Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019 19:56:43 -0800
Source: efl
Binary: efl-doc libecore-audio1 libecore-audio1-dbgsym libecore-avahi1 
libecore-avahi1-dbgsym libecore-bin libecore-bin-dbgsym libecore-con1 
libecore-con1-dbgsym libecore-dev libecore-drm2-1 libecore-drm2-1-dbgsym 
libecore-evas1 libecore-evas1-dbgsym libecore-fb1 libecore-fb1-dbgsym 
libecore-file1 libecore-file1-dbgsym libecore-imf1 libecore-imf1-dbgsym 
libecore-input1 libecore-input1-dbgsym libecore-ipc1 libecore-ipc1-dbgsym 
libecore-wl2-1 libecore-wl2-1-dbgsym libecore-x1 libecore-x1-dbgsym libecore1 
libecore1-dbgsym libector1 libector1-dbgsym libedje-bin libedje-bin-dbgsym 
libedje-dev libedje1 libedje1-dbgsym libeet-bin libeet-bin-dbgsym libeet-dev 
libeet1 libeet1-dbgsym libeeze-bin libeeze-bin-dbgsym libeeze-dev libeeze1 
libeeze1-dbgsym libefl-all-dev libefl-all-dev-dbgsym libefreet-bin 
libefreet-bin-dbgsym libefreet-dev libefreet1a libefreet1a-dbgsym libeina-bin 
libeina-bin-dbgsym libeina-dev libeina1a libeina1a-dbgsym libeio-dev libeio1 
 libelementary-bin libelementary-bin-dbgsym libelementary-data 
libelementary-dev libelementary1 libelementary1-dbgsym libelocation1 
libelocation1-dbgsym libelput1 libelput1-dbgsym libelua-bin libelua-bin-dbgsym 
libelua1 libelua1-dbgsym libembryo-bin libembryo-bin-dbgsym libembryo-dev 
libembryo1 libembryo1-dbgsym libemile1 libemile1-dbgsym libemotion-dev 
libemotion-players libemotion-players-dbgsym libemotion1 libemotion1-dbgsym 
libeolian1 libeolian1-dbgsym libephysics1 libephysics1-dbgsym 
libethumb-client-bin libethumb-client-bin-dbgsym libethumb-client1 
libethumb-client1-dbgsym libethumb-dev libethumb1 libethumb1-dbgsym libevas-bin 
libevas-bin-dbgsym libevas-dev libevas-loaders libevas-loaders-dbgsym libevas1 
libevas1-dbgsym libevas1-engines-drm libevas1-engines-drm-dbgsym 
libevas1-engines-fb libevas1-engines-fb-dbgsym libevas1-engines-wayland 
libevas1-engines-wayland-dbgsym libevas1-engines-x
Architecture: source
Version: 1.21.1-4
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian Pkg-e Team <pkg-e-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Ross Vandegrift <r...@kallisti.us>
 efl-doc    - Documentation for the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
 libecore1  - EFL core abstraction layer
 libecore-audio1 - Ecore functions for audio playback and recording
 libecore-avahi1 - Ecore functions for Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD
 libecore-bin - EFL core abstraction layer - utilities
 libecore-con1 - Ecore functions for network connections
 libecore-dev - transitional EFL development package
 libecore-drm2-1 - Ecore functions for DRM
 libecore-evas1 - Ecore functions for the Evas wrapper
 libecore-fb1 - Ecore functions for frame buffer displays
 libecore-file1 - Ecore functions for files and directories
 libecore-imf1 - Ecore functions for Input Method Framework
 libecore-input1 - Ecore functions for input devices
 libecore-ipc1 - Ecore functions for inter-process communication
 libecore-wl2-1 - Ecore functions for Wayland displays
 libecore-x1 - Ecore functions for X Window System displays
 libector1  - EFL vector graphics capabilities
 libedje1   - EFL layout and animation tools
 libedje-bin - EFL layout and animation tools - utilities
 libedje-dev - transitional EFL development package
 libeet1    - EFL file chunk reading/writing
 libeet-bin - EFL file chunk reading/writing - utilities
 libeet-dev - transitional EFL development package
 libeeze1   - EFL udev device manipulation
 libeeze-bin - EFL udev device manipulation - utilities
 libeeze-dev - transitional EFL development package
 libefl-all-dev - Enlightenment Foundation Libraries development files
 libefreet1a - EFL freedesktop.org spec implementations
 libefreet-bin - EFL helper program to create efreet data caches
 libefreet-dev - transitional EFL development package
 libeina1a  - EFL optimized data types
 libeina-bin - EFL optimized data types - extra tools
 libeina-dev - transitional EFL development package
 libeio1    - EFL non-blocking, threaded I/O
 libeio-dev - transitional EFL development package
 libelementary1 - EFL widget set
 libelementary-bin - EFL widget set - helper programs
 libelementary-data - EFL widget set - data files
 libelementary-dev - transitional EFL development package
 libelocation1 - EFL geospatial information management
 libelput1  - EFL abstraction for libinput
 libelua1   - EFL Lua wrapper and convenience layer
 libelua-bin - EFL Lua wrapper and convenience layer - binaries
 libembryo1 - EFL SMALL-based abstract machine (AMX) bytecode interpreter
 libembryo-bin - EFL SMALL-based abstract machine (AMX) compiler
 libembryo-dev - transitional EFL development package
 libemile1  - EFL compression and encryption
 libemotion1 - EFL media object functionality
 libemotion-dev - transitional EFL development package
 libemotion-players - EFL additional loaders for Emotion
 libeolian1 - EFL object parser and C code generator
 libephysics1 - EFL physics functionality for Evas and Edje
 libethumb1 - EFL for thumbnail image creation
 libethumb-client1 - EFL client for ethumb
 libethumb-client-bin - EFL ethumb helper binary
 libethumb-dev - transitional EFL development package
 libevas1   - EFL advanced canvas library
 libevas1-engines-drm - Evas module providing the DRM engine
 libevas1-engines-fb - Evas module providing the Framebuffer engine
 libevas1-engines-wayland - Evas module providing the Wayland engine
 libevas1-engines-x - Evas module providing the X11 engines
 libevas-bin - EFL advanced canvas library - utilities
 libevas-dev - transitional EFL development package
 libevas-loaders - EFL additional loaders for Evas
 efl (1.21.1-4) unstable; urgency=medium
   * d/control:
     + efl-doc should be Multi-Arch: foreign
     + libelementary1 should be Multi-Arch: same
     + libelementary-data should be Multi-Arch: foreign
     + Bump Standards-Verison to 4.3.0, no changes required
     + Refresh package descriptions from upstream info
   * d/libelementary1.symbols: add missing Build-Depends-Package field
   * libelementary-data: move icon readme to docs dir
 ed9b45618b11686cbfacb878e9ecd95b8d16e3f7 7140 efl_1.21.1-4.dsc
 9a5a84fbf44fe2905476d534b211719cf59f8e23 89708 efl_1.21.1-4.debian.tar.xz
 909573021181e4b842f39628a5e9abe5634e8067288e56bab76f1c9f02a9bee7 7140 
 ddd9f1abff64a0533181b30b858df1cd36c2e33b9e688672865c34aa4000104b 89708 
 2d5bb9c649e54927cbc0f233af1c14a3 7140 libs optional efl_1.21.1-4.dsc
 96a5a9a323651359de54da5c23940eb6 89708 libs optional efl_1.21.1-4.debian.tar.xz



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