Re: ITP: bubnbros -- The Bub's Brothers

2005-05-08 Thread Malte Cornils
Hi Gürkan,

Am Sonntag, 8. Mai 2005 12:01 schrieb Gürkan Sengün:
> * Package name: bubnbros

> * URL :
> * License : MIT

Is it really MIT-licensed? I had a short look at making a package of that 
myself, and found the following statement on their homepage 

Almost all sprite images, sounds, background musics and levels are directly 
taken from the MacOS version of Bub & Bob 1 by McSebi, and redistributed with 
his gracious permission. 

The game logic itself is protected by the MIT License

Do you intend to seek clarification/DFSG-free licensing for the graphics?

Good luck,

Re: apply to NM? ha!

2005-01-24 Thread Malte Cornils

On Tuesday, 25. January 2005 02:43, Helen Faulkner wrote:
> I tend to tell people some mixture of the following, depending on the
> context:
> [Rationale for each skipped for quoting brevity]
> 1.  Remember that lots of Debian people are lovely[...]
> 2.  Don't start an interaction with the following people [...]
> 3.  If anyone says something to you that is insulting, [ignore it and 
remember 1.]
> 4.  Don't be insulting or nasty in your own communications [...]
> 5.  Choose your battles [wisely]. [...]
> All of this is fairly obvious stuff, I think.

That's what people say about the Netiquette, too... ;-) Thanks for posting 
this, stating it explicitly is rather useful (at least to myself when talking 
to people in various Debian or non-Debian contexts).


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Re: apply to NM? ha!

2005-01-24 Thread Malte Cornils

Am Dienstag, 25. Januar 2005 01:26 schrieb Helen Faulkner:
> Based on comments made to me by a number of women who are interested in
> contributing more to Debian, the level of agressiveness on some of the
> mailing lists and IRC channels is a problem.   It is preventing people
> (women and men, no doubt) from getting involved, because they don't want
> to have to deal with that behaviour, should it be directed towards them.
> I often find myself explaining to people how they can avoid attracting
> the attention of those who are likely to be unpleasant to deal with, and
> also repeatedly emphasising the fact that, despite some appearances,
> there really are many very pleasant and supportive people involved in
> Debian.  It's a pity that such explanations are actually required.

I would be interested in how you explain that and whether there are some basic 
recipes (except for the sometimes necessary "don't deal with xy then" route). 

> I do not believe that being thick-skinned enough to cope with people who
> are very agressive or insulting should be a requirement for involvement
> in Debian.  Sadly, it seems to me that this is effectively the case.
> Shouldn't we be more interested in someone's technical skills, and their
> ability to work well with others?

Though I am not sure whether that is a rhetoric question (sad fact for 
itself), the question is how to change this environment for the better. 
Often, making people aware that they were in fact being aggressive is 
sufficient. Sometimes you also need to explain to them in private why being 
aggressive because "user is so stupid"/"I've had a horrible day"/whatever is 
still not a terribly good idea. And in the extreme, maybe enough people 
pointing little "aggressiveness is uncool, we don't like this/you here, 
debian is our project, too" fingers at offenders might be necessary.

That takes a surprising amount of work, though (being present in most threads 
obviously is, but mustering the courage to tell the "brute" to soften up can 
be stressful, too - and is most rarely done by those people really bothered 
by aggressiveness, and/or those not already "blessed" by full DD-ship)


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Re: apply to NM? ha!

2005-01-24 Thread Malte Cornils
Am Dienstag, 25. Januar 2005 00:40 schrieb Gunnar Wolf:
> [Person with *very* delicate skin quitting NM]
> I don't know (and don't want to, don't point me to it ;-) ) who
> advocated a person with such a delicate skin to enter NM. I mean, NM
> is for people who are _already_ somewhat involved in Debian... And if
> a little aggressivity puts you off that badly, then...

One can only hope that the set of people resistant to aggressiveness 
("thick-skinned") does not strongly correlate to the set of people often 
exercising aggressiveness. Following your line of reasoning, that would mean 
Debian could likely never be open to people with a soft skin (since only 
somewhat aggressive people could stand entering Debian).

Luckily, I'm not too tempted with following that line of thought because I 
know some DDs that do not fall in the aggressive category. Still, an 
interesting thought... (could also be one of the problems preventing women 
from participating more often in Debian)

(Follow-ups to Debian-project?)


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