Since I follow "testing" and don't want to follow "sid", I did an
adjustment using this line:

aptitude -R --visual-preview -t sid install $(aptitude search -F"%p; %v; %V; 
%d" -t sid '?installed(?maintainer(debian-qt-kde))'|egrep 5.8|cut -d\; -f1|tr 
'\n' ' ')

and inserting attachment is back to normal.


On Sunday, October 9, 2016 12:40:45 AM CEST you wrote:
> Dear all,
> When I try to attach a file by simply clicking on "attach", two files are
> selected and immediately included.
> When the "contextual file browser" is opened, if I do a right click on the
> file I intend to attach, instead of a mere left click, then I can see two
> file names are written in the "name" line; this gives me the opportunity to
> remove one of those names pressing backspace.
> In case it would have been a "glitch" due to all those Akonady restart I did
> a reboot and try again; it happens all the time.
> I did some searches on the web about that, but to no avail.
> I did a "testing" upgrade, some two days ago, maybe that's why, maybe I
> would better have done a "sid" upgrade; anyway I'm not good at finding why
> this kind of piece of software would go astray: but I report it anyway in
> case it would help.
> Chris

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