Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "أحمد المحمودي" <>

* Package name    : verilog-perl
  Version         : 3.2.11
  Upstream Author : Wilson Snyder <>
* URL             :
* License         : Artistic License 2.0
  Programming Lang: C++, Perl
  Description     : building point for Verilog support in the Perl language

The Verilog-Perl library is a building point for Verilog support in the Perl 
language. It includes:

    * Verilog::Getopt which parses command line options similar to C++ 
      and VCS.
    * Verilog::Language which knows the language keywords and parses 
    * Verilog::Netlist which builds netlists out of Verilog files. This 
    * allows easy scripts to determine things such as the hierarchy of 
    * Verilog::Parser invokes callbacks for language tokens.
    * Verilog::Preproc preprocesses the language, and allows reading 
      post-processed files right from Perl without temporary files.
    * vpassert inserts PLIish warnings and assertions for any simulator.
    * vppreproc preprocesses the complete Verilog 2001 and SystemVerilog 
    * vrename renames and cross-references Verilog symbols. Vrename 
      creates Verilog cross references and makes it easy to rename 
      signal and module names across multiple files. Vrename uses a 
      simple and efficient three step process. First, you run vrename to 
      create a list of signals in the design. You then edit this list, 
      changing as many symbols as you wish. Vrename is then run a second 
      time to apply the changes.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 5.0
  APT prefers jaunty-updates
  APT policy: (500, 'jaunty-updates'), (500, 'jaunty-security'), (500, 
'jaunty-proposed'), (500, 'jaunty-backports'), (500, 'jaunty')
Architecture: i386 (i686)

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