Am 19.05.23 um 17:30 schrieb Simon McVittie:
On Fri, 19 May 2023 at 09:19:35 -0500, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
I have to ask how someone would conduct an install to a 32-bit x86 machine
running under emulation, assuming no OS on the simulated machine.

I see four levels of support that we could reasonably have for i386:

1. same as in recent Ubuntu: just enough packages (mostly libraries) to
    configure it as a multiarch foreign architecture on an amd64 system,
    and run legacy Linux i386 binaries directly or legacy Windows i386
    binaries via Wine

While I wouldn't mind dropping support for i386 to something like 1, I do wish we don't end up doing it exactly the same as in Ubuntu, where we now have to apply i386 specific code to e.g. debian/rules, i386 specific build-deps etc.

The prospect of something doesn't make me too happy.

Removing (partial) support for an architecture shouldn't lead to additional work and maintenance burden.


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