Re: non-free firmware in kernel modules, aggregation and unclear copyright notice.

2005-04-13 Thread Richard B. Johnson
< Not copied to the overloaded linux-kernel list >
On Wed, 13 Apr 2005, Raul Miller wrote:
On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 11:28:59PM -0700, Sean Kellogg wrote:
Failure to have a click-through license means that there is no acceptance,
which is a fundamental part of contract law.  No acceptance, no
contract, no exceptions.
For example, you can indicate acceptance of the GPL by exercising the
rights it grants.
Furthermore, the converse is also false: it's quite possible to install
software on your machine without clicking on the click-through license.
For example, someone else might install it for you.  [You expect my dad
to figure out how to install anything?]

Fundamental to contract law is an agreement.
If there is no agreement, there is no contract.
For a contract to even exist, the parties involved
must have, at least at some time, agreed upon
the exact specified contract, not something
similar, but the exact specifications. To keep
these specifications precisely known by all
parties, they usually establish a written
contract. Written contracts are easier to defend
than others, but verbal, or even implied contracts
are no less valid.
For instance, if you purchase a screw-driver, there
is an implied contract called "fitness of use". It
should be useful for manipulating screws. If it
isn't, then the seller has the obligation to
return the buyer's money if the buyer returns the
screw driver. Just because the screw-driver was
designed for manipulating screws, does not bind
the purchaser to that use. The purchaser can use
the screw-driver as a pry-bar or a chisel. However,
any warranty is not implied for such use.
A computer program that forces, or by use of
coercion, requires a purchaser to "agree" to
some terms of use cannot establish a valid
contract. If you can't complete the installation
of the program unless you abide by some terms
shown in some menu, then some courts have
held that any implied contract is invalid because
one can't be forced to agree and have that
agreement represent a contract.
That's why so-called "employment contracts" where
a prospective employee is forced to sign some
paper or he doesn't get the job, are considered
unenforceable (read invalid).
It's very simple. The usual implied contract
of a purchased product is that the user pays
money and, in return, the user gets to use the
Many software companies have attempted
to corrupt this by requiring the user to
agree to additional terms after the user has
left the store with the knowledge that he
is now free to use the product for which he
Such an agreement is coerced and, therefore,
cannot represent a valid contract. Further,
one is never required to use the software for
its intended purpose just like you don't really
need to use a screw-driver on screws.
Lawyers make money by writing obfuscating contracts
and then attempting to enforce or defend against
them. Again, just because there is some stuff
in a software screen that you have to "click-
through", doesn't mean that it has any validity
at all.
When studying Law, one must realize that there
are no absolutes, unlike mathematics. One court
may hold one view of a law and another may
hold a completely different view. Even when
actions are moved out of the local courts and
into federal courts, the results of these
actions are not always predictable. Judges
often want to make "new law", often rejecting
case law.
For a good book on US Computer Software Law
Raymond T. Nimmer. ISBN 088712-355-4. There is
a beginning section on Copyright Law. For instance,
on page 1-16 ; "...the distinction between idea
and expression in flowcharts and source code is
uncertain. As a practical matter, the distinction
indicates that copyright is not a viable protection
for the author of a program in these forms."
Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.6.11 on an i686 machine (5537.79 BogoMips).
 Notice : All mail here is now cached for review by Dictator Bush.
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Re: non-free firmware in kernel modules, aggregation and unclear copyright notice.

2005-04-07 Thread Richard B. Johnson
On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Humberto Massa wrote:
David Schmitt wrote:
 On Thursday 07 April 2005 09:25, Jes Sorensen wrote:
[snip] I got it from Alteon under a written agreement stating I
could distribute the image under the GPL. Since the firmware is
simply data to Linux, hence keeping it under the GPL should be just

 Then I would like to exercise my right under the GPL to aquire the
 source code for the firmware (and the required compilers, starting
 with genfw.c which is mentioned in acenic_firmware.h) since - as far
 as I know - firmware is coded today in VHDL, C or some assembler and
 the days of hexcoding are long gone.
First, there is *NOT* any requirement in the GPL at all that requires
making compilers available. Otherwise it would not be possible, for
instance, have a Visual Basic GPL'd application. And yes, it is possible.
Second, up until the present day I have personal experience with
hardware producers that do not have enough money to buy expensive
toolchains and used a lot of hand-work to code hardware parameters. So,
at least for them, hand-hexcoding-days are still going.
Well it doesn't make any difference. If GPL has degenerated to
where one can't upload microcode to a device as part of its
initialization, without having the "source" that generated that
microcode, we are in a lot of hurt. Intel isn't going to give their
designs away.
Last time I checked, GPL was about SOFTware, not FIRMware, and
not MICROcode. If somebody has decided to rename FIRMware to
SOFTware, then they need to complete the task and call it DORKware,
named after themselves.
This whole thread and gotten truly bizarre.
Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.6.11 on an i686 machine (5537.79 BogoMips).
 Notice : All mail here is now cached for review by Dictator Bush.
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Re: non-free firmware in kernel modules, aggregation and unclear copyright notice.

2005-04-05 Thread Richard B. Johnson
On Tue, 5 Apr 2005, Josselin Mouette wrote:
Le mardi 05 avril 2005 ÿÿ 11:50 -0400, Richard B. Johnson a ÿÿcrit :
You are mixing apples and oranges. The fact that the GFDL sucks has
nothing to do with the firmware issue. With the current situation of
firmwares in the kernel, it is illegal to redistribute binary images of
the kernel. Full stop. End of story. Bye bye. Redhat and SuSE may still
be willing to distribute such binary images, but it isn't our problem.
Wrong! It is perfectly legal in the United States, and I'm pretty
sure in your country, to distribute or redistribute copyrighted
works. Otherwise there wouldn't be any bookstores or newspaper
It is not legal to distribute the mix of a GPL software (the Linux
kernel) and a proprietary file (the firmware). I wasn't aware of the
"mere aggregation" interpretation, and I'm probably a bit late to say I
disagree with it - mainly because you'd have a hard time convincing a
court this is the case.
There is nothing about firmware that is any different than any
other component of a product. If the product was legally obtained
and it requires firmware to run, then there are no special
considerations about how one inserts the firmware into the
Indeed, but that's not what I'm talking about.
If you are a GPL-religious-zealot who believes that you are
supposed to get the technical design (i.e. the software schematics)
of the hardware device for free so you can copy it, then you are
going to have to learn something about intellectual property.
Maybe you should try to understand what people are saying before
teaching them anything.
The firmware, in most cases, are the bits generated by a design
program that creates the function of the device. It's what the
manufacturer paid 5-10 engineers over a period of a year or so
to produce. The rest of the design is just some chips you
can get off-the-shelf. Even if the manufacturer said; "Here you
are You can have the design". You don't have the
"compilers" and other stuff necessary to turn this design
into the firmware unless you planned to steal the design.
So, you either accept the firmware component, thanking the
manufacturer for it, or you go cry foul someplace else. This
whole firmware thing is a non-issue, blown way out of
proportion by people who don't have a clue.
You are completely missing the point. I don't care whether the firmwares
should be free, or whether they could be free. The fact is they are not
free, and Debian doesn't distribute non-free software in the "main"
archive. The fact is also that mixing them with a GPLed software gives
an result you can't redistribute - although it seems many people
disagree with that assertion now.
As previously explained, if I buy a screen-card I get a driver
that will allow it to run under Windows. If I extract the stuff
from that driver that allows me to run it under Linux, that
constitutes fair use. Otherwise there are criminal issues like
restraint-of-trade and similar problems for the manufacturer.
That firmware is free for use on/in the device you purchased.
Finally, you shouldn't forget that, technically speaking, using hotplug
for uploading the firmware is much more flexible and elegant than
including it in the kernel. Upgrading the firmware and the module should
be two independent operations. People who are advocating the current
situation are refusing technical improvements just because they are
brought by people they find convenient to call "zealots".
Throwing in a bit of truth to a pile of bullshit still leaves
the bullshit. It isn't relevant to the issue whether or not
upgrading firmware as a separate function from loading a module
is "good" or "bad".
.''`.   Josselin Mouette/\./\
 `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom
Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.6.11 on an i686 machine (5537.79 BogoMips).
 Notice : All mail here is now cached for review by Dictator Bush.
 98.36% of all statistics are fiction.

Re: non-free firmware in kernel modules, aggregation and unclear copyright notice.

2005-04-05 Thread Richard B. Johnson
On Tue, 5 Apr 2005, Humberto Massa wrote:
Josselin Mouette wrote:
You are mixing apples and oranges. The fact that the GFDL sucks has
nothing to do with the firmware issue. With the current situation of
firmwares in the kernel, it is illegal to redistribute binary images of
the kernel. Full stop. End of story. Bye bye. Redhat and SuSE may still
be willing to distribute such binary images, but it isn't our problem.
Wrong! It is perfectly legal in the United States, and I'm pretty
sure in your country, to distribute or redistribute copyrighted
works. Otherwise there wouldn't be any bookstores or newspaper
There is nothing about firmware that is any different than any
other component of a product. If the product was legally obtained
and it requires firmware to run, then there are no special
considerations about how one inserts the firmware into the
If you are a GPL-religious-zealot who believes that you are
supposed to get the technical design (i.e. the software schematics)
of the hardware device for free so you can copy it, then you are
going to have to learn something about intellectual property.
The firmware, in most cases, are the bits generated by a design
program that creates the function of the device. It's what the
manufacturer paid 5-10 engineers over a period of a year or so
to produce. The rest of the design is just some chips you
can get off-the-shelf. Even if the manufacturer said; "Here you
are You can have the design". You don't have the
"compilers" and other stuff necessary to turn this design
into the firmware unless you planned to steal the design.
So, you either accept the firmware component, thanking the
manufacturer for it, or you go cry foul someplace else. This
whole firmware thing is a non-issue, blown way out of
proportion by people who don't have a clue.
Sometimes a manufacturer doesn't have a separate bag-of-bits
to supply competing operating systems. Instead, only one
"driver" for one OS was produced by the manufacturer.
Extracting those bits, from offset-N to offset-M in that
driver likely constitutes fair use as long as the product
wasn't stolen and the driver was distributed with the
product, or was publicly available.

Yes, GFDL has nothing to do with the main issue. No, it is not
necessarily illegal to redistribute binary images of the kernel as they
are today (see below). The first problem is that they (the complete
w/firmware kernel binary images) are not DFSG-free, anyway. The second
problem is that some firmware blobs don't have explicitly stated in the
kernel tree which exactly are their licensing terms for redistribution
-- those are, in principle, undistributable.
Putting the firmwares outside the kernel makes them distributable. Some
distributions will want to include them, some others not. But the
important point is that it makes that redistribution legal.

If putting the firmwares outside the kernel makes *them* distributable,
then the binary kernel image is already distributable -- just not
DFSG-free. The important fact WRT Debian, IMHO, is that putting the
firmwares outside the kernel makes the kernel binary image DFSG-free.

Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.6.11 on an i686 machine (5537.79 BogoMips).
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