(I accidentally sent this email directly to Coufcouf and DeltaOne, I should 
have posted it to the list... sorry!)


Are there any plans to upload Plasma 5.27.5 and Frameworks 5.106 to Unstable 
and unblock them for inclusion in Testing? The Full Freeze is coming up soon, 
and Unstable / Testing are still stuck on Plasma 5.27.2 and Frameworks 5.103. 
The newer versions fix tons of bugs (including many Wayland bugs), so their 
inclusion in Debian 12 would be supremely appreciated by Debian KDE users.

I see no reason why an unblock request wouldn't be granted considering GNOME 
43.4 was allowed to migrate recently, and these new versions focus only on 
fixing bugs rather than adding features.

I hope you consider uploading Plasma 5.27.5 and Frameworks 5.106 to Unstable, 
and requesting an unblock so they can migrate to Testing and be included in 
Debian 12, that way Debian KDE users can have the best possible experience.

Thank you for all your hard work!

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