Re: gtans translation

2005-02-14 Per discussione beatrice
On Sunday 13 February 2005, at 13:45, beatrice wrote:

Ciao a tutti.

  #: interface.c:296
  msgid Solved figure bg...
  msgstr Figura trovata...
 hmmm, non vedo la corrispondenza con l'originale. Ma in effetti non
 capisco bene a cosa si riferisca il messaggio originale.

Ora che ho letto il file help, azzardo un suggerimento:
Colore di sfondo per le figure risolte...

She may be an angel who spends all winter/Bringin' the homeless blankets
and dinner/A regular Nobel Peace Prize winner/But I really hate her
... I'll think of a reason later
 (T. Martin/T.Nichols)

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gtans translation

2005-02-13 Per discussione Giulio Canevari
i'm here.
I simply didn't know there were 2 mailing list dedicated to italian
translations, next time i'll translate something i'll post the
translation here or on tp(at) first.
I don't post the po files here since Florian has already uploaded
everything to .
I have seen that Giovanni Ridolfi has checked it and has something to
complain about the style, that somewhere could be modified :-/ :
Accetto volentieri suggerimenti.
Grazie ancora,
Giulio Canevari
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Re: gtans translation

2005-02-10 Per discussione Giovanni Ridolfi
on  Thu, 10 Feb 2005 09:58:42 +0100
beatrice  wrote

 Well, usually I would suggest the mailing list tp(at) (the
 mailing list which deals with the Italian translations of GNU programs)
 but it's an uncommon practice to review someone else's work without
 talking to him/her. I don't know how many of us would feel comfortable
 in doing that; I sure wouldn't and I'd rather talk to the translator
 directly. I think that's part of the reason you didn't get any answer

Well, I've just checked the translation, although I looked at it considering

only the correctness of its grammar not  the style, that somewhere could

be modified :-/
Sorry, my hurry was unjustified.

 So my suggestion is for you to talk with the translator and ask him/her
 to send the translated .po to tp(at) (or here if you
 prefer) as part of the message (not as an attachment). The help file
 could also be reviewed this way, if it isn't too big. I'm sure this way
 your .po file will get a review.

I'd have preferred,as well, that he submitted his translation here (or in
the tp list), both  to /share/ doubts, experiences..., and to have a
common style in the Italian translations.

Many thanks, Bea, for having pointed out that.



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