Re: summary of software licenses in non-free

2004-01-11 Thread Santiago Vila
On Sat, 10 Jan 2004, Steve Langasek wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 10, 2004 at 06:57:09PM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
> > mocka   BSD-style license with noxious advertising clause. why is 
> > this
> > in non-free?
> This does look like a mistaken categorization to me; to my eye, the
> license looks just like the 4-clause BSD.

The problem with mocka is that the source is not exactly the preferred
form of the work for making modifications to it, so we can't really
consider that it "includes" source code.

Google for "debian mocka license" and you will find an old discussion
about this.

Re: Distribution agreement for ATI FireGL drivers

2004-01-11 Thread Andrew Suffield
On Sun, Jan 11, 2004 at 01:05:23PM +, MJ Ray wrote:
> >- "Debian Project" doesn't exist as a legal entity at all;
> SPI could probably serve for that, but would need a responsible to 
> sign.

I'm not so sure about that. SPI is not responsible for the actions of
Debian, and can't control them either - all it is responsible for are
the assets which it holds in trust. So SPI signing anything wouldn't
commit Debian to a particular course of action... I don't think ATI
would go for that.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
 : :' : |
 `. `'  |
   `- -><-  |

Description: Digital signature

Re: Distribution agreement for ATI FireGL drivers

2004-01-11 Thread Steinar H. Gunderson
On Sun, Jan 11, 2004 at 01:05:23PM +, MJ Ray wrote:
> For convenience, please send the text of the document to -legal.

OK, here we go (mostly simply pasted from OOo, hope the formatting isn't too

[beginning of file]


This Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into and is effective as of the 23rd
day of October 2003 ("Effective Date") by and between ATI Technologies Inc.,
an Ontario corporation with its principal place of business at One Commerce
Valley Drive East, Markham, Ontario L3T 7X6, its subsidiaries, (collectively
"ATI") and DEBIAN PROJECT ("Licensee").


1.1 Definitions
1.1.1   "Licensed Purpose" shall mean the purpose of including Licensed
Software with the Licensee's product: "Debian GNU/Linux".
1.1.2   "Licensed Software" shall mean ATI's software as described in
Attachment A and shall include any associated documentation provided
by ATI and relating thereto.
1.1.3   "Object Code" shall mean the machine readable form computer
programming code as opposed to the human readable form of computer
programming code.
1.1.4   "Source Code" shall mean the human readable form computer programming
code and related system level documentation, including all comments
and any procedural code such as job control language.


2.1 License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, ATI
grants Licensee a non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable, non-assignable,
limited license solely for the Licensed Purpose to distribute the Object Code
of the Licensed Software solely for use in association with ATI hardware
which works in conjunction with the Licensed Software and for no other
purpose. No right, license or privilege is granted to any person or entity
other than Licensee.  Specifically, but without limitation, no right, license
or privilege is granted to any entities related to or associated with
Licensee including, but not limited to, affiliates, subsidiaries, parent
entities or agents of Licensee.  

2.2 Restrictions.  Restrictions regarding Licensee¿s use of the Licensed
Software regardless of whether the Licensee received the Licensed Software
before, on, or after the Effective Date of this Agreement, are as follows:

2.2.1   Licensee shall use the Licensed Software only for the Licensed
Purpose and for no other purpose;
2.2.2   Licensee shall reproduce all notices, including without limitation,
copyright and confidentiality notices, on all permitted copies of the
Licensed Software; 
2.2.3   Except as expressly provided for in this Agreement, or as reasonably
required to fulfill the Licensed Purpose, Licensee shall not copy or
reproduce in any form, the Licensed Software or any portion thereof;
2.2.4   Licensee shall not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble,
re-engineer, or otherwise reproduce in any form or create or attempt to
create or permit, allow or assist others to create the Source Code of any
portion or component of the Licensed Software; 
2.2.5   Licensee shall enter into an end user license with each sublicensee
that Licensee provides a copy of the Licensed Software or a portion thereof.
The end user license may be in the Licensee¿s standard form agreement and
shall contain terms and conditions substantially similar to the terms and
conditions in Attachment  B; 
2.2.6  Licensee shall not, without ATI's prior written approval, alter or
modify the Licensed Software; and
2.2.7   Licensee shall not remove, alter, modify or obscure any ATI
trademark, logo or similar mark from any Licensed Product or permitted copy


3.1 Ownership.  Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the Licensed
Software and all intermediate and partial versions thereto, including without
limitation all modifications, enhancements, updates, bug fixes, inventions,
know-how, as well as all intellectual property rights including, without
limitation, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, and all other information
relating thereto are and will remain the sole and exclusive property of ATI
or a third party which may license parts of the Licensed Software to ATI, and
Licensee shall have no right, title or interest therein except as expressly
set forth in this Agreement.  With respect to any derivative programs of the
Licensed Software developed by Licensee, including without limitation,
modifications, improvements and enhancements, and any documentation relating
thereto, Licensee hereby assigns to ATI exclusively all right, title and
interest to such derivative programs, and all copies thereof, and all related
intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, copyrights)
without further consideration. All such modifications, improvements, or
enhancements, and any documentation relating thereto, shall be provided to
ATI within thirty  (30) days of creation.



Re: LinuxWorld NY banner

2004-01-11 Thread MJ Ray
On 2004-01-10 13:52:03 + Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

[...] There was a committee that was going to look into
the logo license.  What ever happened to that?

There was some discussion on -project and I think we're waiting to 
hear more there when developments happen. Feel free to ask them how 
they're doing if you have time.

Personally, I think we should try to make at least one edition of the 
licence be free software, but you probably knew that already.

MJR/slef My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
Please on lists to be sure I read gopher:// [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Creative copyleft computing services via

Re: Distribution agreement for ATI FireGL drivers

2004-01-11 Thread MJ Ray
On 2004-01-10 20:44:15 + Steinar H. Gunderson 

For convenience, I've opened it in and converted it 
into a

PDF, available at

For convenience, please send the text of the document to -legal.

- "Debian Project" doesn't exist as a legal entity at all;

SPI could probably serve for that, but would need a responsible to 

Most of the other points you mention seem like blockers, I agree.

(Before this, I received
a mail from developer relations saying (quote) "Please go ahead and 
the ATI drivers, just include all the readme's from our install 

Depends if that's from someone responsible. Possibly this legalese 
overrules it anyway.

MJR/slef My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
Please on lists to be sure I read gopher:// [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Creative copyleft computing services via