orig.tar.gz

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Bug#647061: ITP: cheops-chess -- C Chess Engine

2011-10-29 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

* Package name: cheops-chess
  Version : 1.1
  Upstream Author : Tristan MILLER
* URL :
* License : GPL
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : C Chess Engine
A chess game, artificial intelligence capable to do games between 2 humans,
2 computers, human vs. computers. Its interface is in ncurses or X.

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Bug#601596: RFH: festival -- General multi-lingual speech synthesis system

2011-09-27 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
The forbidden problem is now fixed. So I plan to chgrp packages soon.
I'll use git to make easier migration keeping the history. To have
permissions, you should be added to tts group. For this, please request
to be added. If you cannot git push anymore, it's because perm will have
been changed. So don't worry, only request, you'll be added quickly.


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

Le vendredi 09 septembre 2011 à 17:06 +0200, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL a
écrit :
 Le vendredi 09 septembre 2011 à 20:03 +0800, YunQiang Su a écrit :
  On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Kumar Appaiah wrote:
   On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 09:33:50AM +0800, YunQiang Su wrote:
   Would you found a TTS team?
   and invite all TTS packager to join it?
   This would be the ideal solution. I'd love it for people interested to
   come forward in this effort.
  done ?
 I'm going to create the team in a few days, as noone in Debian is opposed to 
 it. It'll contain at least festival and speech-tools. Then it'll be needed to 
 contact the various maintainers of speech synthetisers to tell them the group 
 exists and invite them. To know them, only aptitude show and aptitude search 
 can help, it's very fastidious (that's why I cannot do this immediately). But 
 you can start sending a message if you want to some maintainers.
 Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
 accelibreinfo, votre partenaire en informatique adaptée aux déficients visuels
 Site Web:

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	numériquement signée

Accepted speechd-up 0.5~20110719-1 (source amd64)

2011-09-16 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2011 02:27:07 +0200
Source: speechd-up
Binary: speechd-up
Architecture: source amd64
Version: 0.5~20110719-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Changed-By: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
 speechd-up - Interface between Speech Dispatcher and SpeakUp
Closes: 634933
 speechd-up (0.5~20110719-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Imported package from ubuntu, start of Debian packaging. Closes: #634933.
   * debian/control: Change the priority and section fields, so that they
 fix the disparity with ftpmaster.
   * debian/README: Add additional information to help the user configuring the
 f6894913b698f6feb5797dabd7343f174b144734 1299 speechd-up_0.5~20110719-1.dsc
 5c87d8a7ee36defd63fd71286b9e666ee1c91001 40889 
 eaa5a1389b9b4179d6ad0667917a2c713f861619 5888 
 743a1f13aea2d68cdeedf452f4c1edf0c02e3837 41414 
 5cafee2b7fbdb808bc6e97790b9f93fdc7bc1d5cdc928a6a71386aa9b0dc154b 1299 
 828dc87650449fa07aa75e051424ed9e56fc48d2c835139495b0b3a18df3232a 40889 
 8f540c80fec58f218c1b5c5959d6f8261ab9d2c1d8c2be18209adced63a0e9a3 5888 
 54ae9df8e86a9a37a02635d6d324e4543c6b940972e58f660f077e7b2fed7230 41414 
 209cf8fc1e192451c19637f7c17fec13 1299 admin extra speechd-up_0.5~20110719-1.dsc
 de85befc758b958f3c3159a2d54638a7 40889 admin extra 
 77c586a5a40cb9ffe110bcef86a14dea 5888 admin extra 
 90ccfee968de000db3c84cbf0daa0726 41414 admin extra 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


  to main/s/speechd-up/speechd-up_0.5~20110719-1.debian.tar.gz
  to main/s/speechd-up/speechd-up_0.5~20110719-1.dsc
  to main/s/speechd-up/speechd-up_0.5~20110719-1_amd64.deb
  to main/s/speechd-up/speechd-up_0.5~20110719.orig.tar.gz

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Bug#601596: RFH: festival -- General multi-lingual speech synthesis system

2011-09-09 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Le vendredi 09 septembre 2011 à 20:03 +0800, YunQiang Su a écrit :
 On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Kumar Appaiah wrote:
  On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 09:33:50AM +0800, YunQiang Su wrote:
  Would you found a TTS team?
  and invite all TTS packager to join it?
  This would be the ideal solution. I'd love it for people interested to
  come forward in this effort.
 done ?

I'm going to create the team in a few days, as noone in Debian is opposed to 
it. It'll contain at least festival and speech-tools. Then it'll be needed to 
contact the various maintainers of speech synthetisers to tell them the group 
exists and invite them. To know them, only aptitude show and aptitude search 
can help, it's very fastidious (that's why I cannot do this immediately). But 
you can start sending a message if you want to some maintainers.


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

accelibreinfo, votre partenaire en informatique adaptée aux déficients visuels



Site Web:

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	numériquement signée

Accepted speakup-tools 0.0~git20110720-1 (source amd64)

2011-09-08 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 15:44:30 +0200
Source: speakup-tools
Binary: speakup-tools
Architecture: source amd64
Version: 0.0~git20110720-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Changed-By: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
 speakup-tools - Tools to customize speakup module
Closes: 634934
 speakup-tools (0.0~git20110720-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Initial release. Closes: #634934
 937b1bd337282fc5940a217ede283585ec7c2eab 1266 
 049abff244a4bbc76b3761886ca7ce3e7217b10d 10541 
 8df0f3fa7794b0628bd970015d160aa05ed3b75d 1858 
 3e248feb5b67334f43780a5ce1e5b097f5c97ef5 13522 
 1519f460439050c7e79441bcec56ff405013b3e9481207ee83d22f23e744b4c4 1266 
 dc9ed84cc4baf409f874f45c4adb2eeb5783a08ee3a49b8e6bbfd9d46faf5a0a 10541 
 40688e19ebadefd32d551dee6d5541761fa37a0096303a1d20791ef8ab73ab05 1858 
 ee03ef7dfdf06a9511b4fea75ca46a70ffb41755f7affaf659bf577f50bf 13522 
 9a225e5f5e3f140bd29c920599712dd0 1266 sound optional 
 d92783090db764484f0cd076e6807197 10541 sound optional 
 c21b9cdc72f8dec989605c6d692f1fa0 1858 sound optional 
 dc0eb3cac59bd6963c9080f46c32df14 13522 sound optional 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


  to main/s/speakup-tools/speakup-tools_0.0~git20110720-1.debian.tar.gz
  to main/s/speakup-tools/speakup-tools_0.0~git20110720-1.dsc
  to main/s/speakup-tools/speakup-tools_0.0~git20110720-1_amd64.deb
  to main/s/speakup-tools/speakup-tools_0.0~git20110720.orig.tar.gz

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact