Re: Digital signage app for Linux (Info screen)

2013-07-14 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Mittwoch, 25. November 2009 schrieb Ole-Anders Andreassen:
 Does anyone know about a digital signage app that runs on Linux. I have 
 looked at Xibo (, but then I would have to run Windows.

Any news here? Maybe firefox OS? Or some Debian from stick?

As for hardware: The cheepest way for a display:
- 1 LCD TV screen 42 inch (from 300 Eu)
- 1 Rhasberry Pi (from 35 Eu) plus some cables (HDMI, Power supply, SD card).


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Re: Suggestions for programs for learning to program

2013-04-28 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Sonntag, 28. April 2013 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
 Hi.  I just came back from an interesting talk about how to teach kids
 and students to program, and four tools were highlighted in the talk.

Dear Petter,

thanks for this list, I didn't know all of them! 

As for logo, we come with kturtle (but netlogo is not comarable).
Additionally, I appreciate umbrello for UML modelling.

As it comes to Java, Greenfoot and BlueJ are a must, 
both are freeware with debian packages available, but
I suppose their licenses are not apt for Debian.

Last candidate for K12 courses is jflap to check formal languages
with DFA.

With kind regards

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WNP: python-uniconvertor enables inkscape to import CDR files

2013-04-19 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

one things teachers need occasionally is importing works sheets from collegues.
As it comes to proprietary file formats, corel draw seems to be most tricky.

Accordingly, it's nice to read about the Sk1 project, providing free software 
that is
able to free documents that was secretly encoded binary before. 

Nevertheless, it is a pity, that the corresponding package python-uniconvertor
is broken, as one can read in several forums and bug reports. 

There seems to be a workaround, developers, please have a look at:

Thank you,
Ralf (bug report in prospect)

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Alternative: LibreOffice =3.6

2013-04-19 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hi there, please allow me to keep you up to date with my findings:

I just managed to install LibreOffice 4.0.2 from their deb packages,
containing cdrlib, and impressingly, all items of some Corel Draw
file (2 pages Geography exam including text  graphics) are 
imported without any flaw into LibreOffice Draw.

This is a real alternative, also to inkscape, or sK1 (skencil fork), both
using python-uniconvertor.

Kind regards

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Fwd: DNS-Problem

2013-03-01 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear List.

Mr. Ritter has a setting where dhcp  dns is done by a third party server
if I understand him correct (see below, German). Nevertheless there
is a tjener, and there is a gateway, but his problem is that
subdomains are not resolved (like Plain domains
(like are resolved, however.  Probably a temporary
problem, caused by third party software.

Just in case it rings a bell of yours, please let him know.


--  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  --

Subject: DNS-Problem
Date: Dienstag, 26. Februar 2013
From: Ritter

Hallo Skoletuxe,

wieder mal eine Frage aus Hessen, die bestimmt nicht sofort beantwortet
werden kann, aber ich bin optimistisch, dass mir jemand hier auf jeden Fall
eine Suchrichtung geben kann ;-)

Mein tjener löst keine Namen mit mehr als 2 Bestandteilen auf. Bsp. erhalte
ich für

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  gateway.intern (  0.262 ms  0.470 ms  0.461 ms
 2 (  7.829 ms  8.683 ms  9.803 ms
 3 (  15.465 ms  15.471 ms  15.464 ms
 4 (  17.038 ms  18.155 ms  19.746 ms
 5 (  21.959 ms
(  22.933 ms  24.062 ms
 6 (  22.670 ms  23.162 ms
(  24.313 ms
 7 (  26.422 ms  10.481 ms  11.351 ms
 8 (  18.615 ms  20.381 ms  21.032 ms
 9 (  22.674 ms  23.491 ms  24.618 ms
10 (  25.402 ms  26.638 ms
27.617 ms

.. aber auch:

traceroute Der Name oder der Dienst ist nicht bekannt
Cannot handle host cmdline arg `' on position 1 (argc 1)

DHCP und DNS macht bei uns ein TfK-Schulrouter.

Die anderen Geräte im Netz haben damit kein Problem.

Kann mir jemand etwas dazu sagen?



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Question regarding ... // Fwd: Frage zu KMail und DisklessWorkstations

2013-01-28 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

please, find below an original posting from a primary school at Halle (Saale).

They run a small skolelinux network offline. Everything works fine when
using the LTSP profile (including mail clients), but as it comes to
diskless workstations, imap doesn't work anymore from client side

User:  Name@postoffice.intern
Server: postoffice.intern

To join the discussion on the German user list, please look at our archive:

Thank you,

 für eine Grundschule in Halle (Saale) möchte ich mit Skolelinux ein
 kleines PC-Netzwerk aus 7 PC´s und einem Server herrichten Das Ganze
 ohne Internetanbindung. Als Geräte stehen Computer mit P4 und 512 MB
 oder 1 GB RAM zur Verfügung. Der Hauptserver läuft bereits in
 Standardinstallation und die Einbindung der Clients als ThinClients
 oder DisklessWorkstation habe ich auch an einem Beispiel geschafft.
 Die Kinder sollen u.a. KMail und den Messenger Kopete nutzen. Wenn
 ich diese Benutzer auf dem Arbeitsplatz des Hauptservers anmelde
 funktioniert KMail.
 Mein derzeitiges Problem ist, dass KMail auf der DisklessWorkstation
 keine Mails empfangen oder senden kann. Eingerichtet sind die
 Benutzer als Name@postoffice.intern und IMAP verwendet
 Welche Einstellungen sollte ich überprüfen?
 Viele Grüße
 Sven Petersen

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Re: Please help golearn (from the goplay package) become more useful for Debian Edu

2013-01-09 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Dienstag, 8. Januar 2013 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
 You need to wait a bit for the index to update.  Not quite sure how
 long it take.

Thank you, works now, 
is this a feature or is it a bug?
I think xapian could improve its guessing...

Parley seems to be missing as vocab trainer on 1st sight.

Kind regards

P.S.: @Holger, package xapian-tools is not installed.

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Fwd: Installation

2012-11-27 Thread RalfGesellensetter


Hallo werte erfahrene Skolelinuxer,

wir haben an unserer Schule - erst parallel zu einem auswärtig 
gewarteten Windows Netz - ein Skolelinux Netz aufgebaut. In den Biologie 
und Chemie Vorbereitungsräumen mit ein paar alten für Windows nicht mehr 
ausreichenden Arbeitsplatzrechnern, in 4 Unterrichtsräumen stehen 
Laptops, die unter Windows mit einem Smartboard verbunden sind. Die 
Rechner der Unterrichtsräume habe ich erst einmal parallel zu Windows 
(für manche Kollegen) als Disklesss Workstation laufen lassen.
Nach viel Überzeugungsarbeit (und weitgehend problemlosen Arbeiten der 
Rechner) habe ich ein Laptop als reine Skolelinux Workstation 
umkonfiguriert. Bei der Installation wollte das System ganz zu Beginn 
schon firmware (von einer  Diskette oder CD Rom haben (gab es natürlich 
nicht). Nun gibt es zwei Probleme:

1. Das Mousepad des Laptops funktioniert nicht (der Mauszeiger wuselt 
nur im oberen linken Bereich wahllos herum.
2.Zwar funktioniert das Smartboard als solches, nicht aber die 
zugehörige Stiftleiste (die Kontrollleuchte blinkt auch grün, kein 

Sobald ich dieses Laptop als Diskless starten lasse, ist wieder alles 
funktionsbereit. Das erste scheint wohl ein Treiberproblem zu sein. Kann 
es sein, dass im Kernel, den das Laptop als diskless lädt ein anderer 
Treibersatz drin ist als im Kernel, der für den Arbeitsplatzrechner 
installiert wird ? Wenn  ja, wo kann ich den richtigen Treiber bekommen 
(2 Jahre altes Lenovo Laptop) und wie binde ich den dauerhaft in den 
Arbeitsplatz Kernel ein bzw. in das Installationsprogramm, da ich die 
anderen Laptops auch entsprechend umstellen möchte.

Das zweite Problem (Stiftleiste des Smartboards) liegt wohl daran, dass 
der von mir heruntergeladene Programmteil zwar für den diskless Kernel 
richtig eingebunden wurde, nicht aber für den des Arbeitsplatzrechners. 
Wie lässt sich das beheben?

Vielen Dank für Eure Hilfe

Fred Hammes aus Trier
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Fwd: Killer

2012-10-15 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hi folks.

This user reports a problem with killer script when
using xfce. Any experience here?


Liebe Liste,

auf den Worstations mit installiertem XFCE4 wird man stündlich vom 
Killerscript rausgeworfen.

Ich habe das jetzt mal durch

chmod -x /usr/sbin/

hoffentlich unterbunden (natürlich könnte man es auch aus dem Ordner 
/etc/cron.hourly löschen). Weiß jemand, ob dieses Script nur kde 
toleriert? Gibt es Versionen für xfce?

Ich habe aktuell einfach keine Zeit, das Skript umzustricken :(

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Fwd: Erfahrungen mit squeeze und wine

2012-10-15 Thread RalfGesellensetter
hello all,

Andreas asks about experiences with wine on thin clients
under squeeze. His school needs edu software attached
to regular school books. I assume that sound is used, as well.

Any hints?

--  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  --

Subject: Erfahrungen mit squeeze und wine
Date: Freitag, 5. Oktober 2012
From: Andreas Kuhn

Hallo Skolelinuxer,

wer hat schon Erfahrungen bei squeeze mit wine gemacht?

Ich muss Orange Line 1 + 2 sowie Lets Go auf den ThinClients verfügbar 
machen. Leider habe ich noch keine Erfahrungen, ob dies bei ThinClients 
überhaupt funktioniert.

Bevor ich jetzt in eine Sachgasse laufe, möchte ich zunächst mal in die 
Runde fragen, worauf ich zu achten habe.

Andreas Kuhn
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Fwd: Re: diskless vs. thin / LTSP Performance

2012-10-15 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hi all,

Wolfgang tries to understand undocumented phaenomens 
on skolelinux servers. Maybe this is valuable hints for missing
chapters - or anybody can comment on this?


--  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  --

Subject: Re: diskless vs. thin / LTSP Performance
Date: Sonntag, 23. September 2012
From: Wolfgang Höfer
To: Mike Gabriel,

Hi Mike, hallo Liste

Ich habe hier einige seltsame Erscheinungen, was wohl damit 
zusammenhängt, dass mir
das Ineinandergreifen der verschiedenen Komponenten des gesamten Setups 
noch nicht klar sind. Es laufen eben Dinge (undokumentiert) im Inneren 
ab, denen man erst auf die Spur kommen muss.

Ich hab mal eine Skizze von meinem Netz in den Anhang gepackt.

Folgende Gedanken plagen mich.

Wer ist der Cups-Server?
Der Tjener kann es eigentlich nicht machen, weil er (bei mir) keine 
Maschinen in den 192er Netzen erreicht.
Damit kann er die Drucker nicht sehen und auch nicht verwalten.
Meine zwei Computerräume sind durch eine 24er Netmask voneinander 
getrennt = jeder LTSP muss ein
eigenständiger CUPS-Server sein?

Auf jedem LTSP läuft ein DHCP-Server (ist nicht optimal, weiß ich). Die 
Requests der Clients erreichen beide Server (sieht man im Syslog vom 
Tjener). Der falsche LTSP reagiert auch brav mit wrong net. Der 
andere LTSP liefert dann die Adresse aus. Die Info, welche Maschine 
(MAC) welche IP bekommen soll, die sollte wohl über das andere Interface 
vom Tjener ermittelt werden (oder aus dem eigenen Cache). Nun musste ich 
aus verschiedenen Gründen die IP der Drucker (im LDAP) ändern. Es war 
danach nicht möglich, die Drucker mit dieser IP zu versorgen. Ich habe 
die Dienste, die Server, die Drucker, ... neu gestartet - immer die alte 
IP. /var/lib/dhcpd.leases geleert - nie bekam der Drucker DIE IP, die im 
LDAP stand (ja, ldap2bind hab ich auch aufgerufen)

Am Ende des Tages hängen auf einem der LTSPs zahlreiche Prozesse, die 
dem User nobody gehören und den Dienst NBD betreffen. Ich habe am 
Samstag noch einige Fehler (von mir) im LDAP gefunden (IP-Zuweisungen 
zum falschen Raum). Nun muss ich diese Woche nochmal beobachten, was 
sich auf den beiden LTSP's abspielt.

Kann man auf diese Weise Softwareverteilung oder zumindest 
Nachinstallieren von Programmen veranlassen? Das wäre unbedingt in die 
Doku aufzunehmen.

In Gosa kann man bei der DHCP Einstellung zwischen

(tjener) dhcp
(tjener) intern
(tjener) subnet.intern00
(tjener) subnet.intern01

Wählen. Wo liegt bei den ersten 3en der Unterschied, die anderen sind 
auch paarweise identisch.
Wenn man den entsprechenden Bereich im DNS aktiviert (Checkbox rechts), 
dann ist der Client
dennoch nicht über seinen Namen pingbar. (z.b. ping drucker2 geht nicht) 
- hier muss man dann den ganzen
DNS-Namen angeben

ping  drucker2.subnet00.intern

Ich bin nicht sicher, dass die gesamte Kommunikation im Netz diesen 
Namen verwendet.

SSH hab ich bereits deaktiviert, hat was gebracht. War schon immer eine 

Ok, das Skript ist einfach genug - aber das wertet doch die IP-Adresse 
aus und übergibt
je nach 10er oder 192er den Wert 3 oder 4 an den init(?) Prozess.
Wofür braucht man dann den Runlevel-Parameter in der Appendline, wenn 
dann doch über
die IP entschieden wird.
Und dann ist mir immer noch nicht klar, was sich am Bootprozess ändert.
Der prinzipielle Unterschied zwischen diskless und Thin ist mir schon 
klar - aber was ändert das technisch.
Darüber findet man auch in der LTSP-Doku nichts - zumindest ich :)

Werden die verschiedenen A_Names im Bind dynamisch über die 
Netgroup-zugehörigkeit erstellt?
Zumindest hat beim Tjener cservd und cups gefehlt.

Auch auf meinen Workstations eine Katastrophe. Nach dem Login folgt auf 
die Initialisierung der
Oberfläche eine (mindestens) 30sekündige Totzeit. In der Zeit kann man 
klicken was man will, es passiert nichts.
Irgendwann wird dann der Start-Button aktiv. So lange waret aber kein 

Viele Fragen, ich weiß. Aber leider keine Antworten dort wo ich sie 
hätte lesen können.
Zum Systemgraben fehlt mir leider etwas die Zeit 


On 23.09.2012 21:11, Mike Gabriel wrote:
 Hi Wolfgang,

 On Mi 19 Sep 2012 07:13:00 CEST Wolfgang Höfer wrote:

 Liebe Liste,

 Eine generelle Verständnisfrage:

 Der Unterschied Thin-Client / Diskless-Client ist ja, wo die 
 Anwendungen laufen ( so weit ich das
 weiß). Im PXE-Boot Menü sind die Append-Zeilen für beide Szenarien 
 aber identisch.
 Woher weiß ein Client dann, ob er Thin oder diskless ist?

 Das entscheidet das System anhand der IP Adresse bzw. anhand des 

 runlevel 3 - IP: 10.* - diskless workstation
 runlevel 4 - IP: 192.* - thin client

 Den runlevel kann man beim Booten mitübergeben, einfach die Zahl 3 
 oder 4 in den Kernel Bootoptions mit übergeben.

 Das Handling 

Re: PAC/WPAD with Iceweasel is horribly slow

2012-06-25 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear Petter, dear list,

this bug was reported to firefox BTS years ago, and is still there.

With Firefox 11 or later (Windows WS), colleagues experience
regular timeouts. Well, I will try to use your alternative syntax,
and then, we have to discuss alternatives (or contribute a patch).

Kind regards

Am Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2012 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
 [Petter Reinholdtsen]
  By moving away /etc/debian-edu/www/wpad.dat on the main server, the
  browser stop using the squid proxy and become responsive.  The
  problem is with DNS lookups and wpad handling in Firefox, which
  block the entire browser.
 The current wpad.dat look like this:
   function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
 if (!isResolvable(host) ||
 isPlainHostName(host) ||
 dnsDomainIs(host, .intern))
 return DIRECT;
 return PROXY webcache:3128; DIRECT;
 The browser seem to become quicker by changing this to a simpler one:
   function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
 return PROXY webcache:3128; DIRECT;
 Can you test if this help for you too?  Replace the file
 /etc/debian-edu/www/wpad.dat with this simpler one, and see if it work
 as you want it to.  Is it a problem to use the proxy for everything,
 also for non-resolvable addresses and for local addresses?

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Remove package killer from workstation profile?

2012-06-24 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

Roland reported closing applications on work stations, caused by killer.
What do you think, is killer daemon designed to run on workstations, anyway?


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Re: 45 thin clients = slow squeeze

2012-06-04 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear Ole-Anders,

thanks for your quite detailed heavy-load-test:

Am Montag, 4. Juni 2012 schrieb Ole-Anders Andreassen:
 45 clients booted as thin clients. Booting takes several minutes.
 All users opening firefox, openoffice and a pdf file (okular).

This sounds like a nearly standardized test environment.
Maybe, for QA, this could be a start to document how to
put heavy load on a networt - and how to tell the bottle necks.

 The result was a server load of 60.

Was this equally balanced to all 4 cores? Or where there
processes that stuck to cpu0?

If you are in the lucky position to run such a normalized
load-test, you should, please, use the opportunity in order to
- htop: Which processes where the cpu blockers?
- nload: was one of the server's NICs congested?

I assume, you are running a combined tjener/ltsp?
Are there further clients causing traffic at your site?
Is eth1 used for the ltsp network?

What graphic resolution is used on thin clients?
Do you use encrypted traffic for them?

Might Petters killer daemon help out here?

Did you try the same test with earlier versions?

Well, I am just a teacher - but eager to know what
other readers of this list will suggest.
Good luck  greetins

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Re: 45 thin clients = slow squeeze

2012-06-04 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Montag, 4. Juni 2012 schrieb Ole-Anders Andreassen:
 45 clients booted as thin clients. Booting takes several minutes.
 All users opening firefox, openoffice and a pdf file (okular).

yet another question: what desktop environment was used?
Most likely KDE. How many instances of nepomuk, arconadi, 
are running on LTSPs running KDE4?

kind regards

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Thin Client sessions freeze with certain applications

2012-05-09 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

a German school is trying to upgrade to squeaze.
Years ago, it was Philipp who helped them out to
have their thin clients work.

There is a very detailed logging page in our Wiki,
in short, thin clients will freeze if users start
openoffice. This is not the case for direct sessions
from LTSP server. 

My crystal ball hints to insufficient RAM / missing swap,
but of course, there might also be an issue with the
network cards/driver of the thin clients.

I am not deep familiar enough with current locations
of corresponding log files, for you it might be 
a quick guess, however.

Please consult
(mostly German) for more details.


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Fwd: Weitere Pakete installieren?

2012-05-09 Thread RalfGesellensetter
briefly: where can I place third party deb packages
(like geogebra, bluej) to be installed over pxe?

die Arbeitsstationen werden über pxe/Netzwerk installiert. 
Zusätzlich würde ich gerne Greenfoot und Smartboard mitinstallieren lassen. 
Wo speichere ich auf dem tjener die .deb Dateien, damit sie bei der 
Installation gefunden werden und
welche Änderungen werden in der debian-edu-install.dat eingefügt?


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Re: libreoffice 3.5.2

2012-04-16 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hey Alf, how are you?

Am Montag, 16. April 2012 schrieb Alf Tonny Bätz:
 Or have i missunderstood something here?

well, once there is support for shrinter devices, 
the tray issue should be obsolete:


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ldap: export account data (csv) from command line.

2012-04-16 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hi yis,

these days I had to extract account data (login, full name)
from an elderly tjener's ldap.

Quickly, I archieved to grep and paste outputs of ldapsearch -x
in order to accomplish such a list.

Only later, I had to learn that some users were missing in my
hand made list. Apparently there is a limit of 1,000 users when
using ldapsearch anonymously.

Using ldapvi, I managed to get all information I need, and
could paste my grep-lines into one csv file. This time,
I bound to DN-admin, of course. 

I failed to use the same bind-options for ldapsearch, and
after all, I wonder if there hadn't been an even more
comfortable way to export accounts to csv (like ldif2csv?).


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Re: Help needed, binding moodle to LDAP

2012-02-18 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hi there,

my ldap is open and accesible, but moodle wouldn't bind.
Could anybody, using Moodle, please PM me their settings?
I feel there is a minor configuration bug:

LDAP-Modul kann keine Verbindung zu irgendeinem Server herstellen: 
Server: 'ldap://', Connection: 'Resource id #63', Bind result: '' 


Am Montag, 13. Februar 2012 schrieb RalfGesellensetter:
 Hi there,
 I tried to bind an external hosted moodle
 to our school's ldap (tjener). I followed
 all instructions, and tested remote access
 using luma (being able to browse the ldap
 tree anonymously).
 However, the extern moodle fails when trying
 to auth towards our tjener. Alas, no additional
 messages, I don't have root access to that moodle.
 Any clue? Is browsing less than authing? Can
 I easily test if external auth would work?
 I remember having switched to pam in former
 times, but this moodle is hosted by third party,
 without corresponding modules, so far.
 Thank you very much,

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Help needed, binding moodle to LDAP

2012-02-13 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hi there,

I tried to bind an external hosted moodle
to our school's ldap (tjener). I followed
all instructions, and tested remote access
using luma (being able to browse the ldap
tree anonymously).

However, the extern moodle fails when trying
to auth towards our tjener. Alas, no additional
messages, I don't have root access to that moodle.

Any clue? Is browsing less than authing? Can
I easily test if external auth would work?

I remember having switched to pam in former
times, but this moodle is hosted by third party,
without corresponding modules, so far.

Thank you very much,

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Re: Help needed, binding moodle to LDAP

2012-02-13 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hej Pere,

thanks for this quick reply...!

Am Montag, 13. Februar 2012 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
 [Ralf Gesellensetter]
  Any clue? Is browsing less than authing? Can I easily test if
  external auth would work?
 Authentication require SSL with fairly strong encryption.  Is this
 enabled on Moodle?  Browsing is allowed without SSL.

Well, I checked browsing on both ports (ldap  ldaps), but couldn't 
tell if ssl was used.
 In debian-edu-config/share/debian-edu-config/tools/gosa-sync, I find
 this fragment used to verify a password:
   ldapwhoami -x -Z -y $TMPFILE -D $USERDN

I will check this tool from package ldap-utils:

ldapwhoami  -h $HOST -D 'cn=admin,ou=People,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no' 
ldap_bind: Server is unwilling to perform (53)
additional info: unauthenticated bind (DN with no password) disallowed

With debug level 9, I get:

$ ldapwhoami  -h -D 
'cn=admin,ou=People,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no' -X guest -d9
put_filter: (objectclass=*)
put_filter: simple
put_simple_filter: objectclass=*
ldap_new_connection 1 1 0
ldap_connect_to_host: TCP
ldap_new_socket: 3
ldap_prepare_socket: 3
ldap_connect_to_host: Trying
ldap_pvt_connect: fd: 3 tm: -1 async: 0
ldap_open_defconn: successful
ber_scanf fmt ({it) ber:
ber_scanf fmt ({) ber:
ber_flush2: 64 bytes to sd 3
ldap_result ld 0x8075128 msgid 1
wait4msg ld 0x8075128 msgid 1 (infinite timeout)
wait4msg continue ld 0x8075128 msgid 1 all 1
** ld 0x8075128 Connections:
* host:  port: 389  (default)
  refcnt: 2  status: Connected
  last used: Mon Feb 13 21:22:22 2012

** ld 0x8075128 Outstanding Requests:
 * msgid 1,  origid 1, status InProgress
   outstanding referrals 0, parent count 0
  ld 0x8075128 request count 1 (abandoned 0)
** ld 0x8075128 Response Queue:
  ld 0x8075128 response count 0
ldap_chkResponseList ld 0x8075128 msgid 1 all 1
ldap_chkResponseList returns ld 0x8075128 NULL
read1msg: ld 0x8075128 msgid 1 all 1
ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 9 contents:
read1msg: ld 0x8075128 msgid 1 message type search-entry
wait4msg continue ld 0x8075128 msgid 1 all 1
** ld 0x8075128 Connections:
* host:  port: 389  (default)
  refcnt: 2  status: Connected
  last used: Mon Feb 13 21:22:22 2012

** ld 0x8075128 Outstanding Requests:
 * msgid 1,  origid 1, status InProgress
   outstanding referrals 0, parent count 0
  ld 0x8075128 request count 1 (abandoned 0)
** ld 0x8075128 Response Queue:
 * msgid 1,  type 100
  ld 0x8075128 response count 1
ldap_chkResponseList ld 0x8075128 msgid 1 all 1
ldap_chkResponseList returns ld 0x8075128 NULL
read1msg: ld 0x8075128 msgid 1 all 1
ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 12 contents:
read1msg: ld 0x8075128 msgid 1 message type search-result
ber_scanf fmt ({eAA) ber:
read1msg: ld 0x8075128 0 new referrals
read1msg:  mark request completed, ld 0x8075128 msgid 1
request done: ld 0x8075128 msgid 1
res_errno: 0, res_error: , res_matched: 
ldap_free_request (origid 1, msgid 1)
adding response ld 0x8075128 msgid 1 type 101:
ber_scanf fmt ({iAA) ber:
ber_scanf fmt (}) ber:
ber_scanf fmt ({x{{a) ber:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: No such attribute (16)

 You should be able to use a similar construct to verify that LDAP bind
 Another idea would be a missing SSL certificate for the server.  See
 /etc/init.d/fetch-ldap-cert for the details on how that is fetched and
 stored on clients.

Okay, maybe php is missing ssl-module? 
 Good luck. :)


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Re: Kturtle in Bengali...

2011-11-11 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear Joysankar,

thank you for your work, having kturtle in Bengali, is really
a great achievement. I am a teacher having translated kturtle
commands into German years ago, so I wonder if your translation
also includes commands (there used to be some issues with UTF8,
hope, this is fixed now).

I am just a user myself, but as I remember, your po files need to
be uploaded by official debian developers into testing, in order
to have these files included for the next release cycle. 

Don't know as for schedules; but please be patient.

Until official releases, you might get some inofficial Debian
packages that can be installed from corresponding apt-sources.

Regards  welcome,

P.S.: Further reading to know about your language and its writing:
One wouldn't guess it: Bengali is one of the most spoken 
languages (ranking sixth) in the world.

Am Freitag, 11. November 2011 schrieb Joy Sankar Sengupta:
 I've translated kturtlr.po file in Bengali.Also configured my machine to
 use the software in Bengali.But I want to make a package which allows
 installing kturtle in Bengali at the time of Installation.I want kturtle
 purely in Bengali and want to omit other language.Can you please help me?
 Now I have the kturtle.tar.gz and version) file and want
 to marge them to get the kturtle(in Bengali) as a package by which I can
 use the software in Bengali after installation instead of configuring the
 system manually(means install kturtle,then paste the to
 locale,after that select the script language as Bengali etc.).
 I don't have any idea how to proceed?
 Best Regards,
 Joysankar Sengupta

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Discontinued: Quanta+ HTML editor

2011-10-16 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

does anybody know if there is a chance to 
port Quanta to KDE4? Recently, I received a (pityful) message,
that this handy HTML IDE is missing on more recent KDE4 desktops.

According to the German Wikipedia discussion page says:

Since KDE 4.3 Quanta is dysfunctional, as 
kfilereplace, klinkstatus, kommander and kxsldbg require 
version 4:4.2.95-0, while KDE 4.3 provides only 4:3.5.10-0 
(Src: NukeOperator  July 11, 2009)

Any hints?


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Back from Fronter (LMS from NO)?

2011-10-16 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

non-free LMS fronter is (or rather: was) developped in Norway, 
if I got it right, now discontinued.

Our municipality was clever enough to buy a super-license that
includes free usage for our school. They are supposed to install
MBRS for room booking along with fronter. I wonder if this
is feasible at all - apart from consumer lock-in effects...

Any comments?

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Re: Back from Fronter (LMS from NO)?

2011-10-16 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear Petter,

thanks for your reply. I hope everything is alright at home...

Am Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2011 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
 On Sun, 16 Oct 2011 17:01:56 +0200, RalfGesellensetter wrote:
  Dear list,
  non-free LMS fronter is (or rather: was) developped in Norway, 
  if I got it right, now discontinued.
 I see no sign on URL:  indicating that Fronter
 is discontinued.  I have not heard anything about it elsewhere either.
 As far as I know, it is still developed.  What is your source?

Okay, I might have misunderstood this (German) blog entry:

It refers to a statement from Vienna University:

There, only the development of their fronter platform is said to be
discontinued. So, excuse me if I took Chinese Whispers for real.
  Our municipality was clever enough to buy a super-license that
  includes free usage for our school. They are supposed to install MBRS
  for room booking along with fronter. I wonder if this is feasible at
  all - apart from consumer lock-in effects...
 What do you want to share between them?  User database?  If not, how
 could the existence of a Fronter installation affect MBRS?

Well, we need a room booking system, and our supporter claims they
can do this wihtin fronter. I doubt that fronter is written in PHP...

Kind regards,
just having dived deeper into LaTeX Beamer (as for happy hacking)

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Re: Any experience with MRBS

2011-10-10 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Freitag, 7. Oktober 2011 schrieb Jonas Smedegaard:
 More recently I have succeeded using calendarserver for booking 
 purposes, and I wholeheartedly recommend doing that instead: It uses 
 open data and protocols, can be a little tricky to setup at first, but 
 benefit is high as it is then accessible by many standard calendaring 

Dear Jonas, thanks for your contribution.
How are you?

From what I read at first sight, the focus of cs is more on 
exchange services (or rather multi user address book and calendar).
We need no ical or other exports, just the ability to book rooms.
This special task is not mentioned straight ahead at


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Re: Samba: Domain Skolelinux not available if IP beyond

2011-10-06 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

Am Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2011 schrieb RalfGesellensetter:
 minor update: Ther error is not reproducable, any more,
 but was most likely a DOS issue.
I have to apologize for this false alarm. Rather than DOS,
unseemingly disconnected LAN plugs are the most likely 
reason for all my alertion...

 Maybe you have a quick hint for the underlying issue:
 The bravely moved Etch system in modern Terra hardware
 uses a foreign (more recent) kernel (~2.6.28). lsmod
 shows an e1000 module for its NICs, but alas, 
 mii-tool reports a limit of 100 Mbit. 

Sorry, here, too: mii-tool reported non-sense (too old?),
ethtool reported correct GBit connection.

Yet another problem I faced today while adding next year
of students: I exceeded the limit of 2000 users. Luckily,
Kurt had told me and could point me to the right conf file
right away on the phone! Thanks, users back, everything
working at the moment, just running out of space due
to ldap logs that I will just gzip...

Kind regards

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Any experience with MRBS

2011-10-06 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear fellas,

I wonder if anybody here has got experience with the
Meeting Room Booking System (MRBS running with LAMP)?

We plan to use this online tool to allow teachers booking
our resources (like special rooms or mobile beamers).

It should be easy to bind MRBS [1} to tjener's LDAP,
whereas just teachers should be allowed to access the

AFAIK there is a fork to be run as moodle block, but
the most recent version of MRBS should do the job 
pretty well.


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apturl / aptlinex: aptitude for dummies?

2011-10-02 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

a teacher colleague pointed me to apturl.
It allows installing packages by clicking
- wheras root access is still needed (as 
opposed to klik). lists
this approach and also aptlinex. But this
entry stems from March 2009. So any news
about this, I wonder?


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Re: Samba: Domain Skolelinux not available if IP beyond

2011-10-02 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Donnerstag, 8. September 2011 schrieb RalfGesellensetter:
 It stroke me that all clients concerned were in an IP range
 of upwards (static190).

Dear list,

minor update: Ther error is not reproducable, any more,
but was most likely a DOS issue.

Maybe you have a quick hint for the underlying issue:
The bravely moved Etch system in modern Terra hardware
uses a foreign (more recent) kernel (~2.6.28). lsmod
shows an e1000 module for its NICs, but alas, 
mii-tool reports a limit of 100 Mbit. 

I plan an upgrade anyway, but maybe I find a quick hack
to widen this bottleneck.


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Re: squid and flash

2011-09-21 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Montag, 19. September 2011 schrieb Nigel Barker:
 Thanks for this suggestion Alf, and to you too Ralf.
 I am already using nonfree flash.
 I have discovered that everything works in my house, where the only
 difference from school is the firewall. I have not customised squid on
 either tjener.

Dear Nigel, firewall + squid that is?

If it is squid there should be a log file.

Otherwise there is also the option that your school's
IP was blocked by the providing server (for several reasons).


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Re: squid and flash

2011-09-18 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear Nigel,

nice to read you!

Am Mittwoch, 14. September 2011 schrieb Nigel Barker:
 Dear All,
 Is it possible that squid (lenny tjener) drops some flash content?
 I thought it might be our firewall, so I disabled it for testing and
 nothing changed.

Not that I knew of, but as I think of it, I could imagine two reasons:

1. If you use squid to filter inappropriate content by URLs, you should
check if blocked URLs contain indexed keywords (or just check what happens
if you enter them in any search engine).

2. Otherwise, you could check if any flash content uses other
protocols but http (port 80).

Watch squid logs in calm times (afternoons) while trying to access 
those games (thanks for the URL).

PiggyPush is sokoban, right?


PS: I assume, javascript is enabled. But maybe, ads is on the blacklist?

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Samba: Domain Skolelinux not available if IP beyond

2011-09-08 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

our Debian Edu system used to be stable like a rock.
After holidays, I encountered an issue as follows:

The last 8 of 20 clients in our cabinet cannot log in to samba,
their message is domain not available.

I checked cables and switches - and IPs (from 2nd boot
partition running Debian Edu without problem), nothing
that differs from other machines.

It stroke me that all clients concerned were in an IP range
of upwards (static190).

Then, I changed dhcpd.conf, giving those clients lower IPs
(there was a gap in static62..70).

And, indeed: Now those clients were also able to login!
All butt the last one (that got no free IP in dhcpd).

There were no other changes AFAIK, can anybody explain
this behaviour, i.e. rejection of clients with specific IPs?

Thank you very much,
I like to sort out the origin of this issue ASAP, because
I need to report tickets to our support compony (without
giving them the chance to blame Skolelinux)


P.S.: Maybe there is a connection to this changes:
- I added a course of 85 students, now we got  1000 users)
- I added a corresponding share
- another share (restricted access) is not available anymore
  recently, while testparm reports no issues, and any other
  share is working.

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Re: Samba: Domain Skolelinux not available if IP beyond

2011-09-08 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear Mike,

thanks for your quick reply. Of course I can answer your
questions - let's have a look:

Am Donnerstag, 8. September 2011 schrieb Mike Gabriel:
 Could you post some details?
- Samba version, Skolelinux version
#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux edu 2.0 r0 _Sarge_ ...
samba 3.0.14a-3sarge1

- Clients? What versions? Service Packs, etc.?

Win clients run XP, all the same SP (but I don't know its ver).

- does iptables -L state something?

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) 

target prot opt source   destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)   

target prot opt source   destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)

target prot opt source   destination  

- smb.conf (privately to me)
- dhcpd.conf (privately to me)

OK. What comes into my mind: I extended
the range of static clients some years ago,
but till now there was no problem with this.
Does anybody know the default limit of static
- ...
 Otherwise it's just guessing...

Unless I meet a person who had the same problem.
It cannot be pam, I think, as login is possible
to LDAP from the lenny system on the same machine
(same IP).



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Re: Samba: Domain Skolelinux not available if IP beyond

2011-09-08 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Donnerstag, 8. September 2011 schrieb Mike Gabriel:
 Otherwise it's just guessing...

Additional info:

The server was rebooted during holidays.
Hence, an edit in bind settings that 
was done by the support company or any
other changes done in the further past
might have come apparant only now!

I attach db.10 and db.intern from /etc/bind/debian-edu.

db.intern was edited in June to add another
machine ( of the support company ...

Thanks for any hints.
;; -*- zone -*-
$TTL 1H 
@   IN  SOA domain.intern. hostmaster.intern. (
2004070101  ; serial
8H  ; refresh for slaves
3H  ; retry
4W  ; expire time at slaves
1H  ; negative TTL

IN  NS  domain.intern.
IN  MX  10 postoffice.intern.
; Server with aliases
tjener  IN  A
IN  AFSDB   1 tjener.intern.
syslog  IN  CNAME   tjener
bootps  IN  CNAME   tjener
ntp IN  CNAME   tjener
homes   IN  CNAME   tjener
www IN  CNAME   tjener
db  IN  CNAME   tjener
backup  IN  CNAME   tjener
webcacheIN  CNAME   tjener
ipp IN  CNAME   tjener
ssh IN  CNAME   tjener
cfengineIN  CNAME   tjener
ltspIN  CNAME   tjener
ldapIN  CNAME   tjener
kerberosIN  CNAME   tjener

; Alias to map Tjener for ported windows apps from WERTHER.
server-pab  IN  CNAME   tjener
pab-server  IN  CNAME   tjener
pabbp-serverIN  A
server-pabbpIN  A

; Nameserver, afsdb and postiffice should be A records
postoffice  IN  A
domain  IN  A
afsdb   IN  A
IN  AFSDB   1 afsdb.intern.

; This will often be default gw/router
gateway IN  A

; WPAD DNS settings
wpadIN  A

; Other hosts on the net
; Thin client servers in 
$GENERATE 0-19 ltspserver${0,2} A   10.0.2.${10,2}

; Printers in
$GENERATE 0-19 printer${0,2}A   10.0.2.${30}

; Static addresses in 10.0.2/24
$GENERATE 0-99 static${0,2} A   10.0.2.${50}
$GENERATE 0-105 static${100,3}  A   10.0.2.${150}

; dhcp names in and
$GENERATE 0-243 dhcp${156,3}A   10.0.3.$

; Hosts on the LTSP private network ;
; The LTSP server
ltspserver  A
; The LTSP clients
$GENERATE 1-253 ltsp${0,3}  A   192.168.0.$;; -*- zone -*-
@   IN  SOA domain.intern. hostmaster.intern. (
2003080101  ; serial
8H  ; refresh for slaves
3H  ; retry
4W  ; expire time at slaves
1H  ; negative TTL

IN  NS  domain.intern.

1.2 IN  PTR gateway.intern.
2.2 IN  PTR tjener.intern.
2.2 IN  PTR wpad

; Addresses is used to name thin client servers
$GENERATE 0-19 ${10}.2  PTR ltspserver${0,2}.intern.

; Reserve for printers 
$GENERATE 0-19 ${30}.2  PTR printer${0,2}.intern.

; Reserve some addresses for staticly assigned addresses
$GENERATE 0-99 ${50}.2  PTR static${0,2}.intern.
$GENERATE 0-105 ${150}.2PTR static${100,3}.intern.

; Use GENERATE to make dhcp names under

; Use GENERATE to make dhcp names under
$GENERATE 0-243 $.3 PTR dhcp${156,3}.intern.

Iceweasel: Linux Persona (Tux skin)

2011-07-03 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

as for customizing or even branding our desktop
to give it a Debian[Edu] feeling, personas are
yet another option.

I just noticed there are some local Linux personas
from South America - like Brasil:

Anybody reading who did personas before? Spreading a nice
persona of Debian Edu/Skolelinux might even raise the 
attention to our neat CDD.

Kind regards

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Please vote for Bug that makes Firefox/Iceweasel hang with auto-proxy configuration (wpad)

2011-06-20 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear Debian edu users and developers.

It's been 2.5 years ago, when I joined an even older bug 
report for Firefox 2.0. These days I had to find 
out that it isn't fixed in 4.0 nor 5.0.

For oranisations like us schools, this is a real show
stopper, as users will have to wait for seconds until
a new page opens (and in this time the whole Firefox/
Iceweasel GUI is frozen).

This bug is only visible if you use wpad.dat plus
auto detect proxy settings in your browser. To 
witness the effect, just enter test in some
search engine, and then click the first 4 hits
using the mouse key in the middle (hence opening
separate tabs for each hit). I bet you won't get
to the 3rd hit, because you will witness the 
first freeze.

The only work around is to use explicit proxy settings,
which might be feasable - but complicated for big
companies and schools. This is too bad, because
the wide range of personal users don't suffer from
this bug while potential multiplier of free software
are deterred.

Please get more attention for this bug by voting 
for it, especially if you are concered yourself.

Thank you and kind regards

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Re: cd/dvd status

2011-06-14 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Dienstag, 14. Juni 2011 schrieb Andreas B. Mundt:
 I did not look into samba.   
 So please test and help fixing the remaining issues, 
 best regards,

Dear Andi,

thanks for your report.

Could you, please, be kind enough to 
call users for testing on the German user list,
as well, and provide the URL for download, there?

Thank you very much,

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Re: SkoleTux artwork

2011-06-10 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011 schrieb christoph muetze:
 On 09/06/11 22:11, Mike Gabriel wrote:
Thank you, very much.

Just a question: Did you use the original Font for Debian [1] or
did you just copy and paste the e, d, and turn the n by 180° ?

I just wonder if the space between a + n is wider, while the space
between n + e is smaller.


[1] Poppl Laudatio Condensed

  Hi Holger, hi Gizmo,
  is there any of the new Debian Edu artwork available already that we
  could load up as a (sort of) logo in the speech registration form of
  the Kieler Linux Tag?
 i made three versions of the new logo. which one you might need depends
 on the (brightness of the) background color you plan to use...
 you can download the new logo in vector format here:
 (or if you prefer bitmap: - alpha-blended
 2048x2048px .png / each logo measuring roughly 1000x350 pixels)

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Re: SkoleTux artwork

2011-06-10 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011 schrieb christoph muetze:
 you can download the new logo in vector format here:

Hello Cbristian, once more, your name suggests that 
you might be able to read German ;)

At you will find
a draft for a banner I made some years ago, using
that font. There are GIMP sources available, as well.

Feel free to re-use it.

Kind regards

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Re: Donating source code to the Debian project.

2011-05-23 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear Edward,

thank you for your offer! It might be interesting, as well, to 
learn a bit about yourself: Where do you live, and what do you do?

As delphi is mostly used in schools, nowadays, I suspect you
are a prospect pupil who wants to contribute to the world
of free software. Share your code: that's great!

At the moment, it is a bit hard to guess the exact features
of your class, maybe you can explain its intention?

And then, you could just publish your code under GPL to make
sure further derivations will bear your name.

As for the most appropriate place, I don't know, there is some
code snipped collections, I think, but you could even publish the
code on the developers' mailinglist.

This is the mailinglist of developers of Debian Edu aka Skolelinux.
Is this system used at your school, as well, by any chance? ;)

Kind regards and keep on hacking

Am Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2011 schrieb Edward Bartolo:
 I am a Debian user. I would like to ask you whether it is possible
 that I donate a c++ class that I wrote originally in Delphi Pascal.
 The class implements an expression evaluator that supports unindexed
 and indexed variables, scientific functions, statistics and linear
 regression and full error reporting. If asked to, I can continue to
 develop it to implement complex number support.
 Is it possible to help Debian in this way?

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Re: fresh install problems

2011-05-19 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Dienstag, 10. Mai 2011 schrieb Volker Cordes:
 I just installed debian edu based on squeeze and need some help with 
 configuring the things I need. It would be great if you could point me 
 to some documentation or answer my questions directly.

Dear Volker,

welcome to Skolelinux/Debian Edu! Good luck with your installation.
As soon as you complete your first productive installation in a 
school, please let us know - we will be proud to add a correspoding
red dot in our SkoleMap ;)

I assume that your location is not too far from mine, Oldenburg is
just an hour away from my school, I guess.

Kind regards

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Re: diskless workstations / setup

2011-03-29 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear Oded,

thanks for your mediating approach ;)

Am Mittwoch, 30. März 2011 schrieb Oded Naveh:
 I don't understand why would there be an dhcpd on an LTSP?

There used to be dhcpd on eth1 ( to serve thin
clients on a separate network.

 I believe there should only be one - system wide.
 For all I know tjener (what ever that means, I take it for main) has been

Tjener is the Norwegian transliteration for Server or even Servant, AFAIK.

 serving dhcp for both segments and why should that change? It does provide 
 some other central services besides LDAP.


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Re: Make LibreOffice part of Debian Edu

2011-02-15 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011 schrieben Sie:
 When I was printing the semester reports last week (from Windows -
 photocopy machine driver problem), I had to wait for frustratingly
 long for the new printing dialogue to respond. So long that I
 uninstalled libre office and went back to OOo. It was much faster for
 me to reinstall OOo than it was to wait for that thing repeatedly.
 Perhaps because it was a network printer? A windows problem? Whatever,
 I'm not in a hurry to inflict that on my school. I would rather wait
 for  libre office to percolate naturally into debian, which is surely

Dear Nigel,

thanks for your feedback, maybe really a windows issue?
OOo had some shortcomings in its Linux version (e.g. file select dialogue),
and as a teacher I appreaceate that LO now allows me 
- to print 2 (4,8,...) pages on a single sheet (this was really dreary,
  before, when I had to export to PDF and juggle with pdftools then).
- actually print the same page twice on a sheet using the freeform
  text field for pages to print: Here you can now enter 1,1 instead
  of heaving to copy page one to have an identic page two.

Also opening PDF files and SVG from anywhere works like a charm, and
I think the pdf import looks even better, now...

Just my few coins on this,
but of course, LO must get into Debian ASAP.

Please check out LO for linux, 
and get your driver problem fixed (we might find a solution together).


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Developer Meeting in Zweibrücken // Re: LINBO italc-rlp integration (Re: Gosa vs. CipUX)

2011-01-09 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hi Klaus, hello everybody,

happy new year to you all!

Am Freitag, 7. Januar 2011 schrieb Klaus Knopper:
 Me, too. It would be great if some people who have the power to make it
 happen, could attend our developer meeting in February in
 Zweibrücken/Germany. More about this later.

I take this as an preliminary invitation - although I won't make it there.
As far as I can see, there is a wiki page to sign in:

The program needs translation (and to be integrated into the wiki page).

Please tell me if you need a hand with translation.

Kind regards

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Re: Testing changes to Debian Edu SVN

2011-01-09 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Sonntag, 9. Januar 2011 schrieb Andreas B. Mundt:
 What I do is rsyncing the DVD image. This happens usually in an
 acceptable time frame. 

cf. and

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Re: Which video editor should we install by default?

2010-12-15 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2010 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
 Which video editor should we install by default in Debian Edu? 

Dear Petter, how are you.

Thanks for giving this stub, I never heard of OpenShot
before, but my first impression is very very good!

BTW, is stopmotions still in focus?

Kind regards

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S: Independent free short URL service (for wiki pages)?

2010-12-08 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

twitter  co. make those more or less doubtful short url services
popular, ref.

As wiki URLs are as long as meaningful, there might be a need of short
references, e.g. when writing down a URL on paper.

Is there any awareness of this, or even an independent service for this?
This could even be part of the moinmoin wiki software (as a matter of fact,
if linking to a non-existing page, in many cases the corresponding match
is referenced, anyway), offering a short link for every page.

Thanks for any hints.

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Re: S: Independent free short URL service (for wiki pages)?

2010-12-08 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hi Holger,

Am Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2010 schrieb Holger Levsen:
 Hi Ralf,
 On Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2010, RalfGesellensetter wrote:
  Is there any awareness of this, or even an independent service for this? 

Thank you very much, very promising. As I read, only a small group of
people can add short links (which makes sense in a way, maybe will be added some day). But I could not find any
of approx. 6000 available short links. There should be a way to
add short links to any wiki page (like perm links in

Anyway, interesting, let's see what others tell.


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apt-get upgrade 32-bit workstation to 64-bit?

2010-11-06 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

on a brand new 64-bit machine, I started with a Debian Edu Lenny workstation
image (no LVM of course), that contains some manual tweaks like java 

Hence, and because the install deadline is straight ahead, I dare not
start from scratch with a 64-bit installation. But I consider an apt-get upgrade
to 64 bit, if this is possible. 

To do so, I had to change the arch settings, somewhere?

Our CPU is some Athlon X2 64bit with 3.2 GB RAM. Is it worth to upgrade
at least the kernel to 64 bit or even the whole system?

Thanks for any enlightment,

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Re: apt-get upgrade 32-bit workstation to 64-bit?

2010-11-06 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Sorry for the noise, I found

and this page tells us very explicitly what a bad idea this was.


Am Samstag, 6. November 2010 schrieben Sie:
 Dear list,
 on a brand new 64-bit machine, I started with a Debian Edu Lenny workstation
 image (no LVM of course), that contains some manual tweaks like java 
 Hence, and because the install deadline is straight ahead, I dare not
 start from scratch with a 64-bit installation. But I consider an apt-get 
 to 64 bit, if this is possible. 
 To do so, I had to change the arch settings, somewhere?
 Our CPU is some Athlon X2 64bit with 3.2 GB RAM. Is it worth to upgrade
 at least the kernel to 64 bit or even the whole system?
 Thanks for any enlightment,

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Archive: community -- or making money with free software

2010-10-07 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

this is just a slight idea that came into my mind
during recent negotiations with local municipalities.

I heard of schools that would pay several hundred euros
per year in order to get access to a web hosted LMS like
moodle. Their biggest objection was, that LMS accounts would
fall apart from their local user data base (presumed they
were synced in the beginning, that is).

Well, I am one of those who managed to setup a local moodle,
that was using our LDAP for auth. But in the end, maintainance
(in my case) was one problem, and bandwidth (from outside) was
even a bigger problem.

Now, I wonder if there is anybody (maybe even SLX NO himself)
who could imagine to combine bread with fun -- making money
with free software for schools who demand a professional support,
and provide free access for pupils of Skolelinux schools that 
want to join our community?

I think of a moodle server hosted on the web - and some simple
scripts to sync local LDAPs with the moodle data base.
Schools could buy virtual classrooms - or just pay some rate per 

Well, of course, privace has to be a topic (so classrooms could
be kept private, while users were able to partake in our community

The pecuniar aspect is not my focus, but as I feel everybody is
busy, anyway, it could be the initial spark... 

Now, let this idea settle, I will be on hols for a while ...

Kind regards, anyway

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Re: (forw) school in the map

2010-10-06 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2010 schrieben Sie:
 Some teachers of Fabriano (Ancona) Italy, have written to me saying
 that they have entered their school in the database of schools using
 Skolelinux, but do not see their school in the map.

Ciao Claudio,

When did they register? Does their school display in the table
of school with valid geocoordinates?

Yes, there is (861).

I think there is a red dot on the dynamic map near Ancona:

As I can see, your school was added very recently, so the matter
is that I didn't find the time yet, to update our static maps.

Please stick to the dynamic (PHP) maps until we update our
static (PNG) map images.

Mille Grazie

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Re: school in the map

2010-10-06 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear Claudio,

thanks for your patience,
just updated the (static) openlayers file.


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Fwd: [Swami-devel] Fast track to Swami 2.0

2010-10-05 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

I dare forward this announcement, because Rosegarden and
other musical applications are part of our educational agenda, 
I think. SWAMI is an editor for soundfonts (formerly smurf).

Kind regards

--  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  --

Subject: [Swami-devel] Fast track to Swami 2.0
Date: Montag, 4. Oktober 2010
From: Element Green

Hello Swami development list!

Its been quite a bit of time since my last activity on the project.
I've been traveling in the western USA and taking a break from
computer related obligations.  During this time I went through a few
name changes, but finally settled on the name Element.  So from
Joshua Green to Elimar Green to Element Green.  I'm fairly certain
this final one will stick for a while ;-)

This break has also allowed me to collect myself a bit and discover
what is important to me.  I was reminded very recently about the
unfinished state of Swami and it was with auspicious timing that
Christian Collins made a generous offer of an incentive towards the
Beta release of Swami 2.0.

In summary, I've been dusting off the cob webs and knocking out tasks
towards the goal of a release in the past week.  Its hard to believe
how long it has been since Swami 0.9.x was forked into what will be
Swami 2.0, without a release.  I think it has been primarily my
perfectionism at fault.  I was once again in the middle of a rather
substantial code overhaul in libInstPatch and was beginning to think
that I had bit off more than I could chew.  So I ditched the overhaul
after I came to the conclusion that, it is all pretty close to working
and complete.  While the programming API won't be perfect and will
likely change substantially in the next major version, the primary
goal should be to get things working and RELEASED!

So I invite any and all those who are interested in helping out, to
hop on the Swami 2.0 release train.

What is needed:
* Testing and identification of tasks to complete for 2.0 release.
* Building and testing on Mac OSX and Windows (I'd like to have
installers/packages available for these platforms upon release or soon
there after).
* Help creating an Ubuntu PPA perhaps to help expand testing audience.
* Some cmake help.  Considering converting to cmake prior to release.
* Help creating a good users manual.  Would be awesome if it could be
integrated with Swami.

Some things completed in the past week:
* Re-created the Swami web site at (web
site was down for a while!), now using MediaWiki.
* Brushed up on my Inkscape skills and created a new Swami 2.0 splash
image and logo (comments on them would be great)
* Fixed many bugs and implemented many new features (see the Wiki TODO
list page link below for details).
* Most important feature added which was sorely missing was
preferences save/load from XML.

I created a Wiki page to track my personal TODO list items, here:

I will keep it updated.  If you see something that is not listed on
there that you feel should be fixed or implemented for 2.0, please add
it via the SourceForge tracker.  I don't yet have any experience using
the tracker, so it may need some admin before being completely usable.

Onward to the stable fully functional release of Swami 2.0 real soon!


Element (AKA Josh Green)

Virtualization is moving to the mainstream and overtaking non-virtualized
environment for deploying applications. Does it make network security 
easier or more difficult to achieve? Read this whitepaper to separate the 
two and get a better understanding.
Swami-devel mailing list


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Wiki system with LDAP auth for Debian Edu/Lenny?

2010-09-22 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

in order to introduce and use a local Wiki system in school,
I am looking for a lean and easy configurable software with
LDAP connection.

In former times, I managed to bind moodle to our LDAP,
but this time, a simple wiki system is enough.

apt-cache search wiki ldap 
points me to mediawiki (depends on php5).

Any successfull installings in schools so far?

Kind regrds

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Re: kstartupconfig won't let me in

2010-09-13 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Montag, 13. September 2010 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
 Not sure, but I would guess on a full disk partition.

Same 1st guessing, but not necessarily home0, local /tmp
or even /var/tmp are candidates here as well.

But I also recall similar messages that were due to 
Stale NFS file handle - this issue concerns dozens
of users, as I understand it, it happens when a NFS 
mount is left in undefined state.

I did some quick research on stale file handle and reasons 
could be
- nfs service might be down (unlikely in your case)
- timer/clocks of client/server are not synced
- a folder/file(?) was deleted while being mounted over NFS
  (maybe by cleanup scripts, maybe via samba?)

Just further guessings, hopefully leading to insight one day...


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Re: Forcing new users to change their password on first login?

2010-09-02 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Sonntag, 2. Mai 2010 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
 One interesting feature in Active Directory, is the ability to create
 a new user with an expired password, and thus force the user to change
 the password on the first login attempt.

Hi Petter, I read this only today.
Interesting approach, I would support having this feature - either
to have new users choose their prefered password (saving piles of papers
to be handed out to them - and getting in wrong hands) - 
or to remind unsecure account users to change their pw.

Any new insights for the LDAP side?


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Re: cfengine ore any admintool runs in skole after install?

2010-09-02 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Montag, 5. April 2010 schrieb Andreas Schockenhoff:
 Does anything automatically runs in skole after install that influence
 the admin work?
According to our manual 

We use cfengine to edit configuration files. These files are updated 
from the server to the clients. In order to change the client configuration, 
it suffices to edit the server configuration and let the automatation 
distribute the changes.

This is a coarse statement - but I suppose advanced admins are supposed to
find their way. There is a cron-job running cfengine, and I found some
scripts (run once after install, only?) - but I wonder on what kind of
classes cfengine acts (considering set of heterogeneous client sets)?

Clarifications  pointers welcome.

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Re: Debian package/software gobby: Colaborative text editing

2010-09-01 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Dienstag, 31. August 2010 schrieb RalfGesellensetter:
 Any experience here?
 I will try it at school ASAP - don't know if there are packages for Lenny.

Yes, Philipp found out first, and I gave Gobby a try today: Great tool for
teaching - like a real time wiki, everybody can edit the same text file 
in their individual colour. 

In the end, the techer can save the colaborative work - or even continue the
session in the next lesson.

Should be on the DVD, I plea.


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Debian package/software gobby: Colaborative text editing

2010-08-31 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hi there, 

a most recent issue of Linux User Magazine introduced gobby, I wonder
if this software is worth to get part of Skolelinux default installation.

Any experience here?
I will try it at school ASAP - don't know if there are packages for Lenny.



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Re: extend ip-range (more than 90)

2010-08-28 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Samstag, 28. August 2010 schrieb Martin Schulte:
 in the manual in chapter 17.1.2 is described, how to extend the ip-range 
 up to 90 static ip-addresses.
 I need 97 static ip-addresses, is this possible?
 Thanks, Martin

Yes of course, there is space for 512 addresses in

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Re: A new major update of The Linux Signpost

2010-08-25 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Mittwoch, 25. August 2010 schrieb Arnt Ove Gregersen:
 We have now released a major new update of The Linux Signpost, which is a
 site for finding Linux software.

Hey, this is good news. It would have been too sad if our work had led to a 
dead end...
Congratulations  thanks!

P.S.: Who else is following the www-int list? Recently there were new
schools assigning, I corrected their coordinates, but didn't respond 
to their comments. Anybody volunteering?

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BoQ#02: etcinsvk installed, gives errors

2010-08-18 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

this is issue #02 in my bunch of questions, regarding etcinsvk.

Results may lead to an improved documentation in 

Following these instructions (rather:hints) on a workstation (Lenny),
e.g. typing etcinsvk status, I got:

Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /usr/lib/perl5/YAML/ 
line 75. 
path /etc is not a checkout path.

(same with -r6 etc.)

etcinsvk info gave no errors.

Thanks for any hints.


P.S.: Thanks, pere for your reply to BoQ#01 -- maybe this
dysfunction is connected -- I will check...

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Re: BoQ#02: etcinsvk installed, gives errors

2010-08-18 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Mittwoch, 18. August 2010 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
 You need to run etcinsvk as root

Hi  thanks. That's what I did on my workstation.
info returned enabled as well.
And yes, I checked dpkg -i etcinsvk, too.

More debugging needed, please watch


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BoQ#03: Missing shutdown menu option (was Re: shutdown menu option)

2010-08-18 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Montag, 9. November 2009 schrieb Jonas Smedegaard:
 I believe that what you are talking about is related to membership of 
 the group powerdev.  Or in newer systems is instead tied to consolekit.

This is a most valuable hint. Thanks, Jonas, further findings at

Missing shutdown option from X session on workstations

Note that I chosed this wording, to describe in a neutral way that
the missing option not only refers to a missing button but also to 
the missing rights according to ck/hal or policy kit.

You may also read on at


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Bunch of Questions (BoQ) regarding Lenny and Sarge

2010-08-17 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

these days, I am to replace broken hardware running a Sarge tjener.
Also, I have to prepare a workstation to be rolled out on new devices.

I will follow our policy, asking one question per posting.

But beforehand, I dare post the wiki source (English language)
where I pre-collect those questions, hoping to get feedback
here or there - in order to improve my askings...

This wiki page is on

Thank you,
with kind regards

(remark: some ambigious, seemingly contradicting wording 
 in the wiki user agreement was changed now.)

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BoQ#01: Leaking disk space due to orphaned files

2010-08-17 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hi there,

when I checked our system after a longer pause,
this happened to be the day where login on thin clients
stopped working. 

Soon, I found out, that LTSP's disk space ran out of space 
- I found files in a range of the last 6 months, that
took altogether 10 GB:

This were orphaned temp  swap files - outside of /tmp!

/opt/ltsp/swapfiles contained 220 directories, 6 GB of size! 

/var/tmp/kdecache-* (* to be replaced with usernames) - contained
also several GiGs. The latter KDE cache is also present on workstations.

Could anybody
- please check their own systems for this phenomenon?
- tell me how to avoid this leak?

Ralftsp, /opt/ltsp/swapfiles contained 220 directories, 6 GB of size! 

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Re: Further findings on Print quotas // Re: Pykota

2010-07-01 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2010 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
 Printer quotas is harder than one should think.

Right. Thanks. I just found a fair documentation by Kurt Pfeifle:

  lpadmin -p LaserdruckerEDV1 -o job-quota-period=604800 -o job-page-limit=150

doesn't, however affect printers.conf, I had to set those values manually.

Wait and see..

BTW: I read different statements if this limit (100) is per user or only per 

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Printbill //Re: Further findings on Print quotas // Re: Pykota

2010-07-01 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2010 schrieb RalfGesellensetter:
 - a webmin module for print quotas, named pqadmin:

This uses the perl-dbi module and printbill (vansished with webmin):

$ apt-cache show printbill
Package: printbill
Priority: extra
Section: text
Installed-Size: 584
Maintainer: Daniel Franklin
Architecture: i386
Version: 4.1.2-1
Depends: gs, gsfonts, exim | mail-transport-agent, perl, lprng, debconf (= 
1.2.9), perl-modules, magicfilter, libc6 (= 2.3.1-1), libpng2(=1.0.12)
Recommends: apache
Suggests: samba, gnuplot
Filename: pool/main/p/printbill/printbill_4.1.2-1_i386.deb
Size: 125666
MD5sum: 8a7f21b393a9f46e2819848d0b169150
SHA1: 2c1b6029f7f8e58082cfe3e203267ccb4f320125
SHA256: 83cefd5d637f6fc7c0afa448bd87e46c86f93f519ca6941c534ed0a4afcc5306
Description: Sophisticated print billing / accounting system for lprng
 Printbill calculates the amount of ink/toner and the number of pages used
 when printing a document. It uses ghostscript to convert postscript files
 into PNG bitmaps, then calls percentblack or percentcolour to determine the
 percentage coverage. Prices may be independently determined for for each
 printer, with set rates for black and colour ink/toner and per-page. Bill
 calculation is quite CPU intensive so printbill allows multiple concurrent
 billing processes to be executed - jobs may not be printed in the order in
 which they are sent to the queue. On SMP systems printbill will happily
 make use of all processors if so instructed. Printbill can bill before
 or after printing, or can be configured to only perform accounting. It is
 possible to bill based only on pagecount, but although it is much faster,
 it is easy to fool and is not recommended.
 Users pre-pay a quota and this is automatically decremented as they print -
 alternatively one may just do per-user and per-printer accounting with no
 billing. Various mechanisms exist for generating a quote. Printbill also
 keeps detailed statistics on printing habits which may be of interest to
 administrators. The system may be managed via either a command-line
 application or via a convenient web interface (for non-tech people).

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Printing Quotas with PaperCut? // Re: Pykota

2010-06-30 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

this thread is quite old, but still not closed. Hence I dare to quote 
the latest posting below.

Our new support service provider (put in place on the level of municipality)
suggests using papercut solutions for printing accounting:

Its pro is that is works for heterogeneous networks, and it runs on top of
a Linux server. Its con is that is no FOSS and it costs a bit (5 users).

But maybe, cups+pykota has a worthy successor... ;)


Am Freitag, 1. Juni 2007 schrieb Bjarne Nielsen:
 På Fri, 01 Jun 2007 09:05:10 +0200, skrev Petter Reinholdtsen
  [Laget Sebastiaan]
  To limit printing i've been looking for a free print quota manager.
  I found Pykota, but am unable to find a manual of how to, to connect it
  to the LDAP structure.
  I do not have any useful experience with pykota, but notice it was
  requested for debian in 2003, but never uploaded into the archive.
  Check URL: for that story.
  The home page on URL: make me
  believe this is something we should look at for Debian Edu.
 Very much so! Many schools are asking for this. There is quota options in  
 cups, but I fear cups don't speak that good with ldap either. Quotas in  
 kprinter/cups works fine on kubuntu and debian, but so far I haven't been  
 able to get it working in debian-edu  3.0. For 3.0 I haven't tried yet.  
 I'll try to install 3.0 next week.
 Bjarne Nielsen

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JasMine abandoned as well? // Re: Pykota

2010-06-30 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Freitag, 1. Juni 2007 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
 The home page on URL: make me
 believe this is something we should look at for Debian Edu.

Just having a look there:  
List of Features—  by Jerome Alet   — last modified 2007-12-09 22:57  

This is still more recent than the latest release of JasMine which is also
mentioned by `apt-cache show pkpgcounter`:


# October 08 2006 : JASmine 0.0.3 released.

Regards Ralf

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Further findings on Print quotas // Re: Pykota

2010-06-30 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Freitag, 1. Juni 2007 schrieb laget sebastiaan:
 I was wondering if anyone on the list has experience with print quota or 
 Pykota in a debian edu environment.

Still wondering...

Searching the web, brought me to these further projects for print quotas
- JasMine, PaperCut (mentioned before)
- a webmin module for print quotas, named pqadmin:
- Cups itself using PageLimit, KLimit, QuotaPeriod etc. - cf.
- iserv based on Debian lenny offers a commercial print-module: for German schools

Also, it becomes clear that there are three types of print accounting:

A. Limit of Printings per Time Period (like 10 per day, 100 per year)
B. Prepaid/Bonus: An individual balance. Mostly rechargable.
C. Print now, pay later: Mere logging amounts of pages 

A. seems to be feasible with CUPs  1.2
B. needs somebody how does the charging!
C. is most simple and done by many net printers internally, but
   prone to present bad surprieses when billing...

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Re: LDAP GUI clients (Petter Reinholdtsen's blog)

2010-06-29 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Montag, 28. Juni 2010 schrieb Ross J. Reedstrom:
 As requested, I'm forwarding comments here about what GUI clients seem
 to work for LDAP. I've used gq for some time.

Hi there, interesting topic, making me wonder (excuse my ignorance if nec.):
- is there a kind of GUI that does just represent the LDAP tree as XML, 
so you could edit keys and structures in an ascii way?

I am pretty sure that you can ex-/import LDAP to XML, but what I mean is a
realtime access to current values.

Just wondering

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Re: java applications on thinclients don't work smoothly

2010-05-10 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Freitag, 7. Mai 2010 schrieb Philipp Huebner:
 So I can choose between a very slow diskless workstation with good
 java performance, or a fast thinclient with very slow java

Hi Philipp, 

I can confirm that (some) Java apps are really slow via LTSP (and I 
think they became slower with every upgrade).

Could you check if the bottle neck is CPU, memory, or bandwidth?

Especially apps that use multiple threading in Java seem to launch too 
many processes.

Furthermore, Java uses its own widgets and hence all window elements are 
transmitted as bitmap graphics (as opposed to other X widgets) - AFAIK.

I wonder if there are tweaking parameters for the Java VM - or faster 
alternative VMs to be used?


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Re: Running scripts as root when a user log out of X [SOLVED]

2010-04-11 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear Petter,

thanks for following this topic. I didn't expect that this is a 
[SOLVED] posting when I read it first - but was sure that you were 
asking... ;)

Hence I did some research on the web. It seems like recent versions of 
WMs follow specs and use dbus in order to send shutdown 
commads (man dbus-send ||

I wonder if tweaking the dbus backend once/directly could be a more 
global approach than implementing Xreset.d for every single WM?


Am Samstag, 10. April 2010 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
 Since today, the /etc/Xreset.d/ feature is implemented in xdm, kdm
  and gdm.  This make it easier to implement a killer like feature to
  get rid of runaway processes at login time.  PAM can not be used for
  this, as its session close part is executed as the user itself
  during logout.
 This feature was requested by the Debian Edu project back in 2004
 (#230422) and was finally implemented this spring. :)
 Happy hacking,

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Re: central logging

2010-04-09 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hi Martin,

Am Freitag, 9. April 2010 schrieb Martin Schulte:
 is there a way to find out, which person logged in on which machine? was a wishlist bug 
pointing in this direction.

Currently I use different scripts to find out who was where.
On Linux side, there is last. 
For windows, I use filters on samba logs. But you can also add some 
scripts to logon.bat...


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Re: NIC bonding

2010-03-13 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Samstag, 13. März 2010 schrieb Nigel Barker:
 How can I make the dhcp server on ltspserverxx listen on bond0
  instead of eth1?
Hi Nigel,

interesting question - this implies you got bonding working?
Did you submit any howtos, yet...?

I wonder why only DHCPd should switch its NIC?
Maby there is a way to
- first rename eth0 to eth2 (or sim.)
- bond0 := eth1+eth2
- then use eth0 as an alias for bond0.

The last step is the hardest (I reckon)


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Solved: Re: LTSP login blocked by .mozilla/mozver.dat ? (Re: failing ltsp login: xsession-errors / firefox kde?)

2010-03-09 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Samstag, 30. Januar 2010 schrieb RalfGesellensetter:
 What I have to try next time (when I get new blocked account
  samples): - login from a workstation
 - change the startscript for firefox according to
 Any further hints/comments...?

Dear list, 

this is for the archives.

I tried from a workstation, and got a message by KDM: 
missing .DCOP-HOSTNAME ...

From a shell, I learned that the corresponding user was just not able to 
create further files: Quota exceeded.

Of course I had checked quota -u. But after reading man pages, I checked 
also quota -g: And there it was: All students whose accounts were 
created after 2007, had a group quota of 50M (35M soft)!

This was the reason why even with 35M of data users were locked out. 
Nothing else! (I had already searched other folders for files that might 
have accounted additionally).

I soon figured out how to unset these group quotas. Now, I just have to 
check/find out where this default group quota stems from. Any idea?

Ralf - and sorry for wrong suspicions!!!

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Re: Problem/Blocker: ~/.mozilla blocks login

2010-03-09 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Sonntag, 15. Februar 2009 schrieb Klaus Ade Johnstad:
 I've never seen Firefox preventing users from loging in. Maybe home0
  is  full?

Group quota was exceeded :[ 
I wasn't hardly aware of that feature - nor did I know it was set for 
user groups...

Solved now, sorry for blaming Firefox (mistakenly)!


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Exim4 on Tjener (Sarge) [partly solved]

2010-03-04 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

just for the archives: I might have reported a (suddenly) dysfunctional 
mail server on Tjener (Sarge): From Oct 2006, root didn't receive any 
further mails (I can't actually tell if those 112 mails weren't there 
from the very start).

I did some research on the web (because having a mail server would be 
nice, after all), and here I found some hints:

Error message was:
 == r...@postoffice.intern R=root T=rootmail 
 defer (13): Permission denied: failed to chdir to /root

Solution was:
 chmod a+x /root

(exim4 is running as user Debian-exim, but just chown :Debian-exim on 
/root didn't help).

Next, I want to fix mailing to ordinary users:

pab-...@postoffice.intern U=pab-ges P=local S=356
pab-...@tjener:~$ delivering 1NnGP2-eE-Vg
  ** ?pab-...@postoffice.intern: Unrouteable address

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Re: Exim4 on Tjener (Sarge) [solved]

2010-03-04 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Donnerstag, 4. März 2010 schrieb RalfGesellensetter:
 pab-...@postoffice.intern U=pab-ges P=local S=356
 pab-...@tjener:~$ delivering 1NnGP2-eE-Vg
   ** ?pab-...@postoffice.intern: Unrouteable address

Works now entirely, when I state the domain part (@postoffice.intern).
Otherwise, strange Unicode character seems to be added (displayed as ? 
here). - Also it stroke me, that I cannot browse user mails from 
commandline ($MAIL=/var/mail/pab-ges), but it is delivered by courier 
via IMAP...

Sorry for the noise.

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Same with default disk cache //Re: How can we change the default iceweasel startup / home page?

2010-02-11 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Freitag, 22. Januar 2010 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
 I believe we should provide a script to change the default, and call
 it from cfengine during installation based on the profile selected.
 This will allow schools to change it after installation if they want
 to.  Preferably, we should get the URL from the DHCP configuration or
 LDAP, to make it easy to change it centrally.

Hi. once this technique is established, I'd plea to decrease default 
disk cache size in the same row. Context:

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Re: Same with default disk cache //Re: How can we change the default iceweasel startup / home page?

2010-02-11 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2010 schrieb Holger Levsen:
 Hi Ralf,
 On Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2010, RalfGesellensetter wrote:
  Hi. once this technique is established, I'd plea to decrease
  default disk cache size in the same row. Context:
 No. Please don't plea, please file bugs instead. Random chatter on
  the list will be forgotten, bugs in our bug tracker (not mozillas),
  will not.

Hi. Thanks for your comment - virtually you are right, of course,
but apparently, this random discussion did lead to a result - is there 
a corresponding bug report I could dock to?


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2 GiB in /var/tmp/kdecache-* (LTSP)

2010-02-11 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hi there,

just running out of memory on /var , I spotted hundreds of files and 
directories under /var/tmp (2201016 bytes).

While /tmp is cleaned after reboot, those kde-cache files seem to be 
kept anyway. Looks like there are konquerors www-cachings.

I will clean them right away, but not without posting a mind teaser 

Kind regards

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Re: Skolelinux + Sun Rays?

2010-02-10 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010 schrieben Sie:
 Before implenting LTSP I tested Sun Ray, and I'm sure they're a good
 option for some, let's say office environment (using cards to login,
 keeping your session over the different clients, and all that nice
 stuff), but not at all for education. If using them, forget about
 multimedia, not only from the web, just watching a video in the
  terminal was just impossible.
Hi, and thanks for your assessment. 
We have to distict if we mean
- the sunray hardware to be used with LTSP as software
- the SUN solaris concept with sunray in an original setting.


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Re: Skolelinux + Sun Rays?

2010-02-10 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2010 schrieb José L. Redrejo Rodríguez:
 The latest, some Sun people came to prepare a small pilot for
  testing, using their hardware for the clients, but installing the
  software in our Debian server. The software they installed was
  software from Sun, not LTSP.

Hola José,

thanks for this insights - I have not deeper insights into the sunray 
technology, but your report suggests that they have their own service 
(running on its own port), and that the client hardware is combined with 
a proprietary firmware which can only boot from Sun's servers.

I don't know, if opensolaris could be a solution here (to leave 
proprietary stuff, anyway), or if there is any chance to flash these 
clients with a linux bios or build in a pxe capable network interface -- 
I think this is the direction the original poster was heading at.

Kind of: How to re-furnish sunray clients (hardware) to be used in a 
LTSP (debian edu) network.


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Re: Skolelinux + Sun Rays?

2010-02-09 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010 schrieb
 RalfGesellensetter schrieb:
  Dear list,
  there was a recent request on the German list:
  Is there schools that combine Skolelinux with Sun Ray Clients?
 Hello Mr. Gesellensetter,
 did You get any responce on the request?
 Stefan J. Rühl

Not so far.

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Footer/Signature of this Mailinglist

2010-02-08 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear listmaster,
dear subscribers,

I like to discuss if the current footer/signature could be improved/extended:

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I'd suggest pointing to the mailing list archive

Even better was a direct (unique) pointer to the very copy of each mail
there - or at least to the folder of the corresponding month 
 (like ).

This would facilate quoting a posting on other lists and keeping the whole 
context of the thread.

What do other readers here think of such extension?
What do listmasters think?


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KDE 3.5 Sessions - Autostart Restore

2010-02-01 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear list,

for months now I am chasing a phenomenon that hinders users from login.
In short:
1. Log in gives briefly a black screen, then login screen again (ltsp)
2. Removing .mozilla solves the problem in 99.9% of all cases.

Now, I always have been wondering: why does KDE need/touch .mozilla to 
start a session???

The closest reason was: to restore a windows or autostart a process.

I started collecting information about places where KDE saves 
corresponding information:

/* KDE 3.5. autostart  restore config files ***

Deleting all those didn't help either. Also my suspiction about 
mozver.dat did not verify.

When I try to login from a workstation, there _is_ a verbose message 
like: are you sure dcopserver is running / could not read session data 
etc. (no screenshot yet)

Anyway, removing the folder .mozilla helps, and I start considering a 
nightly cronjob removing all .mozilla folders...

If you, could please, tell me further KDE places where session data is 
restored, or config files that can be used to produce more verbose 
logging and direct it to a file

Thanks a million

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Hotels Directions / Re: International Developer Meeting 19. - 21.2.2010

2010-02-01 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hello José, Holger,

if you don't want to sleep in the community dorm, this might be a 
starting point (German):

And then there is HRS in most European languages: 

Am Montag, 1. Februar 2010 schrieb Holger Levsen:
 english instructions how to get from the train station to the actual
  gathering  are also needed.

There is and other navigation tools that should 
deliver this information based on street addresses. Nevertheless, I 
would appreciate giving directions at least the day before the event.


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LTSP login blocked by .mozilla/mozver.dat ? (Re: failing ltsp login: xsession-errors / firefox kde?)

2010-01-30 Thread RalfGesellensetter

yesterday I did some testings with user accounts that were not able to log 
in to LTSP (password is accepted, a black screen shows up for a second, 
then the login screen comes back; no KDE splash screen or anything).

There are no logs in .xsession-errors, so I logged in via ssh on tjener 
and tested those users that were not able to log in on ltsp on a terminal:

User 1 could log in as soon as I removed his .mozilla directory. I double 
checked that quota was not the problem. Actually, I just renamed .mozilla 
to .motzilla; after logging out, I renamed .motzilla back to .mozilla, 
but this didn't block the account. So this makes me guess that some 
autostart process (or session restorage) was dropped when .mozilla was 
missing - and didn't step in any more after restoring .mozilla.

For user 2, I checked .kde/Autostart first (nothing!), then removed some 
session links (cache, tmp) from .kde. No success.
I renamed .mozilla/plugins and removed the latest biggest files 
in .mozilla/firefox. No success.

Then I moved .mozilla/mozver.dat (which has global plugin paths) to /tmp
- and voila: user 2 was able to login now.
Same thing: After logging out and restoring mozver.dat, the account still 

Searching the web brought me to this Gentoo bug that might be related:

As I understand it, firefox wouldn't start if mozver.dat and others have 
wrong user IDs due to NFS mount (stale?). 

What I have to try next time (when I get new blocked account samples):
- login from a workstation
- change the startscript for firefox according to

Any further hints/comments...?


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failing ltsp login: xsession-errors / firefox kde?

2010-01-28 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hi there, 

is this a local problem or do other installations face the same problem:
Some users cannot login to KDE 3.5 under certain circumstances 
(that are not clear yet).

I could provide hundreds of .xsession-errors, here just a sample 
that points to firefox as one possibly guilty application:

Xsession: X session started for vhs20 at Mo 12. Okt 10:24:59 CEST 2009
Setting IM through im-switch for locale=de_DE.
Start IM through /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/all_ALL linked to 
startkde: Starting up...
kbuildsycoca running...
Reusing existing ksycoca
kbuildsycoca running...
Reusing existing ksycoca
OggS-SEEK: at 0 want 350200 got 345536 (diff-requested 350200)
OggS-SEEK: at 349632 want 520 got 0 (diff-requested -349112)
argn=type, argv=application/x-vlc-plugin
argn=id, argv=video1
argn=name, argv=video1
argn=autoplay, argv=yes
argn=loop, argv=no
argn=target, argv=
argn=height, argv=576
argn=width, argv=720
[0001] main private debug: checking builtin modules
[0001] main private debug: checking plugin modules
[0001] main private debug: loading plugins cache file 
[0278] ts demuxer debug:   - pid[103] seen
[0278] ts demuxer debug:   - pid[104] seen
[0288] main decoder debug: removing module a52
[0288] main decoder debug: thread 3916589968 joined (input/decoder.c:191)
[0288] main decoder debug: killing decoder fourcc `a52 ', 0 PES in FIFO
[0274] main input debug: Program doesn't contain anymore ES
[0278] ts demuxer debug:   - pid[106] seen
[0278] ts demuxer debug:   - pid[8191] seen
[0278] main demuxer debug: removing module ts
[0276] main access debug: removing module access_http
[0274] main input debug: thread 3954355088 joined (input/input.c:412)
[0270] main playlist debug: thread 3987925904 joined 
[0270] main playlist: stopping playback
[0270] main playlist debug: deleting playlist item 
[0001] main private debug: removing all video outputs
[0001] main private debug: removing all audio outputs
[0001] main private debug: removing module memcpy
[0001] main private debug: saving plugins cache file 

(firefox-bin:14204): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_destroy: assertion 
`GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
kdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit: sending SIGHUP to children.
kicker: sighandler called


I wonder if those vlc plugins are loaded by firefox, or if there is another 

Anyway, in most cases removing ~/.mozilla revives the account.

I also would have more verbose messages for failed sessions, any hint?

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Re: help me please.. if the possible.. :(

2010-01-28 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Dear Valery,

zdravstvuy  welcome to our list. Please, apologize the delay. For 
explanation (not as excuse), I could imagine
- that some mail clients regard sender master for spam
- your question is very special, and still
- your question is a very general (not Edu related) problem
- some guys are on winter holidays
- the rest ist chasing bugs to get a soon release!

Am Samstag, 23. Januar 2010 schrieb master:
 Hello. I apologize in advance for my bad English. Using Electronic

No problem, most people here aren't native English speakers - and your 
message is quite readable (using a dictionary makes a perfect spelling;)

 I have been the introduction of Linux Debian in school. I

Let me clarify: By introduction, do you mean rather: presentation, or 
did you actually install a computer lab, or the whole network based on 
GNU/Debian [Edu]? What is your role, hereby (teacher, student, ...)?

 consider myself a good professional and a great admirer of this
  system. But unfortunately I do not know much language C. But now the

Okay, I think you should learn more about IRC, because you will find a 
helping hand with compiling modules there much faster. Try xchat and 
connect to, and /join #debian-edu there.

  problem .. in our school has long been purchased interactive
  blackboards - Starboard firm Hitachi FX-70. I faced the problem of
  software in the system Linux. Spent much time I could not find the
  program here:

Never heard of those, but most companies offer software that supports 
either linux natively, or runs with Java VM. 

I am just a teacher, myself, and couldn't help any forther. Maybe search 
the web for: porting module driver kernel 2.4 2.6

Kind regards,
and please stay tuned.
noka -- Ralf

P.S.: In case you know of any Skolelinux school in your country, please 
tell us! 

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Re: failing ltsp login: xsession-errors / firefox kde?

2010-01-28 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hi, I collected 4MiB (tar.bz2) of xsession-errors. If anybody wants to start 
some data mining ... just let me know ;)

Am Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2010 schrieb RalfGesellensetter:
 the ltsp is lenny

to be more precise: it is an upgraded etch installation, 
using lenny packages, now. I can send you any versions you like, e.g.:

education-thin-client-server [0.838~svn58168]
iceweasel: 3.0.6-3 0 lenny/updates/main Packages

ii  xulrunner-
ii  xulrunner-1.9-dbg1.9.0.16-1
ii  xserver-xorg 1:7.3+19  the 
X.Org X server
ii  xserver-xorg-core2:1.4.2-10.lenny2 Xorg X 
server - core server
ii  xserver-xorg-input-all   1:7.3+19  the 
X.Org X server -- input driver metapacka
ii  xserver-xorg-input-evdev 1:2.0.8-1 X.Org X 
server -- evdev input driver
ii  xserver-xorg-input-kbd   1:1.3.1-1 X.Org X 
server -- keyboard input driver
ii  xserver-xorg-input-mouse 1:1.3.0-1 X.Org X 
server -- mouse input driver
ii  xserver-xorg-input-synaptics 0.14.7~git20070706-3  
Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org/XFree86
ii  xserver-xorg-input-wacom X.Org X 
server -- Wacom input driver
ii  xserver-xorg-video-dummy 1:0.3.0-1 X.Org X 
server -- dummy display driver
ii  xserver-xorg-video-nv1:2.1.10-1X.Org X 
server -- NV display driver
ii  xserver-xorg-video-vesa  1:1.3.0-4 X.Org X 
server -- VESA display driver

ii  debian-edu-archive-keyring   2008.02.11   
GnuPG archive keys of the Debian Edu archive
ii  debian-edu-artwork   0.0.30-2 
Debian Edu themes and artwork
ii  debian-edu-artwork-usplash   0.0.30-2 
Debian Edu artwork for usplash
ii  debian-edu-config1.426
Configuration files for Skolelinux systems
ii  debian-edu-doc   1.3~20090610~5.0.1+edu0~alpha
Documentation from the Debian Edu project (transitional 
ii  debian-edu-doc-de1.3~20091016~5.0.3+edu0~alpha
German documentation from the Debian Edu project
ii  debian-edu-doc-en1.3~20090610~5.0.1+edu0~alpha
English documentation from the Debian Edu project
ii  debian-edu-doc-es1.3~20090610~5.0.1+edu0~alpha
Spanish documentation from the Debian Edu project
ii  debian-edu-doc-fr1.3~20090610~5.0.1+edu0~alpha
French documentation from the Debian Edu project
ii  debian-edu-doc-it1.3~20090610~5.0.1+edu0~alpha
Italian documentation from the Debian Edu project
ii  debian-edu-doc-nb1.3~20090610~5.0.1+edu0~alpha
Bokmal documentation from the Debian Edu project
ii  debian-edu-install   0.677
Set d-i values to install Debian Edu without questions

ii  kde-i18n-ca  4:3.5.10-2Catalan 
(ca) internationalized (i18n) files
ii  kde-i18n-da  4:3.5.10-2Danish 
(da) internationalized (i18n) files f
ii  kde-i18n-de  4:3.5.10-2German 
(de) internationalized (i18n) files f
ii  kde-i18n-el  4:3.5.10-2Greek 
(el) internationalized (i18n) files fo
ii  kde-i18n-es  4:3.5.10-2Spanish 
(es) internationalized (i18n) files
ii  kde-i18n-fr  4:3.5.10-2French 
(fr) internationalized (i18n) files f
ii  kde-i18n-it  4:3.5.10-2Italian 
(it) internationalized (i18n) files
ii  kde-i18n-ja  4:3.5.10-2Japanese 
(ja) internationalized (i18n) files
ii  kde-i18n-lv  4:3.5.10-2Latvian 
(lv) internationalized (i18n) files
ii  kde-i18n-nb  4:3.5.10-2
Norwegian Bookmal (nb) internationalized (i1
ii  kde-i18n-nl  4:3.5.10-2Dutch 
(nl) internationalized (i18n) files fo
ii  kde-i18n-nn  4:3.5.10-2
Norwegian Nynorsk (nn) internationalized (i1
ii  kde-i18n-ptbr4:3.5.10-2
Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) internationaliz
ii  kde-i18n-se  4:3.5.10-2Northern 
Sami (se) internationalized (i18n)
ii  kdeaccessibility 4:3.5.9-2 
accessibility packages

Re: failing ltsp login: xsession-errors / firefox kde?

2010-01-28 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2010 schrieb RalfGesellensetter:
 is this a local problem or do other installations face the same
  problem: Some users cannot login to KDE 3.5 under certain
  circumstances (that are not clear yet).
Some more log lines, this is from ltspserver00:/var/log/auth.log:

Jan 28 10:35:01 ltspserver00 CRON[2307]: PAM unable to 
dlopen(/lib/security/ /lib/security/ 
Kann die Shared-Object-Datei nicht öffnen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht 
Jan 28 10:35:01 ltspserver00 CRON[2307]: PAM adding faulty module: 
Jan 28 10:35:01 ltspserver00 CRON[2307]: pam_unix(cron:session): session 
opened for user root by (uid=0)
Jan 28 10:35:01 ltspserver00 CRON[2307]: pam_unix(cron:session): session 
closed for user root
Jan 28 10:35:44 ltspserver00 sshd[2381]: PAM unable to 
dlopen(/lib/security/ /lib/security/ 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Jan 28 10:35:44 ltspserver00 sshd[2381]: PAM adding faulty module: 
Jan 28 10:35:44 ltspserver00 sshd[2381]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication 
failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=ltsp013.intern  
Jan 28 10:35:44 ltspserver00 sshd[2381]: Accepted password for ff-brkat from port 50911 ssh2
Jan 28 10:35:44 ltspserver00 sshd[2381]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
opened for user ff-brkat by (uid=0)
Jan 28 10:35:51 ltspserver00 sshd[2941]: PAM unable to 
dlopen(/lib/security/ /lib/security/ 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Jan 28 10:35:51 ltspserver00 sshd[2941]: PAM adding faulty module: 
Jan 28 10:35:51 ltspserver00 sshd[2941]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication 
failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=ltsp006.intern  
Jan 28 10:35:51 ltspserver00 sshd[2941]: Accepted password for ff-johor from port 36896 ssh2
Jan 28 10:35:51 ltspserver00 sshd[2941]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
opened for user ff-johor by (uid=0)
Jan 28 10:35:51 ltspserver00 sshd[2381]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
closed for user ff-brkat

ff-brkat's password is accepted (and he can login via samba as well), but then 
we get authentication failure.
Is this connected to - or crashing xserver - or pam 
settings on tjener - or mozilla plugins?

Thanks for any hints 
or just a works for me.


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libpam-ck-connector // Re: failing ltsp login: xsession-errors / firefox kde?

2010-01-28 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Am Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2010 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
 No idea what is wrong, but is in the
 libpam-ck-connector package.  Is it installed?
Okay, thanks for this hint, first time I read this line it was on 
tjener's syslog -- and there was no package containing this lib on my 
Sarge tjener.

But now I see it comes from ltspserver00 -- and as it wasn't installed, 
I did so, now. It is used by consolekit, cf. package desc.:

Description: ConsoleKit PAM module
 ConsoleKit is a system daemon for tracking what users are logged
 into the system and how they interact with the computer (e.g.
 which keyboard and mouse they use).
 This package provides a PAM module which can be used for console 
 Graphical login managers should talk to ConsoleKit directly.
Tag: admin::login, implemented-in::c, role::shared-lib, 

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Fwd: Hypothetical LTSP in MS schools implementation question

2010-01-28 Thread RalfGesellensetter
This message was originally sent to the German
user mailing list

As it is written in English (and public anyway), I dare forward it.

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Hypothetical LTSP in MS schools implementation question
Date: Montag, 18. Januar 2010
From: Don Davis
To: Skole Linux

What are\ have some of the greatest been regarding LTSP implementation 
in a mixed environment?
Are there many / any predominantly MS schools implementing Skole Linux\ 
LTSP solutions?
What are typical caveats \ concerns ? Such as:
How long does it take to configure LDAP with Active Directory?
How many man hours \ how much cost to set up\maintain an LTSP setup 
within an MS framework?
Which remote Desktop solutions would\could be used from MS into the LTSP 

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Re: rosegarden

2010-01-27 Thread RalfGesellensetter
Hi Nigel

Am Montag, 25. Januar 2010 schrieben Sie:
 The teacher was very vague. He asked where kids can choose various
 instruments and play with the sounds, or anything like that?. He
 teaches grade 4 and 5. That means age 10 and 11. I imagine he has
  seen Garage Band on Mac, or similar.
 If you have any ideas I would love to hear them

Okay, fist thing I recall is those musical activities (tomtom?) for the 
XO laptop. They should be available via sugar?

Then, LMMS is a scoreless approach that could replace DJ software like 
fruity loops (IIRC that TM).

I read about frescobaldi which gives a GUI for lilypond - and want to 
try this as well; should be quite educational for pupils 12+.


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