Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-22 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Zack" == Zack Weinberg  writes:
Zack> Maybe it was not obvious to anyone in 2016 that the package
Zack> database being inconsistent with the filesystem could cause
Zack> actual data loss.  However, I think it was the responsibility
Zack> of the developers of usrmerge to find out how bad that problem
Zack> actually was, rather than dismissing it.  And, as it has
Zack> proven to be a genuinely critical problem, it is also their
Zack> responsibility to fix it, per the 'no one can be forced to do
Zack> anything' rule.

I agree with the above, but very definitely not with the further
conclusions you draw.

I think that the usrmerge proponents need to fix the problem before
encouraging moving  files from / to /usr in packages.
They can do that either by:

* proposing fixes to dpkg


* As Michael has pointed out, proposing mechanisms to guarantee that no
  Debian release both includes file migrations and package migrations.

We disagree about the rollback.
If we're ever communicating in a more realtime context I'd love to chat
about the balances around making sure we do not reward bad behavior.

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-22 Thread Russ Allbery
Ansgar  writes:

> So I do not think there should be a command-line option for this; unless
> it would behave like `--add-architecture` and register the setting
> somewhere.


I also think it needs to be a two-phase thing, because dpkg has to convert
its internal database to respect the new aliases.  So there should be a
desired configuration and then an applied configuration, and the latter is
only updated once the database conversion is complete, with dpkg refusing
to perform package operations if the desired configuration doesn't match
the applied configuration.

Even if the command that changes the configuration also does the database
conversion, I think we need this, since I don't believe it's possible to
do the database conversion atomically (or at least it would involve extra
complexity that I don't think we want), so we have to handle the database
conversion being interrupted.

> I do not think this should be a configuration file (unless you suggest
> supporting other values or removing individual lines; after all a
> configuration file exists to be changed).

Are you thinking of perhaps shipping this configuratino somewhere in
/usr/lib instead so that it's not marked as a configuration file?

Russ Allbery (  

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-22 Thread Ansgar
On Mon, 2021-11-22 at 12:24 +, Simon McVittie wrote:
> Options to make path A an alias for path B would be a lot like --path-
> exclude in that they really only make sense in a configuration file in
> /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d, although for symmetry they would presumably also
> have to exist as command-line options just like --path-exclude does.

I would expect using --path-exclude when installing individual packages
to work: you just don't get the files from that package. (I haven't

Merged-/usr (or --path-alias as you propose) does not work like this:
Unlike --path-exclude, you would almost always need to specify a
superset of --path-alias options for all future operations.

So I do not think there should be a command-line option for this;
unless it would behave like `--add-architecture` and register the
setting somewhere.

>     # in /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/merged-usr
>     path-alias=/bin=usr/bin
>     path-alias=/lib32=usr/lib32
>     path-alias=/lib64=usr/lib64
>     path-alias=/lib=usr/lib
>     path-alias=/libo32=usr/libo32
>     path-alias=/libx32=usr/libx32
>     path-alias=/sbin=usr/sbin

I do not think this should be a configuration file (unless you suggest
supporting other values or removing individual lines; after all a
configuration file exists to be changed).

(Though we have various other settings that don't make sense as
configuration files in /etc, such as Debian's bugtracker and other
settings in /etc/dpkg/origins/debian, the version in
/etc/debian_version and so on.)


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-22 Thread Russ Allbery
Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues  writes:

> Please don't. Since 2014 it is possible to create a Debian chroot
> without taking care of the unpack order and without running any special
> setup beforehand that cannot be put into apt or dpkg itself (like
> creating /var/lib/dpkg/info which is not needed anymore since dpkg
> 1.20.0). One of my biggest motivations in writing mmdebstrap was to get
> rid of all the quirks that currently live in debootstrap, move them into
> apt and dpkg so that we end up with a declarative bootstrap process that
> is driven by the package contents, their metadata and maintainer scripts
> but does not need magic from the outside other than standardized
> interfaces. Requiring the merged-/usr setup to be done by the bootstrap
> script would be a step backwards.

I understand why you want this, but unfortunately it doesn't answer the
question of how to safely perform the upgrade and reconfigure dpkg.  Do
you have any thoughts on the drawbacks of the approach of putting the
symlinks in base-files that led me to lean away from doing that?

I'd love to get all of the machinery into packages as well, but I think
safely upgrading existing systems is even more important than that, and
I'm worried about our ability to do so if we put the machinery in

Russ Allbery (  

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-22 Thread Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues
Quoting Russ Allbery (2021-11-20 18:22:27)
> * Create a new essential package that contains these symlinks and that
>   needs to be unpacked before any binaries are executed in the target file
>   system.  This has many of the advantages and drawbacks of the approach
>   of putting the symlinks in base-files, but may make it easier to handle
>   the upgrade problem.  Ideally an upgrade would then involve installing
>   usrmerge, letting it run, and then installing this new essential package
>   so that it takes over ownership of those symlinks.
>   This still feels kind of complex and messy to me, but maybe less so.
> * Create the symlinks directly in the bootstrapping script.  In other
>   words, after unpacking base-files, the bootstrapping script would
>   directly create the required symlinks in the target file system, before
>   unpacking any other package.
>   This has the obvious drawback of moving things outside the packaging
>   system and creating a new special case that every bootstrapping script
>   needs to be aware of (and I know we have at least four or five that
>   would need modifications).  It has the advantage that the usrmerge
>   symlinks are now not in the dpkg database and thus not subject to
>   rewriting, and therefore won't need to be special-cased.  However, that
>   comes with the obvious disadvantage that they're not in the dpkg
>   database, so for instance dpkg -S /lib wouldn't find that symlink unless
>   it was added as some sort of dpkg-query special case (which doesn't seem
>   like a great idea).
>   The advantage of this approach is that it closely mimicks what's already
>   happening now with the usrmerge package, and for which we therefore have
>   a lot of existing experience.

Please don't. Since 2014 it is possible to create a Debian chroot without
taking care of the unpack order and without running any special setup
beforehand that cannot be put into apt or dpkg itself (like creating
/var/lib/dpkg/info which is not needed anymore since dpkg 1.20.0). One of my
biggest motivations in writing mmdebstrap was to get rid of all the quirks that
currently live in debootstrap, move them into apt and dpkg so that we end up
with a declarative bootstrap process that is driven by the package contents,
their metadata and maintainer scripts but does not need magic from the outside
other than standardized interfaces. Requiring the merged-/usr setup to be done
by the bootstrap script would be a step backwards. Think about the following

 * you create a Debian unstable chroot using snapshot.d.o -- now you have to
   somewhere put code that identifies that this is a chroot from the past and
   that has to decide whether that chroot should be merged-/usr or not. If
   merged-/usr setup was living somewhere in the Essential:yes package set
   the chroots would be created the right way automatically
 * same for derivatives -- now every bootstrap script has to learn which
   derivative defaults to merged-/usr, which ones do not and when they switched
 * we somehow need to convert installations of users that only run testing
   or unstable but never do full stable installation to merged-/usr -- one way
   to do that is to let one package in the Essential:yes set drive the
   conversion at which point the bootstrap script doesn't need to know about
   merged-/usr because the Essential:yes set knows how to set it up
 * think about it from a software engineering point of view: Debian as a
   component based software distribution should move specific functionality
   into its packages and global functionality into declarative metadata.

Just as we are currently trying to reduce maintainer scripts and replace them
by declarative approaches, we should also try to reduce the magic in our
bootstrap scripts and move it either to our package managers or replace them by
declarative solutions. We have been moving into the right direction during the
last few years as apt and dpkg have picked up functionality I had earlier put
into mmdebstrap (thanks a lot to guillem, DonKult and juliank for picking up my
patches or writing the functionality themselves). It would mean a step
backwards if all bootstrap scripts would have to carry the setup_merged_usr()
function from debootstrap and then decide by some $magic when this function
should be executed or not.


cheers, josch

Description: signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-22 Thread Simon McVittie
On Sat, 20 Nov 2021 at 14:54:30 -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
> That would make it akin to dpkg
> --add-architecture, which feels like a good model (although as you mention
> I don't think we want --remove-architecture).

Instead of dpkg --add-architecture, which is a top-level "verb" like
dpkg --remove or dpkg --install [1], probably a better thing to resemble
would be the options that already exist to change dpkg's behaviour,
and in particular --path-exclude and --path-include?

Options to make path A an alias for path B would be a lot like --path-exclude
in that they really only make sense in a configuration file in
/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d, although for symmetry they would presumably also
have to exist as command-line options just like --path-exclude does.

Here's a possible design (not fully thought out, and maybe wrong or

--path-alias ALIAS=TARGET
When unpacking or querying packages, paths below ALIAS will be
transformed into the corresponding path below CANONICALIZED, where
CANONICALIZED is the result of resolving TARGET relative to the
directory containing ALIAS. This transformation is done before
checking for file conflicts.

ALIAS must be an absolute path.

If the file list of any unpacked package contains a directory at
ALIAS and/or CANONICALIZED, then ALIAS will be created as a symbolic
link to TARGET, with its target directory created at CANONICALIZED.

It is an error to have multiple --path-alias directives for
the same ALIAS with different TARGET paths.

This option should usually be set via /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d rather
than as a command-line option.

For example, a series of directives like path-alias=/bin=usr/bin
can be used to implement the "/usr merge", causing /bin/bash to be
unpacked as /usr/bin/bash while creating a symbolic link
/bin -> usr/bin.

With that, I believe a full implementation of merged-usr for all known
architectures would be to install something like this, perhaps via

# in /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/merged-usr

Rationale for TARGET being allowed to be relative: I believe the compat
symlinks in merged-/usr are preferred in the form /bin -> usr/bin, to
make sysroots (containers, chroots, btrfs root filesystem snapshots,
etc.) easier to manipulate from outside.

Rationale for ALIAS only being created if ALIAS and/or CANONICALIZED
really exist in a package: we would probably prefer the multilib
directories to be created "lazily", rather than having a /libo32 on
systems that will never install a mips* package and a /libx32 on systems
that will never install an x32 package. This is slightly nicer than the
current implementation in convert-usrmerge and debootstrap, which creates
those directories "eagerly" whenever the appropriate architectures are
configured as either primary or foreign architectures.


[1] if dpkg had been designed with more recent CLI conventions in mind,
I expect these "verbs" might have been subcommands like "dpkg remove",
etc. as seen in apt/git/flatpak, which makes it a bit more obvious
that only one is allowed

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-20 Thread Russ Allbery
Gabor Gombas  writes:

> If you replace "rewrite /lib64 to /usr/lib64" with "rewrite /lib64/* to
> /usr/lib64/*", then this can easily be avoided.

True, although I think you still want to ensure that dpkg never messes
with those links.  I don't think you want base-files to be able to drop
one of those links from the package and cause it to be removed by dpkg,
for instance.

Maybe I'm borrowing trouble for a scenario that won't happen (and I think
dpkg may have some special-casing of symlinks to directories anyway).

> Talking about "special casing" in dpkg is bothering me for a while. And
> there is a relatively simple way to avoid any kind of special casing:
> move the information out to a configuration file (which would _not_ be a
> conffile) - and now the code has no special casing, just
> configuration-driven logic.

All that I mean by special-case is that I think it would be a mistake to
try to shoehorn support for merged-/usr into some pre-existing dpkg
concept.  The merged-/usr links are special relative to other files that
dpkg is managing and need to be treated with special care.  We should add
a new concept to dpkg for these sorts of links.

I agree with making the exact set of links configurable.  This also allows
handling the architecture-specific links in a clean way.

> This new configuration file could be shipped by base-files itself, to
> ensure it does not get out of sync with the filesystem structure shipped
> in base-files. Then base-files' postinst would more or less need to
> include the current usrmerge package, plus whatever is needed to convert
> dpkg's database.

I don't think we want base-files to take over the logic of usrmerge.

usrmerge is both complex (in part because it relies on Perl) and not 100%
hardened against weird issues, being interrupted in the middle of running,
etc.  That's all fine for what it's doing as a one-time migration tool
that's run with care during an upgrade when the administrator already
knows Big Things are happening to the system.  Putting the logic into
base-files makes it more of a routine thing and I think it should be a lot
more hardened if we do that (and I don't think that's a good use of
anyone's time).  We ideally want usrmerge to be a tool each system runs
once, under controlled circumstances, and then never again (and isn't
needed at all for bootstrapping).

We have a migration strategy that's working.  Let's stick with that
migration strategy without messing with it and instead just add a dpkg
database conversion step to the end of that migration.

I do agree that something needs to handle installing the configuration
file and laid out some options for that in another message.

> This new configuration file would not be consumed by dpkg directly when
> installing packages, but only when the database conversion is called,
> and dpkg would keep an internal list of the rewriting rules which are
> active. Doing so would allow enforcing rewriting rules can only be added
> but never removed, which would avoid potential issues if base-files gets
> downgraded.

This is a very good idea.  I was starting to think along those lines, but
hadn't taken it quite far enough.  That would make it akin to dpkg
--add-architecture, which feels like a good model (although as you mention
I don't think we want --remove-architecture).

Russ Allbery (  

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-20 Thread Gabor Gombas

On Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 09:22:27AM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:

>   The drawback here is that dpkg is going to rewrite all paths like /lib64
>   to /usr/lib64, which would naively *also* apply to the base-files
>   package when it looks at that package, but that can't be allowed because
>   now we're back to the situation where dpkg's state database is
>   inconsistent with the file system and dpkg thinks that base-files
>   contains some nonsensical /usr/lib64 to /usr/lib64 symlink.

If you replace "rewrite /lib64 to /usr/lib64" with "rewrite /lib64/* to
/usr/lib64/*", then this can easily be avoided.

>   I think in this approach there would need to be some special-case code
>   directly in dpkg that recognizes the usrmerge symlinks [...]

Talking about "special casing" in dpkg is bothering me for a while. And
there is a relatively simple way to avoid any kind of special casing:
move the information out to a configuration file (which would _not_ be a
conffile) - and now the code has no special casing, just
configuration-driven logic.

This new configuration file could be shipped by base-files itself, to
ensure it does not get out of sync with the filesystem structure shipped
in base-files. Then base-files' postinst would more or less need to
include the current usrmerge package, plus whatever is needed to convert
dpkg's database.

This new configuration file would not be consumed by dpkg directly when
installing packages, but only when the database conversion is called,
and dpkg would keep an internal list of the rewriting rules which are
active. Doing so would allow enforcing rewriting rules can only be added
but never removed, which would avoid potential issues if base-files gets


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-20 Thread Russ Allbery
Russ Allbery  writes:

> Well, bootstrapping a new Debian system involves running a tool that
> bootstraps a new Debian system.  I think you're constraining the problem
> too much.

> It's a nice property that everything on the system comes straight from a
> Debian package, but it's not a strict requirement, nor is it currently
> generally the case (maintainer scripts do things, for instance).  Those
> symlinks are very special from a dpkg perspective; dpkg needs to refuse
> to mess with them even when upgrading a package that provides them,
> which would mean some irritating special-casing I suspect.  It's not
> clear to me that shipping them as tar members of a package is the right
> way to go, as opposed to creating them separately as part of early
> system configuration.

Having slept on this, let me make this problem concrete.

I'm going to make the following assumptions:

* We have some mechanism to put dpkg into what I've been calling
  merged-/usr mode.  In this mode, it pre-filters all input paths from
  whatever source (including arguments to dpkg-divert,
  update-alternatives, etc.)  and canonicalizes them in a very specific
  way: the directories that become symlinks in merged /usr are replaced in
  each path with their canonical paths.  So /bin/ls becomes /usr/bin/ls,
  /lib64/ becomes /usr/lib64/, and
  so forth.

* When bootstrapping a new Debian system, we want to put dpkg into
  merged-/usr mode as early as possible.

* If dpkg is in merged-/usr mode, the first thing it does is checks the
  file system on which its operating and ensures that the expected
  symlinks already exist.  If they do not, it aborts because operating on
  that file system is unsafe.  (Leaving aside for the moment whether there
  should be some -force option, etc.)

This produces a bootstrapping problem: all dynamic binaries on, say, an
amd64 system refer to /lib64/ [1].  Therefore, before
the first binary is run from within the context of the newly-installed
system, either that path must exist as-is (which we don't want because we
want to create a merged-/usr system where it belongs in /usr/lib64) or the
symlink from /lib64 to /usr/lib64 must already exist.

I think it's fairly obvious that we don't want a long-term design in which
the libc6 package has to continue to ship /lib64/, we
originally unpack that file in that path during bootstrap, and then
something has to come along later and move it to /usr/lib64 and create a
symlink.  This has numerous drawbacks: weird special cases people have to
remember, not being able to reconcile the contents of packages with their
canonical paths in the long run, a window where we have to do file system
surgery atomically, etc.  Instead, we want to live in a world in which
libc6 can ship /usr/lib64/, dpkg sees it as shipping
that path, but everything works fine during bootstrap because the /lib64
to /usr/lib64 symlink is already established before we have to execute
binaries in the new environment.  (Obviously it may be some time before we
actually change the contents of the libc6 package; that's fine, the point
of adding a path filter to dpkg is that we can take our time on that.)

So, assuming we have a libc6 package that contains either
/usr/lib64/ or /lib64/, how do we
bootstrap this system?

I can see a few approaches:

* Put the required symlinks into base-files.  This preserves the nice
  property that every file on the system comes from and is registered as
  belonging to a Debian package (which we don't fully meet but which we
  always aspire to).  I haven't studied all the various tools for
  bootstrapping a Debian system, but I presume that unpacking base-files
  is the first thing that any of them do.  This will therefore lay down
  the symlinks from the start and it won't matter what path under which
  the libc6 package ships the files if it's extracted over the resulting
  file system with ar+tar.

  The drawback here is that dpkg is going to rewrite all paths like /lib64
  to /usr/lib64, which would naively *also* apply to the base-files
  package when it looks at that package, but that can't be allowed because
  now we're back to the situation where dpkg's state database is
  inconsistent with the file system and dpkg thinks that base-files
  contains some nonsensical /usr/lib64 to /usr/lib64 symlink.

  I think in this approach there would need to be some special-case code
  directly in dpkg that recognizes the usrmerge symlinks (and only
  specifically those symlinks) as special and preserves them as-is in the
  installed package database.  (I think it's probably better to
  special-case the specific symlink than to special-case base-files the
  package.)  We will then need rules that base-files must always contain
  those symlinks and they can't move between packages, etc., (or the
  system is likely to break horribly), 

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread Russ Allbery
Simon Richter  writes:

> Bootstrapping a new Debian system works by unpacking Essential packages
> with ar+tar, i.e. not using dpkg. These packages will always be unpacked
> to the file names listed inside the packages.

Well, bootstrapping a new Debian system involves running a tool that
bootstraps a new Debian system.  I think you're constraining the problem
too much.

It's a nice property that everything on the system comes straight from a
Debian package, but it's not a strict requirement, nor is it currently
generally the case (maintainer scripts do things, for instance).  Those
symlinks are very special from a dpkg perspective; dpkg needs to refuse to
mess with them even when upgrading a package that provides them, which
would mean some irritating special-casing I suspect.  It's not clear to me
that shipping them as tar members of a package is the right way to go, as
opposed to creating them separately as part of early system configuration.

> Dpkg has an elaborate per-file tracking to recover from errors, and this
> change introduces several new states and transitions,

Why?  I am not convinced this is true, apart from the obviously-needed
one-time conversion of the state database.

It involves a new filter, applied whenever a package is installed, that
changes all the paths in the package to their merged-/usr paths, something
that seems like it should be done before any other package processing.
Once that's done, why would any new states or transitions be required?

You could convince me that writing the filter is complicated because there
may not be one place in dpkg where you can currently put such path
rewriting since dpkg probably wasn't designed with that operation in mind.
But it's going to be harder to convince me that there are new states or
transitions; that smells like an over-complicated design.

> That is the goal, yes, but this is a massive undertaking.

I'm still not convinced of this.

> We already have a quick hack for usrmerge support in dpkg, which is the
> check that allows moving a file from /bin to /usr/bin within the same
> package without the file being deleted in the end (because deletions are
> processed last for obvious reasons), and the obscure rule is precisely
> the limitation of this hack.

This already sounds conceptually more complicated than just solving the
problem properly, with the caveat as mentioned above that writing the
necessary filter may be difficult.

Russ Allbery (  

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread Simon Richter

> > (I've used /bin -> /usr/bin as an example, but the canonicalization must
> > deal with the other merged paths too.)

/lib and /lib64 are a bit special, because they are part of the ELF ABI,
and any manipulation of these paths needs to be atomic.

Bootstrapping a new Debian system works by unpacking Essential packages
with ar+tar, i.e. not using dpkg. These packages will always be unpacked
to the file names listed inside the packages.

So, new systems will either need a package that ships the /lib ->
usr/lib symlink in the Essential set, or we need to ship the dynamic
linker in /lib, which would be a conflict during unpacking.

> > The second bit ensures that all new operations write canonicalized paths
> > (e.g. /usr/bin/foo) into the database regardless of whether the .deb 
> > shipped with /bin/foo or /usr/bin/foo. This ensures the database stays in
> > sync with the filesystem moving forward.

This loses the information about the original path, so this would be a
trapdoor operation that can not be undone without affected packages
going into reinstallation-required state (and we probably couldn't even
identify those).

Ideally, I'd rather not hardcode the list of top-level symlinks into
dpkg, because they might be architecture-specific, or change over time,
so there should be a mechanism to add and remove transformations.

> > The one-time canonicalization can be removed once non-usrmerged systems
> > are no longer supported. The second bit needs to live (probably a lot) 
> > longer, until it's no longer reasonable to install a .deb containing
> > non-usrmerged paths (which might be old or from a third party).

My expectation would be that this code will be here to stay, because it
will be required for bootstrap.

> Are we missing something?  If not, what is blocking this solution?  Is it
> simply a matter of someone digging into dpkg's code sufficiently to put
> these changes in the correct location?  Or is there some other issue?

If it were that simple, someone would have done that already. Dpkg has
an elaborate per-file tracking to recover from errors, and this change
introduces several new states and transitions, last but not least
because we also have filters and diversions as transformations on the
database -- but the usrmerge transformation is supposed to be orthogonal
to that.

> It seems like a huge waste of resources to me to do archive-wide package
> inspection to try to find patterns that might cause problems, and to ask
> all maintainers to remember this rather obscure rule, when we could just
> fix dpkg to make the problem go away.

That is the goal, yes, but this is a massive undertaking. We already
have a quick hack for usrmerge support in dpkg, which is the check that
allows moving a file from /bin to /usr/bin within the same package
without the file being deleted in the end (because deletions are
processed last for obvious reasons), and the obscure rule is precisely
the limitation of this hack.

I've stumbled across this hack while investigating if it was possible to
"just" fix dpkg. :P


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread Russ Allbery
Simon Richter  writes:

> I think the main blocker at the moment is that the dpkg change *also*
> has the potential to break a lot of things if it isn't carefully
> designed.

I think you can simplify that problem space considerably because we know
exactly what symlinks we care about and we don't intend to support going
backwards (in other words, once you have merged /usr, it's not supported
to turn /bin, etc., back into regular directories again).

Therefore, dpkg can be configured with the list of the symlinks that
*must* exist for it to be willing to operate on the system.  Once it has
been put into merged-/usr mode (which includes updating its state database
to reflect the new canonical paths of all installed files), if those
symlinks do not exist or do not have the correct targets, the system state
is not safe and dpkg can (and probably should) abort and refuse to operate
on that system.

That modifies the problem of systems in various weird configurations from
"weird things may happen" to "dpkg will (safely) refuse to run" and we can
provide a tool to fix such a system by creating the correct symlinks.
(This tool may well just be the existing usrmerge tool.)  Getting into
that state will be hopefully rare if we structure the upgrade process so
that first one converts the system to merged-/usr if this has not already
been done, then upgrades dpkg, then tells dpkg to switch into merged-/usr
mode, and then safely upgrades the remaining packages.

> From dpkg's perspective, we now (kind of) change the policy for
> directory-vs-symlink conflicts, which dpkg currently resolves in favour
> of the directory.

I don't think we should be doing anything of the sort.  I think we should
introduce a new concept specifically for this case and have the remappings
of files for merged-/usr, once dpkg is in merged-/usr mode, take
precedence over any rules like that.  We do not want dpkg to be applying
some policy or heuristic about directory vs. symlink conflicts for
symlinks related to merged-/usr.  We know exactly what we want the rule
and behavior to be.  That sort of remapping should happen way before any
other dpkg analysis of the package or system state.

In other words, I argue that once dpkg is in merged-/usr mode, it should
treat a package with files in /bin exactly as if the files were in
/usr/bin, at an earlier stage than when it starts looking at the file

We're not trying to create a generalized feature here.  Merged-/usr has a
very specific definition, with very specific and clear behavior that we
need from the package manager.  Trying to generalize this is going to make
a mess and make it much harder to reason about the behavior or test it.

Russ Allbery (  

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread Simon Richter

On Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 12:28:56PM -0700, Sam Hartman wrote:

> But we could you know fix dpkg:-)
> I'm sure that will be painful at the political level, but personally I
> think it needs doing.

I think the main blocker at the moment is that the dpkg change *also*
has the potential to break a lot of things if it isn't carefully

The problem space right now is huge:

 - for upgraded systems, the system could be pre-usrmerge, or the
   conversion could have been performed by any usrmerge version that
   ever existed (and the usrmerge package could have been deinstalled
   and reinstalled since, so the patches to the conffiles it performs
   could be inconsistently applied).
 - for upgraded systems, any version of usrmerge since the last stable
   release could be installed
 - for upgraded systems, unless the usrmerge package is discontinued,
   it could be upgraded at any point during the update.
 - for freshly installed systems, dpkg is first invoked on a
   non-usrmerged tree, and should convert the installation as soon as it
   becomes aware that conversion is desired (which might not be
   something we want to hardcode in dpkg, but possibly configure from a
   separate, Debian-specific package like base-files).
 - for freshly installed systems, initial unpack might be controlled by
   debootstrap from stable, which is usrmerge aware, so some of its
   workarounds may be active, and we need to properly capture this
   state, too.
 - freshly installed systems might be created with cdebootstrap or
   multistrap, and could be generated in --foreign mode
 - the dynamic loader is specified to be on the root filesystem, and that
   is part of the ABI standard and not under our control, so we cannot get
   a conflict-free dpkg database in bookworm.

>From dpkg's perspective, we now (kind of) change the policy for
directory-vs-symlink conflicts, which dpkg currently resolves in favour
of the directory. That was done in ancient times because it was somewhat
easy to do this in a package by accident. Not sure if that still
applies, but if it does, then we need to formulate the new policy so
that we don't catch a regression here (which is why my original idea to
just ship the symlinks in base-files is a bad idea).

>From the way dpkg and the Debian Policy are initially designed, it is
obvious to me that they started out as specification documents, and only
when these were hammered out, they were poured into code and rules, and
we've been operating from that stable base since, with two exceptions
where technical facts were created without updating Policy accordingly,
and which has both times been controversial.

My interpretation of the "political" situation is that we need this to be a
group effort, because no single person has the necessary time to do a
thorough enough job that they would feel comfortable signing off on it. I'd
be reluctant to do so even if I had three months of uninterrupted time --
that's the level of complexity I see here, and I suspect Guillem feels the

So I believe the way forward will be writing a specification and giving it
enough eyeballs to identify problem cases. Finding the adversarial example
for the status quo was easy, since I had to find just one -- the goal now
is to get to a state where we don't find such an example easily anymore.

The specification should explain how the transition can be finished with
the bookworm release for all the different ways packages can be installed,
and it should describe the necessary code changes and new test cases to get
full coverage, and the document should be signed off by multiple people who
jointly take responsibility, to avoid placing all of that on a single
person -- because that's what's impeding progress right now, that no one
wants to be that person or even feels able to.

The description of the problem space I put above is likely incomplete and
overzealous at the same time (for example, I haven't checked how different
the previous usrmerge packages are, and which of them ever made it into a
stable release), so this is also just a starting point. I'll happily spend
time refining this or any other proposal, but I'm too time-constrained to
be the main driving force here -- this is not my day job, after all.


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread Timo Röhling

* Russ Allbery  [2021-11-19 11:46]:

I also don't understand why this isn't the correct solution.  It seems
obvious to me that we should simply teach dpkg about path aliases and have
it update both its internal state and its processing of new packages to
canonicalize paths so that it has an accurate representation of the world,
and then ensure dpkg is upgraded first.


Are we missing something?  If not, what is blocking this solution?  Is it
simply a matter of someone digging into dpkg's code sufficiently to put
these changes in the correct location?  Or is there some other issue?

AFAIR, Guillem has not commented on the solution when it was brought
up on d-devel [1], so I'm not sure if he would accept patches, let
alone support anyone working on this. I'd be willing to assist him
and contribute code, but I'm not going to spend a good chunk of my
spare time just to see me work summarily rejected.



⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀   ╭╮
⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁   │ Timo Röhling   │
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀   │ 9B03 EBB9 8300 DF97 C2B1  23BF CC8C 6BDD 1403 F4CA │
⠈⠳⣄   ╰╯

Description: PGP signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread Zack Weinberg
On Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 3:23 PM, Zack Weinberg wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 8:06 PM, Luca Boccassi wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2021-11-18 at 16:23 -0500, Zack Weinberg wrote:
>>> Luca Bocassi wrote:
>>> ...
 nobody has actually seen [the file disappearance bug]
 happen, to the best of my knowledge.
>>> I already explained why that doesn't prove the bug is a non-issue.
>>> To the contrary; it means there is an enormous installed base of
>>> systems where the bug is latent, waiting to cause problems under
>>> conditions which we can reasonably expect to occur shortly after
>>> the release of bookworm.
>> Why would the release of bookworm make any difference?
> Up until the release of bookworm, all Debian packages must be
> constructed on the assumption that they _might_ be unpacked on a
> system that has not yet been converted to merged /usr.  Particularly
> for priority-required packages, this means that no one will be moving
> files from /bin, /lib, etc to /usr in the bookworm cycle.
> Post-bookworm, if nothing changes, that assumption will no longer be
> in force, and people who maintain packages that install files into /
> will want to simplify their packaging by installing everything in /usr
> instead.  If they also want to change the binary packages that ships
> some of those files at any point in the same release cycle -- kaboom.

After having caught up on the thread, I see that the conditions required
to trigger the bug are somewhat more complicated, but the point remains:
particularly for the packages where a lost file could render the system
unbootable, changes that would trigger the bug have been deferred until
post-bookworm, *and* we can reasonably expect the maintainers of those
packages to *want* to make changes with a high risk of triggering the bug.
I imagine the coreutils maintainers are looking forward to getting rid
of their list of programs that go in /bin, and the extra debian/rules
logic to go with it, for instance


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread Zack Weinberg
On Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 8:06 PM, Luca Boccassi wrote:
>> On Thu, 2021-11-18 at 16:23 -0500, Zack Weinberg wrote:
>> Luca Bocassi wrote:
>> ...
>>> nobody has actually seen [the file disappearance bug]
>>> happen, to the best of my knowledge.
>> I already explained why that doesn't prove the bug is a non-issue.
>> To the contrary; it means there is an enormous installed base of
>> systems where the bug is latent, waiting to cause problems under
>> conditions which we can reasonably expect to occur shortly after
>> the release of bookworm.
> Why would the release of bookworm make any difference?

Up until the release of bookworm, all Debian packages must be
constructed on the assumption that they _might_ be unpacked on a
system that has not yet been converted to merged /usr.  Particularly
for priority-required packages, this means that no one will be moving
files from /bin, /lib, etc to /usr in the bookworm cycle.

Post-bookworm, if nothing changes, that assumption will no longer be
in force, and people who maintain packages that install files into /
will want to simplify their packaging by installing everything in /usr
instead.  If they also want to change the binary packages that ships
some of those files at any point in the same release cycle -- kaboom.


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread Russ Allbery
Richard Laager  writes:

> Is this particularly hard to fix, though?

> Can't we just do something like the following pseudo-code:


> (I've used /bin -> /usr/bin as an example, but the canonicalization must
> deal with the other merged paths too.)

> The second bit ensures that all new operations write canonicalized paths
> (e.g. /usr/bin/foo) into the database regardless of whether the .deb 
> shipped with /bin/foo or /usr/bin/foo. This ensures the database stays in
> sync with the filesystem moving forward.

> The first bit performs a one-time canonicalization of paths in the
> existing database. An on-disk flag ensures that this is run only once 
> (for performance reasons only, because it's already idempotent). This
> corrects the existing database-filesystem mismatch.

> The one-time canonicalization can be removed once non-usrmerged systems
> are no longer supported. The second bit needs to live (probably a lot) 
> longer, until it's no longer reasonable to install a .deb containing
> non-usrmerged paths (which might be old or from a third party).

> Am I missing something here?

I also don't understand why this isn't the correct solution.  It seems
obvious to me that we should simply teach dpkg about path aliases and have
it update both its internal state and its processing of new packages to
canonicalize paths so that it has an accurate representation of the world,
and then ensure dpkg is upgraded first.

Are we missing something?  If not, what is blocking this solution?  Is it
simply a matter of someone digging into dpkg's code sufficiently to put
these changes in the correct location?  Or is there some other issue?

It seems like a huge waste of resources to me to do archive-wide package
inspection to try to find patterns that might cause problems, and to ask
all maintainers to remember this rather obscure rule, when we could just
fix dpkg to make the problem go away.

Russ Allbery (  

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread Paul Gevers


On 18-11-2021 22:44, Marco d'Itri wrote:

On Nov 18, Zack Weinberg  wrote:

Are you seriously claiming that that phenomenon is not a severity:critical bug?

I am seriously claming that whatever you are referring to, if true, is
such a contrived example that does not actually happen in real life
(or at least, it does not happen frequently enough).

I'm thinking of bug #972936 and bug #953562. Did I remember those 
wrongly as being an example of this?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Michael" == Michael Biebl  writes:

Michael> Am 17.11.2021 um 19:57 schrieb Sam Hartman:
Michael> AIUI simply moving files from / to /usr within the same
Michael> package is not problematic.

Sorry, I was being overly simplistic.
I think your understanding is mostly correct.
You need to make sure that in the same release you do not both
move files from / to /usr

and then later move files between packages.

It's not just that you can't do it at the same time.
It's that it cannot happen within a given release cycle.

Your packaging team may be organized enough to make sure you don't do
And I guess if you've got some plan to make sure you never trip the
problematic conditions it would be okay.

I don't think the project as a whole is taht organized.
So, for example, I think it would be problematic for general tools like
debhelper to move files, because we cannot guarantee that maintainers
will not later (or earlier) move those files between packages.

But we could you know fix dpkg:-)
I'm sure that will be painful at the political level, but personally I
think it needs doing.

Anyway, thanks for calling me out on being imprecise.  There's enough
FUD going around in this discussion I do not want to add to it.

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Marco" == Marco d'Itri  writes:

Marco> On Nov 18, Zack Weinberg  wrote:
>> Are you seriously claiming that that phenomenon is not a
>> severity:critical bug?
Marco> I am seriously claming that whatever you are referring to, if
Marco> true, is such a contrived example that does not actually
Marco> happen in real life (or at least, it does not happen
Marco> frequently enough).

It was convincing enough to convince me, the TC and several other
participants in the discussion.


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2021-11-19 15:37 +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:

> On 19.11.21 11:58, Philip Hands wrote:
>> Ansgar  writes:
 * doing this will, in a non-negligible number of cases, trigger the
 bug to manifest on systems where that package is upgraded from a
 version where the move had not taken place to one where it has.
>>> Why do you claim that?
>>> Given packages already did such moves in the last years and you claim
>>> this happens in a non-negligible number of cases, could you please
>>> point to some examples where this already happens in practice?
>> My understanding is that in order to trigger this bug you need at
>> least
>> to both move a file from one place to the other, and also to rename the
>> package that contains that file or move ownership to another package.
>> I suspect that you might also need to be unlucky with the order that
>> apt/dpkg decides to do the installation and, depending upon how far
>> apart the move and the rename happens, also unlucky with your choice of
>> from and to versions of the packages in question.
> Right. I think it would be immensely useful to have an actual
> reproducer so one could study the issue more closely or at least a bug
> report, which describes the issue in more detail, like the exact
> circumstances when this can happen.
> So far this is merely theoretical, right?
> Or do we have a documented instance of this happening?

#953562 seems to be such an instance.


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread Marc Haber
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 11:58:39 +0100, Philip Hands 
>Given that these bugs are going to be utter bastards to reproduce, and
>you can be sure that we'll have enough diversity in installed systems
>that some people are going to manage to be sufficiently unlucky, it
>would be nice to know the sort of damage we might expect.
>It strikes me that we ought to be able to screen our own repos for
>packages that could be able to tickle this bug. That would give us the
>chance to look at what sorts of files we might realistically expect to
>be clobbered, it should give some indication of how many packages we
>should expect to be able to trigger this, and knowing this might suggest
>plausible work-arounds.

This is one of the cases where I wish that Debian would be a more
centrally organized project. Red Hat or SuSE would just fix their
package management and go on with their business.

It's a pity that we have actually THINK about alternatives to that
trivial and obvious approach because we leave our core package
maintainers too much freedom to stall.

-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber |   " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Mannheim, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom " | 
Nordisch by Nature | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fon: *49 621 72739834

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread Michael Biebl

On 19.11.21 11:58, Philip Hands wrote:

Ansgar  writes:

* doing this will, in a non-negligible number of cases, trigger the
bug to manifest on systems where that package is upgraded from a
version where the move had not taken place to one where it has.

Why do you claim that?

Given packages already did such moves in the last years and you claim
this happens in a non-negligible number of cases, could you please
point to some examples where this already happens in practice?

My understanding is that in order to trigger this bug you need at least
to both move a file from one place to the other, and also to rename the
package that contains that file or move ownership to another package.

I suspect that you might also need to be unlucky with the order that
apt/dpkg decides to do the installation and, depending upon how far
apart the move and the rename happens, also unlucky with your choice of
from and to versions of the packages in question.

Right. I think it would be immensely useful to have an actual reproducer 
so one could study the issue more closely or at least a bug report, 
which describes the issue in more detail, like the exact circumstances 
when this can happen.

So far this is merely theoretical, right?
Or do we have a documented instance of this happening?

Given that these bugs are going to be utter bastards to reproduce, and
you can be sure that we'll have enough diversity in installed systems
that some people are going to manage to be sufficiently unlucky, it
would be nice to know the sort of damage we might expect.

It strikes me that we ought to be able to screen our own repos for
packages that could be able to tickle this bug. That would give us the
chance to look at what sorts of files we might realistically expect to
be clobbered, it should give some indication of how many packages we
should expect to be able to trigger this, and knowing this might suggest
plausible work-arounds.

Of course, that doesn't help with packages from third-party repos,
including our downstreams, but at present we seem to be discussing this
with very little hard data.

It occurs to me that one could lose quite a few files on the average
Debian install (if they were selected at random) without even noticing,

Shouldn't debsums be able to detect such missing files (at least for the 
vast majority of packages which ship a md5sums file).

I run that semi-regularly on all of my systems, most of them are 
/usr-merged and I haven't noticed any missing files yet which I could trace

whereas a very few files would render systems unbootable, so knowing a
bit more about which files are realistically at risk would be very
helpful in understanding the severity of the problem.

If anyone's got good ideas about how to gather this information, I'm
very happy to help with the effort to do so.

I'd be more then happy to help here as well.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread David Kalnischkies
On Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 10:06:13AM +0100, Ansgar wrote:
> Given packages already did such moves in the last years and you claim
> this happens in a non-negligible number of cases, could you please
> point to some examples where this already happens in practice?

You need a / → /usr¹ and a pkg-a → pkg-b move in the same release.
Also, you need to have (the new) pkg-b be unpacked before pkg-a.

An example³ would be coreutils/util-linux/… moving everything from /bin
to /usr/bin and in the same Debian release splitting out one (or more)
of their tools into their own package (as they usually do).
As those are essential they will Pre-Depend² on the split out package
which guarantees that pkg-b will be unpacked before pkg-a.

The result is that the split out tool will be gone from /usr-merged
systems – which at that point should be all systems.

Another example would be systemd files debhelper moved for some time
already while the package does a foo and foo-data split in the same
Debian release. Just need to "solve" the unpack order now, but I will
leave that as an exercise for the reader.

The move and reorganisation is both forbidden by the CTTE for Debian 12
in "Moratorium on moving files' logical locations into /usr" which even
describes this problem as one of the reasons for it, but hopes to have
it resolved by 13 (without mentioning how).

Are you suggesting that Debian will use 13 to move each and every
file in / to its /usr counter-path while forbidding that packages
including moves are reorganised before 14 ?

Good thing 'which' isn't in /bin I guess. (SCNR)

Disclaimer: I am as usual not arguing for switching into full speed
reverse mode. I would "just" prefer if we acknowledge that problems
exist we have to deal with. Its gonna be hard enough to actually resolve
them given all bridges have been burned down years ago by pretending its
not a problem that dpkg has no idea what is done behind its back to the
files its supposed to manage.

(The problem itself isn't unique⁴ to /usr-merge, so ideally it would be
 resolved regardless, but /usr-merge undoubtedly makes heavy use of it
 so in an ideal world those interested in it would not only acknowledge
 the problems but actually work together to resolve them.
 Sadly, that isn't the world we seem to be stuck in at all.)

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

¹ You could of course also move the other way around.
² You can achieve the same with other dependency types, it is just
  harder to trigger in simple testcases as apt & dpkg try to avoid
  the auto-deconfiguration of pkg-a if there is an easy way out.
³ For fun I wrote an apt testcase with coreutils splitting out ln⁴,
  that might be a bit unrealistic, but you get the idea (attached).
⁴ as, you know, /usr-merge being the last symlink we will ever need
set -e

TESTDIR="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")")"
. "$TESTDIR/framework"

configarchitecture 'native'

#mkdir -p rootdir/bin
ln -s usr/bin rootdir/bin

touch ln

mkdir -p tree/bin
cp -a ln tree/bin
buildsimplenativepackage 'coreutils' 'native' '1' 'stable' '' '' '' '' 
rm -rf tree

buildsimplenativepackage 'coreutils' 'native' '2' 'unstable' 'Pre-Depends: 

mkdir -p tree/usr/bin
cp -a ln tree/usr/bin
buildsimplenativepackage 'unneeded-ln' 'native' '2' 'unstable' 'Breaks: 
coreutils (<< 2)
Replaces: coreutils (<< 2)' '' '' '' 'tree/usr'
rm -rf tree


testfailure test -e rootdir/bin/ln -o -e rootdir/usr/bin/ln
testsuccess apt install coreutils=1 -y
testsuccess test -e rootdir/bin/ln -o -e rootdir/usr/bin/ln

testsuccess apt full-upgrade -y
testsuccess test -e rootdir/bin/ln -o -e rootdir/usr/bin/ln

Description: PGP signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread Philip Hands
Ansgar  writes:

>> * doing this will, in a non-negligible number of cases, trigger the
>> bug to manifest on systems where that package is upgraded from a
>> version where the move had not taken place to one where it has.
> Why do you claim that?
> Given packages already did such moves in the last years and you claim
> this happens in a non-negligible number of cases, could you please
> point to some examples where this already happens in practice?

My understanding is that in order to trigger this bug you need at least
to both move a file from one place to the other, and also to rename the
package that contains that file or move ownership to another package.

I suspect that you might also need to be unlucky with the order that
apt/dpkg decides to do the installation and, depending upon how far
apart the move and the rename happens, also unlucky with your choice of
from and to versions of the packages in question.

Given that these bugs are going to be utter bastards to reproduce, and
you can be sure that we'll have enough diversity in installed systems
that some people are going to manage to be sufficiently unlucky, it
would be nice to know the sort of damage we might expect.

It strikes me that we ought to be able to screen our own repos for
packages that could be able to tickle this bug. That would give us the
chance to look at what sorts of files we might realistically expect to
be clobbered, it should give some indication of how many packages we
should expect to be able to trigger this, and knowing this might suggest
plausible work-arounds.

Of course, that doesn't help with packages from third-party repos,
including our downstreams, but at present we seem to be discussing this
with very little hard data.

It occurs to me that one could lose quite a few files on the average
Debian install (if they were selected at random) without even noticing,
whereas a very few files would render systems unbootable, so knowing a
bit more about which files are realistically at risk would be very
helpful in understanding the severity of the problem.

If anyone's got good ideas about how to gather this information, I'm
very happy to help with the effort to do so.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
|(|  Hugo-Klemm-Strasse 34,   21075 Hamburg,GERMANY

Description: PGP signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-19 Thread Ansgar
On Thu, 2021-11-18 at 23:01 -0500, The Wanderer wrote:
> * to date, package maintainers have not yet begun moving
> already-packaged files from / to /usr/ (specifically because doing so
> would break systems that have not yet been migrated to merged-/usr,
> and Debian has not yet declared that such systems are unsupported),

That claim is incorrect:

- Some packages have moved files from /(s)bin to /usr/(s)bin. (This
  sometimes requires a compat symlink.)

- More packages have moved files from /lib to /usr/lib. (This often
  doesn't require any extra care.)

> * after bookworm, package maintainers will start moving already-
> packaged files from / to /usr/, and


> * doing this will, in a non-negligible number of cases, trigger the
> bug to manifest on systems where that package is upgraded from a
> version where the move had not taken place to one where it has.

Why do you claim that?

Given packages already did such moves in the last years and you claim
this happens in a non-negligible number of cases, could you please
point to some examples where this already happens in practice?


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-18 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 18, Zack Weinberg  wrote:

> Are you seriously claiming that that phenomenon is not a severity:critical 
> bug?
I am seriously claming that whatever you are referring to, if true, is 
such a contrived example that does not actually happen in real life
(or at least, it does not happen frequently enough).


Description: PGP signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-18 Thread The Wanderer
On 2021-11-18 at 20:06, Luca Boccassi wrote:

> On Thu, 2021-11-18 at 16:23 -0500, Zack Weinberg wrote:
>> Luca Bocassi wrote:

>>> [merged /usr] is the default. It has been the default for
>>> multiple releases of multiple distributions. All Ubuntu
>>> installations that were not using this default are now forcibly
>>> converted upon upgrade to 21.10.
>>> And yet nobody has actually seen [the file disappearance bug]
>>> happen, to the best of my knowledge.
>> I already explained why that doesn't prove the bug is a non-issue.
>> To the contrary; it means there is an enormous installed base of
>> systems where the bug is latent, waiting to cause problems under
>> conditions which we can reasonably expect to occur shortly after
>> the release of bookworm.  Please do not make me repeat myself.
>> zw
> I'm afraid you have not. Why would the release of bookworm make any
> difference? There will be nothing new that hasn't already been
> happening for years.

I interpret Zack's comment as referring to this, which he said in

> [P]eople aren't doing the package changes that trigger the bug, yet.
> They can't, because that would break systems where /usr hasn't been
> merged. If the bug is not fixed I expect it will start causing
> problems in unstable *after* bookworm, since (as I understand the
> current transition plan) bookworm+1 development is the earliest that
> package maintainers may assume /bin is a symlink.

IOW, I interpret him as disagreeing with you that "there will be nothing
new that hasn't already been happening for years". Specifically, I parse
him as arguing that:

* to date, package maintainers have not yet begun moving
already-packaged files from / to /usr/ (specifically because doing so
would break systems that have not yet been migrated to merged-/usr, and
Debian has not yet declared that such systems are unsupported),

* after bookworm, package maintainers will start moving already-packaged
files from / to /usr/, and

* doing this will, in a non-negligible number of cases, trigger the bug
to manifest on systems where that package is upgraded from a version
where the move had not taken place to one where it has.

(Zack, if I've gotten any of those wrong, please don't hesitate to
correct me; I'll either apologize, or drop right back out of the
discussion to go hide in a metaphorical hole, if not both.)

Do you dispute any of those three points? If so, I'd be interested to
know which one(s), and why.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-18 Thread Luca Boccassi
On Thu, 2021-11-18 at 16:23 -0500, Zack Weinberg wrote:
Luca Bocassi wrote:
> [merged /usr] is the default. It has been the
> default for multiple releases of multiple distributions. All Ubuntu
> installations that were not using this default are now forcibly
> converted upon upgrade to 21.10.
> And yet nobody has actually seen [the file disappearance bug]
> happen, to the best of my knowledge.

I already explained why that doesn't prove the bug is a non-issue.  To the 
contrary; it means there is an enormous installed base of systems where the bug 
is latent, waiting to cause problems under conditions which we can reasonably 
expect to occur shortly after the release of bookworm.  Please do not make me 
repeat myself.


I'm afraid you have not. Why would the release of bookworm make any
difference? There will be nothing new that hasn't already been
happening for years.

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-18 Thread Zack Weinberg
Luca Bocassi wrote:
> [merged /usr] is the default. It has been the
> default for multiple releases of multiple distributions. All Ubuntu
> installations that were not using this default are now forcibly
> converted upon upgrade to 21.10.
> And yet nobody has actually seen [the file disappearance bug]
> happen, to the best of my knowledge.

I already explained why that doesn't prove the bug is a non-issue.  To the 
contrary; it means there is an enormous installed base of systems where the bug 
is latent, waiting to cause problems under conditions which we can reasonably 
expect to occur shortly after the release of bookworm.  Please do not make me 
repeat myself.


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-18 Thread Zack Weinberg
Marco d'Itri wrote:
> On Nov 18, Zack Weinberg  wrote:
>> as it has proven to be a genuinely critical problem
> No, it has not.

In the previous long thread on debian-devel on this subject, someone posted a 
step-by-step recipe to reproduce a phenomenon where a file that has been moved 
(in its package) from an installation path of /bin (for example) to /usr/bin, 
possibly in conjunction with a change to which package owns it, while /bin is a 
symlink to /usr/bin, will disappear from the file system when the updated set 
of packages is installed.  (I regret I do not have time today to dig up the 
exact email in question.)

Are you seriously claiming that that phenomenon is not a severity:critical bug?


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-18 Thread Luca Boccassi
On Thu, 2021-11-18 at 13:09 +0100, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> On Nov 18, Zack Weinberg  wrote:
> > And, as it has proven to be a genuinely critical problem, it is also their
> No, it has not.

Indeed - it seems to me there's a convenient tendency to forget that
this is not something new that has never been seen before, to be
introduced without any testing. This is the default. It has been the
default for multiple releases of multiple distributions. All Ubuntu
installations that were not using this default are now forcibly
converted upon upgrade to 21.10.

And yet nobody has actually seen this happen, to the best of my
knowledge. So either this combination that would allegedly not work
hasn't been used once in 4+ years across multiple distros, or the
required alignment of coincidences to make the issue happen is so rare
that it just never happens in practice.

All we have is a proof of concept. By all means, if anybody cares
enough, go and fix it, no problem with that. Propose an actual, working
alternative that gives the same result too - will happily spend my time
to test it. And put in place QA checks and whatnot to be sure - that
seems a great idea.

But talks of blocking everything and reverting things with a hacky
script that has never actually been used before, in the face of
multiple decisions by the tech committee and no evidence whatsoever of
real-world impact, and despite tens of thousands of actual, real bugs
affecting Debian that don't get even a fraction of the same treatment
(even the Replaces: feature has been affected by unrelated, actual,
reported bugs, and might very well still be, haven't checked) seems to
me a tiny bit hyperbolic and exagerated.

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-18 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 18, Zack Weinberg  wrote:

> And, as it has proven to be a genuinely critical problem, it is also their
No, it has not.


Description: PGP signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-18 Thread Bjørn Mork
Michael Biebl  writes:
> Am 17.11.2021 um 19:57 schrieb Sam Hartman:
>> The question is whether we ever get to a place where people can update
>> files in a package currently installed to /bin/foo and instead install
>> them to /usr/bin/foo.
>> We have a consensus that dpkg bugs make that a bad idea.
> Is that really so? If I'm not mistaken, the problematic part was
> moving files from / to /usr and at the same time moving files between
> packages. So doing that at the same time can be problematic. If that
> would affect many packages is another question.
> AIUI simply moving files from / to /usr within the same package is not
> problematic.

Won't you then end up with a package which cannot be split for the next
two releases?  Maybe not a big problem, but I think it will be so hard
to keep track of that it's better to not move the files.


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-17 Thread Richard Laager

On 11/17/21 8:18 PM, Zack Weinberg wrote:

However, I think it was the responsibility of the developers of usrmerge
to find out how bad that problem actually was, rather than dismissing it.
And, as it has proven to be a genuinely critical problem, it is also their
responsibility to fix it, per the 'no one can be forced to do anything' rule.

At least for this email, I'll stipulate to everything above.

Is this particularly hard to fix, though?

Can't we just do something like the following pseudo-code:

/* At dpkg start... */
usrmerged = FALSE;
if (the_flag_is_set) {
usrmerged = TRUE;
} elif (bin symlinked to /usr/bin) {
usrmerged = TRUE;
/* Update e.g. /bin/foo to /usr/bin/foo in the database. */

/* As dpkg is deciding to write a file path into the database. */
/* e.g. the package is trying to install to /bin/foo, put
 * /usr/bin/foo into the database. */
if (usrmerged) {
path = canonicalize(path);

(I've used /bin -> /usr/bin as an example, but the canonicalization must 
deal with the other merged paths too.)

The second bit ensures that all new operations write canonicalized paths 
(e.g. /usr/bin/foo) into the database regardless of whether the .deb 
shipped with /bin/foo or /usr/bin/foo. This ensures the database stays 
in sync with the filesystem moving forward.

The first bit performs a one-time canonicalization of paths in the 
existing database. An on-disk flag ensures that this is run only once 
(for performance reasons only, because it's already idempotent). This 
corrects the existing database-filesystem mismatch.

The one-time canonicalization can be removed once non-usrmerged systems 
are no longer supported. The second bit needs to live (probably a lot) 
longer, until it's no longer reasonable to install a .deb containing 
non-usrmerged paths (which might be old or from a third party).

Am I missing something here?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-17 Thread Zack Weinberg
>> "Sam" == Sam Hartman  wrote:
>> "Zack" == Zack Weinberg  writes:

Sam> There's a third option.  We sit around in the state where /bin is
Sam> a symlink, but where you cannot move files to /usr paths in the
Sam> package system until the bug is fixed.

Zack> I guess that is a potential outcome.  In a sense we are
Zack> already in that state, given the installed base of systems
Zack> where /bin is already a symlink.
Zack> I don't *like* that outcome; I think it's asking for lots and
Zack> lots of accidental breakage in unstable post-bookworm.

Sam> I don't like that outcome either.
Sam> I think that we have reasonable mitigations for the specific problem you
Sam> describe.
Sam> In particular, we do as I understand it have QA plans to build both with
Sam> merged /usr and without prior to bookworm to catch problems like the
Sam> ones you describe.
Sam> After bookworm releases it's totally fine if programs reference
Sam> filesystem paths like /usr/bin/bash, so long as they don't move where
Sam> things get installed.

I don't think that will mitigate the problem.  I think that post-bookworm,
packages like coreutils and libc6 are going to notice, in their upstream
configure scripts, that /bin etc are symlinks into /usr, and start installing
stuff that used to be in / into /usr.  Maintainers are going to need to take
positive action to _prevent_ the move, and there will no longer be automation
to detect that files have moved.

Sam> I.E. I don't think the transition is going to get canceled; we're
Sam> too far down that path.

Zack> *Are* we?  It seems to me that we could still, at this point,
Zack> [roll back the transition]

Sam> I don't think we would find people to do enough testing to
Sam> validate that was a reasonable thing to do.  But also, the usrmerge
Sam> proponents get most of what they wanted even if we're stuck in the
Sam> middle.

That is exactly why I think a rollback should not be taken off the table:
it is very, very bad if the usrmerge proponents get most of what they want
while the rest of the project is left to clean up their mess.  The project
cannot afford to reward such misbehavior.  I honestly think the social
fallout of allowing that to happen would be *worse* than the social and
technical fallout of forcing a rollback through.

Sam> I want to reiterate that the initial process surrounding usrmerge was
Sam> horrible. The dpkg maintainer had what turned out to be legitimate
Sam> concerns that were not reasonably addressed. I think that's in part
Sam> because they were presented poorly and in part because people didn't
Sam> want to hear them. That's a real process failure.
Sam> I think people on both sides were unwilling to listen to each other.

I'm an outside observer and I have not followed this argument closely from
the beginning, but my perception of it is much more one-sided than you are
making it out to be.  This is what _I_ saw:

 - usrmerge was deployed to unstable in late 2014.  It's not clear to me
   how much testing it got in 2015.
 - Reports of it causing problems for dpkg started to appear in early 2016
   (e.g. #810499).  These seem to have been addressed civilly, but even then
   a "well it works for _me_ so :shrug:" attitude from the merged-/usr
   proponents is evident in the bug logs.
 - The dpkg maintainer filed a severity:serious bug on usrmerge in late
   2016 (#848622), saying that it breaks dpkg -S.  This is the earliest
   instance I can find of Marco in particular overtly blowing off a bug
   report that he didn't think was significant ("Over one year of
   experience with merged-/usr systems has not exposed any failures",
   which is an invalid argument).  This bug is also significant in
   hindsight because, although not described as such, it appears to me
   to have the same root cause as the file lossage on upgrade that you
   and I, at least, agree is severity:critical.
 - Over the next, um, *five years*, Marco continued to ignore or reject
   Guillem's attempts to get him to take problems seriously that were
   caused by usrmerge rendering the dpkg database inconsistent with the
   file system.
 - Marco also reacted hostilely to concerns raised by others, e.g.
   Adrian Bunk (#863269).

 - Guillem, for his part, has displayed far more patience than I would
   have in his situation, repeatedly attempting to explain why there is
   a serious problem, offering concrete solutions - that they may not be
   practical is not the point; he's done more work toward that end than
   anyone else - and never, that I have seen, losing his temper.
   At the same time, he has said in so many words that this has caused
   him to become burnt out on Debian in general and dpkg maintenance in

There's no "both sides were unwilling to listen" when all one side is
bringing to the table is "there's no problem, your concerns are bullshit"
(the word "bullshit" is actually used in #863269).

Maybe it was not obvious to anyone in 2016 that the package 

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-17 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Zack" == Zack Weinberg  writes:

Zack> On Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 1:37 PM, Sam Hartman wrote:
>>> "Zack" == Zack Weinberg  writes:
Zack> Therefore: either someone fixes the bug, or the transition
Zack> will have to be canceled.  It appears to me that the tech ctte
Zack> agrees with all of this.
>> There's a third option.  We sit around in the state where /bin is
>> a symlink, but where you cannot move files to /usr paths in the
>> package system until the bug is fixed.

Zack> I guess that is a potential outcome.  In a sense we are
Zack> already in that state, given the installed base of systems
Zack> where /bin is already a symlink.

Zack> I don't *like* that outcome; I think it's asking for lots and
Zack> lots of accidental breakage in unstable post-bookworm, as
Zack> packages are rebuilt on systems that now have /bin a symlink.

I don't like that outcome either.
I think that we have reasonable migigations for the specific problem you
In particular, we do as I understand it have QA plans to build both with
merged /usr and without prior to bookworm to catch problems like the
ones you describe.
After bookworm releases it's totally fine if programs reference
filesystem paths like /usr/bin/bash, so long as they don't move where
things get installed.

So, while I agree with you getting stuck in the middle is not a good
I don't think it happens to suffer from the problems you describe.

>> I.E. I don't think the transition is going to get canceled; we're
>> too far down that path.

Zack> *Are* we?  It seems to me that we could still, at this point,
Zack> pull usrmerge from testing and stable, push point updates to
Zack> the installers for all supported releases to flip the default
Zack> back to non-merged /usr, and advise the installed base to run
Zack> dpkg-fsys-usrunmess before their next apt upgrade.

That seems crazy to me: dpkg-fsys-usrunmess has almost certainly
involved less testing than usrmerge.  Talk about not having people to do
the work: I don't think we would find people to do enough testing to
validate that was a reasonable thing to do.  But also, the usrmerge
proponents get most of what they wanted even if we're stuck in the
middle.  If you want a minimal root because you care about containers,
ostrees, and the like, you don't care that much where the package
database thinks files are being installed.

You've been working on this for years and you've gotten most of what you
hoped for.
You're going to fight really hard if someone tries to take that away.
You can easily fight hard enough to make that cost much higher than the
cost of fixing dpkg.
And you can present a reasonably looking political front: hey, we've
been working on this for years, the TC made a decision, the TC later
gave advice, we're basically just done except for this one dpkg bug.
Backing out is insane; just fix dpkg.

I want to reiterate that the initial process surrounding usrmerge was
The dpkg maintainer had what turned out to be legitimate concerns that
were not reasonably addressed.
I think that's in part because they were presented poorly and in part
because people didn't want to hear them.
That's a real process failure.
We should learn from that mistake and do better in the future.

We don't have the political will to unwind years of work because we made
that process error, and I don't think it would be a good idea to do so
even if we did.
I do think we should be careful to be better about listening to each
other in the future.
We don't want a community where you can get your way by ignoring
legitimate objections.
I think people on both sides were unwilling to listen to each other.

And yes, if the dpkg maintainer had asked for usrmerge to block on dpkg
gaining support for aliasing, and if that had been done around the time
it was proposed to change the default for debootstrap, we as a project
should have listened.
That's not what happened though.
The dpkg maintainer refused to consider the usrmerge approach that the
usrmerge proponents wanted.
He proposed a different scheme that didn't actually meet the needs of
the usrmerge proponents.
He was unwilling to take the time to understand why his proposal didn't
meet other people's needs.

And yes, the usrmerge proponents (and especially the TC) should have
worked harder to understand the actual underlying objections.

So, there's a huge chunk of ways we could improve to go around--enough
for everyone involved.

But reliving past battles as anythying other than a way to do better in
the future will drag us down.


Description: PGP signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-17 Thread Zack Weinberg
On Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 1:37 PM, Sam Hartman wrote:
>> "Zack" == Zack Weinberg  writes:
> Zack> Therefore: either someone fixes the bug,
> Zack> or the transition will have to be canceled.  It appears to me
> Zack> that the tech ctte agrees with all of this.
> There's a third option.
> We sit around in the state where /bin is a symlink, but where you cannot
> move files to /usr paths in the package system until the bug is fixed.

I guess that is a potential outcome.  In a sense we are already in that state, 
given the installed base of systems where /bin is already a symlink.

I don't *like* that outcome; I think it's asking for lots and lots of 
accidental breakage in unstable post-bookworm, as packages are rebuilt on 
systems that now have /bin a symlink.  But I can't personally offer to fix 
dpkg, either (way oversubscribed on other projects, and this doesn't seem like 
a job to be tackled by someone new to dpkg, tbh).

> I.E. I don't think the transition is going to get canceled; we're too
> far down that path.

*Are* we?  It seems to me that we could still, at this point, pull usrmerge 
from testing and stable, push point updates to the installers for all supported 
releases to flip the default back to non-merged /usr, and advise the installed 
base to run dpkg-fsys-usrunmess before their next apt upgrade.  It'd be ugly 
but it might well be *less* ugly than being stuck in the state you describe.  I 
understood the tech-ctte to be explicitly holding that option open.

The proponents of merged /usr would be unhappy, but that does not bother me.


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-17 Thread Michael Biebl

Am 17.11.2021 um 19:57 schrieb Sam Hartman:

The question is whether we ever get to a place where people can update
files in a package currently installed to /bin/foo and instead install
them to /usr/bin/foo.
We have a consensus that dpkg bugs make that a bad idea.

Is that really so? If I'm not mistaken, the problematic part was moving 
files from / to /usr and at the same time moving files between packages. 
So doing that at the same time can be problematic. If that would affect 
many packages is another question.

AIUI simply moving files from / to /usr within the same package is not 

Sam, am I missing something here?

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-17 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Marco" == Marco d'Itri  writes:

Marco> On Nov 10, Sam Hartman  wrote:
>> I'm sorry, but I think the only way in which that horse is dead
>> is that no one has proposed patches to dpkg.
Marco> Indeed, because the sides of this argument are like three
Marco> people (one of them being the dpkg maintainer) versus
Marco> everybody else.  Since some significant work on dpkg is
Marco> reasonably not forthcoming then this is clearly not a viable
Marco> transition method.

Um, no one still involved in this thread is talking about transition
methods other than what the TC proposed.
We're all talking about transition methods where /bin becomes a symlink
to /usr/bin.

The question is whether we ever get to a place where people can update
files in a package currently installed to /bin/foo and instead install
them to /usr/bin/foo.
We have a consensus that dpkg bugs make that a bad idea.
That consensus is validated by the TC.
It's not clear to me that bug is likely to get fixed in the bookworm +1

I don't think that means we halt the transition: the TC has made a
decision that we're going forward.
I do think it means probably even after the release of bookworm we
cannot rearrange where packages claim files get installed.
That's the horse I think is not dead.

Description: PGP signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-17 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Zack" == Zack Weinberg  writes:
Zack> The existence of the bug is not in question.  A step-by-step
Zack> reproduction recipe was posted in the previous thread.  Losing
Zack> files from Essential packages when they are upgraded is
Zack> severity:critical

Agreed so far.

Zack> .  Therefore: either someone fixes the bug,
Zack> or the transition will have to be canceled.  It appears to me
Zack> that the tech ctte agrees with all of this.

There's a third option.
We sit around in the state where /bin is a symlink, but where you cannot
move files to /usr paths in the package system until the bug is fixed.

I.E. I don't think the transition is going to get canceled; we're too
far down that path.
I do think that it might be a critical bug to move packages from /bin to
/usr/bin in the packaging system in bookworm+1 if this bug doesn't get

In other words, there are people who are motivated to do the work of
creating /bin->/usr/bin symlinks.
There may not be people motivated to make it possible for the later
packaging changes to happen.
That may be the work that doesn't get done until motivated people show
up to do it.

Description: PGP signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-16 Thread Zack Weinberg
Luca Bonassi wrote:
> may I also remind participants in this thread that according to our
> Constitution (2.1), no project member is obliged to do work on
> anything they don't want to

Yes, and it follows that the people who want a change to happen are
the people who will have to do the work to make that change happen,
including fixing any bugs that are exposed by that change.  If they
don't want to do that work, and nobody else does either, then maybe
the change isn't going to get done.

As I said in the previous thread about this, I personally don't care
whether merged-/usr ever actually happens.  It is not relevant to what
I use Debian for.  So I am not motivated to do any work to make it

But I do very much care that the transition isn't botched, and right
now it looks like the greatest risk of the transition being botched
comes from proponents who are trying to rush to the end state without
fixing all the bugs exposed in the process.  Since one of the exposed
bugs involves files going missing from Required and Essential packages
upon seemingly-unrelated upgrades, during some indefinite period
*after* the transition, you can, I hope, see why I feel it necessary
to make a stink.

> [The bug where files disappear from packages upon being moved from
> /bin to /usr/bin or vice versa, after / is a symlink to /usr] to the
> best of my knowledge has not been actually observed in the wild
> despite this setup being the default for 100% of Ubuntu users who
> install/upgrade to 21.10, 100% of new Ubuntu installs since ~2018
> and an unspecified number of Debian installs being the default in
> our installer too for the past two stable releases

There's a very good reason for that: people aren't doing the package
changes that trigger the bug, yet.  They can't, because that would
break systems where /usr hasn't been merged.  If the bug is not fixed
I expect it will start causing problems in unstable *after* bookworm,
since (as I understand the current transition plan) bookworm+1
development is the earliest that package maintainers may assume /bin
is a symlink.

The existence of the bug is not in question.  A step-by-step
reproduction recipe was posted in the previous thread.  Losing files
from Essential packages when they are upgraded is severity:critical.
Therefore: either someone fixes the bug, or the transition will have
to be canceled.  It appears to me that the tech ctte agrees with all
of this.

> I dare say it would help their cause a great deal more, instead of
> rekindling flame wars on a mailing list,

Marco is the person who restarted the argument.  I will cheerfully
drop the subject again as soon as Marco acknowledges that (a) the bug
exists, and (b) it is a hard blocker for the transition.


p.s. apologies for breaking threading, i'm not subscribed to d-d

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-12 Thread Luca Boccassi
On Fri, 2021-11-12 at 08:38 +0100, Ansgar wrote:
> Hi Svante,
> On Thu, 2021-11-11 at 23:22 +0100, Svante Signell wrote:
> > I'm not sure he has the skill or experience enough to submit a patch to
> > dpkg. Complaining is much easier than proposing something constructive.
> I would like to remind you that Debian expects somewhat decent behavior
> of contributors. Please see
> Ansgar

And I want to also add that even if the same request was expressed in
an acceptable form (it was not), may I also remind participants in this
thread that according to our Constitution (2.1), no project member is
obliged to do work on anything they don't want to, and hence it follows
that it is not appropriate to berate a fellow project member for this
reason, even if it was done in a respectful tone (which again it was
not, in this occasion).

So if any project member feels particularly strongly about this issue,
which to the best of my knowledge has not been actually observed in the
wild despite this setup being the default for 100% of Ubuntu users who
install/upgrade to 21.10, 100% of new Ubuntu installs since ~2018 and
an unspecified number of Debian installs being the default in our
installer too for the past two stable releases (and despite other
unrelated Replaces: bugs actually existing and being reported over
time), the constructive way forward would seem to me to contribute the
work themselves to solve it. I dare say it would help their cause a
great deal more, instead of rekindling flame wars on a mailing list, to
come here and say "Hey, here's an alternative
tool/patchset/software/mechanism that has the exact same result but
does not suffer from the issue we are worried about. Could you help us
test it, please?". I for one would be happy to help testing such

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-11 Thread Ansgar
Hi Svante,

On Thu, 2021-11-11 at 23:22 +0100, Svante Signell wrote:
> I'm not sure he has the skill or experience enough to submit a patch to
> dpkg. Complaining is much easier than proposing something constructive.

I would like to remind you that Debian expects somewhat decent behavior
of contributors. Please see


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-11 Thread Svante Signell
On Thu, 2021-11-11 at 16:07 -0500, Zack Weinberg wrote:
> Marco d'Itri  wrote:
> > Since some significant work on dpkg is reasonably not forthcoming
> Yeah, because _you,_ Marco, prefer to spend your time trying to
> gaslight the project into thinking there isn't a critical-severity
> bug in usrmerge.  This could have all been over by now if you had
> rolled up your sleeves and written the necessary patches for dpkg
> when Guillem originally notified you of the problem (in 2016;
> #848622; the bug log does not reflect the actual severity, but again
> that appears to be all on you).

I'm not sure he has the skill or experience enough to submit a patch to
dpkg. Complaining is much easier than proposing something constructive.

Just my $5c.

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-11 Thread Zack Weinberg
Marco d'Itri  wrote:
> On Nov 10, Sam Hartman  wrote:
> > I'm sorry, but I think the only way in which that horse is dead is that
> > no one has proposed patches to dpkg.
> Indeed, because the sides of this argument are like three people (one of
> them being the dpkg maintainer) versus everybody else.

It's not a subject of debate.  The dpkg maintainer says that dpkg
does not support what usrmerge does, and that it can lead to package
corruption.  In the previous debian-devel thread on this, it was proven
empirically that he is correct.

> Since some significant work on dpkg is reasonably not forthcoming

Yeah, because _you,_ Marco, prefer to spend your time trying to
gaslight the project into thinking there isn't a critical-severity bug
in usrmerge.  This could have all been over by now if you had rolled
up your sleeves and written the necessary patches for dpkg when
Guillem originally notified you of the problem (in 2016; #848622; the
bug log does not reflect the actual severity, but again that appears
to be all on you).


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-11 Thread David Kalnischkies
On Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 01:48:07AM +0200, Uoti Urpala wrote:
> David Kalnischkies wrote:
> > As the transition hasn't started everyone not already merged is currently
> > deferring it. That is true for those who upgrade daily as well as for
> > those people who seemingly only upgrade their sid systems once in a blue
> > moon. So, at which point have all those systems stopped deferring?
> I think the logical answer is that you're "deferring" in this sense if
> you are using the suggested flag file or whatever other mechanism to
> prevent the merge. Until you do an upgrade which would perform the
> merge without use of such a mechanism, your system is just out of date,
> not deferring.

A distribution upgrade is not atomic. Between an unpack of package foo
and the configure of foo a million other packages can pass through
various stages. Ideally, that window will be pretty small for usrmerge
the package (or whatever the transition mechanism will be in the end),
but that depends on various factors and easily balloons out of hand.
In a previous thread I mentioned how not too long ago the entire KDE
desktop environment had to be at least unpacked before dpkg could be
upgraded due to one tiny Conflicts (which was correct). If you hadn't
KDE installed dpkg was one of the first things upgraded even without
users going out of their way to explicitly request it (as it should
be, as its essential and apt does special dances for those).

So the easiest way to check if an upgrade on a "quantum state merge"
system is going to work is to keep it at unmerged for the entire time
and manually trigger the merge at the end as that is what could
theoretically happen, but is likely not for most testers.
If it works with merged is already checked by already merged systems.

> So presumably it is valid for packages to gain dependencies which force
> merge or "deferring" state on installation.

Valid perhaps, but I would hope that it isn't lightheartedly plastered
all around just in case as the guarantees it provides for the package
depending on the transition mechanism package are slim (as in, the
system might or might not be merged, regardless of deferred or not¹,
while depending package itself passes through various stages) to
non-existent² depending on the specific implementation of the transition
while it puts potentially enormous problems on the shoulders of dpkg and
apt to produce an acceptable ordering:

The package usrmerge is e.g. currently implemented in perl (the big one,
not -base) and so any other package implemented in perl is effectively
forbidden from forming dependencies on usrmerge as we otherwise run into
loops of the form app -> usrmerge -> perl -> app which might or might
not be breakable based on the dependency type (and version) of each ->.
Oh, and if you happen to have a dependency on something written in perl,
congrats, you are part of this elusive group as well as everything else
depending on you…

It will be hard enough to have one essential package trigger the
mechanism without running into issues, the last we need is a couple
other packages inserting themselves needlessly into the loop just
because "it is valid".

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

¹ Spoiler alert: Even a Pre-Depends technically only makes guarantees
  for the preinst scripts, not for the unpack itself, but that is fine
  print usually only encountered in the deeper horrors of loops… you
  need explicit approval for Pre-Depends anyhow.

² Spoiler alert: You can e.g. Pre-Depend all you want on dpkg, but that
  doesn't mean that the version you are pre-depending on is actually
  used to work on your package instead of just lying around on disk.
  That is true for a few other packages, the most obvious perhaps apt
  and the kernel.

Description: PGP signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-10 Thread Adam Borowski
On Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 07:01:15PM +0100, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> On Nov 10, Sam Hartman  wrote:
> > I'm sorry, but I think the only way in which that horse is dead is that
> > no one has proposed patches to dpkg.
> Indeed, because the sides of this argument are like three people (one of 
> them being the dpkg maintainer) versus everybody else.
> Since some significant work on dpkg is reasonably not forthcoming then 
> this is clearly not a viable transition method. 

Until we have that in place, going any further with usrmerge is not viable.

All the TC brought us so far is a wishlist, not a working implementation.
Thus, I'd say it's time to consider whether the trouble we have
(substantial, as evidenced by discussions still going and going) is worth
the gains (are there even any?).

So either you do the work to revive the horse or it stays put.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Polexit is brewing?  Let's skip that smelly Polsha and reactivate
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ the Free City of Danzig and/or reapply to the Hansa.

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-10 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 10, Sam Hartman  wrote:

> I'm sorry, but I think the only way in which that horse is dead is that
> no one has proposed patches to dpkg.
Indeed, because the sides of this argument are like three people (one of 
them being the dpkg maintainer) versus everybody else.
Since some significant work on dpkg is reasonably not forthcoming then 
this is clearly not a viable transition method. 


Description: PGP signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-10 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Marco" == Marco d'Itri  writes:

Marco> On Nov 08, Simon Richter  wrote:
>> Yes, but the conversion needs to be performed by dpkg, because
>> the usrmerge
Marco> Please kindly stop beating this long-dead horse.

I'm sorry, but I think the only way in which that horse is dead is that
no one has proposed patches to dpkg.

Simon has raised a valid issue with doing the transition in something
other than dpkg.
I don't quite agree with everything he says--for example I think it
might be possible for a package to cooperate with dpkg--but I do agree
with the base issue that eventually dpkg needs to learn about aliasing,
and that likely means that dpkg needs to be involved with usrmerge
transition either during the transition or after the fact.
(And if it is after, it's going to be more clunky).

Moreover, the TC  has effectively agreed with the issue by talking about
how  we don't want to move files in packages.

I don't think you need to block waiting for dpkg work, and I think it's
fine for usrmerge to become transitively essential and to go transition
But I don't think it is fair to say Simon's horse is dead or to try and
shut down discussion about how we're going to  eventually solve the dpkg
aliasing problem.

Description: PGP signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-09 Thread David Kalnischkies
On Tue, Nov 09, 2021 at 08:44:52PM +, Simon McVittie wrote:
> On Tue, 09 Nov 2021 at 19:01:18 +0100, David Kalnischkies wrote:
> > On Tue, Nov 09, 2021 at 03:21:25PM +, Simon McVittie wrote:
> > (Minus that for 12 it is technically still supported as long as it
> >  remains 12
> No, it doesn't have to be supported, and the TC resolution explicitly
> said that it doesn't have to be supported.
> What *does* need to be supported is the upgrade path from 11 to 12,
> or from current testing (11-and-a-bit) to 12, with any ordering of apt
> transactions that doesn't violate the packages' dependency conditions -
> and the TC's reasoning was that the simplest, most conservative, most
> robust way to make sure that continues to work was to mandate that all
> Debian 12 packages, individually, are installable onto unmerged-/usr
> Debian 11 (assuming that "installing a package" implies installing its
> dependencies, in any order that apt/dpkg consider to be valid and not
> breaking any dependency relationships).

Yes, any Debian 12.x package (even the very last security fix build for
it) needs to be installable on a Debian 11.y system as it could be part
of the upgrade from 11 to 12 and as it has no idea if its the first or
last package in that upgrade (within reason) it has to work on 11 as
well as on very-very-close-to-12.

As such, if you promise 11.x to 12.y upgrades I would expect 12.x to
12.y to work just as well as 12.x is very-very-close-to-12(.y).

If you say 12.x to 12.y isn't supported on unmerged it means effectively
that all "cattle" have to be constantly recreated as you can't have
a single package be considered an 'upgrade', they all need to be 'new
install' while e.g. installing build dependencies (as ironically a fully
upgraded 12 system is indistinguishable from an upgrade-in-progress-from-
11 system which just happens to install a bunch of new packages in the

Its also quite a disaster for all systems already technically bookworm
like testing and sid as any upgrade, including to the release 12.0, will
be unsupported in your logic. Unsupported machines (aka our buildds)
building supported packages seems sad and I thought we had talked about
this before.

> > (Perhaps it comes with the job as apt maintainer, but I don't "discard
> >  and redo" systems or even chroots… upgrades until hardware failure…
> >  my current build chroots are from 2013. So I can totally see me opt-out
> >  first and later in… although probably more with apt_preferences)
> For full systems that are managed as full systems ("pets" in the cattle
> vs. pets terminology), sure, do that; the Debian installation I'm typing
> this into has been copied from several older machines. However, deferring
> or avoiding the merged-/usr transition on these systems is not intended
> to be something that is considered valid for bookworm.

As the transition hasn't started everyone not already merged is currently
deferring it. That is true for those who upgrade daily as well as for
those people who seemingly only upgrade their sid systems once in a blue
moon. So, at which point have all those systems stopped deferring?

I would say that the first time you can say with absolute certainty that
a given system is no longer deferring the transition is the moment an
unpack of a trixie pkg is attempted as skipping releases is not
supported. All unpacks before that could happened on an unmerged
system as that system might very well be in the process of upgrading
from 11 to 12 at the moment.

(and btw, what I meant with me opting out for a while was delaying the
 upgrade of my sid "beasts" to a more exciting problem space than the
 first possible moment as that wouldn't be much of a test for apt, /usr
 merge and all those other packages installed around here. If I am
 asking for an upgrade path its only fair to not take the easiest road
 of transitioning to merged before anything could implicitly require
 it and hence fail for less lucky people not equipped to deal with it.
 My "eldritch horrors" are fine and behave, thanks for asking. )

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

Description: PGP signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-09 Thread Simon McVittie
On Tue, 09 Nov 2021 at 19:01:18 +0100, David Kalnischkies wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 09, 2021 at 03:21:25PM +, Simon McVittie wrote:
> > > As I see it the CTTE decision effectively allows the transition to be
> > > deferred until the moment you want to upgrade to 13.
> > 
> > I think you mean: until the moment you want to upgrade to testing after
> > Debian 12 release day. That's not Debian 13 *yet*
> Yes, I meant that indeed… should have used codenames after all.

To be clear about this: when drafting the TC resolution, I did not intend
for this to "allow the transition to be deferred" and still leave you with
a supported system.

All I was aiming to do there was to make it possible to create an
unsupported, not-quite-Debian system that our QA infra can compare with
the supported Debian system that closely resembles it, so that for example
if a package builds differently on unmerged-/usr and merged-/usr systems,
we can flag it as "this is likely to break upgrades" and look more closely.

> > Speaking only for myself and not for the TC, I think a debconf question
> > would be OK as an implementation of this, but the debconf question should
> > indicate that the result of opting out is an unsupported system.
> Sure.
> (Minus that for 12 it is technically still supported as long as it
>  remains 12

No, it doesn't have to be supported, and the TC resolution explicitly
said that it doesn't have to be supported.

What *does* need to be supported is the upgrade path from 11 to 12,
or from current testing (11-and-a-bit) to 12, with any ordering of apt
transactions that doesn't violate the packages' dependency conditions -
and the TC's reasoning was that the simplest, most conservative, most
robust way to make sure that continues to work was to mandate that all
Debian 12 packages, individually, are installable onto unmerged-/usr
Debian 11 (assuming that "installing a package" implies installing its
dependencies, in any order that apt/dpkg consider to be valid and not
breaking any dependency relationships).

> (Perhaps it comes with the job as apt maintainer, but I don't "discard
>  and redo" systems or even chroots… upgrades until hardware failure…
>  my current build chroots are from 2013. So I can totally see me opt-out
>  first and later in… although probably more with apt_preferences)

For full systems that are managed as full systems ("pets" in the cattle
vs. pets terminology), sure, do that; the Debian installation I'm typing
this into has been copied from several older machines. However, deferring
or avoiding the merged-/usr transition on these systems is not intended
to be something that is considered valid for bookworm.

For installations that are meant to be predictable, like build chroots
and the chroots/containers used for automated QA systems, keeping a 2013
installation and successively upgrading it comes with a significant risk
of ending up with an installation that nobody else (including you, if
the underlying hardware fails!) can replicate without starting from a 1:1
backup of that installation. I would not recommend this approach:
I think installations that are meant to be predictable should be "cattle".

I had intended that preventing the /usr merge (with debconf preseeding or
Marco's flag file or whatever) would be something that people should only
be doing in those "cattle": the steps to reproduce those systems would
include applying the debconf preseeding or creating the flag file.


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-09 Thread Simon McVittie
On Tue, 09 Nov 2021 at 20:27:24 +0100, Bastian Blank wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 09, 2021 at 08:19:40PM +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:
> > I'm worried that by saying that unmerged is still supported in 12, we open a
> > can of worms and just punt this down to yet another release cycle.
> No, unmerged will not be supported in 12.  Having the ability to create
> something does not make it supported.

That was my intention, yes. My intention when drafting the TC resolution
was that unmerged-/usr Debian 12 'bookworm' systems should be technically
possible but unsupported - similar to how downgrading packages is possible
but unsupported, and configuring dpkg --path-exclude is possible but
unsupported. If you contrive to create an unmerged bookworm system
and then try to upgrade it, that is likely to fail, and that's on you
to resolve.

> > E.g., what exactly does this mean for backports?
> Stuff from backports is post-release, so requires a merged system.

Yes, I think this is right. IMO you can't validly enable bookworm-backports
without first upgrading to bookworm, by which time the automatic transition
mechanism called for by the TC resolution should have taken effect.

However, I think bookworm-updates and bookworm-security still need
to cope with unmerged-/usr systems to the same extent that bookworm
itself does, because it's valid to upgrade from bullseye to bookworm +
bookworm-updates + bookworm-security in a single step.


Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-09 Thread Bastian Blank
On Tue, Nov 09, 2021 at 08:19:40PM +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:
> I'm worried that by saying that unmerged is still supported in 12, we open a
> can of worms and just punt this down to yet another release cycle.

No, unmerged will not be supported in 12.  Having the ability to create
something does not make it supported.

> E.g., what exactly does this mean for backports?

Stuff from backports is post-release, so requires a merged system.


Star Trek Lives!

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-09 Thread Michael Biebl

On 09.11.21 19:01, David Kalnischkies wrote:

(Minus that for 12 it is technically still supported as long as it
  remains 12, but those who have to know will know that and everyone else
  is better of following the default anyhow)

I'm worried that by saying that unmerged is still supported in 12, we 
open a can of worms and just punt this down to yet another release cycle.

E.g., what exactly does this mean for backports?
If I provide a backport from bookworm+1, I don't think it's feasible 
(and intended) to roll back any changes related to usrmerge, so I think 
backports should be able to assume a bookworm system is usrmerged?

Simon, could you clarify your thoughts regarding this aspect?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-09 Thread David Kalnischkies
On Tue, Nov 09, 2021 at 03:21:25PM +, Simon McVittie wrote:
> > As I see it the CTTE decision effectively allows the transition to be
> > deferred until the moment you want to upgrade to 13.
> I think you mean: until the moment you want to upgrade to testing after
> Debian 12 release day. That's not Debian 13 *yet*, although you could

Yes, I meant that indeed… should have used codenames after all.

> > So, wouldn't it make sense to go with an (extreme) low priority debconf
> > question defaulting to 'yes, convert now' which [I think] non-experts
> > aren't bothered with and users/systems wanting to opt-out for the moment
> > (like buildds) have a standard way of preseeding rather than inventing a
> > homegrown flag-file and associated machinery?
> Speaking only for myself and not for the TC, I think a debconf question
> would be OK as an implementation of this, but the debconf question should
> indicate that the result of opting out is an unsupported system.


(Minus that for 12 it is technically still supported as long as it
 remains 12, but those who have to know will know that and everyone else
 is better of following the default anyhow)

> I had intended this to be for the class of systems that you would expect
> to discard and re-bootstrap rather than upgrading (chroots, lxc/Docker
> containers, virtual machines, etc. used for autopkgtest, piuparts,
> reproducible-builds, etc.), where a way to undo the opt-out isn't really
> necessary because the system is treated as disposable.

That is likely what happens to most of them, but as we support running
the merge somewhere between a few years ago and first unpack of a trixie
package anyhow I don't see the harm of having an official opt-out of the
opt-out as long as it happens in time.

(Perhaps it comes with the job as apt maintainer, but I don't "discard
 and redo" systems or even chroots… upgrades until hardware failure…
 my current build chroots are from 2013. So I can totally see me opt-out
 first and later in… although probably more with apt_preferences)

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

Description: PGP signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-09 Thread Simon McVittie
(Speaking only for myself, not the TC as a whole - but I wrote the first
draft of what became the TC resolution we're discussing.)

On Tue, 09 Nov 2021 at 15:19:53 +0100, David Kalnischkies wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 08, 2021 at 12:56:49PM +0100, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> > On Nov 08, Simon Richter  wrote:
> > > Right now, it is sufficient to preseed debconf to disallow the usrmerge
> > > package messing with the filesystem tree outside dpkg. Managed 
> > > installations
> > > usually have a ready-made method to do so.
> > This is not really relevant, since the conversion is mandatory.
> > The CTTE stated that the only exception is "Testing and QA systems 
> > should be able to avoid this transition, but if they do, they cannot be 
> > upgraded beyond Debian 12", and my plan is to arrange for this with 
> > a flag file.

For reference, the wording in the TC resolution is:

We anticipate that during the development cycle that will lead to
Debian 12, it is likely to be useful for testing and QA infrastructure
(such as autopkgtest, piuparts and/or reproducible-builds) to be able
to produce an installation of Debian testing/unstable that is not
merged-/usr, in order to be able to verify that packages targeted
for inclusion in Debian 12 can still be installed and/or built
successfully in a non-merged-/usr environment during partial upgrades.

As a result, we recommend that if there is an automatic migration from
non-merged-/usr to merged-/usr, it should be possible to prevent
that migration. **However, systems where that migration has been
prevented are not required to be fully-supported**, and in particular,
upgrading them to Debian 13 or to the state of testing/unstable
during development of Debian 13 should be considered unsupported.

(emphasis added in this mail, not present in the TC resolution)

As Marco implies, it was not my intention to have this as a
general-purpose way for change-averse sysadmins to avoid or defer the
automatic transition. I had intended this to be specifically there as a
way to do the testing and QA that will ensure that the transition can go
as smoothly as possible (for example, reproducible-builds does one build
with merged-/usr and one with unmerged /usr, and this should continue,
otherwise we'll lose the ability to detect packages that build differently
in those two scenarios, which in practice is strongly correlated with
packages that won't work on non-merged-/usr systems if they have been
built on merged-/usr).

I can see that if people are developing dpkg enhancements that allow it to
reconcile its view of the filesystem with merged-/usr by having a record
of the directories that "should be" merged (perhaps a --paths-aliased
analogous to --path-include?), then they would also benefit from the
ability to construct up-to-date systems that have and haven't undergone
this transition, so they can compare the two.

> As I see it the CTTE decision effectively allows the transition to be
> deferred until the moment you want to upgrade to 13.

I think you mean: until the moment you want to upgrade to testing after
Debian 12 release day. That's not Debian 13 *yet*, although you could
think of it as some sort of Debian 13~alpha, and the TC resolution allows
packages in testing/unstable to start requiring merged-/usr immediately
after Debian 12 is released.

I tried to make sure the TC resolution distinguished carefully between
Debian stable releases, and the states of testing/unstable that will
exist at particular points in the stable release cycle.

> So, wouldn't it make sense to go with an (extreme) low priority debconf
> question defaulting to 'yes, convert now' which [I think] non-experts
> aren't bothered with and users/systems wanting to opt-out for the moment
> (like buildds) have a standard way of preseeding rather than inventing a
> homegrown flag-file and associated machinery?

Speaking only for myself and not for the TC, I think a debconf question
would be OK as an implementation of this, but the debconf question should
indicate that the result of opting out is an unsupported system.

I would personally see this as a bit like using dpkg --path-exclude, or
downgrading packages: it's allowed, but it might break things immediately,
or it might have weird side-effects later on (even after the configuration
change has been reverted).

> As a bonus, if I had previously decided to forgo the automatic
> transition for whatever reason (lets say to test build packages on that
> box) I also have a standard way of triggering the conversion by calling
> dpkg-reconfigure on usrmerge at leisure before the 13 upgrade.

I had intended this to be for the class of systems that you would expect
to discard and re-bootstrap rather than upgrading (chroots, lxc/Docker
containers, virtual machines, etc. used for autopkgtest, piuparts,
reproducible-builds, etc.), where a way to undo the opt-out isn't really
necessary because the system is treated as 

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-09 Thread David Kalnischkies
On Mon, Nov 08, 2021 at 12:56:49PM +0100, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> On Nov 08, Simon Richter  wrote:
> > Right now, it is sufficient to preseed debconf to disallow the usrmerge
> > package messing with the filesystem tree outside dpkg. Managed installations
> > usually have a ready-made method to do so.
> This is not really relevant, since the conversion is mandatory.
> The CTTE stated that the only exception is "Testing and QA systems 
> should be able to avoid this transition, but if they do, they cannot be 
> upgraded beyond Debian 12", and my plan is to arrange for this with 
> a flag file.

As I see it the CTTE decision effectively allows the transition to be
deferred until the moment you want to upgrade to 13. Ideally the
transition is performed already in the 11→12 upgrade automatically for
you, but you could prevent that automatism and do it manually someday
while you have 12 installed (as no 12 package can depend on merged /usr
as it would not be installable on upgrade from 11 and/or executable on
buildds/testing/qa systems at the least).

So, wouldn't it make sense to go with an (extreme) low priority debconf
question defaulting to 'yes, convert now' which [I think] non-experts
aren't bothered with and users/systems wanting to opt-out for the moment
(like buildds) have a standard way of preseeding rather than inventing a
homegrown flag-file and associated machinery?

As a bonus, if I had previously decided to forgo the automatic
transition for whatever reason (lets say to test build packages on that
box) I also have a standard way of triggering the conversion by calling
dpkg-reconfigure on usrmerge at leisure before the 13 upgrade.

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

Description: PGP signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-08 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 08, Simon Richter  wrote:

> Yes, but the conversion needs to be performed by dpkg, because the usrmerge
Please kindly stop beating this long-dead horse.


Description: PGP signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-08 Thread Simon Richter


On 11/8/21 12:56 PM, Marco d'Itri wrote:

Right now, it is sufficient to preseed debconf to disallow the usrmerge
package messing with the filesystem tree outside dpkg. Managed installations
usually have a ready-made method to do so.

This is not really relevant, since the conversion is mandatory.

Yes, but the conversion needs to be performed by dpkg, because the 
usrmerge package is not in a position to complete the transition, it 
will always leave a filesystem that is inconsistent with the dpkg 
database, and it can not fix up the database because there is neither a 
time during package installation where the dpkg database is unlocked, 
nor is it desirable that another package besides dpkg changes the dpkg 
database, nor is it safe to do so (in fact, that would almost certainly 
cause files to be lost).

Ergo, the usrmerge package needs to be phased out before the bookworm 
release, it only creates complications for finishing the transition, and 
while I find that useful with my Devuan user hat on (as it means that 
Debian packages will continue to ship essential files in /bin until at 
least bookworm+1, and we don't need to fork these), my Debian hat says 
that we should complete this with bookworm.

Last but not least, it is disingenuous to remove control from users 
(especially those who have previously objected) and pretend they have 
consented. I would, at the very least, expect the package to honor 
previous debconf answers (and these would remain fixed if the question 
were removed).


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-08 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 08, Simon Richter  wrote:

> Right now, it is sufficient to preseed debconf to disallow the usrmerge
> package messing with the filesystem tree outside dpkg. Managed installations
> usually have a ready-made method to do so.
This is not really relevant, since the conversion is mandatory.
The CTTE stated that the only exception is "Testing and QA systems 
should be able to avoid this transition, but if they do, they cannot be 
upgraded beyond Debian 12", and my plan is to arrange for this with 
a flag file.


Description: PGP signature

Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-08 Thread Simon Richter


On 11/8/21 12:03 AM, Marco d'Itri wrote:

I have been asked to remove from the usrmerge package the debconf
question which asks to confirm the conversion.
Does anybody REALLY believe that it should not be removed?

While it may be more convenient for home users to not be bothered with 
questions they don't understand, I believe predictable behaviour would 
be preferable in a professional environment.

Right now, it is sufficient to preseed debconf to disallow the usrmerge 
package messing with the filesystem tree outside dpkg. Managed 
installations usually have a ready-made method to do so.

With that change, the only way to do so would be to blacklist usrmerge 
via APT preferences, and while that is certainly possible for management 
frameworks to handle, the resulting ripple effects from packages 
becoming uninstallable through this might cause additional problems.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-07 Thread Marco d'Itri
I have been asked to remove from the usrmerge package the debconf 
question which asks to confirm the conversion.
Does anybody REALLY believe that it should not be removed?


Description: PGP signature