Drunk Man Chases Down and Rides Moose, Pope Says Arms Manufacturers Can't Call Themselves Christian, Hunting Ads Banned from YouTube

2015-06-23 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

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OutdoorHub - Gear Up!: 

Front Page

Video: Drunk Man Rides Swimming Moose after Chasing It down on a Boat
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Riding a moose like some giant, angry pony is never a good idea.

Not only are moose responsible for more attacks on humans than most other 
wildlife species, mounting one can land you some serious jail time and hefty 
fines. This video uploaded to YouTube shows this group of men chasing down a 

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Pope: Firearm Manufacturers Can't Call Themselves Christian
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Pope Francis harshly criticized "weapons manufacturers" in a speech he made on 
Sunday during a trip to the Italian city of Turin. According to Reuters, Pope 
Francis made an appearance in front of thousands of young people and spoke at 
length on subjects such as the Holocaust and Armenian genocide,...

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The NRA Foundation: Preserving Our Heritage, One Person at a Time
By: Tom McHale
Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “your tax dollars at work.” It doesn’t paint a 
very inspiring picture, does it? The government takes your money, then proceeds 
to waste it.

Fortunately, voluntarily giving money to organizations like the NRA Foundation 
is a much more satisfying experience. Have...

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CarbonTV Hunting and Fishing Ads Banned from YouTube
By: CarbonTV
CarbonTV, a premium online video network focused solely on outdoor and rural 
shows, recently produced two new YouTube ads that dared viewers to "See What 
You're Made Of.” However, CarbonTV found its ads were promptly banned from 
YouTube's ad service for their hunting and fishing footage.


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The Top 5 Most Beloved US Service Handguns
By: Daniel Xu
Military and police firearms carry a weight that few other guns can match. This 
is due in part to the fact that these firearms have actually been tested in the 
field, which not only strengthens their reputation but also forms an unique 
bond between user and firearm. When you are forced to trust a gun...

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Police Urge New York Hunters to Check Trail Cams for Escaped Prisoners
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
At a press conference on Monday, New York State Police urged hunters to check 
their game cameras for possible footage of two escaped prisoners in northern 
New York.

Richard Matt and David Sweat made national news earlier this month when they 
cut their way out of the Clinton Correctional Facility,...

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Video: Chris Cheng Plays Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" with Musical Targets
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Many firearms enthusiasts know that Chris Cheng is an accomplished competitive 
shooter and author.

As it turns out, he's also quite a talented musician---at least when the 
music-making involves shooting things to make melodies.

In the video below, Cheng blasts out a stirring rendition of the "Ode...

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The Best Cameras and Gear for Filming Your Own Hunts
By: Bernie Barringer
Many hunters have aspirations of someday making it big by having their TV show, 
but most hunters who are filming their own hunts are just doing it for the fun 
of it. Filming yourself has advantages and disadvantages. I prefer the time 
alone in-stand to the issues associated with having a camera person...

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Video: House Cat Stares D

Move Over Paintball--Here Comes Archery Tag, Pistol-equipped Drone Takes Shots, Angler Finds Duck Inside Bass

2015-07-17 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Front Page

Paintball-like "Archery Tag" Rises in International Popularity
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
At the sound of a whistle, two teams of five rush out into a battlefield dotted 
with inflatable barriers, each player armed with a bow and a single foam-tipped 
arrow. The teams take cover and quickly begin launching volley after volley of 
arrows at one another, hoping to tag opponents or knock out the...

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Video: Pistol-equipped Drone Takes Shots in Midair
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
This video is causing a stir in both the drone and firearms community. It 
appears to show a homemade quadcopter flying and firing a Kel-Tec PMR-30.

With over 30 rounds of .22 Magnum, that's some serious firepower for a flying 
drone. It actually seems like the setup of this drone was optimized the...

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10 Deer Hunting Hacks You Should Already Know
By: Daniel Xu
Hunters are always looking for the best new tips and tricks that will give them 
an edge against their quarry, but sometimes the old ways work best. Here are 10 
effective, cheap, and common-sense hunting hacks that will make your next deer 
hunt a little bit more enjoyable---and hopefully more successful...

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Bear Breaks into Pie Shop, Devours 38 Full Pies
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Owners of a pie shop in Pinewood Springs, Colorado say a bear broke into the 
store on Monday night and had a massive, sugary feast. According to Mikaela 
Lehnert, who operates the Colorado Cherry Company along with her mother Kristi, 
the bear's raid yielded some interesting conclusions regarding its taste...

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Illinois Governor Gives Go-ahead to Bobcat Hunt
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
For the first time in nearly 40 years, Illinois hunters will be able to pursue 
bobcats again.

On Tuesday, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner signed a bill that will open up a 
limited bobcat season in 2016---much to the disappointment of animal rights 
activists. In a press release, the Humane Society...

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Photos: Angler Finds Baby Duck Inside Bass
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
A woman near Pittsboro, Indiana did a double take when she looked inside a 
recently-caught bass and found a duckling.

"I guess baby duck was on the menu for this bass that Andrew caught tonight. 
I'm a little disturbed," Carrie Fortner wrote on Facebook.

Now many anglers already know...

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Video: Idaho Moose Hogs Above-ground Pool
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Record high temperatures in Idaho have led to some strange things in the Gem 
State, such as this moose taking over an above-ground pool in Athol.

Moose are already more than happy enough to hog pools, but Samantha McGinnis 
told KREM 2 that this critter has been back three times and seems to be 

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An Angler's Gear Essentials
By: Andy and Tami McDaniels
Fishing is a great way to make memories in the outdoors, either by yourself, 
with friends, or with your family. A day on the water can make memories that 
last a lifetime. If you’re like me and you love to catch redfish, flounder, and 
tuna as much as you love to catch bass, crappie, and catfish, you...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
A Second Chance 
Justin Olk and crew head back to Wyoming to archery hunt trophy Antelope but 
three straight days of thunderstorms bring the hunt to an abrupt end 


OutdoorHub News


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Pro Surfer Attacked by Great White on Live TV, TX Records First CWD Case, Is the Loch Ness Monster Just a Catfish?

2015-07-20 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

John Deere #GoGator - See them in action: 

Front Page

Video: Pro Surfer Attacked by Great White Shark on Live TV
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Professional surfer Mick Fanning was competing in the finals of the J-Bay Open 
in South Africa when the unbelievable happened---a great white shark attacked 
him in the middle of the last heat.

In the clip below, you can see the 34-year-old Australian man catch a glimpse 
of a shark fin behind him...

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Texas Records First-ever Case of Chronic Wasting Disease
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Texas officials held a special, rushed meeting on Thursday after experts 
confirmed what is believed to be the state's first recorded case of chronic 
wasting disease (CWD) earlier this month.

In the meeting, hundreds of biologists, conservationists, and individuals 
involved in the captive deer industry...

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Photos: Gas Station Owner Says Shotgun Booby Trap Deters Thieves
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
A Mississippi gas station found itself in the spotlight after photographs of a 
"shotgun booby trap" in the store surfaced on the internet.

The images below were taken by a visitor to the Clarke County gas station and 
shared on reddit, where it started a discussion on the legality of such...

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Amateur Researcher Says Loch Ness Monster is a Giant Catfish
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Steve Feltham, 52, is best known as one of the leading figures in the hunt for 
the Loch Ness Monster, commonly called "Nessie" after the lake in the Scottish 
Highlands. Almost 25 years ago, Feltham left his home, job, and girlfriend in 
southwest England to join the hunt for the legendary creature

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Photos: 15 More Taxidermy Fails That Will Make You Cringe
By: Daniel Xu
In the world of taxidermy it can be quite hard to tell what is a joke, and what 
is simply an awful mount.

Unlike our previous taxidermy fail lists, the 15 critters below are neither 
overtly funny or downright frightening. They just make us cringe a little bit.

You can see our delightfully hilarious taxidermy...

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Video: Japanese Develop Terrifying "Bear Proof" Cube for Game Show
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
This terrifying Plexiglas cube is like a shark cage for bears, but much more 

We're not entirely sure what's going on in this video, but according to the 
description we are watching a demonstration of the "predator shield." The 
shield was created to protect contestants in a Japanese...

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Video: Jep Robertson of 'Duck Dynasty' Sounds Off on Suppressors
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
"Getting a suppressor is like getting a tattoo. Once you have one, you gotta 
have more."

So says Jep Robertson as he appears in a video promoting Silencerco's 
#FightTheNoise campaign. As it turns out, the Duck Dynasty star is quite the 
fan of suppressors and is more than happy to show off...

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The BAREBOW! Chronicles: "What Do You Mean, 'It Has Teats!'?"
By: Dennis Dunn
Sometime in the early part of 2000, I asked Mark Buehrer of Bowhunting Safari 
Consultants to book me an August 2001 hunt up in Alaska for barren ground 
caribou. I had never so much as seen a single bull during my first try for the 
species in 1999, but Mark assured me he had personally hunted them with...

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To Catch a Bass: What You'll Need
By: Outwrite Outdoors
Bass are the top freshwater game fish in North Ame

The 3 Things That Actually Matter When Evaluating a Gun, Broadhead-tipped Shells, Florida Bear's Backyard Food Coma

2015-07-22 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

John Deere #GoGator - See them in action: 

Front Page

The 3 Things That Actually Matter When Evaluating a Gun
By: Dave Bahde
My recent blog ("Shooting Groups; the Big Lie") focused on how little value 
"shooting groups" has in judging practical accuracy of most firearms. It's 
mostly mythology designed for marketing and industry norms, and has become a 
standard for judging the “accuracy” of consumer firearms

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Video: How Effective Are Broadhead-tipped Shotgun Shells?
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
You've heard of the bullet-tipped arrow, but have you seen the broadhead-tipped 
shotgun round? No, it's not a joke. This round was designed as a "low kinetic 
energy hunting projectile" and purports to have less recoil, less noise, and 
the same effectiveness as a regular slug. How it works is...

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Florida Bear Eats 20 Pounds of Dog Chow, Falls into Food Coma in Backyard
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
What do you do if a massive black bear breaks into your garage, steals your dog 
food, and then takes a nap on your lawn? If you live next to a professional 
wildlife trapper, the answer should be obvious.

Bob Cross, a retired 72-year-old firefighter who now owns a critter removal 
service in Lake...

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Quiz: Can You Correctly Identify These Exotic Types of Ammo?
By: Daniel Xu
The basic science and technology behind ammunition has changed little in the 
past 100 years. After all, there is still gunpowder, a bullet, and a casing. As 
disappointing as it is to some, we've still got a ways to go before we get to 
anything fancy like directed energy weapons (or practical ones...

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Leucistic, Piebald, and Albino: What's the Difference?
By: Patrick Durkin
At first glance my eyes tried telling me a small gull was scouring the grass 
below our birdfeeders, but I couldn’t imagine what a gull would find worth 
eating out there so I moved toward the window for a better look.

The grayish-white bird was pigeon-sized, but I’ve never seen a pigeon at our...

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Australian Government Declares "War" on Feral Cats
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Australia's feral cat problem has gotten so bad that the government is now 
planning a cull of massive proportions. According to a five-year plan recently 
unveiled by environment minister Greg Hunt, the Department of the Environment 
is planning to cull at least 2 million cats by 2020.

Feral cats are...

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Video: Bouncing Mule Deer Loses Its Antlers
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Videos of deer shedding their antlers are pretty rare---probably because most 
hunters aren't out in the woods during the winter.

That means that the shedding process can leave a lot to the imagination. We've 
seen videos of bucks shaking their heads to shed antlers, and we have seen 
videos of bucks...

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Kansas Police Discover Massive 60-pound Carp in Drainage Ditch
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
When Jamie Schmidt, the animal control officer for the Olathe Police 
Department, received a call about a four-foot-long, dead carp in a drainage 
ditch, she thought it was a joke.

“I was in disbelief when he told me it was four feet,” Schmidt told the Kansas 
City Star. “I know how men like to...

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Video: Angler Captures Epic Battle Between Mink and Seagull
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
An angler fishing in Ontario's Stoney Lake decided to put down the rod and pick 
up the video camera after he spotted

HBO Wanted Boxer to Remove Ammo Logo from Shorts, Putting 3 Buck Rub Myths to Rest, 5 Invasive Species You Can Hunt or Catch Today

2015-07-27 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Front Page

HBO Asked Champion Boxer to Remove Ammo Company Logo from Shorts
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Undefeated Russian boxer Sergey Kovalev is a dominating presence in the ring. 
The current reigning light heavyweight champion of three sanctioning 
organizations, Kovalev is set to defend his title against challenger Nadjib 
Mohammedi in a much-anticipated fight to be held this weekend. A sparring 

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Putting 3 Myths about Buck Rubs to Rest
By: Bernie Barringer
Outdoor writers like myself are always looking for new ideas and new things to 
write about. We are always analyzing what we see and trying to learn more from 
each nugget of buck sign, mostly in the hopes that we can learn something which 
we can pass along to our readers in order to educate them and help...

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Do Your Part: 5 Invasive Species You Can Hunt or Catch
By: Daniel Xu
Want to help out the environment and enjoy some time in the outdoors at the 
same time? Consider hunting, trapping, or fishing for one of the species below. 
Invasive animals are an ever-present danger to the native species we know and 
love, and sometimes they can taste pretty good, too. Whether you want...

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Seabreacher: The Two-person Jet-powered Watercraft Shaped Like a Sailfish
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Meet the Seabreacher, a light and very agile personal watercraft that 
essentially lets you experience the water like a fish.

"For over ten years, we have been developing watercraft that push the limits of 
what people can do in the water: diving, jumping, rolling, porpoising, and 
other amazing...

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Are These Bizarre Daisies Near Fukushima Victims of Nuclear Mutation?
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Are these alien-looking daisies victims of nuclear mutation? These pictures 
were taken in Japan's Nasushiobara City, near the site of the 2011 Fukushima 
nuclear plant disaster. Shortly after the incident, which released substantial 
amounts of radioactive material into the sea, scientists reported several...

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Spike in Armadillo-related Leprosy Cases Causes Scare in Florida
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Florida health and wildlife officials are urging residents to avoid contact 
with armadillos after a spike in the number of leprosy cases reported this 
year. Armadillos are one of the few animals aside from humans that can contract 
leprosy, or Hansen's disease as it is called today. The disease, which...

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Video: Florida Beachgoers Nab Hammerhead Shark to Remove Stuck Hooks
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Most people try to avoid sharks as much as possible, but most people are not 
brothers Marcus and Logan Lakos.

The Lakos brothers were on a beach in Destin, Florida when they noticed an 
injured hammerhead shark swimming near the shore. The brothers pulled the shark 
in and noticed that there were...

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Family Camper Essentials
By: Andy and Tami McDaniels
Camping is one of the best ways to spend good, quality time with your friends 
and family. The memories you make will last a lifetime. I grew up camping with 
my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. All of our families had a 
camper of some sort or another. As adults, Andy and I have continued...

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Video: This Opossum Massage Tutorial is the Weirdest Thing You'll See Today
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
We can't think of a wild animal we'd like to massage less than an opossum, 
especially if they're wet. Okay, so bears and a few others may also make that 
list, but still, giving one of these critters a rubdown doesn't seem like a 
good idea. Unless,

TN's Boone Lake Still a Strong Striper Fishery, Launching a Rocket Under a Frozen Lake, Michigan's GEMS Are a Hunter's Best Friend

2015-08-25 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

WIN A World-Class Colorado Elk Hunt: 

Front Page

Tennessee's Boone Lake Remains a Strong Fishery Despite Drawdown
By: Lewis Creek Shooting School
One of America’s premier game fish is the striped bass. They're one of the most 
versatile angling targets. Stripers can be pursued using almost any imaginable 
sportfishing technique, from bait fishing and fly fishing to trolling. Stripers 
can thrive in Southern inland lakes or as ocean fish, and they prevalent on...

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Video: This is What Happens When You Launch a Rocket Under a Frozen Lake
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Sometimes ice fishing can get a little boring, especially if you run out of 
beer or propane. It seems like Nils Bremer, the uploader of this video, got a 
more than a little bored on the ice because he decided to launch rockets under 
it, with surprisingly explosive results.

First Nils broke a hole...

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Michigan's GEMS Are a Hunter's Best Friend
By: Bob Gwizdz
When the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) asked for a 
hunting-license fee increase a couple of years back, it promised to put some of 
those funds to work improving hunting opportunities. Among the first projects 
it tackled was upland game bird hunting.

The DNR created a series of walk-in...

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Video: Grizzly Thoroughly Enjoys Roll Down Hill in Denali National Park
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Remember the good ol' days when you were a kid and could enjoy a leisurely roll 
down a hill without worrying about ruining your clothes or looking like a crazy 

If this video purportedly recorded in Denali National Park is any indicator, 
apparently grizzly bears enjoy pretty much the exact...

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Video: Fox Steals a Bowl of Fruit Loops
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Silly fox, Fruit Loops are for kids.

We're not exactly sure what's going on in this video. The video starts off with 
a fox eyeing a bowl of Fruit Loops, but we can't tell why there is cereal or a 
fox in the first place.

After a couple seconds of sizing up the cameraman, the fox ran in and 

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OutdoorHub Videos 
Shawns Ranch 
The MRA crew checks out Shawn's new ranch in Texas 
Another Look at the Special Edition Chevy Colorado Z71 Trail Boss 
Here’s a teaser reel showing off some of the features of the Chevy Colorado Z71 
Trail Boss

See more 
AR-15 with Slide Fire Stock Firing in Slow Motion 
Ever wonder what an AR-15 with a Slide Fire stock looks like when it’s firing? 
OHUB Labs used an edg 


OutdoorHub News


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The 10 Countries with the Most Guns in Private Hands, Detroit Residents Turn Sinkhole into Fishing Hole, Gray Wolves Are Back in California

2015-08-26 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

WIN A World-Class Colorado Elk Hunt: 

Front Page

The 10 Countries with the Most Guns in Private Hands
By: Daniel Xu
Every wonder which countries have the most firepower? This list counts down the 
nations with the most guns in private hands. Unlike most lists that cover this 
subject, ours will be based on total amount of privately owned firearms rather 
than guns per capita.

Data is taken from Small Arms Survey.


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Gun Rights Groups Join Forces in Lawsuit Against Seattle "Gun Violence Tax"
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
The National Firearms Association (NRA), National Shooting Sports Foundation 
(NSSF), and Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) filed a lawsuit against the City 
of Seattle on Monday to challenge its recently approved "gun violence tax." 
Unanimously passed earlier in August and set to go into effect...

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Detroit Residents Turn Giant Street Hole into Fishing Pond
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
It's only about four feet wide and 15 feet long, but residents of one Detroit 
neighborhood say it's now their newest fishing pond.

A giant hole on Hull Street in the city's East Side has been around for about 
four years now. It was apparently part of a construction project that was later 

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Officials: Gray Wolves Have Returned to California
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
It has been almost a century since California's last native wolf died, but it 
seems the species is making an unexpected comeback. The California Department 
of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) confirmed on August 20 that two adult gray wolves 
and five pups have been spotted in Siskiyou County, making it the...

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Video: World's First-ever Snowmobile Backflip on Open Water
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
It looks like there's no more off-season for snowmobilers. This rider just did 
something no one else has ever done (at least that we're aware of)---a backflip 
on open water!

The lead-up to the trick is pretty straightforward. All the rider needed to do 
was maintain enough speed to hit the ramp and...

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Video: Australian Man Rescues Venomous Snake from Tin Can
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Australian wildlife expert Tim Faulkner has spent nearly his entire life 
working with dangerous reptiles, and in Australia, that can be risky business. 
However, while the land down under may have some of the deadliest snakes in the 
world, that doesn't make them especially smart.

Faulkner recently...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
Cowboy Trout, Salt Block Chicken and Breakfast, Ale 8 One Town Toast 
Did you say you wanted more Cowboy Campfire Cooking? Well you got it! Tonight 
we're making bacon wrapped trout in the dutch oven stuffed with tasty veggies 


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Massive Cattle-eating Gator Taken in Florida, New Protective Foam Shatters Bullets, Shark Knocks Paddleboarder into Ocean

2016-04-11 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Chevy: Introducing the 2016 Chevy Silverado. 

Front Page

Hunters Bag Massive, Cattle-eating Alligator
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
A group of hunters in Florida may have harvested one of the largest alligators 
in state history. According to CNN, the massive reptile was taken in Okeechobee 
by a group of hunters consisting of Lee Lightsey, his son, a professional 
guide, and two visitors. Lightsey is the owner of Outwest Farms, an...

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Video: How Do Razor Clams Dig?
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Yesterday we shared a video of a man digging for razor clams, which turned out 
to be very popular, and many of our readers had a question: just how do clams 
dig? Razor clams (which is not a taxonomic classification, but simply an 
umbrella term for burrowing mollusks) are remarkably effective at burrowing

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Video: New Season of Heartland Bowhunter's 'Full Strut' is Out Now
By: OutdoorHub Social
Full Strut is an original series from the Heartland Bowhunter crew which airs 
exclusively on CarbonTV.

This is the first of seven episodes from the brand new season. In this episode 
the crew kicks off the season and heads over to hunt Kansas longbeards with 
Trent Siegle.

"This trip to KS was...

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Residents Dig Mass Graves for "Radioactive" Wild Boar in Fukushima
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Once a popular game animal for hunters and a local delicacy, Japanese officials 
say the wild boar population near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is 
quickly growing out of control. In 2011, the plant suffered a disastrous 
meltdown following a 9.0 magnitude earthquake---leaking radioactive material...

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Video: Researchers Develop Foam That Obliterates Bullets
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Researchers at the North Carolina State University have released a dramatic 
video that showed a bullet completely shattering after striking a lightweight 
metal foam. At only about an inch thick and a fraction of the weight of armor 
plating, the composite metal foam (CMF) has shown some impressive results

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Wisconsin Governor Signs Bill Prohibiting the Harassment of Outdoorsmen
By: OutdoorHub Social
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker signed SB 338 which increase protections for 
hunters against harassment.

Before the new bill was signed it was already illegal to interfere with lawful 
hunting, fishing, or trapping. The new law expands those protections to people 
engaging in scouting, target shooting,...

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Video: Man Knocked off Paddleboard by Shark
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
One Florida man got the shock of his life this week after being knocked off his 
paddleboard by a shark. Thankfully for Maximo Trinidad, the shark was no great 
white or other man-eater, but just a small spinner shark. Trinidad says he 
instinctively lurched backwards---who wouldn't after seeing a shark?---and...

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Definitive Arms Unveils .308 “PMAGinov” Vepr, AK Scope Rail, AR Stock Adapter 
for Underfolders
By: Matt Korovesis
At last week’s Big 3 East event in Daytona Beach, Florida, Definitive Arms 
showed off a preliminary version of their highly-anticipated .308 Vepr AK rifle 
with an AR-pattern magazine well.

To create a “PMAGinov,” as they are referred to by Definitive, the company 
installs a modified version...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
The crew heads over to hunt Kansas longbeards with Trent Siegle and kick off 
the new season of Full  

15 Craziest Outdoor Photos and Videos, How to Fend off a Bear without Spray or Gun, Fishing for Fun and Healing

2016-04-12 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Quebec Outfitters - Ultimate Destination

Front Page

15 Craziest Nature Photos and Videos Caught on Camera
By: Daniel Xu
If you consider yourself an outdoor enthusiast, than you know how absolutely 
vital the right camera is. Whether it's a trail cam for deer season or 
something you slap to your forehead on your latest foray through the 
wilderness, cameras record memories that should never be forgotten. Here are 15 

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Video: SilencerCo's New Promo Puts the Maxim 9 in Your Favorite Films
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Iconic action heroes like "Dirty Harry" Callahan and John McClane of Die Hard 
fame may not exactly be known for their stealth, but for their latest promo, 
the folks at SilencerCo decided to upgrade the stars of our favorite films with 
the Maxim 9, their new integrally suppressed pistol.


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Photos: Jim Shockey Finds Moose Wrapped around Tree
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
How did this happen? That's the question everyone is asking after famed 
outdoorsman and hunter Jim Shockey posted these pictures to Facebook earlier 
this year.

"Nature can be beautiful...and it can be harsh," he wrote. "This poor moose 
never had a chance after it got its hoof caught...

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Video: No Gun or Bear Spray? Try What This Man Did
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Being caught downwind of a curious brown bear is terrifying stuff, especially 
if it decides that you are worth checking out. Remembering that you left your 
gun and bear spray back at camp? Well, that's just the icing on what is already 
a bad situation. This video, which has recently gone viral, was...

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Stranded Fishermen Rescued after Writing "Help" on Beach
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
It turns out that writing the word "help" on a beach to signal rescuers is not 
just a Hollywood myth. Three anglers stranded on a remote island over 2,000 
miles from Hawaii were rescued by the US Coast Guard recently after they have 
been missing since April 5. According to the Coast Guard's...

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Video: Shark Attacks Jet Ski Rider
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Why would you ever want to get that close to a shark? This woman riding on a 
jet ski in Platypus Bay, Australia got a quick little scare after she came too 
close to what appears to be a copper shark. The predator showed its displeasure 
by taking a meaty chomp at the craft---and almost the woman's leg.


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Fishing for Fun and Healing
By: Bernie Barringer
This fishing tournament was the brainchild of Al Lindner; an outgrowth of his 
passion for helping people struggling with addiction. It has grown into more 
than he could have ever imagined.

Alcoholism and drug abuse have sent a lot of promising lives off into the 
ditch. Al and Ron Lindner know this...

Read More: 

OutdoorHub Videos 
E & L Ranch 
Gary Roberson takes aim at coyotes on in South Texas. 
Visual Confusion - Right to Left Crosser 
The right to left crossing sight picture is the most confusing for right handed 
shooters because the 
How To Twitch Your Way To A Bite 
Danny shows his favorite ways to trigger bites on spawning bass. 
AR-15 Shoots Through Body Armor 
This is a Sig M400 with a 16" barrel and 1:7 twist. Ammo is Independence xm193, 
distance is 7-ya

Video: That is NOT a Catfish on Your Line, World's Longest Snake Captured, How to Gift a Gun

2016-04-13 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Chevy: Introducing the 2016 Chevy Silverado. 

Front Page

Video: That is NOT a Catfish on the End of Your Line
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Anglers beware, there be monsters in these waters. One Baton Rouge fisherman 
and his young daughter got the scare of their lives after kayaking in 
Louisiana's Fausse Pointe State Park last Saturday. According to The 
Times-Picayune, Lance Burgos and his 11-year-old daughter Evan were kayaking 
with another...

Read More: 

Lightning Look: Walther Q5 Match
By: OutdoorHub Social
The new Q5 Match from Walther is essentially a factory built competition pistol.

The Q5 match is built around the PPQ platform, but it features a number of 
enhancements that make it ideal for a competition shooter. Take a look at some 
of the features below and let us know what you think


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Fisherman's Record Freshwater Drum is so Big It Looks Photoshopped
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
No, this is not a trick of your eyes or some Photoshop magic. The Missouri 
Department of Conservation announced recently that this absurdly large 
freshwater drum is actually real, and it was taken by a bowfisherman from Reeds 
Spring. Officials say that Joshua Cole shot this mammoth fish in Table Rock...

Read More: 

World's Longest Snake Captured, Promptly Dies
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
The capture of what may be the longest snake ever seen ended in tragedy on 
Sunday after local wildlife officials confirmed that the animal perished. The 
snake, a 26-foot-long and 550-pound reticulated python, was captured on a 
construction site in Penang, Malaysia. Construction workers and employees...

Read More: 

Video: Jerry Miculek's Top 5 Guns
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
What are some of the favorite guns of the man with the lightning finger? You 
won't believe his #2!

On a more serious note, Jerry gives an excellent overview of five firearms that 
he---obviously---is very passionate about. As one of the premier sport shooters 
in the world, Jerry's taste carries a bit...

Read More: 

Buying and Selling a Firearm: Giving Someone a Gun
By: OutdoorHub
It may not be anywhere close to Christmas yet, but you already have a list and 
you're checking it twice. Whether you're thinking of getting that hunter in 
your life a new shotgun, or a carry gun for someone who just got a 
Right-to-Carry permit, firearms are still a very popular gift item. For those...

Read More: 

Video: New High-tech Lock Makes Your Gun the Safe
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
A new startup company by the name of Zore is encouraging gun owners to ditch 
the bedside safe for its new, patented gun lock. The Zore X is a lock designed 
for semi-automatic pistols, and how it works is actually very clever. The lock 
is caliber-specific and includes a "bullet" that can be...

Read More: 

OutdoorHub Videos 
Country Goes Huntin Turkeys 
It's back to Georgia for the annual "Country Goes Hunting" turkey hunt. 
San Juan Tarpon 
Jim Sammons makes an appearance to fish the lagoons of San Juan for tarpon. 
Fishing Shipwrecks 
The location that the kayakers will be fishing in Chesapeake Bay, VA. 
E & L Ranch 
Gary Roberson takes aim at coyotes on

Hunter Bags Stunning White Turkey, Sandy Hook Lawsuit Against Gunmaker Proceeds, Graphic Video: When Testing Lasers Go Wrong

2016-04-15 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Chevy: Introducing the 2016 Chevy Silverado. 

Front Page

Photos: North Carolina Hunter Bags Rare White Turkey
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Have you ever seen a white turkey before? Jacob Johnston of Traphill, North 
Carolina recently posted this picture of a stunningly white turkey on Facebook, 
which he claims was harvested on the morning of the season opener.

“We had seen it several times over the past couple of months. It was usually...

Read More: 

Trail Cam Captures Mountain Lion and Bears Eating Deer
By: OutdoorHub Social



These close-up trail cam photos show a mountain lion and bears feasting on a 
deer kill in the Santa Susana Mountains just north of Los Angeles.

The mountain lion featured in the photos is actually a very well-known to 
biologists. It's referred to as P-35 and it has...

Read More: 

Judge Rules lawsuit Against Sandy Hook Gun Companies May Proceed
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
On Thursday, a state Superior Court judge denied a motion to dismiss the 
lawsuit against a firearms manufacturer, distributor, and retailer by families 
of victims in the Newtown shooting. The three companies involved in the lawsuit 
had called for the case to be dismissed under a law that protected gun...

Read More: 

Three-legged Dog Earns Coveted Master Hunter Title
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Did you know that the American Kennel Club (AKC) offers various titles for 
champion hunting dogs? Furthermore, did you know that one of the recent 
recipients for the coveted title of "Master Hunter" was a six-year-old, 
three-legged Labrador named Feather? According to the judges, she may run...

Read More: 

First Reported Case of CWD in Europe
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
It seems that chronic wasting disease (CWD) may have finally jumped across the 
ocean. Primarily a disease that is found in North America, the Chronic Wasting 
Disease Alliance announced earlier this month that CWD was detected in a 
free-range reindeer herd in southern Norway. It is believed to be the...

Read More: 

Graphic Video: There are Safer Ways of Testing Your Laser
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Who does something like this? If you ever see someone you know do something so 
blatantly dangerous, tell them to put down the firearm and re-visit basic gun 
safety. The first---and arguably most important---rule of handling firearms 
safely is that you always point the muzzle in a safe direction. Never,...

Read More: 

OutdoorHub Videos 
Rifle Sights | Rifle 101 
Top Shot Champion Chris Cheng explains for beginner shooters the different 
sights that they may enco 
DIY Wood Burning Backpacking Stove Overview 
Krik of Black Owl Outdoors shows you how to build a highly efficient 
wood-burning backpacking stove  
Kansas II 
Success continues in the Sunflower State for Clay, Skyler, and Clayton. 
Match Play Pointers 
2013 Loyall Pet Food Bird Dog Championships Match Play Pointers from Meriden, 


OutdoorHub News


© 2016, Carbon Media Group

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Tuna Accidentally Swallows Seagull,Should Anglers Worry About the Zika Virus?,Last Minute Gear and Prep for Turkey Season Success

2016-04-21 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Front Page

Video: Tuna Accidentally Swallows Seagull
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
If you spend enough time on the water, you'll get to see all sorts of neat 
things. These anglers at the Port of L'Escala in Spain managed to record this 
video of a tuna swallowing a floating seagull. Apparently it didn't like the 
taste of the bird much, since it spat the confused avian back out several...

Read More: 

Last Minute Gear and Prep for Turkey Season Success
By: Outwrite Outdoors
It’s here! Winter is gone and it’s time to get out into the woods and chase 
longbeards around. Is there any other springtime activity that is more fun than 
turkey hunting? Just any other season, you need to do your pre-hunt prep work. 
It’s also a great reason to go buy some new gear. And who doesn’t...

Read More: 

Senate Passes Energy Bill with Big Benefits for Sportsmen
By: Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
The Senate has just passed a comprehensive energy reform bill that includes key 
conservation provisions to benefit fish, wildlife, and sportsmen’s access. This 
is a true bipartisan achievement that highlights our uniquely American 
conservation values.

“Sportsmen’s groups, including the Theodore...

Read More: 

Video: Two Barrett 50 BMGs Turn Man into Human Gun Turret
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
We can't speak for his accuracy, but this man is handling a lot of serious 
firepower. Shooting just one Barrett M82/M107 is impressive enough, but two at 
the same time? His arms are going to be sore later. To put things in 
perspective, the M82 fires a .50 BMG round (something which was originally 

Read More: 

Quiz: Are You Operator as &%#$?
By: OutdoorHub
Do you think you have what it takes to be a Tier X, Super Delta Alpha operator? 
Do you conduct high-risk, low speed, high drag covert missions, specialize in 
direct action, combat search and rescue, and have the gear to prove it? Well, 
instead of packing on an additional five pounds of accessories on...

Read More: 

Should Anglers Worry About the Zika Virus?
By: OutdoorHub Social
Summer means fishing, and that means putting up with mosquitoes.

The government is sounding the alarm that mosquitoes could rapidly spread the 
dangerous Zika Virus as it moves north from countries south of the border -- 
where it is already causing major problems.

How worried should you be?


Read More: 

Baits VS Lures: Which is More Beneficial?
By: Gina Sanders
Debates among fishing buddies can cover a wide range of topics. There is so 
much to agree or disagree on that much precious time can be lost in 
conversation. One of the many points to discuss when it comes to successful 
angling is which is more beneficial, bait or a lure?

Although it is indisputable...

Read More: 

Video: Australian Politician Makes Stand for Gun Rights
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Shots fired! Australian Senator Ricky Muir recently shared a video of himself 
making an impassioned plea for gun rights, specifically on the issue of 12 
gauge lever-action shotguns. Australia is already well known for its tough 
stance on gun control, especially after the Port Arthur massacre in 1996

Read More: 

OutdoorHub Videos 
Persistence Pays Off - CO Elk 
Adam Wells heads into the high country of Colorado as his patience and 
persistence are put to the te 
Bald Eagle's Second Egg Hatches! 
The second egg in the bald eagles' nest hatches! 

Tuna Accidentally Swallows Seagull,Should Anglers Worry About the Zika Virus?,Last Minute Gear and Prep for Turkey Season Success

2016-04-21 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Front Page

Video: Tuna Accidentally Swallows Seagull
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
If you spend enough time on the water, you'll get to see all sorts of neat 
things. These anglers at the Port of L'Escala in Spain managed to record this 
video of a tuna swallowing a floating seagull. Apparently it didn't like the 
taste of the bird much, since it spat the confused avian back out several...

Read More: 

Last Minute Gear and Prep for Turkey Season Success
By: Outwrite Outdoors
It’s here! Winter is gone and it’s time to get out into the woods and chase 
longbeards around. Is there any other springtime activity that is more fun than 
turkey hunting? Just any other season, you need to do your pre-hunt prep work. 
It’s also a great reason to go buy some new gear. And who doesn’t...

Read More: 

Senate Passes Energy Bill with Big Benefits for Sportsmen
By: Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
The Senate has just passed a comprehensive energy reform bill that includes key 
conservation provisions to benefit fish, wildlife, and sportsmen’s access. This 
is a true bipartisan achievement that highlights our uniquely American 
conservation values.

“Sportsmen’s groups, including the Theodore...

Read More: 

Video: Two Barrett 50 BMGs Turn Man into Human Gun Turret
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
We can't speak for his accuracy, but this man is handling a lot of serious 
firepower. Shooting just one Barrett M82/M107 is impressive enough, but two at 
the same time? His arms are going to be sore later. To put things in 
perspective, the M82 fires a .50 BMG round (something which was originally 

Read More: 

Quiz: Are You Operator as &%#$?
By: OutdoorHub
Do you think you have what it takes to be a Tier X, Super Delta Alpha operator? 
Do you conduct high-risk, low speed, high drag covert missions, specialize in 
direct action, combat search and rescue, and have the gear to prove it? Well, 
instead of packing on an additional five pounds of accessories on...

Read More: 

Should Anglers Worry About the Zika Virus?
By: OutdoorHub Social
Summer means fishing, and that means putting up with mosquitoes.

The government is sounding the alarm that mosquitoes could rapidly spread the 
dangerous Zika Virus as it moves north from countries south of the border -- 
where it is already causing major problems.

How worried should you be?


Read More: 

Baits VS Lures: Which is More Beneficial?
By: Gina Sanders
Debates among fishing buddies can cover a wide range of topics. There is so 
much to agree or disagree on that much precious time can be lost in 
conversation. One of the many points to discuss when it comes to successful 
angling is which is more beneficial, bait or a lure?

Although it is indisputable...

Read More: 

Video: Australian Politician Makes Stand for Gun Rights
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Shots fired! Australian Senator Ricky Muir recently shared a video of himself 
making an impassioned plea for gun rights, specifically on the issue of 12 
gauge lever-action shotguns. Australia is already well known for its tough 
stance on gun control, especially after the Port Arthur massacre in 1996

Read More: 

OutdoorHub Videos 
Persistence Pays Off - CO Elk 
Adam Wells heads into the high country of Colorado as his patience and 
persistence are put to the te 
Bald Eagle's Second Egg Hatches! 
The second egg in the bald eagles' nest hatches! 

Video: Giant Whale Breaches Just Feet From a Dock, How Smart is Your Hunting Dog? Find Out With This Dog IQ Test

2016-05-06 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Chevy Silverado

Front Page

What You Need to Know About The Gulf Coast Lionfish Invasion
By: OutdoorHub Social
Upon visiting an aquarium, you may have seen a striped, spiny fish residing 
there. This fish, known overall as a lionfish, is actually one of two different 
species, those being the Red Lionfish and Devil Firefish. Due to being 
interesting to look at, these fish have become a popular attraction in both...

Read More: 

Video: Giant Whale Breaches Just Feet From a Dock
By: OutdoorHub Social
Breaching whales can be a majestic site, but they it can be a little unnerving 
when it happens in a tiny harbor next to your boat.

Cy Williams, a boat captain at Strike Zone Sportfishing, captured this 
unbelievable video in a small Ketchikan, Alaska harbor. The whale, which was in 
search of food,...

Read More: 

How Smart is Your Hunting Dog? Find Out With This Dog IQ Test
By: OutdoorHub Social
It is a common tendency among hunters to take pride in our dogs. Whether it is 
their conformation or breeding, we strive to breed and hunt with the best of 
the best. Another part of a superb dog, however, is intelligence.

We’ve all had a dog in our time that may not have been firing on all of its...

Read More: 

Video: Testing Liquid Potassium and Sodium Bullets in Water
By: OutdoorHub Social
In case you didn't already know Group I metals like Potassium and Sodium react 
violently when introduced to water.

With that being said what happens when you fill the end of a hollow point 
bullet with one of these reactive metals? The video bellow shows you all of 
those explosive details in slow...

Read More: 

OutdoorHub Videos 
Lake Guntersville Showdown 
Team Martin vs. Team Tharp in this Lake Guntersville showdown. Someone catches 
a giant G-Vill Bass. 
Choosing A Broadhead 
Here are the differences between two of the most popular types of broadheads - 
the fixed and expanda 
American Elements Trailer - Cameron Hanes 
Who exactly is Cameron Hanes? Get the story behind the intense drive of this 
hardcore, backcountry b 
Hide & Seek 
Ty resorts to his layout blind to hunt gobblers in the middle of fields! This 
is an exciting and inn 


OutdoorHub News


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Video: Curious Alligator Attempts to Ring Home’s Bell, New Subscription Ammo Service Sends You Rounds Every Month

2016-05-09 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Front Page

Video: Curious Alligator Attempts to Ring Home’s Bell
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
This is not something you see every day.

Alligators do not exactly have a reputation for curiosity, but these scaly 
creatures can exhibit bizarre behavior when out of water. According to WPTZ, 
last Monday an alligator crawled up to a home in Moncks Corner, South Carolina, 
and attempted to ring the...

Read More: 

New Subscription Ammo Service Sends You Rounds Every Month
By: OutdoorHub Social
By now, you have surely heard of at least one monthly subscription service that 
sends you fruit, shaving supplies, or collectibles every month. These kind of 
subscription services are highly popular, and have been for years. That is why 
two men from Pennsylvania have decided to start their own business...

Read More: 

Infographic: How to Survive a Venomous Snake Bite in North America
By: OutdoorHub Social
In North America alone, there are over 8000 snake bites every year. Whether 
these snake bites are provoked or whether the snakes were accidentally 
disturbed, we believe it is important to be able to identify which snake will 
leave you with a potentially deadly bite or just a painful nip.


Read More: 

Poacher Shoots Hunters’ Turkeys, Throws Bird at Them
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Two hunters hoping to bag some turkeys in York County, Pennsylvania last week 
were instead involved in an absurd confrontation with a poacher after they were 
nearly shot while setting up decoys. According to the Pennsylvania Game 
Commission, the hunters were in a private field near Rooster Lane in Conewago...

Read More: 

Springfield Armory Released Limited Edition Chris Kyle 1911
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Springfield Armory announced earlier this week that it will be honoring the 
memory of famed US Navy SEAL Chris Kyle with a limited run of 1911 TRP pistols 
collectively called the Legend Series. Kyle, who is perhaps better known for 
his expertise with rifles, carried a Springfield Armory TRP on occasion...

Read More: 

OutdoorHub Videos 
Deer Hunting - Planting Food Plots 2015 
Food plots play a big role in our success at Team Radical. It takes a lot of 
time/effort to make it  
Black Death 
Michael is in Africa hunting plains-game as well as the cape buffalo. 


OutdoorHub News


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Video: Curious Alligator Attempts to Ring Home’s Bell, Surefire Tactics for Hunting Turkeys

2016-05-10 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Yeti Tough Jobs

Front Page

Video: Opossum Gets Loose On Baseball Diamond, Commentators Have a Field Day
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
A ball game between LSU and Arkansas was interrupted in the 7th inning by a 

The opossum distraction was funny by itself, but the commentary from the 
announcers will make you laugh out loud. The commentators opossum knowledge is 
on full display as they discuss the best ways to eat and capture...

Read More: 

New Subscription Ammo Service Sends You Rounds Every Month
By: OutdoorHub Social
By now, you have surely heard of at least one monthly subscription service that 
sends you fruit, shaving supplies, or collectibles every month. These kind of 
subscription services are highly popular, and have been for years. That is why 
two men from Pennsylvania have decided to start their own business...

Read More: 

Video: Curious Alligator Attempts to Ring Home’s Bell
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
This is not something you see every day.

Alligators do not exactly have a reputation for curiosity, but these scaly 
creatures can exhibit bizarre behavior when out of water. According to WPTZ, 
last Monday an alligator crawled up to a home in Moncks Corner, South Carolina, 
and attempted to ring the...

Read More: 

9 Topnotch Turkey Calls
By: OutdoorHub Social
During any given day in the turkey woods, you can never tell which call will 
turn on a longbeard and bring him strutting – or running – into your ambush. 
For that reason, it makes sense to stack the odds in your favor by carrying a 
wide selection of turkey calls every time you head afield. Here are...

Read More: 

Video: Hunters Use Ax to Save Antler-locked, Drowning Deer
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Live, antler-locked deer are an uncommon sight for hunters, but they frequently 
have the courtesy to be on dry land for outdoorsmen looking to lend a hand. In 
the video below, hunter Charlie Anderson and his son Adam came across an 
antler-locked buck struggling with its deceased opponent in what appears...

Read More: 

Surefire Tactics for Hunting Turkeys
By: OutdoorHub Social
It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginning turkey hunter or if you’ve been 
pursuing longbeards for several decades, one fact remains true: knowledge is 
power. The more you understand wild turkey behavior, the better chance you have 
of tying your tag to a gobbler.

One great place to start learning...

Read More: 

Tactics for Catching Big Spring Bass
By: OutdoorHub Social
There are many things to love about spring, but for anglers who target bass, 
one of the best is their favorite fish moves shallow to find warmer water to 
feed and then spawn. To help you prepare for this upcoming fishing season, 
check out the bass fishing section on Cabela’s Tackle Shop. Here, you’ll...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
Riley Miller 
Gary recaps past great hunts with J. Martin Basinger and Riley Miller. 
After stumbling twice, this horse had one of the most memorable Kentucky Derby 
runs of all time and  
High's and Low's 
Join us on three exciting turkey hunts that are full of high's and low's. Jeff 
and Brett have five l 
The Big 8 
Team Outback Outdoors starts on their 2013 whitetail run and Trevon is joined 
by his dad in the tree 

Video: Turkey Hunter Nearly Trampled by Black Bear, Does Facebook Suppress Gun, Hunting News Based on Political Bias?

2016-05-11 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Yeti Tough Jobs

Front Page

Video: Turkey Hunter Nearly Trampled by Black Bear
By: Dave Maas
During the past 3 decades, I’ve seen my share of interesting woodland creatures 
while turkey hunting. Once in South Texas, I watched a bobcat wait – belly on 
the ground – for 30 minutes along a two-track while a half-dozen wild turkeys 
slowly fed its way. And when one of the jakes was only 10 feet...

Read More: 

Leaping Sturgeon Knocks Out Florida Angler
By: OutdoorHub Social
An Alachua man was injured Saturday by a jumping sturgeon on the Suwannee River.

62-year-old  Ronald Dick was in a fishing tournament just up river from Manatee 
Springs when a 4- to 5-foot sturgeon leapt out of the water and into the boat, 
striking the man, knocking him unconscious, according to...

Read More: 

Video: Will a Marshmallow Peep Prevent an AR from Firing?
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
By now you have probably seen video of AK's firing with their internals covered 
in food, but how will an AR-15 hold up?

AR pattern rifles have much tighter tolerances than AK pattern rifles. These 
tight tolerances give the platform greater accuracy, but the introduction of 
foreign material can more...

Read More: 

Opinion: Does Facebook Suppress Gun, Hunting News Based on Political Bias?
By: Daniel Xu
Where do you get your news? If you are like one of millions of Facebook users, 
the odds are good that you get a significant portion of your news straight from 
Facebook, and that is precisely why a recent article from Gizmodo may have 
troubling indications. After conducting a series of interviews with...

Read More: 

Obama Names the Bison as the US National Mammal
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Move over bald eagle, you just got competition. On Monday President Barack 
Obama signed the National Bison Legacy Act, a bipartisan bill that recognizes 
the cultural, historic, and economical importance of the North American bison. 
The bill also declares the bison as the national mammal of the United...

Read More: 

The 5 Most Embarrassing Gun Quotes from Politicians
By: Daniel Xu
Some politicians just don't get guns. By that, we mean they don't understand 
them---at all. They don't use the right technical terms, they don't know how to 
properly operate firearms, and perhaps worst of all, they seem to think what 
they see in the movies is real. This can lead to some highly embarrassing...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
Matt's in Mexico 
Follow host, Matt Moore, on his first bowhunt to Old Mexico. Witness several 
monster "brush-country" 
Food Plots 
Be strategic when it comes to planting your deer food plot. 
Window Your Own Magazine! 
In this video, I demonstrate how to window your own Hexmag with just 10 rounds!
Cameron Hanes 
Who exactly is Cameron Hanes? Get the story behind the intense drive of this 
hardcore, backcountry b 


OutdoorHub News


© 2016, Carbon Media Group

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Very Rare Grizzly-Polar Bear Hybrid Harvested in Canada; First Ride: Bad Boy Off Road Stampede 900 4x4

2016-05-20 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Yeti Tough Jobs

Front Page

Very Rare Grizzly-Polar Bear Hybrid Harvested in Canada
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
This is no albino grizzly. Experts say that a hunter in Nunavut recently shot 
and killed a very rare grizzly-polar bear hybrid near the rural community of 
Arviat. The hunter, 25-year-old Didji Ishalook, was the first to notice that 
the animal he downed had characteristics of both species.

“It looks...

Read More: 

First Ride: Bad Boy Off Road Stampede 900
By: Derrek Sigler
Bad Boy is no stranger to the hunting community. Under the Bad Boy Buggies 
flag, they were known for the electric, camo-clad side-by-side vehicles made 
famous by my friend Michael Waddell and his partners at Bone Collector. Of 
course, terms such as “golf cart on steroids” have been used to describe...

Read More: 

Airplanes + Archery Gear = Frustrated Hunter? Not Always.
By: Bernie Barringer

I don’t mind driving to a hunting destination. In fact, I’ve driven all over 
North America, and I enjoy seeing new country. In January of this year, I drove 
from Minnesota to Louisville, Kentucky, for the Archery Trade Association show, 
then went south through Alabama, Louisiana and...

Read More: 

The Most Powerful Handgun Cartridge Ever Made?
By: Tom McHale
People often wonder what is the most powerful handgun. The answer is... it 
depends. You can’t simply say that any specific handgun, like the Concussive 
Detonation Eardrum Buster 9000 is the most powerful gun because the power level 
depends on the ammunition you can safely load in it. To split hairs,...

Read More: 

Photo Tip: Use a Moose Shed to Improve Black Bear Trophy Pics
By: Dave Maas
It’s a fact: After a successful hunt, some game animals are easier to 
photograph than others.

A big whitetail buck? No problem. Simply kneel behind the deer (don’t ever sit 
on a harvested animal), roll the buck onto his belly with legs tucked 
underneath, grab an antler with the buck’s head...

Read More: 

The HK SP5K Pistol Is Coming to the USA in 2016
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Heckler & Koch will introduce the new SP5K pistol at the 2016 NRA Annual 
Meeting and Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky. A semi-automatic pistol based 
on the MP5K, the all-new 9 mm SP5K was developed by Heckler & Koch as a 
sporting pistol that matches the look and feel of the famous...

Read More: 

Video: Man “Attacked” by Playful Ocelot
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
YouTube personality Coyote Peterson is well-known for his outdoor antics, but 
while recording for his series Brave Wilderness in Costa Rica, Peterson had a 
rare encounter with a baby ocelot. Also known as “dwarf leopards,” ocelots are 
large cats that are well distributed across South America, Central...

Read More: 

OutdoorHub Videos 
Daniel Murphy, of Stump Munchers and Murphy 4 Trees, meets up with host Ryan 
Van Duzer in the Pennsy 
Cameron Hanes 
Who exactly is Cameron Hanes? Get the story behind the intense drive of this 
hardcore, backcountry b 
The spring turkey season is winding down and the team gets much needed closure 
to a tough season in  
2016 NCHA Super Stakes 
The 2016 National Cutting Horse Association's second leg of the Triple Crown in 
Fort Worth, Texas. 

Bizarre Two-Headed Wild Turkey Caught on Camera; Video: Can 22plinkster Shoot String Off Guitar with Pistol Upside-Down?

2016-06-09 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Cabela's Father's Day Gift Guide

Front Page

Photos: Bizarre Wild Two-headed Turkey Caught on Camera
By: OutdoorHub Social
With the prevalence of the internet, we’ve seen some weird stuff about wild 
turkeys. White-feathered turkeys and bearded and gobbling hens have all been 
captured on camera. However, there might be something even weirder in Omaha, NE!

In early June, my father was visiting his parents at their home...

Read More: 

Video: Can 22plinkster Shoot String Off Guitar with Pistol Upside-Down?
By: Outdoor Hub Staff
The entertainer/shooting enthusiast who goes by the Internet moniker 
“22plinkster” has an entire channel dedicated to seemingly impossible trick 
shots. Here, you can see him using Federal Champion ammo in an attempt to shoot 
a string off of a small guitar while holding his Colt Woodsman pistol 


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Video: The History of Glock
By: Daniel Xu
When it comes to the modern pistol, few brands are as widely known and 
commercially successful as the Glock. Credited for pioneering the use of 
synthetic polymers in the firearm industry, as well as introducing ferritic 
nitrocarburizing, Gaston Glock is a living legend when it comes to firearm 

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Catfish Behind Viral Photo was Poached in Missouri
By: Daniel Xu
Wildlife officials must love social media, especially when it leads to the 
arrests of so many poachers. Common wisdom dictates that when you do something 
illegal, the last thing you would want to do is to document it online, but 
apparently poachers never got the memo. This picture of a massive 83-pound...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
In Search Of Grande 
This is an adventure film about catching one of the most elusive fish in the 
sea. But what it's real 
Marty Daniel 
An in-depth look into the life of Daniel Defense founder Marty Daniel and how 
he built one of the to 
TA Moulton, Backyard, and Championship Saddlebred farm Sunrise Stables 
We visit the TA Moulton Barn in Moose, Wyoming, backyard barn on the North 
Texas Prairie and champio 
Style and Detail 
All of our contenders are hoping they can turn the judges’ heads at this year’s 
event — and many tim 


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Videos: Giant Nerf Gun for Adults; Boat Slides Off Trailer onto Busy Highway

2016-06-24 Thread OutdoorHub
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Front Page

Video: Giant Nerf Gun for Adults
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
In the 1950s and ’60s, cap pistols, then later toy guns that fired small rubber 
erasers or plastic-coated soybeans, kept young boys entertained for hours. When 
mothers finally took notice, safer toys, like the Nerf Gun with its soft-foam 
projectiles sporting suction-cup tips, started showing up on...

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Video: Boat Slides Off Trailer and onto Busy Highway (Warning: Graphic Language)
By: Outdoor Hub Staff
It’s one thing when your boat gets away from you at the launch ramp, but it’s 
an entirely different and more embarrassing story when it happens on a 
four-lane highway.

That’s what happened to the unfortunate owner of this pleasure boat, and to add 
to his public disgrace, another driver just...

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Anti-Gun Group Creates Hoax "NRA" Campaign to "Give Free Guns to Poor"
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Don't believe everything you see online.

A fake news release was circulated Wednesday publicizing an alleged campaign by 
the National Rifle Association and Smith & Wesson titled "Share the Safety" 
which promoted "buy one give one" guns to people in poor communities. The...

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Go Hard at Summer Panfish
By: Dave Maas
During much of the year, successful panfish tactics usually revolve around 
stealthy approaches with live larvae and nymphs, or artificials that move 
little, if at all. Things change, however, when summertime water temps approach 
their peak. Metabolisms shift to overdrive and panfish diets expand to 

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Photos: Groom Bitten by Rattlesnake Snake at Wedding
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Weddings are beautiful events planned around eternal love and the company of 
friends and family while you dedicate yourself to another person. The bride and 
groom are all smiles, and life is grand as happily ever after is about to begin.

Well, that is usually how it goes, but every once in a while...

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Better BBQ this Summer
By: Dave Maas
The scent of smoldering charcoal mixed with the savory aromas of cooked meat 
and vegetables is the definition of summer—or at least the definition of 
summertime pleasure. Most people would agree that the flavor of a steak or 
simple hamburger sprinkled with a bit of salt and pepper and grilled over...

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Jaguar Mascot Shot at Brazilian Olympic Ceremony
By: Gina Sanders
Times are tough in Brazil between the Zika virus, corruption, possible 
presidential impeachment, and economic woes. As if all of the issues were not 
bad enough, now Brazil has to deal with the untimely death of a jaguar after 
appearing at an Olympic event.

Juma, as the animal was named, was not formally...

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Video: Why Dry Firing a Bow is a Bad Idea
By: Daniel Xu
How many times have you heard that dry firing a bow is a bad idea? Odds are, 
you have already been lectured once or twice about this before, and for good 
reason. Bows should always be used with an arrow, and skipping this vital 
component could lead to a dangerous scenario. While dry firing a compound...

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Two Massive Minnesota Fish Records Set on the Same Day
By: Daniel Xu
For two anglers in Minnesota, May 8 2016, happened to be a very special day. 
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced this week that 
Cindy Pawlowski (above) of Frazee and Steven DeMars (below) of Stillwater 
became the first two anglers to catch a record fish in the state's expanded...

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Breaking News: New Game-Changing Trolling Motor from Minn Kota; Video: Painting with Gunpowder

2016-07-06 Thread OutdoorHub
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Breaking News: New Game-Changing Trolling Motor from Minn Kota
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Minn Kota has just released a 40-second video tease showing the new bow-mount 
trolling motor it plans to unveil next week at the 2016 ICAST industry-only 
fishing show.

Anyone who is familiar with bow-mount trolling motors, and specifically those 
offered by Minn Kota, can quickly see by watching this...

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FWC Offers Grants to Encourage High School Fishing
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
We all want to see our children find something they love to do that will allow 
them to grow and thrive. Since the interests of each individual can vary 
widely, it is important to provide opportunities that cater to every taste. 
That is where fishing comes into play.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation...

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Teen Angler Catches Rare Golden Piebald Tarpon in Florida
By: Daniel Xu
When it comes to sheer odds, catching a golden piebald tarpon is about as rare 
as it gets. Catching one that weighs more than 100 pounds? Well, that'll get 
your name into some tall tales for years to come. According to Flyliner 
Charters, 16-year-old Will Chapman caught this large golden tarpon while...

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Video: Gun vs. Bow Accuracy Test
By: Daniel Xu
This is an age-old matchup that the bow probably hasn't won since muzzleloaders 
were invented. Just don't let any amateur historians catch you saying that, or 
they might be liable to chew your ear off with all the reasons why it wasn't 
until much later that firearms truly surpassed bows in modern warfare.


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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Tennessee Country Rapper Smo Talks Music and Guns
By: OutdoorHub Social
We got a chance to chat with country rapper Smo this week. While we were 
chatting he was driving to a 4th of July mudding festival. You can read the 
interview and watch his new video below.

OutdoorHub:  Hey, great to have you on the phone. Let’s start by talking about 
the new vieo "We The...

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INFOGRAPHIC: Concealed Carry 101
By: Outdoor Hub Staff
Before you start carrying a concealed pistol there are several important things 
you need to take into consideration. If even one of those things is off, you 
could be facing a big issue.

Ultimately the decision to concealed carry may even require a lifestyle change 
– not only do you need to consider...

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22plinkster Video: Celebrating Independence Day with a Henry .22LR and 100 
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
With America’s birthday upon us, what better way to celebrate the land of the 
free and the home of the brave than with a Henry .22LR Carbine and 100 
balloons? In the video below, popular YouTube shooter 22plinkster does just 

As the Star-Spangled Banner is played on a guitar nearby, balloons...

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Video: Painting with Gunpowder
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Wood burning art has come more and more to the forefront over the years as 
technology has improved and ideas have developed, but you would be hard-pressed 
to find something like what Danny Shervin is doing.

Shervin, who is from Jackson Hole, Wyoming, is the artist behind Paint with 
Gunpowder, where...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
Meet Chris, one tough Boston ironworker. You won’t believe the grueling tasks 
he has to accomplish e 
Engine Block Ballistic Gel Test 
I poured ballistic gel into the cylinders of an engine block and shot them with 
four different round 

Video: Billfish Chases Crew Member Out of Boat; Court Rules that Machine Guns are Not Protected by Second Amendment

2016-07-07 Thread OutdoorHub
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Video: Billfish Chases Crew Member Right Out of the Boat
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
A “green” billfish coming over the side of the boat and wreaking havoc on the 
deck is no joke, and it happens more often than you might think.

Plenty of fishing rods, coolers, fish boxes – and more than a few human legs – 
have been smashed by a thrashing swordfish or marlin that invited itself...

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Tiger Shark Pups Seen on Sonogram
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
It is pretty common for expectant mothers to get an ultrasound of their unborn 
babies before leaving the doctor’s office with a sonogram picture of their 
developing offspring. What is not so common, however, is for that mother to be 
a tiger shark having her ultrasound done at sea.

James Sulikowski,...

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How State Agencies Estimate Deer Populations
By: Bernie Barringer
Like me, no doubt you have marveled at the numbers being thrown about by state 
game agencies when it comes to their deer populations and harvest management 
objectives. One state agency might say they have 1 million deer and 3 years 
later they say they have 875,000. Another state might say they have 480,000,...

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Montana Bear Kills Mountain Biker
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
It’s a fact that we have to share nature with dangerous animals. Whether it is 
by land or by sea, there could come a time when we run across a creature that 
is wired in such a way that it does not want us around.

Sadly, 38-year-old Brad Treat lost his life just outside of Glacier National 
Park in...

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Minnesota Muskie Angler Lands Potential State Record
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Fourth of July excitement usually centers on entertaining parades and dazzling 
fireworks displays. But for Andrew Slette of Hawley, Minnesota, it came in the 
form of a giant muskie.

Hawley was fishing with a friend on Pelican Lake in Otter Tail County, July 2, 
when the giant fish hit his black, battle-scarred...

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Video: Man Takes Jumping Carp to the Face
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Mishaps are a part of fishing. You never know when things will go awry during 
your attempts at reeling in a big one. All we can hope is to be confronted with 
comedy instead of tragedy.

One endless source of mishaps is the carp. Though there are many reasons carp 
jump, such as to regulate air in their...

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Texas Game Wardens Find Large-Scale Illegal Marijuana Operation
By: OutdoorHub Social
On June 29, the Menard County Sheriff’s Office and Texas Game Wardens served an 
evidentiary search warrant on a ranch in eastern Menard County that was 
conducting an alleged illegal large-scale marijuana growing operation. Texas 
Game Wardens initially spotted the marijuana while conducting an aerial...

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Connecticut Town Menaced by Fake Gator
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
It is always good to be cautious around unfamiliar animals regardless of 
whether they are domesticated or wild. There is no telling how a strange animal 
might behave, especially one with which you are unaccustomed and that is not 
native to your area.

As the townspeople of Suffield, Connecticut, recently...

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Video: Priceless Reaction After 8-Year-Old Boy Fires AR-15 for the First Time
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Matthew Breuer from Northcountry Guide Service & Promotions, and Jared 
Hinton, PR Coordinator from Vista Outdoor, took their families shooting this 
spring. Matt's 8-year-old son, Tate, shot an AR-15 for the first time. He was 
shooting American Eagle 55-gr FMJ in .223. You can hear the steel targets...

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Video: Drone Captures Live Strike of Monster Pike; Former Boxer Knocks Out Black Bear in Self Defense

2016-07-08 Thread OutdoorHub
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Drone Captures Live Strike from Monster Pike
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Technology is advancing every day, allowing us to see things in ways we have 
never seen before. These advances are perfect for turning ordinary and 
unremarkable fishing videos into something you’ll want to watch over and over 

Fishing videos in the past have had us glued to the television...

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Pl@ntNet is like Shazam for Plants
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Pl@ntNet is a new app that was developed by scientists from four French 
research organizations – Cirad, INRA, Inria and IRD – and the Tela Botanica 
network. The free app helps identify plant species from photographs through the 
help of visual recognition software. The app uses species that are well...

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Videos: Three Quick Reminders That Hot Brass Hurts
By: OutdoorHub Social
Getting burned by hot brass sucks.

It doesn't matter how tough you are, getting burned by hot brass sucks. These 
three videos show that no one is immune to the pains of hot brass. The only 
defense against hot brass is proper shooting attire and a little situational 
awareness. Try and keep those two...

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Elephant Flips Over Safari Jeep with Driver Inside
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
An elephant from the Maputo Game Reserve, South Africa, was filmed tipping over 
a truck while the driver was still sitting inside. The driver, Rudie Swanepoel, 
owner of Game Africa Estates, posted photos of his truck after the incident, 
which showed heavy damage and what appeared to be part of a tusk.


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‘Crawlers + Channel Catfish = Summer Fun
By: Dave Maas
In many small rivers throughout North America, channel cats are plentiful and – 
even better – they’re often willing biters. And unlike sunfish and crappies, 
which are also numerous and fairly easy to catch, channel cats grow large 
enough to test the strength and endurance of most any angler.


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Summer Camping: Winning the Mosquito Wars
By: Kurt Beckstrom
Few things can take the fun out of your camping trip quicker than a whining, 
biting swarm of mosquitoes descending upon the campsite—and your unfortunate 

No preventive measure can guarantee a bite-free experience, but there are 
things you can do to keep the itch-factor at a minimum.


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Rock Avalanche Collapses Alaskan Mountainside
By: Gina Sanders
Mountainous peaks reaching upward toward the sky are a sight to behold. Taking 
in the beauty of such scenery can be incredibly relaxing, provided there is no 
sound to accompany it. However, if you begin to hear a dull roar, things are 
about to change.

The rumblings of an avalanche are the first indicator...

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Maryland Natural Resources Police Officer Photobombed by Bear
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
When you’re out and about enjoying nature, sometimes you find yourself 
unexpectedly sharing space with wild animals. If you’re lucky, you just might 
be able to share the video screen with them – from afar, of course – just as 
one Maryland Natural Resources Police Officer did recently.


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Video: This Test Shooting of FOG Ammunition Will Put You in a Trance
By: Daniel Xu
Have you ever been put in a trance by the sound of a .223 round hitting a steel 
plate? This video from FOG Ammunition seems to do the trick. Here, Justin from 
Holt Works tests out FOG's .223 55-grain FMJ, and there is just something very 
zen about the combination of a rifle report, bullet hitting...

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Must-See Video: G-force Snaps Hang Glider Mid-Air; Video: Massive Whale Shark Defecates on Diver

2016-07-12 Thread OutdoorHub
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Front Page

Must-See Video: G-force Snaps Hang Glider Mid-Air
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Extreme sports are not for the faint of heart. Watching from the ground can be 
heart-stopping enough, but actually participating requires as special amount of 
gusto, especially when you factor in the danger involved.

During the Ekstremsportveko show in Voss, Norway, spectators were able to see 

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EPIRB Law Goes into Effect in Florida
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Running into problems at sea can be deadly. When catastrophic failure strikes 
and your boat is sinking fast, there is not always time to think, let alone 
act. Ideally you will manage to radio a mayday and put on lifesaving gear, but 
sadly there are no guarantees, and many families have been faced with...

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Missouri Angler Catches State Record White Crappie
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
It may not be the biggest fish caught in Missouri this year, but a 15.5-inch 
white crappie was recently confirmed as the state's latest record fish. Caught 
by Austin Campbell of Harrisonville, the crappie weighed 2 pounds and 1 ounce, 
roughly 12 ounces heavier than the previous state record. Campbell...

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Video: Watch This Hunter Bag Virginia's New Record Gobbler
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Did someone say seven beards? 22-year-old Dustin Plummer has been hunting since 
age 5, but he had never seen anything like this gobbler until he encountered it 
during a turkey hunt in April. Sporting not one, or two, or three beards, the 
turkey he ended up bagging had an amazing set of no less than...

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Video: Rescuing a Water-Logged Raccoon
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Anything described as looking like a “drowned rat” conjures visions of someone 
who’s pitiful and pathetic, and in need of a friend. After watching this video, 
you might agree that this young raccoon is the new definition for that state of 

The crew of a sailboat at anchor on July 4 noticed...

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Buying and Selling Firearms Part 6: Straw Purchases
By: Tom McHale
Straw purchases are one of the main ways that criminals acquire firearms, 
they’re illegal, and you need to know what they are, so that you don’t become 
involved in one yourself.

A straw purchase is one in which one Person “A” buys a firearm for Person “B”, 
at Person “B’s” request

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5 Simple Steps for Keeping Cooler Foods Cool
By: Kurt Beckstrom
Keeping your cooler foods and beverages cool over a weekend camping, fishing or 
hunting trip is sometimes a challenge. But there are things you can do that 
will help everything stay cooler, longer.

Here are five simple steps that will optimize your cooler’s efficiency, and 
keep your food fresher...

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Video: Massive Whale Shark Defecates on Diver
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
The whale shark, the sole member of the rhincodon genus, has roughly a 70-year 
lifespan and is known to grow up to about 40 feet in length. The largest ever 
caught was a 41.5 footer that had a 23-foot girth and weighed 37,000 pounds.

The largest of all fish is a filter feeder, gathering plankton into...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
Louisiana Saturday Night 
This week on Turkey Call we're in Louisiana with NWTF Biologist, Luke Lewis, 
and Gary Vincent as Luk 
Gator Grab 
In Mississippi, finding a gator is one thing, catching a LARGE gator is 

Video: Can a Near Miss from a .50 BMG Still Hurt You?

2016-07-14 Thread OutdoorHub
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Front Page

Video: Can a Near Miss from a .50 BMG Still Hurt You?
By: Daniel Xu
Regardless of your opinion on the .50 BMG, we can all agree that the round has 
a monstrous reputation. How many times have you heard that this titanic round 
could take off a limb, hit clean through tank armor, or kill you without even 
directly hitting you? With all the talk around it, this rifle cartridge...

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Officials: Pokemon GO May Lead to Increased Wildlife Encounters
By: Daniel Xu
Unless you've had your head in the sand for the last couple of days, you may 
have noticed a new type of "hunter" around town. Specifically, these hunters 
are younger, often travel in groups, and always have a smartphone in their 
hands. Sometimes they also don't seem to be too aware of their...

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Video: Pro Anglers Perform Amazing Feats of Accuracy
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Watching an elite-level bass fishing tournament on television can show you how 
well top anglers know how to catch fish, but it doesn’t give you a true sense 
of the mad skills these guys have to develop in order to get to the top.

Fortunately, this Facebook video showing 2016 Bassmaster Classic Champion...

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Northern Guns: 8 Canada-exclusive Firearms You Won't Find Stateside
By: Edward Osborne
Living as a firearms owner in the Great White North means having to deal with 
silly gun laws. It means having to apply for permits, registering some firearms 
and not others, and limiting some magazines and not others. It means that you 
can only shoot your handguns at a range, and that the guns your grandfather...

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Video: Smallmouth Bass Blitz on the Fly
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Mention fly fishing and the mind immediately conjures visions of making long, 
flawless casts to Wyoming cutthroats, Pennsylvania brown trout or big brookies 
in Labrador.

In this video posted on the Lake Country Angler Facebook page, however, noted 
fly fisherman Mickey Johnson illustrates that you...

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US Army Vet Saves Bald Eagle by Shooting the Fishing Line Keeping It Trapped
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
How good are your sharpshooting skills? Are you good enough to shoot a piece of 
fishing line 70 feet up in a tree, blowing in the wind, without hitting a young 
bald eagle attached to it? For most people, that would be a tall task, but for 
U.S. Army Veteran Jason Galvin, it was just Friday.


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OutdoorHub Videos 
Thrash to SuperRigs 
With an established plan of attack, each of our teams buckle down and get to 
work, making sure they  
Pork and Puppies 
Maggie has had puppies! Visit with the new puppies and the rest of our animals 
as we check in on eve 
Bowfishing with Cajun 
Bowfishing with my Cajun Bowfishing Brethren all over the south!!! And you get 
to meet my Bowfishing 
Best Fishing Trip Ever - How to Fish Rainy Lake for Big Smallmouth Bass 
Scott & FLW Tournament Director, Bill Taylor, vs. FLW Vice President, Patterson 
Leeth, & Andy Young  


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Video: Wild Boar Emerges from Sea then Chases Beachgoers; Video: First Look at New M&P45 Shield

2016-07-25 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Chevy Silverado

Front Page

Video: Wild Boar Emerges from Sea then Chases Beachgoers
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
It is fairly unsurprising to see weird things washing up on the beach. A walk 
down the shoreline at low tide will often reveal things you never expected. 
Having a wild boar emerge from the sea, however, is a bit surprising by most 

Beachgoers in Karwia, Poland, got quite the surprise during...

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Video: Manatee Tries to Steal Stand Up Paddle Board
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
A widely enjoyed water activity is stand up paddle boarding. So enjoyable is it 
that everyone wants to get in on the fun, even unlikely participants such as 

On a recent paddle boarding excursion in Jupiter, Florida, Celine Chasteen had 
an up close and personal manatee encounter. At one point...

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Airbow Faces Pending Regulation Changes in Maryland
By: Gina Sanders
If you’re planning to set out on a hunt in Maryland this fall, there are few 
things to consider beforehand. This is because new regulations could require a 
change in plans if you are looking to use a Benjamin Pioneer Airbow.

At the heart of the issue is how this weapon will be classified. Even though...

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Video: Epic Boat Launch Fails in Alaska
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Anyone who’s launched or retrieved a fishing boat in wind and waves can 
sympathize with these guys. Water coming over the transom can swamp you. Or, 
worse, the boat goes broadside against the beach.

It’s usually only an occasional challenge in most places, but not on Alaska’s 
Cook Inlet, where...

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Florida Diver Removes Nearly 700 Poisonous Lionfish
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
The Florida Lionfish Challenge is a contest to remove the most invasive 
lionfish from local waterways. One Florida man, David Garrett, has a clear lead 
in the contest with 684 caught to date. Impressively, David Garrett managed to 
remove all of those lionfish in less than 3 months.

As part of the...

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Camping Tip: Make Good Coffee the Cowboy Way
By: Kurt Beckstrom
If you’re like most campers I know, the first thing on your mind upon zipping 
open the tent door just before full sunlight is a cup of dark, strong and hot 

How you concoct your camp’s morning brew is a matter of preference, and in fact 
there are many methods from which to choose—from...

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Massachusetts Attorney General Cracks Down on 'Copycat Assault Weapons'
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey recently announced that her office 
will be stepping up enforcement of the state's current assault weapons ban. To 
this end, a letter was sent to every gun retailer and manufacturer in 
Massachusetts, advising them that additional scrutiny will be placed on...

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Video: What Happens When a Musk Ox Gets Angry at a Rock
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Musk oxen have a reputation for being dim-witted and thick-skulled, but with 
their powerful build and dangerous looking horns, this is not one animal you 
want to get irate. Like many other animals during the rut, male musk ox are 
ready to fight just about anything, even inanimate objects. Wildlife...

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Video: First Look at the New M&P45 Shield
By: OutdoorHub Social
Smith & Wesson is releasing a new version of their popular carry pistol 
chambered in .45 ACP.

The M&P45 Shield trades a little bit larger size for a lot more stopping 
power. The .45 measures in at Length – 6.45″, Width – 1.05″ , Height – 4.88″ 
VS. the 9mm's 6.1″, Width...

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Melting Permafrost Thaws Dead Reindeer Causing Deadly 'Zombie Anthrax' Outbreak

2016-08-05 Thread OutdoorHub
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Melting Permafrost Thaws Dead Reindeer Causing Deadly 'Zombie Anthrax' Outbreak
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Climate change has been impacting Earth for a long time, but this is certainly 
one of the bizarre side-effects of global warming. In Russia, what sounds like 
the beginning of a Hollywood zombie thriller is becoming a real life issue.

Conditions that are melting Arctic permafrost are revealing carcasses...

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Most Decorated Female Olympic Shooter Speaks Out for Gun Rights
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
In her own words, five-time Olympic medal winner Kim Rhode said that shooting 
trap and skeet is as natural as walking. That is the sort of comment that one 
expects from the most decorated U.S. female shooter in the history of the 
Olympic games, but in a recent interview with NPR, Rhode made some comments...

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Video: How Bulletproof is Wood?
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
If you said not very, you would be right on the money. Anybody who has ever 
shot a board will tell you that wood is about as bulletproof as a wet towel. 
After all, there's a reason that nobody carries heavy wooden shields into 
battle anymore. However, that's just one board on its own. What about a 

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Birthday Fishing Trip Yields Lifetime Double-Catch
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Some of the greatest stories in fishing involve getting a two-for-one deal. It 
may be rare, but it does happen, and it recently happened on an epic scale to 
Alaska resident Dick Wyland.
For his upcoming 84th birthday, Wyland’s wife gave him a guided fishing trip 
aboard Seldovia Fishing Adventures

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Video: Teenager Makes Friends With Deer Family
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Take a minute to think about all the extremes you go to preparing for your 
hunts. Alarm goes off at 4 a.m., jump in the shower to wash off your human 
scent, next, put on multiple layers of scent and moisture wicking clothing to 
prevent bringing any unfamiliar smells with you in the woods. Finally, just...

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7 Freaky Examples of "Cactus Buck" Syndrome
By: Daniel Xu
Is that a cactus growing out of that buck's head?

Hunters who have never seen a so-called "cactus buck" may be utterly bewildered 
the first time they spot one of these strange deer. These bucks show no 
interest in mating, sometimes have the body of a doe, and perhaps most notably, 
have cactus-like...

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Video: T. Rex Was a Heck of a Fly Fisher
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Tyrannosaurus rex may have been one of the apex predators of the late 
Cretaceous period, but we now know that the ancient carnivore was also one heck 
of a fly fisher—despite its rudimentary forelegs.

This specimen was caught on video, posted on the Fly Lords Facebook page, 
catching a sizable channel...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
Chad Mendes 
A hunter at heart, but a killer in the cage. American UFC fighter and world 
ranked featherweight Cha 
TOH Well Armed 
Carly heads out to the Rafter C ranch in Texas to talk with race horse owner 
Bill Casner about the m 
The rut is kicking off and the bucks are beginning to get aggressive. Using a 
decoy this time of yea 
The Whitetail Project Episode 2 
The Dream Chasers are still preparing for the fast approaching deer season. 
Longhorn is sti

Video: Nighttime Hog Hunting Using Thermal Imaging; 2015 Whitetail Deer Season by the Numbers

2016-08-29 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Front Page

Video: Nighttime Hog Hunting Using Thermal Imaging
By: Keenan Crow
Because feral pigs are more active after the sun goes down, hunting wild hogs 
at night is usually your best bet. It’s not easy and presents a wide range of 
challenges, but if you have the right equipment, you will reap the benefits of 
hunting at night, and experience a hunt unlike any other.


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Video: Seal Jumps on Deck to Avoid Killer Whales
By: Keenan Crow
During a family boat ride one evening, this family came across a pod of orcas 
chasing after a seal. The seal swam for its life, and in a desperate attempt to 
escape, it scrambled on the deck of a boat. The family was suddenly right in 
the center of all the action as the whales circled the boat looking...

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Review: Birchwood Casey Universal Rifle Cleaning Kit
By: Rick Sosebee
Having a clean hunting rifle is important, not only for the rifles accuracy, 
but also for peace of mind that it will function properly when called upon. Yet 
when traveling far from home, keeping that rifle in top shape can be an issue 
without a good portable rifle cleaning kit. This is where the Birchwood...

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Camping with Your Canine
By: Kurt Beckstrom
Going camping with your four-legged friend can be an immensely enjoyable 
experience – if your pet is suited to such adventures, that is, and you’ve done 
your homework.

The first thing to consider is whether the pup will be a good campmate. If your 
dog is easily excitable, aggressive, prone to...

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Video: Trail Cam Photos Show Nothing is Wasted in Nature
By: Keenan Crow
First the cougar, then the coyotes and then the birds. That’s the pecking order 
in these woods for an elk carcass that had been found by biologists who were 
doing a survival study. They determined after a necropsy (autopsy for animals,) 
that the elk was killed by cougars. After they retrieved pics...

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2015 Deer Season by the Numbers
By: Outdoor Hub Staff

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OutdoorHub Videos 
Coming in Hot 
Michigan's Early Goose season, high limits and the start of the 3 month 
Women Who Hunt 
Three inspiring women share what it’s like to be female hunters. 
Shooting a Bow with His Teeth 
Tim Farmer is a very proficient archer, both before and after his accident. 
After he lost the use of 
Bowhunting Deer: Knee High - Buck of a Lifetime 2016 
Evan Smith continues his mission to close the deal with a buck he has named 
"Knee High." 


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Must-See Video: Dude Perfect Shotgun Trick Shots; Interview: Jana Waller Talks Hunting, Social Media and Her Favorite Green Bay Packer

2016-08-31 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Front Page

Must-See Video: Dude Perfect Shotgun Trick Shots
By: Keenan Crow
The guys from Dude Perfect are back, and they're joined by the Gould Brothers 
as they try their hands on some shotgun trick shots.

Some of these shots are really incredible, like catching the shell in mid-air 
with the chamber and then shooting the clay before it hits the ground. Who knew 
these guys...

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Video: 17-Foot-Long, 700-Pound Sawfish Looks Prehistoric
By: Keenan Crow
This fishing video is confirmation that dinosaurs do still exist. BlacktipH 
angler Josh Jorgensen hooked into a sawfish that looks like it came from a 
different time period.

Josh knew there was a big fish on the other end of his line after it dragged 
the boat around the water at will. He had an idea...

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Learn to Harvest the Outdoors – Safely!
By: Kurt Beckstrom
Foraging for wild edibles while you’re camping doesn’t mean living entirely off 
the land, but it can add a sense of fulfillment and a bit of fun to your trip. 
And though the thought of popping something you’ve harvested yourself into your 
mouth is somewhat scary, taking the time to properly educate...

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People On Alert After Clowns Attempt to Lure Children into Woods
By: Keenan Crow
Residents of a town in South Carolina are currently living in a real life 
horror movie situation. Reports have been circulating of clowns being spotted 
attempting to lure kids into the woods.

Most of the clown sightings are coming from an apartment complex, where 
children told an officer they had...

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Cyclist in Triathlon Collides with Deer During Race
By: Keenan Crow
Triathlons are tough to begin with, but a competitor in the recent Dublin, 
Ireland, triathlon was faced with a whole new obstacle during his race.

While biking through Phoenix Park, cyclist Shane O’Reilly was struck by a 
fallow deer that apparently was competing in its own track event and 

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Tuesday’s Take Your Best Shot: Archery Early Season Whitetail
By: Dave Maas
Scenario: Whitetail buck staring directly at a bowhunter in a ground blind.

Bow: Mathews Halon bow

Range: 25 yards

Conditions: Overcast; 70 degrees; 10-mph wind, left to right

You have to love North Dakota’s early opener (September 2) for archery deer – 
it’s the perfect match to put...

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Interview: Jana Waller Talks Hunting, Social Media and Her Favorite Green Bay 
By: Outdoor Hub Staff
Editor’s note: This exclusive OutdoorHub interview is one of a many focusing on 
the amazing females who are driving positive changes in the outdoors. Jana 
Waller is one of three diehard hunters featured in CarbonTV’s “Women Who Hunt” 
online special (below). This original “Women Who“ series...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
Women Who Hunt 
Three inspiring women share what it’s like to be female hunters. 
Women Who Shoot 
Three badass women share their passion for firearms and shooting sports. 
Women Who Farm 
Three hardworking women share what it’s like to be female farmers. 
Winning The Buckle 
The Mutton Busters keep their eye on the prize and hold on for dear life. Who 
will be the rodeo cham 


OutdoorHub News


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Video: Tim Wells Spears Big Bear from Above; Review: SilencerCo SWR Radius Rail-Mounted Rangefinder

2016-09-02 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Front Page

Video: Tim Wells Spears Big Bear from Above
By: Keenan Crow
Spear hunting has been around since the dawn of mankind. Recently it has earned 
a bad rap because some people view it as shocking and possibly unethical.

This video is similar to another black bear hunt we’ve seen using a spear with 
a GoPro attached, except this one is filmed from above. Hunter...

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8 Reasons to Extend Your Camping Season
By: Kurt Beckstrom
Labor Day weekend might mark the official end of summer, but there are still 
plenty of good camping days ahead during the next few months, so don’t stow 
your gear just yet.

In fact, fall camping offers a number of advantages that simply aren’t there 
during the warmer months. Here are eight great...

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Michigan DNR Working to Implement Water Trails Across the State
By: Keenan Crow
Michigan is the state of four seasons, and with those seasons, come plenty of 
opportunities for outdoor activities. Known as the Great Lakes State, Michigan 
also has over 11,000 inland lakes, so it should come to no surprise that 
Michiganders like to spend a significant amount of time out on the water.


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This Awesome Poster Hangs Every Fish in North America on Your Wall
By: Keenan Crow
This might be the coolest poster you could hang on your wall. The printing 
company Pop Chart Lab has created a poster that allows you to see every species 
of fish in North America. It’s a must for any fishing fanatic.

There are over 900 species of freshwater fish in North Americas lakes, 

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A Float Trip with Mom
By: Dave Maas
When I was a boy, my dad took me on my first canoeing and camping trip on the 
St. Croix River. Our adventure ignited my love for fishing and exploration. My 
imagination ran wild as we paddled the mysterious backwaters into the woods; it 
seemed an alligator was as likely as anything to snatch my trusty...

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Just in Time for Hunting Season, Blue Bell Reveals New Camo Ice Cream
By: Keenan Crow
If you’re heading to the grocery store at any point this weekend, take a stroll 
down the ice cream isle. (as if you hadn’t already planned on it, am I right?)

If you’re on the hunt for ice cream, but sick of the same old flavors – 
vanilla, chocolate chip, etc.  – then Blue Bell’s new...

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Review: SilencerCo SWR Radius Rail-Mounted Rangefinder
By: Jim Grant
When I was boarding my flight from South Carolina headed all the way across to 
country to New Mexico, I didn’t know exactly what to expect. SilencerCo had 
sent me an invitation to stretch the legs of the newest addition to their 
product lineup: the SWR Radius.

To be honest, I had some reservations...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
Women Who Hunt 
Three inspiring women share what it’s like to be female hunters. 
Women Who Shoot 
Three badass women share their passion for firearms and shooting sports. 
Cameron Hanes 
Who exactly is Cameron Hanes? Get the story behind the intense drive of this 
hardcore, backcountry b 
Meet Chris, one tough Boston ironworker. You won’t believe the grueling tasks 
he has to accomplish e 


OutdoorHub News


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Review: DSD Posturing Buck Decoy; Will YouTube Start Blocking Hunting and Firearms Channels?

2016-09-06 Thread OutdoorHub
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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Front Page

Review: DSD Posturing Buck Decoy
By: Dave Maas
If you’re like me, you love bowhunting whitetails. And in my opinion, there’s 
no method that is more effective – and more fun – than decoying.

While decoying can work during any part of the deer season, the absolute best 
time is the rut, when mature bucks are searching for hot does. Sure,...

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Video: Tim Wells Spears Big Bear from Above
By: Keenan Crow
Spear hunting has been around since the dawn of mankind. Recently it has earned 
a bad rap because some people view it as shocking and possibly unethical.

This video is similar to another black bear hunt we’ve seen using a spear with 
a GoPro attached, except this one is filmed from above. Hunter...

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8 Reasons to Extend Your Camping Season
By: Kurt Beckstrom
Labor Day weekend might mark the official end of summer, but there are still 
plenty of good camping days ahead during the next few months, so don’t stow 
your gear just yet.

In fact, fall camping offers a number of advantages that simply aren’t there 
during the warmer months. Here are eight great...

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This Awesome Poster Hangs Every Fish in North America on Your Wall
By: Keenan Crow
This might be the coolest poster you could hang on your wall. The printing 
company Pop Chart Lab has created a poster that allows you to see every species 
of fish in North America. It’s a must for any fishing fanatic.

There are over 900 species of freshwater fish in North Americas lakes, 

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A Float Trip with Mom
By: Dave Maas
When I was a boy, my dad took me on my first canoeing and camping trip on the 
St. Croix River. Our adventure ignited my love for fishing and exploration. My 
imagination ran wild as we paddled the mysterious backwaters into the woods; it 
seemed an alligator was as likely as anything to snatch my trusty...

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Review: SilencerCo SWR Radius Rail-Mounted Rangefinder
By: Jim Grant
When I was boarding my flight from South Carolina headed all the way across to 
country to New Mexico, I didn’t know exactly what to expect. SilencerCo had 
sent me an invitation to stretch the legs of the newest addition to their 
product lineup: the SWR Radius.

To be honest, I had some reservations...

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Will YouTube Start Blocking Hunting and Firearms Channels?
By: Keenan Crow
YouTube just announced their new guidelines for what content creators can 
monetize, and may have just shot some gun channels right in the foot.

“Content that is considered “not advertiser-friendly” includes, but is not 
limited to:

Sexually suggestive content, including partial nudity and...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
Women Who Hunt 
Three inspiring women share what it’s like to be female hunters. 
Women Who Shoot 
Three badass women share their passion for firearms and shooting sports. 
Practice Makes Perfect 
The Mutton Busters train hard leading up to their big day at the rodeo. Hard 
work and practice help  
Women Who Farm 
Three hardworking women share what it’s like to be female farmers. 


OutdoorHub News


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