Re: licensed under GPL-2 but need to accept license dialog

2015-11-07 Thread Mark Weyer
On Sun, Nov 08, 2015 at 01:29:31PM +0900, Hideki Yamane wrote:
>  OBS ( is licensed under GPL-2.
>  However, it needs to accept license dialog to use it when you start program.
>  Is it dfsg-free one? I think it would be like click-wrap software.

If its license is pristine GPL then you as a maintainer have the right to
remove the click-wrap functionality. Usability-wise this would be an
improvement, I think. Hence the question about the original dfsg-status does
not seem to matter much.

IANAL, TINLA. Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

Re: Simple doubt about section to use

2014-09-16 Thread Mark Weyer
On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 11:10:53AM -0300, Eriberto Mota wrote:
 I am reviewing the package lutris (ITP #754129). [...]

 My doubt is if is a main or contrib program. I think in main, because
 lutris can survive running DFSG games only. However, we have the
 possibility to install proprietary and commercial games too. So, what
 is the better section for lutris?

I agree. And I strongly disagree with Ian's suggestion to demote it to contrib.
As I understand it, lutris is usable with software in main via the ScummVM
runner and the two ScummVM games in main. And lutris only installs stuff if
the user explicitly asks it to. So the possibility to work with non-DSFG
content is not a problem. Unless Debian also decides to move to contrib:
- Any compiler which does not check for DSFG-freeness of the code it compiles.
- Any emulator which does not likewise check the thing emulated.
- Any web browser which does not decline to show non-DSFG-free content.

Disclaimer: I am not a member of the Debian project.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: filebench: bison generated parser + CDDL

2012-06-02 Thread Mark Weyer
On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 01:45:06PM +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
 Am Montag, 7. Mai 2012 schrieb Mark Weyer:
  Just a quick note: If you are right about the incompatibility of CDDL-1
  and GPLv3 (others on this list will know if you are), then the
  combined work is non-free: Its license terms discriminate against a
  field of endeavour, namely developing a parser generator.
 I don´t understand this.
 I understand the exception
 | As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
 | part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
 | under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
 | parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
 | as a parser skeleton.  Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
 | the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
 | special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
 | Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
 | License without this special exception.
 so that it allows distributing the software under any other license as 
 long as the generated parser isn´t a parser generator in itself.
 I don´t think that the parser in here is a parser generator. As far as I 
 understand parser_gram.c and parser_gram.h just parses loadable workload 

It is less clear than I thought.

Let A be a work with a parser generated by bison and assume that A is not a
parser generator. It appears that the exception allows the authors of A to
place A under any license they want to, effectively overriding the
GPL-and-exception. Suppose they choose something like the MIT license. Then
they, or someone else, retrieves the parser skeleton (now under the MIT
license) from A and uses it as a parser skeleton for a commercial parser
generator B. The exception is clearly not intended to allow that. Reading its
letter, I do not see that it actually achieves that intent.

How I read the exception on May 7, I thought that it would not be deleted by
relicensing, but that its requirement would persist in all modified version
of A. Which is the only way (I can see) that the exception achieves its

The true question is, of course, whether a court would judge in favour of
the exception's letter or its intent.

If it judges in favour of its intent: Taking the CDDL'ed filebench for A and
some modified version B of A, by copyleft (of both the GPL-and-exception and
the CDDL) we have the same license situation in B as in A. Now if B is as
above, the exception is not applicable and thus (assuming that GPL and CDDL
are incompatible) B is not distributable. Thus the combined licenses forbid
distribution of (some) modified versions and the package is non-free.

If the court judges in favour of the exception's letter, then your upstream
can put parser_gram.c and parser_gram.h under the CDDL and everything is fine
(You can't do that yourself, because
A: the exception grants that right only to the creator of the larger work and
B: if upstream does not exercise the right of the exception, then they do not
   have the right to distribute filebench under anything other than the GPL.)

I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice, et cetera.

  Mark Weyer

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Re: filebench: bison generated parser + CDDL

2012-05-07 Thread Mark Weyer

 As far as I understand CDDL-1 and GPL are not compatible, but when I read 
 special exception correctly, in the case that no new parser generator is done 
 any terms, any license can be used for the resulting work.

Just a quick note: If you are right about the incompatibility of CDDL-1 and
GPLv3 (others on this list will know if you are), then the combined work is
non-free: Its license terms discriminate against a field of endeavour, namely
developing a parser generator.

I am not a lawyer. Hope this helps,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: No source code for wesnoth-musicg

2012-04-23 Thread Mark Weyer
On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 08:57:47AM +0200, Bernhard R. Link wrote:
 * Guilherme de Siqueira Pastore [120423 02:29]:
  I obviously do not disagree that, if the authors
  explicity refused to release source, their work is blatantly non-free.
 One should still be cautious what the source in release source
 meant. For most of my C programs I explicitly refuse to release any
 scribbling papers I may have developed some concepts on, will not allow
 my brain-content to be copied (even if it was possible) to get the idea
 behind the code back nor do I usually publish my editor config with the
 keybinding although they are definitely part of my prefered way to edit
 any C code. And still I claim I release all the source (even in GPL
 sense). In some cases the question what the source is can be a
 hard one. That there is something people refuse to release and some
 other people claim to be the source is only a problem once the question
 what source is is answered in a way that that is the source (or would be
 the source if it existed in case you allow conditional definitions).

If I understand the already cited Wesnoth forum threads correctly, the OGG
files are synthetically generated. The artists use a collection of samples
(sound bank) and a program which arranges these samples according to a
precise variant of a musical score.
The kinds of modifications I see that one might want to make to the music:
- Replace an instrument by something more suitable for a specific epoch.
- Bugfix a single note in the score.
- Remix the entire track.
All of these are possible with what the artist has. None is possible with
the OGG file they provide. So I think we have a clear case of refusal to
release source code.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: No source code for wesnoth-music

2012-04-15 Thread Mark Weyer
On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 12:08:27AM +0400, Evgeny Kapun wrote:
 I've found that music tracks for The Battle for Wesnoth (package 
 wesnoth-music in Debian) are only provided as compressed Ogg Vorbis files, 
 without any information used to generate them. I have two questions:
 * Does wesnoth-music comply with DFSG? I've heard that at certain point DFSG 
 only applied to programs, but later firmware, documentation and other 
 materials were also included. Does DFSG (and, specifically, its requirement 
 of having source code included) apply to music?

The DFSG applies to all software. After previous misunderstandings, a Debian
General Resolution has clarified that fact. Some people prefer to say that the
DFSG applies to all software only *since* the GR.

There is a good reason that source is required for all software, including
music: So that the music is open for improvement and for adaption to different
requirements (e.g. using musical instruments matching the theme of a campaign

 * Does distributing wesnoth-music without source code comply with its license 
 (GPL 2+)?

No. The copyright holders can distribute their own work in any way they like,
but anybody else breaches the GPL 2 or 3 by not offering source code.

 There was some discussion about this problem on wesnoth forums [1][2]. It 
 mentions that at least some of music files in question were generated using 
 proprietary software, and that even the authors can't regenerate some of them 

Apparently there is a consensus that if the original source was lost, then
whatever still is there counts as source. So in that your the compressed ogg
files are the source form (because they are prefered among all existing forms).
(I always fear that mentioning that consensus might lead people reluctant to
reveal their true sources to accidentally delete them.)

Hope this helps. I am not a lawyer. I am not a Debian anything.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: Using to translate .po files

2012-03-26 Thread Mark Weyer
On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 08:49:45AM +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
 The most important argument is [...] the fact that that there
 is no terms of service for stating
 otherwise, make me assume this service is following the law and
 license of the texts it is given.
 If I ask a random person on the street to translate a GPLed text
 fragment, and the person give me a translated text fragment back, will
 the resulting text fragment still be GPLed?  Assuming the text
 fragment was copyrightable in the first place, I believe it will be,
 as otherwise the translator would be said to violate the GPL and I
 fail to see what action involved could possibly violate the GPL.

I do not think your argument is sound.
Assume I write a text, publish it under a license which basically says that
everyone translating it ows me EUR 1000, and then ask a random person on the
street to translate it (even without mentioning how it is licensed). Would you
say that I am entitled to any money? My guess is that in all sane jurisdictions
I am not.

In case of the GPL, I think it is you who does not comply: Redistribution
(as in: submitting to a tranlation service) requires you to accompany the
(in this case modified) work with copyright information and a license grant.
If provides no means for you to inform them about
copyright and license, you have no permission to use that service on GPLed
material (unless copyrighted by yourself, or dual licensed, or ...).

I am not a lawyer. This is not law advice. Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: Name restriction and forced acknowledgement OK?

2012-02-13 Thread Mark Weyer
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 10:19:04AM +0100, Ole Streicher wrote:

In general, people on this list tend to prefer full license texts plus the

 3. You [...] may [...] adapt its code [...] That portion of your
distribution that does not consist of intact and unchanged copies of
SOFA source code files is a derived work that must comply with the
following requirements:
  c. The name(s) of all routine(s) in your derived work shall not
 include the prefix iau.

Non-free: It effectively forbids using a modified library as a drop-in
replacement for the original library.
It fails DFSG 3. The restriction is not covered by DFSG 4 ([...] The license
may require derived works to carry a different name or version number from
the original software. [...]),
- first, because it refers to the library's interface, not just the name by
  which it is known to people, and
- second, because DFSG 4 only allows forbidding one name, not a name range
  using a wildcard like iau* is.

 4. In any published work or commercial products which includes results
achieved by using the SOFA software, you shall acknowledge that the
SOFA software was used in obtaining those results.

Such clauses pop up from time to time. I seem to recall that they are
generally viewed as non-free, but right now I cannot find it in the DFSG

Just my two cents. I am not a Debian anything (DD,DM,NM,whatever).
Hope that helps,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: Name restriction and forced acknowledgement OK?

2012-02-13 Thread Mark Weyer
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 12:23:45PM +0100, Olе Streicher wrote:
 Mark Weyer writes:
  On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 10:19:04AM +0100, Ole Streicher wrote:
   c. The name(s) of all routine(s) in your derived work shall not
  include the prefix iau.

As you mentioned macros versus functions in your other mail, I noticed that
in C terminology there are no routines at all. So I would tend to read
routine as a concept which comprised both C functions and certain C macros.
Anyway, a modification which should be allowed is to transform the library
from C to a language in whose terminology everything is a routine.

  Non-free: It effectively forbids using a modified library as a drop-in
  replacement for the original library.
 This is true. What they effectively want is that nobody refers f.e. to a
 function iauEpj2jd() that is not approved by the International
 Astronomical Union, so that they reach a kind of uniformness
 here. However, they are effective with that only for the licensees of
 the library; one could easily build a completely independent library
 with the same name.
  It fails DFSG 3. 
 Why? It just requires that they get a different name.

However small the restriction is, some modifications are prohibited.

 If it is really non-free: would a library, where I (as the packager)
 would change all prefixes from iau to IAU (as an example) be free in the
 dfsg sense? This change would allow anyone to adopt the source code and
 to write a drop-in replacement.

Again, it would restrict certain modifications (rechanging the names and
improving some implementations).

Let me emphasize the G in DFSG. They are neither a legal text nor a definition,
so we should not argue too closely to their letter. But your capitalization
argument above could be used to try to persuade upstream to relicense (because
their current license does not achieve what they want anyway).

 *  5. You shall not cause the SOFA software to be brought into
 * disrepute, either by misuse, or use for inappropriate tasks, or
 * by inappropriate modification.

I think this one fails DFSG 6 (discrimination against field of endeavour).

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: a Free Platform License?

2011-11-30 Thread Mark Weyer
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 04:05:01PM +0100, Hugo Roy wrote:
 I don't understand what is the restriction on running the software. The
 AGPL does not say anything about proxies and firewalls. You can have
 them, or not; it does not care AFAICS.

The reason for there being an AGPL was thus: People started offering web
services based on GPL software. RMS would have liked to obtain the source
code. The GPL did not force the people to disclose their source code,
because it only restricts distribution, not use. And the web services were
only used, not distributed.
Hence the AGPL restricts use by design.

The above is not intended to convey my opinion on the AGPL, just to prove
that it does in fact restrict use.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: Lost sources [was: Re: scientific paper in package only in postscript form non-free?]

2011-03-20 Thread Mark Weyer
On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 03:47:39PM -0700, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Fri, 18 Mar 2011, Mark Weyer wrote:
  Just to make sure there is no misunderstanding, let me rephrase my
  scenario: Someone modifies a GPLed work, say a program written in C.
  Between compiling and distributing, he deliberately deletes the C
  files. Then he distributes the compiled binary. By the if the
  source does not exist any more, what is left is source rule, the
  compiled binary now is its own source because it is the (only and
  thus) prefered form for making further changes.
 Yes, but this isn't something that a sane upstream is ever going to
 do, so it's not worth discussing much. [And frankly, if it's something
 that upstream does do, one should strongly question whether Debian
 should actually be distributing the work in question anyway.]

It is not common, but it does not require insanity. Only that the modifier
does not intend to do any maintenance.
I agree that, in the case of a program as in my example, Debian would
not be interested in redistribution anyway.

  I do not understand what it has to do with privileged positions.
 Because the source no longer exists, the upstream is not in a
 privileged position for making future modifications.

Thanks for clarifying.

  Copyleft is
 fundamentally about putting the users of a program on the same footing
 with the same freedoms as the creator of a program.

Copyleft is more. Let A be the original author, B be the modifier and C
a user of the modified work. In my understanding of copyleft, C should
have the same freedoms (including access to real sources) with respect
to the modified work by B as B had with respect to the original work by A.
Not only the same ones that B now has with respect to his own work.

I guess I'll just mark this as yet another reason not to use the GPL.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: Lost sources [was: Re: scientific paper in package only in postscript form non-free?]

2011-03-18 Thread Mark Weyer
On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 01:25:57PM -0700, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Wed, 16 Mar 2011, Mark Weyer wrote:
  I always thought that such distribution would be in breach of the
  GPL, or more generally of copyleft. After all, it is impossible to
  distinguish, from the outside, between lost and secret sources.
  And if the I-want-my-sources-secret person does not care about later
  modifications, he might even really delete the sources.
 In such a case, the author of the modifications isn't in a privileged

I am sorry but I don't quite understand this comment.

Just to make sure there is no misunderstanding, let me rephrase my scenario:
Someone modifies a GPLed work, say a program written in C. Between compiling
and distributing, he deliberately deletes the C files. Then he distributes
the compiled binary. By the if the source does not exist any more, what is
left is source rule, the compiled binary now is its own source because it
is the (only and thus) prefered form for making further changes.
I feel that this is against the spirit of copyleft, so I am surprised that
it is claimed not to be against the letter of the GPL.
I do not understand what it has to do with privileged positions.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Lost sources [was: Re: scientific paper in package only in postscript form non-free?]

2011-03-16 Thread Mark Weyer
On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 07:39:58PM +0100, Francesco Poli wrote:
 On Wed, 16 Mar 2011 09:26:39 + (GMT) MJ Ray wrote:
  Sure, it should be - what happens if [the source] no longer exists?  That 
  quite possible for a years-old journal paper.
 This seems to be a FAQ...
 Well, if some form of that work no longer exists, it cannot be the
 preferred form for making modifications to the work itself.
 One thing is when the author/maintainer uses a form of the work to make
 modifications (because he/she prefers that form), but does not make
 this form available to others.
 In this case, the actual source is being kept secret.
 One completely different thing is when nobody has some form of the work
 any longer. That form cannot be preferred for making modifications,
 since it no longer exists.
 In this case, the actual source is the preferred form for making
 modifications, among the existing ones.

Is this your personal opinion or did you perceive it to be commonly accepted?
I am asking because I tend to disagree. The scenario I have in mind is that
someone takes a, say, GPLed work, modifies it, and distributes the modified
work without (what would otherwise be called) sources, claiming that he lost
the sources.
I always thought that such distribution would be in breach of the GPL, or
more generally of copyleft. After all, it is impossible to distinguish, from
the outside, between lost and secret sources. And if the
I-want-my-sources-secret person does not care about later modifications, he
might even really delete the sources.
It should not be that easy to weasel out of copyleft.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: scientific paper in package only in postscript form non-free?

2011-03-14 Thread Mark Weyer

In addition to the points already covered by Bernhard and Francesco:

On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 03:09:00PM +, MJ Ray wrote:
 WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:
   source code
n : program instructions written as an ASCII text file; must be
translated by a compiler or interpreter or assembler into
the object code for a particular computer before
 The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (27 SEP 03) [foldoc]:
   source code

   language, programming (Or source, or rarely source
   language) The form in which a computer program is written by
   the programmer.  Source code is written in some formal
   programming language which can be compiled automatically into
   {object code} or {machine code} or executed by an


Both definitions would make the source code requirement void or trivial
to fulfill. Any file can be compiled from its hex dump, which is ASCII.
And for all kinds of file formats you will find a geek who claims that
she actually already has created a file of that format by typing its hex
dump [0]. Anyway, the above seem to be definitions of source code in
general, not source code of a specific file.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

[0] I, for example, regularly use text editors for creating xpm pictures.

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Re: legal questions regarding machine learning models

2009-05-29 Thread Mark Weyer
  * xfonts-* (bitmap renderings of non-free vector fonts)
   Are you saying that xfonts-* are derived from non-free fonts?
   How can they be DFSG-free, then?
  In the US and some other places, bitmap fonts can't be copyrighted.  You can
  make a free bitmap font by rendering a non-free font at a particular size.
 Interesting: could you point me at the specific article that states
 this rule in  ?
 Anyway, even assuming that those bitmap fonts are DFSG-free in the US
 and some other places, what about other jurisdictions?
 It has been often said that the Debian Project cannot (and should not)
 rely on the parts of copyright law which vary wildly across
 jurisdictions (e.g.: fair use/fair dealing and other national
 counterparts) in order to declare something DFSG-free.
 Why is a different standard being applied here?

Am I missing something? I would think that even if in all jurisdictions
the font is non-copyrightable, that still would not imply DFSG-freeness,
only that it is fit for non-free.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: legal questions regarding machine learning models

2009-05-27 Thread Mark Weyer
  This looks very similar to distributing a picture which is a 2D
  rendering of a 3D model without distributing the original model. This is
  already accepted in the archive, and the reason is that a 2D picture is
  its own source, and can serve as a base for modified versions this way.
 I disagree with this decision by the FTP masters.
 I personally think that, in most cases, the 2D rendering is not the
 actual source, since many modifications would be best made by changing
 the 3D model and re-rendering the 2D image.

I agree with you. In particular, in many cases a single 3D model is used
to create many 2D images. If you don't have the model, you need to do
the modification many times.
And then there is the case of increasing the resolution...

 Disclaimers, of course: IANADD, TINASOTODP (and IANAL, TINLA).

Same here.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: legal questions regarding machine learning models

2009-05-27 Thread Mark Weyer

 I mentioned Voxforge in my previous email. Their goal is to use their
 free spech data to train models with HTK and use the models with
 Julius. You can get the source code of HTK after registration on their
 website but the license has severe restrictions so HTK is not free
 software. Julius is a free software speech recognition engine that can
 use models trained with HTK. Note that HTK is pretty much THE speech
 recognition framework in the speech recognition community. If you
 consider that the ultimate source of a model is not only the data but
 also the software used to train it, then Voxforge models built with
 HTK can't be free, even though the data were free. Is it forbidden for
 someone to release an image made with Photoshop as free?

As I understand it, this depends on what you mean by free. It is quite
possible to distribute these models under a free license, even under one
which requires distribution of source. The source code would then be the
Voxforge data plus the parameters given to HTK. It would not include the
source code of HTK, as HTK acts in this process like a compiler.
However, a corresponding Debian package would be in contrib at best (and
that only, if HTK can be shipped in non-free), because the package would
have a build-dependency on HTK.
I guess, in the long run your community needs a free replacement of HTK.

Again, this is only how I understand things.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: legal questions regarding machine learning models

2009-05-27 Thread Mark Weyer
  I agree with you. In particular, in many cases a single 3D model is used
  to create many 2D images. If you don't have the model, you need to do
  the modification many times.
  And then there is the case of increasing the resolution...

 I don't know if it would be technically possible to go to that
 extremes. Having the source code of all the music and video intros for
 all the games, of all the sounds, could be probably 100 times bigger
 than the current archives. Well, you get the idea. I don't think it's
 a single package what we're talking about. I remember there was a
 thread some time ago on what would happen if we took the having a
 whole free source and toolchain when applied to music, and how it
 would be absolutely impossible to achieve, at least right now. Any
 idea on what to do in those situations?

That's a mixture of questions. I'll add my 2e-2 Euro to each separately.

Archive size: The case that I had in mind is that the data is purely
synthetic. In those cases the source form is negligibly small when compared
to the binary form. Especially in the cases you mention: Game intros
rendered from some 3D scene. Game music created from some music score.
Sounds which are programmed.
I assume that you have non-synthetic data in mind: Music which is actually
recorded, videos which are shot with real actors, sounds recorded from the
real world. And that what is shipped is a severely compressed form of the
original. In that case I guess one can argue that the source requirement
is void: I always understand source to be preferred form for modifications
among the digital forms of the software. The kind of modifications I see
for e.g. music (replace the violin player by someone who actually can play
the instrument; correct a discord which is due to a typo in the score) is
impossible to achieve without rerecording, so a big digital version of the
music is just as useless as a small one.

Building time: Coming back to purely synthetic data. building time can be
a real pain. Waiting 24 hours (on fast machines) for a build is fine for
me as upstream, but not something I would want to cause to your buildd when
my software is just one out of thousands of packages. There, I do see a
practical problem.
With my upstream hat on, I will continue to ship my data under licenses
that do require source, but I will not care whether you redo the building
or whether you just copy the precompiled data which I give you. Provided
of course, that you also ship the source.

Extremes: I do not agree with this classification of my view.
I value a free game for the fact, that I can fool around with the source
to make it better. Adding features, levels, characters. If this means
that I have to add long ears to some sprite (which is obviously generated
from some 3D model), then I want to have access to that model and to the
toolchain used to turn the model into the sprite. Because that is much
more simple and robust, and creates a much more consistent set of sprite
animation parts, than doing it with gimp on each part of each animation
sequence individually. Free data is important for the very same reason
that free programs are!

What to do: As always it is a tradeoff between quantity and quality, in
this case of packages. Maintaining a high freeness standard has an impact
on the resources needed, so it limits the number of costly packages that
you can support for any given amount of available resources.
I value Debian because (and as long as) it puts the emphasis on freeness.

 PS:I'm CC'ing to the Debian Games Team mailing list.

Done as well, but I am not subscribed to that list.

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Re: legal questions regarding machine learning models

2009-05-27 Thread Mark Weyer

I know I should not reply to polemic posts because it is just one step
short of troll-feeding, but anyway:

 I suggest you start your own distribution, in which you won’t ship:
   * xfonts-* (bitmap renderings of non-free vector fonts)

I agree that these do not belong in a free distribution. There should be
plenty of free alternatives, ness pah?

   * all icons shipped without SVG source 
   * all pictures shipped without XCF/PSD source (oh yeah, that makes
 a lot)

I would handle these on a case-by-case basis. For a 64x64 icon which has
no connection to other icons (apart from what can easily be done by copy
and paste), I would say the icon itself is just as good as its source.

For SVG: Yes, the ability to scale the icon to a new resolution is very

I assume that your next move will be something like But then, we cannot
ship GNOME or KDE!. I have seen such arguments before (don't know if it
was from you, though). This is just blackmail. In the same way you could
argue for the inclusion of insert shiny propietary software that only
runs on windows.
And, personally, I do not care whether GNOME or KDE are in Debian.

   * actually, all pictures that are initially photographs of an
 object (the preferred form of modification is the original
 object; if you want to see it at another angle, you need to take
 another photograph)
   * all sound files shipped without the full genetic code of the

You are being ridiculous on purpose. Source, as I understand it, is
always something digital.

 You could call it something like gNewSense, and you could discuss during
 hours with RMS how much better it is this way.

Just because GNU and RMS have similar views, that does not immediately
make the view invalid. This has to be judged on a case-by-case basis.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: Which license am I looking for?

2009-04-05 Thread Mark Weyer
On Sun, Apr 05, 2009 at 09:57:39PM +0930, Karl Goetz wrote:
 Hi Mark,
 I was wondering if you found any licences that fit what you were
 looking for? I didnt see a resolution to the thread [1] the first time

No, I have not. I am still open to suggestions lest I have to add to
license proliferation (which is the current plan but I am not very
active on it).

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: licensing for libpam-pwfile (ITP)

2009-02-01 Thread Mark Weyer
 * Let me know you're using it

I think this makes it non-free.
It fails the desert island and the dissident test.
It also fails DFSG 3, as soon as the upstream author has died.

SDAFP (same disclaimers as Francesco Poli)

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: Which license am I looking for?

2009-01-19 Thread Mark Weyer
On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 09:26:20AM +, Дмитрий Ледков wrote:
 Francesco Poli wrote:
  In other words, you want to maximize compatibility with other copyleft
  licenses and still have a copyleft license...
  I think these two requirements are _very_ hard to satisfy at the same
  time; it could be that they are actually incompatible with each other.
 Maybe something like copyleft-ed BSD license. Eg. standard two
 clauses, and an additional clause about enforcing source redistribution
 of your software even if it is part of a larger project (open-sourced or

I would prefer not to add to license proliferation. In case I have to, I
currently favor something based on OSL. The reason being, that I am not
skilled enough to formulate additional clauses, whereas removing some is
not so hard.

  Same disclaimers as before: IANAL, TINLA, IANADD, TINASOTODP.
 Erhhhmm. What do these stand for? I can only guess IANADD from
 mentors list - does it stand for I am not a Debian Developer? What about
 the others?

My understanding of Francesco's disclaimers:
IANAL: I am not a lawyer
TINLA: This is not law advice
IANADD: I am not a Debian Developer
TINASOTODP: This is not a (something) of the official Debian project

I might be wrong, though.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Which license am I looking for?

2009-01-18 Thread Mark Weyer

I have a small software project which I intend to release soon.
I have already looked at several free (or, in some cases, claimed to
be free) licenses, but I have not found one which I found convincing.

What I am looking for:
- Copyleft with source requirement, but should not contaminate other
- No additional burden on anyone. In particular no requirements for
  derivatives to advertize, to not advertize, to follow some naming
  convention, or to convey source code at runtime.
- No distinction between programs, libraries, images, scripts,
  documentation, or whatever.
  Formulations should equally apply to all sorts of software.
  The only distinction should be source vs. non-source.
- Oh, and of course it should be DFSG-free.

Also, I am very sceptical about patent retaliation clauses.

I apologize for this question being off-topic until someone packages
my software for Debian. If there is a better place to get an answer,
please tell me.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: Which license am I looking for?

2009-01-18 Thread Mark Weyer

Sorry if this breaks threading. Subscription was not as quick as I thought.

On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 01:49:35PM +0100, Mark Weyer wrote:
 - Copyleft with source requirement, but should not contaminate other
 - No additional burden on anyone. In particular no requirements for
   derivatives to advertize, to not advertize, to follow some naming
   convention, or to convey source code at runtime.
 - No distinction between programs, libraries, images, scripts,
   documentation, or whatever.
   Formulations should equally apply to all sorts of software.
   The only distinction should be source vs. non-source.
 - Oh, and of course it should be DFSG-free.

Maybe I should have been less terse.
- With source requirement I meant that source code of derived works must
  be made available.
  I think this rules out BSD and MIT licenses.
- no contamination of other sofware was meant to imply, that if someone
  uses (a derived version of) my software as part of hers, she does not
  have to put her entire work under my license.
  I have always understood this to rule out all versions of GPL. On a
  quick glance I cannot find the relevant part of GLPv3, though.
- no requirement to advertize was targetted at clauses like 5d of GLPv3:
  | d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
  | Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
  | interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
  | work need not make them do so.

Anyway, thanks for your replies, David and Dmitri.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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Re: Which license am I looking for?

2009-01-18 Thread Mark Weyer

Thanks for your reply.

On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 05:43:05PM +0100, Francesco Poli wrote:
 On Sun, 18 Jan 2009 15:58:06 +0100 Mark Weyer wrote:
  On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 01:49:35PM +0100, Mark Weyer wrote:
   - Copyleft with source requirement, but should not contaminate other
  Maybe I should have been less terse.
  - With source requirement I meant that source code of derived works must
be made available.
 This is, IMO, one of the key features of a copyleft license.

Well, according to Wikipedia, copyleft just says that redistribution is
allowed under the same terms, nothing about source. So I mentioned
source requirement separately, just to make sure.

  - no contamination of other sofware was meant to imply, that if someone
uses (a derived version of) my software as part of hers, she does not
have to put her entire work under my license.
 I think the opposite of this is another key feature of a copyleft
 E.g.: the GNU GPL imposes that works incorporating a GPL'ed work (or a
 derivative of a GPL'ed work) may only be distributed under the terms of
 the GNU GPL itself.
 The only exception is the case of mere aggregation: see the license
 text for more details.
 Hence, I think your desiderata are somewhat inconsistent.

I think what you refer to, is what GNU calls strong copyleft. What I want
is more close to weak copyleft.
I want, that in the event of my software becoming part of some larger
software, that all recipients have access to my software in its best form,
that is in source. Hence copyleft with source.
While I would also prefer that recipients have access to the sources of the
other parts of the larger software, I think it unwise to require that the
other parts are put under the same license. The reason being, that if some
other part of the larger software does the same, albeit with a different
license, the larger software becomes undistributable, which is the worst
possible outcome.

I do not see that this is inconsistent.
Or maybe I just understand mere aggregation much broader than you.
Or than the GPL does. In particular, if my software becomes a library, I
do not want a mere include to imply that the whole program is derived work.

 Back to your question: I personally think you should revise your
 desiderata, since you seem to search for a broken copyleft, which is,
 well... , not what I would really recommend!   ;-)

I have given arguments for my desiderata above, and I would be happy to
provide more. But this leads away from my initial question.

 My personal suggestions are:
   * first, decide if you really want a copyleft
   * in case you really want a copyleft, I _strongly_ recommend a
 GPLv2-compatible license: for instance
   -  the GNU GPL v2 itself (only v2, or, if you prefer, with the
  or later phrasing)

Among other shortcomings, GPL contaminates other software.

   -  or the GNU LGPL v2.1

LGPL 2.1 distinguishes all sorts of software right in the definitions:

|   A library means a collection of software functions and/or data
| prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
| (which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.

Similar LGPL 3.0:

|   The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from
| a header file that is part of the Library.  You may convey such object
| code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated
| material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure
| layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates
| (ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:

I do not want to distinguish between different kinds of software.
The reason is, that while at this time my software is best described
as program, I acknowledge, that through a sufficient number of
mutations (in the process of deriving works) it might as well become
a picture, a library, documentation, or whatnot. (More likely, it
will first become something which does not fall into any category.)
I do not want the semantics of the license to depend on such.
In particular, I want to understand, for myself, what the semantics are
in any such case.

   * in case you conclude you do not want a copyleft, I recommend a
 simple non-copyleft license: for instance
   -  the Expat/MIT license
   -  or the 2-clause BSD license (without clause 3.)
   -  or the zlib license

I do want copyleft.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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