High xorg CPU usage with gtk2-engines-oxygen

2011-09-29 Thread Enzo Cappa
I'm having problems with gtk2-engines-oxygen, related to xorg's
process high cpu usage. Also, if that "look and feel" is selected, I
can't use lxappareance, it dies afters trying to change it. This
happens in two different wheezy systems with latest KDE. The last
update (yesterday for me) just made things worse.

Right now I'm using other styles, and my computer is really faster,
especially iceweasel.

If this is more related to GTK, please let me know a I won't bother
you again in this list.


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KDE 4.6 on testing?

2011-06-09 Thread Enzo Cappa
Kde 4.6 on testing? is this true?
Awesome! Thank you Debian kde team!

Re: Unmount of USB Device from Dolphin Fails

2011-05-27 Thread Enzo Cappa
> org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.NotMountedByHal: Device to unmount is not
> in
> /media/.hal-mtab so it is not mounted by HAL
I receive this kind of messages when I mount the pendrive from outside KDE,
I mean, from the command line or from a gnome software, like GIMP.

Hope this helps...

Re: Pregunta

2009-09-28 Thread Enzo Cappa
Esta lista está en inglés, así que en el futuro vas a tener que preguntar en 
Con respecto a tu problema, puede ser que las carpetas que no podés ver tengan 
caracteres como acentos o eñes, y por ello no te aparecen. Tendrías que 
agregar una opción al montarlo o en el fstab para que utilice UTF-8 al 
montarlo. No me acuerdo ahora cual es, por eso no te la paso. En la página de 
ntfs-3g creo que lo comenta en alguna parte.

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Too much memory for Amarok

2009-09-09 Thread Enzo Cappa
Hi! In the "system activities" window (Actividad del sistema in spanish) shows 
that Amarok uses 80 mb + 40 mb shared of RAM. This is normal? It looks like 
too much for me. Maybe it's a problem with my configuration, it's the same 
amount of memory for you? 
I'm using Amarok and KDE from testing.

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Crash on kdesvn

2009-08-12 Thread Enzo Cappa

I have the latest KDE 4 installed from testing, and when I try to open the pop 
up menu for a folder or file in kdesvn doing a right click, the program is 
suddenly closed. 
I don't have the -dev packages installed, so I can't see the stack trace to 
show it, but I would like if someone is having the same issue.


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Re: Removable devices kde 4.2.4

2009-07-28 Thread Enzo Cappa
On Sáb 25 Jul 2009 07:41:40 Bastiaan Naber escribió:
> Hi,
> Don't know if it is just me, but after the last update to kde 4.2.4 my
> removable devices don't show up in Dolphin or in the 'Device Notifier'
> widget anymore.
> Does anyone have the same issue? If so how do I fix it?
> I'm not on the list, a CC would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Bastiaan
It's not just you, the same happened to me yesterday with a update. But today 
it's fixed, maybe because dbus has been updated. 
Try it to, maybe another update fixes it.


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Re: KDE 4.2.4 settings

2009-07-23 Thread Enzo Cappa
On Jue 23 Jul 2009 11:56:32 Goran Dobosevic escribió:
> Hi,
> I'm just install on my virtual box Debian testing/sid and everything is
> just fine accept I don't know where or how to change some KDE 4.2.4
> settings.
> 1. when i go on shutdown there is no more "dragon on the moon" pic. I
> love this dragon, where i can change that pic?
> 2. When I add new widget (app shortcut) on the bar it automatically
> appear behind the clock and I can drug/drop near the "K" button on
> opposite side.
> 3. There is not more KDE Menu Editor, just some app who scan for new app
> but it doesn't scan /opt for example. Does will be in the future some
> menu editor like it was KDE Menu Editor in kde 3.5?
> Thanks for answers.
> --
> Bye,
> Goran Dobosevic
> Hrvatski: www.dobosevic.com
>   English: www.dobosevic.com/en/
For the K menu editor, you have to right click on the K menu icon, and select 
the Menu Editor option.

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Wine apps menu

2009-06-30 Thread Enzo Cappa
I can't find the wine apps menu in kde 4.2.4. Some one else haves the same 

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Re: GTK apps in KDE4

2009-05-19 Thread Enzo Cappa
> I just tried it in KDE4 and it works, I have the same caracters in KDE4 and
> GTK apps. That's what I searched since a long time
I downloaded qtcurve  sources and compiled it, both for QT and GTK, and it 
works. But the setting are not the same for GNOME and KDE applications, and I 
read somewhere that the file dialog of GTK application should be replaced with 
KDE one, but its not my case. 
Any tips to solve it?

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Re: USB flash mounted as root

2009-05-13 Thread Enzo Cappa
> How to choose options of mounting USB flashs pls (user, group, rights :
> read and write, ...) ?

If you mean select that option in graphical interface, I don't know. The only 
way is setting that options in the fstab (/etc/fstab).

In my fstab, I have this line:
/dev/sdb1/mnt/penautouser,noauto,noatime 0 0

Anyway, what kind of filesytem uses the pendrive? I'm pretty sure that in my 
case (a standard VFAT pendrive), is usable form any user. If you don't know, 
following are some tips for understand the fstab and how to configure it.

The first column is the device, the second de mount point, the third the file 
system (leave to auto). In the third one you can set the options you need. 
User means that any user can mount, umount that device, noauto means that the 
device don't have to be mounted on startup, noatime is to don't save de last 
update date on files. You can add UMASK, GID, UID to set the permission over 
files, the owner group of all files and owner user of all files (in the device 
filesystem).  The 0's, just leave like that.

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Re: Not Mouse or Keyboard in login screen

2009-05-11 Thread Enzo Cappa
On Lun 11 May 2009 01:32:16 Guan de dio escribió:
> Well, I'm not sure
> I installed a old Debian etch in the PC and after that I make the
> dist-upgrade to sid branch.
> Apparently the  upgrade was successful, but the mouse and kbd did not make
> nothing in the login.
> I download a new lenny CD to try the installation with a most recent
> brunch. I don't know what is happen
The same happened to me. In my case, the dist-upgrade deleted the xserver-
xorg-input-mouse and xserver-xorg-input-kbd packages. Try to install it 
Good luck!

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Re: Problems with menus in Netbeans and KDE

2009-03-31 Thread Enzo Cappa
I was forzing the netbeans window to be in the desktop n°1, and maximized in
both sizes. Removing that options, all menues works ok. It looks like a KDE
or Java bug using that options.

2009/3/9 Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer 

> El Friday 06 March 2009 11:03:15 Enzo Cappa escribió:
> > Hi! Following is the description of my problem:
> >
> > I use Debian Unstable with KDE 4.2 installed from Experimental.
> >
> > In menus of Netbeans 6.0.1 (installed via apt) I have problems with
> menus.
> > The problems appears when I open a menu and  move the mouse pointer above
> > it, the selected menu option isn't the one indicated by the pointer, is
> > other that is  around 3 options in the top of it. And when I click the
> > mouse, the selected option is the one indicated by the selection rollover
> > (not the actually pointed by the mouse pointer).
> >
> > This situation is present in KDE 4.2, but not in XFCE 4, thats why I
> think
> > that may be a problem related with KDE.
> >
> > I hope you understand my explanation. Thanks!!
> >
> > pd: Sorry for my english.
>  Are you using gtk-qt-engine-kde4 ?
> --
> Hiroshima '45,
> Chernobyl '86,
> Windows   '95.
>  Grafitti en Niceto Vega 5940,
>  Buenos Aires. De una foto de
>  Mario Gallo.
> Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
> http://perezmeyer.com.ar/
> http://perezmeyer.blogspot.com/

Proxy in Marble

2009-03-23 Thread Enzo Cappa
I can't get Marble working right. I have a proxy, and it's configured via
http_proxy sistem variable. KDE uses that variable for proxy. All programs
works fine in that way, but marble doesn't. It just shows the maps I
installed by default, and OpenStreet shows nothing.
I have tried the proxy setting in marble, with the same results.
I'm using Marble 0.7.1 and KDE 4.2.1.
Using it form command line, this is part of the output:

Download rejected: It's being downloaded already.
Download rejected: It's being downloaded already.
Download rejected: It's being downloaded already.
RESET started
RESET stopped
Detecting maxLabelHeight ...
"Download of maps/earth/openstreetmap/1/0/0.png Blacklisted. Number of
blacklist items: 3"
"Download of maps/earth/openstreetmap/1/1/0.png Blacklisted. Number of
blacklist items: 4"
"Download of maps/earth/openstreetmap/1/1/1.png Blacklisted. Number of
blacklist items: 5"

Some one can use Marble with proxy? A use other geo software with success
trought the same proxy (with openstreet for example), thats why I think that
may be a marble bug.


Problems with menus in Amarok 2 and KDE 4

2009-03-23 Thread Enzo Cappa
When I'm playing a track in Amarok, I can't use any menu, because it just
closes immediately after it opens. If no track is playing, all menues work
I'm using KDE 4.2.1 and Amarok 4.2.1 installed from experimental and

Problems with menus in Netbeans and KDE

2009-03-06 Thread Enzo Cappa
Hi! Following is the description of my problem:

I use Debian Unstable with KDE 4.2 installed from Experimental.

In menus of Netbeans 6.0.1 (installed via apt) I have problems with menus.
The problems appears when I open a menu and  move the mouse pointer above
it, the selected menu option isn't the one indicated by the pointer, is
other that is  around 3 options in the top of it. And when I click the
mouse, the selected option is the one indicated by the selection rollover
(not the actually pointed by the mouse pointer).

This situation is present in KDE 4.2, but not in XFCE 4, thats why I think
that may be a problem related with KDE.

I hope you understand my explanation. Thanks!!

pd: Sorry for my english.

Re: Problemas con menús en Netbeans con KDE

2009-03-06 Thread Enzo Cappa
Little detail, sorry.

El 6 de marzo de 2009 9:15, Leopold Palomo Avellaneda

> A Divendres 06 Març 2009, Enzo Cappa va escriure:
> > ¡Buenas! A continuación especifico mi problema:
> >
> >   En los menús de Netbeans 6.0.1 (instalado desde apt) tengo
> > problemas con los menús. El caso es que al abrir un menú y desplazar elel
> > mouse sobre el mismo, hay un efecto de rollover que va indicando la
> opción
> > seleccionada actualmente, en mi caso se va indicando opciones que estan
> más
> > arriba de la posición actual del mouse, y al hacer click me selecciona la
> > opción indicada por dicho efecto y no la que actualmente está indicada
> por
> > el mouse.
> >Esto lo observo en KDE 4.2, pero no así en XFCE, en el cual
> funciona
> > perfecto. Es por esto que lo envío a esta lista.
> >
> > Espero haber explicado correctamente el problema. ¡Muchas gracias!
> No, si explicar te te has explicado, pero esta lista es en ingles ...
> Leo

Problemas con menús en Netbeans con KDE

2009-03-06 Thread Enzo Cappa
¡Buenas! A continuación especifico mi problema:

  En los menús de Netbeans 6.0.1 (instalado desde apt) tengo
problemas con los menús. El caso es que al abrir un menú y desplazar elel
mouse sobre el mismo, hay un efecto de rollover que va indicando la opción
seleccionada actualmente, en mi caso se va indicando opciones que estan más
arriba de la posición actual del mouse, y al hacer click me selecciona la
opción indicada por dicho efecto y no la que actualmente está indicada por
el mouse.
   Esto lo observo en KDE 4.2, pero no así en XFCE, en el cual funciona
perfecto. Es por esto que lo envío a esta lista.

Espero haber explicado correctamente el problema. ¡Muchas gracias!

Re: Uninstall noatun

2009-02-06 Thread Enzo Cappa
It would be complicated, because no all player are based on KDE. MPlayer,
for example, it's text based originally, and has a GUI based in GTK. I don't
think that the developers of mplayer are interested in implementing a
command line option to register as a kde default player. So the best option
is still that you select your preffered player.
Maybe the best option is think in a better way to select the prefered
player, or ask to the developers of debian to select a better default player
in the distribution.
Another important thing is that noatun isn't used anymore in kde 4, wait
some time and maybe you will have a better default player.

2009/2/6 santilin 

> I think you are right. So, the improvement would be something like
> re-registering the file associations for players. For example, if I run:
> vlc --register-with-kde
> mplayer --register-with-kde
> noatun --register-with-kde
> it would register and place on top all the file associations it knows
> about.
> What do you think? Does is worth sending it to bugs.kde.org
> Regards
> -- santilin
> Enzo Cappa wrote:
>> I don think that's a bug. If you have a preferred player, it wouldn't be
>> nice that anytime that you install another, it changes.
>> There are many players in GNU/Linux, and many of them are based on KDE. I
>> have around 4 installed, and I use it in different situations. I'm sure that
>> Noatun isn't the better one, but it's the default for the KDE package, maybe
>> because for most people is enough.
>> Anyway, you can ask the developers of KDE for that improvement if you
>> think it would be a good thing, in https://bugs.kde.org .
>> PD: Sorry for my english, I'm not native speaker.
>> 2009/2/4 > sa...@kernelpanic.hacklabs.org>>
>>> 2009/2/4 Christoph Burgmer
>>>> Am Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2009 schrieb santilin:
>>>> > Hi, how can I uninstall noatun in debian 4.0, kde 3.5?
>>>> kde depends on kdeaddons which depends on noatun-plugins which
>>>> on
>>>> noatun (if I am not mistaken).
>>>> If you installed the kde metapackage I guess you need to go
>>through the
>>>> single packages it pulls in and decide on a per-package basis
>>which ones
>>>> you
>>>> need, then you can remove kde without loosing all the rest, which I
>>>> guess?
>>>> is your problem.
>>>> Or, in simple terms: "aptitude remove noatun" as admin if it is
>>>> Christoph
>>> I think is easier. Right click on the file, and select the item
>>> "Properties". The you will see a description of the file, and a
>>icon with
>>> a
>>> tool, click on it. There you will see a list of the preferred
>>> for that kind of files.  Also you can select a application for
>>open  a
>>> file
>>> one time only in the item "Open with"
>>> Enzo
>>I wonder why vlc or kaffine are not put on top of file
>>associations after
>>installing them.
>>After making a fresh install of debian/kde, noatun is the default
>>Then, I install vlc and kaffeine and amarok. Why are them not put
>>at the
>>top of the file associations? Is this a feature or a bug?
> --
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Re: Uninstall noatun

2009-02-05 Thread Enzo Cappa
I don think that's a bug. If you have a preferred player, it wouldn't be
nice that anytime that you install another, it changes.
There are many players in GNU/Linux, and many of them are based on KDE. I
have around 4 installed, and I use it in different situations. I'm sure that
Noatun isn't the better one, but it's the default for the KDE package, maybe
because for most people is enough.
Anyway, you can ask the developers of KDE for that improvement if you think
it would be a good thing, in https://bugs.kde.org .

PD: Sorry for my english, I'm not native speaker.


> > 2009/2/4 Christoph Burgmer 
> >
> >> Am Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2009 schrieb santilin:
> >> > Hi, how can I uninstall noatun in debian 4.0, kde 3.5?
> >>
> >>
> >> kde depends on kdeaddons which depends on noatun-plugins which depends
> >> on
> >> noatun (if I am not mistaken).
> >> If you installed the kde metapackage I guess you need to go through the
> >> single packages it pulls in and decide on a per-package basis which ones
> >> you
> >> need, then you can remove kde without loosing all the rest, which I
> >> guess?
> >> is your problem.
> >> Or, in simple terms: "aptitude remove noatun" as admin if it is not.
> >>
> >>
> >> Christoph
> >>
> >
> > I think is easier. Right click on the file, and select the item
> > "Properties". The you will see a description of the file, and a icon with
> > a
> > tool, click on it. There you will see a list of the preferred application
> > for that kind of files.  Also you can select a application for open  a
> > file
> > one time only in the item "Open with"
> >
> > Enzo
> >
> I wonder why vlc or kaffine are not put on top of file associations after
> installing them.
> After making a fresh install of debian/kde, noatun is the default player.
> Then, I install vlc and kaffeine and amarok. Why are them not put at the
> top of the file associations? Is this a feature or a bug?
> --santilin

Re: Uninstall noatun

2009-02-04 Thread Enzo Cappa
2009/2/4 Christoph Burgmer 

> Am Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2009 schrieb santilin:
> > Hi, how can I uninstall noatun in debian 4.0, kde 3.5?
> kde depends on kdeaddons which depends on noatun-plugins which depends on
> noatun (if I am not mistaken).
> If you installed the kde metapackage I guess you need to go through the
> single packages it pulls in and decide on a per-package basis which ones you
> need, then you can remove kde without loosing all the rest, which I guess?
> is your problem.
> Or, in simple terms: "aptitude remove noatun" as admin if it is not.
> Christoph

I think is easier. Right click on the file, and select the item
"Properties". The you will see a description of the file, and a icon with a
tool, click on it. There you will see a list of the preferred application
for that kind of files.  Also you can select a application for open  a file
one time only in the item "Open with"
