Re: OT: How I learned to stop worrying and love software patents

2005-07-26 Thread Nathanael Nerode
Michael K. Edwards wrote:
 I see your weasel-words and raise you horse-pucky.  You are
 impugning the intelligence and integrity of a whole class of dedicated
 public servants, whose actions are subject to more public scrutiny
 that any other branch of government, on pure hearsay.  Tell me what
 cases you would have decided differently and why -- taking into
 account the actual constraints of statutory language and stare decisis
 -- and then we can talk about where the error lies on the spectrum
 from ignorance to corruption.

Hmm.  Sticking to patents for the time being, let's note that no court
bothered to actually test whether the patent or copyright system falls
within the Constitutional power to promote the Progress of Science and
the Useful Arts.  Given this, Diamond v. Chakrabarty is wrongly
decided; it rules that the Congressional intent to allow anything under
the sun that is made by man to be patentable subject matter is correct,
and furthermore that it is the principle by which questions of
patentable subject matter should be interpreted.  But that's a issue of
major legal philosophy.

Well, here's a nice simple one for you.

Diamond v. Diehr was wrongly decided; it overturned Parker v. Flook for
no particularly good reason, and didn't even have the decency to admit it.

Respondents' claims must be considered as a whole, it being
inappropriate to dissect the claims into old and new elements and then
to ignore the presence of the old elements in the analysis.

This might have been avoided had the following actually been true: In
this case, it may later be determined that the respondents' process is
not deserving of patent protection because it fails to satisfy the
statutory conditions of novelty under 102 or nonobviousness under 103;
however, footnote 33 of the dissent makes clear that this was not the case.

The patent consisted of combining a number of preexisting devices ---
including the preexisting temperature sensors -- in a way which was not
just obvious, but pretty much unavoidable -- everything in the industry
points to it like a laser.  Given the description of the problem, *I*
would have come up with it, and I don't know the first thing about the

The rejection of the Flook method of claim analysis actually rejected
precedents dating back to 1854, as noted by Stevens in the dissent.

Stevens's dissenting opinion is spot-on.  As usual for his later work.

ATT v. Excel was decided wrongly, of course.

This court, unlike previous ones, didn't bother to look up the meaning
of the terms formula, algorithm, or equation, which can only be
described as ignorance.  But that's a small matter.

'Thus, the Alappat inquiry simply requires an examination of the
contested claims to see if the claimed subject matter as a whole is a
disembodied mathematical concept representing nothing more than a law
of nature or an abstract idea, or if the mathematical concept has
been reduced to some practical application rendering it useful.'

Yep, this is perfectly parallel to arguments allowing patentable
artwork.  I invent a unique piece of artwork, but if I render it
useful, it's not a law of nature or an abstract idea.

In Alappat , we held that more than an abstract idea was claimed
because the claimed invention as a whole was directed toward forming a
specific machine that produced the useful, concrete, and tangible result
of a smooth waveform display.

Yep, my invention as a whole produces the useful, concrete, and tangible
result of a pretty picture on a screen.

This is the bottom of the slippery slope, as someone wrote in Spectrum.

Of course, the broad patentable subject matter wouldn't be nearly as
serious a problem if the requirement of non-obviousness/non-triviality
had any teeth.  But it doesn't.

In Re Sang Su Lee, Teleflex v. KSR and the entire line of cases which
demand specific suggestions in a particular written reference to
determine obviousness are wrongly decided.  (And they aren't compelled
by the Supreme Court precedents, either.)  I actually think this line of
cases has done much more serious damage to the patent system than
anything else -- it's the primary reason for the substantial drop in
patent quality.  Patent examiners know that if they reject a patent for
obviousness without demonstrating exactly why it's obvious with
voluminous written references, they will be overturned.  It's very hard
to prove something obvious now, and very very easy to get it declared

Your choice whether this is incompetence or corruption, but it's
definitely one or the other.

The number of patents overturned on obviousness grounds has dropped from
the historical 30-40% to nearly nothing -- and it's not because fewer
are being filed.  :-P

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Re: OT: How I learned to stop worrying and love software patents

2005-07-26 Thread Michael K. Edwards
Summary:  There is a real concern with the integrity of the patent
process underlying the Federal Circuit's refusal to condone summary
patent invalidation without an adequate scrutiny for triable questions
of fact.

On 7/26/05, Nathanael Nerode [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hmm.  Sticking to patents for the time being, let's note that no court
 bothered to actually test whether the patent or copyright system falls
 within the Constitutional power to promote the Progress of Science and
 the Useful Arts.  Given this, Diamond v. Chakrabarty is wrongly
 decided; it rules that the Congressional intent to allow anything under
 the sun that is made by man to be patentable subject matter is correct,
 and furthermore that it is the principle by which questions of
 patentable subject matter should be interpreted.  But that's a issue of
 major legal philosophy.

Both the majority and the dissent in Chakrabarty agreed that the only
question before the court was a narrow one of statutory
interpretation.  Even so, Chief Justice Burger addressed the
constitutional concern:

It is, of course, correct that Congress, not the courts, must define
the limits of patentability; but it is equally true that once Congress
has spoken it is the province and duty of the judicial department to
say what the law is. Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137, 177 (1803).
Congress has performed its constitutional role in defining patentable
subject matter in 101; we perform ours in construing the language
Congress has employed. In so doing, our obligation is to take statutes
as we find them, guided, if ambiguity appears, by the legislative
history and statutory purpose. Here, we perceive no ambiguity. The
subject-matter provisions of the patent law have been cast in broad
terms to fulfill the constitutional and statutory goal of promoting
the Progress of Science and the useful Arts with all that means for
the social and economic benefits envisioned by Jefferson. Broad
general language is not necessarily ambiguous when congressional
objectives require broad terms.

One can reasonably argue whether Congress excluded bacteria from the
Plant Patent Act because they were satisfied with existing
administrative and judicial interpretations such as In re Arzberger
(the majority's guess), or because the only category of animate
inventions they intended to authorize was plants (the dissent's). 
But at least five generations of Supreme Court jurisprudence have
agreed that deciding what boundaries on patentable subject matter will
best promote the progress of science and useful arts is Congress's
job, and all the judiciary can do is try to construe the law correctly
based on the fact patterns presented.

It's interesting that you identify this as a question of legal
philosophy, though.  I would agree to some extent, noting the parallel
to non-obviousness as discussed in Justice Douglas's concurrence in
AP Tea v. Supermarket (1950), and following it back to Justice
Bradley in Atlantic Works v. Brady (1882).  But the judicially created
(Hotchkiss v. Greenwood, 1851) doctrine of non-obviousness was
codified by Congress in 1952, and at the next opportunity (Graham v.
John Deere, 1966, about which more later) the Supreme Court adopted
Congress's more practical test of patentability in Section 103.

I would suggest that the Supreme Court's deference to Congress where
the scope of patentability is concerned, once the non-obviousness
requirement was duly codified, foreshadows the corresponding view of
copyright in Eldred v. Ashcroft.  I think it likely that none of the
Justices considered the Sonny Bono Act wise; but as the Eldred opinion
states in its concluding paragraph, The wisdom of Congress' action
... is not within our province to second guess.

 Well, here's a nice simple one for you.
 Diamond v. Diehr was wrongly decided; it overturned Parker v. Flook for
 no particularly good reason, and didn't even have the decency to admit it.
 Respondents' claims must be considered as a whole, it being
 inappropriate to dissect the claims into old and new elements and then
 to ignore the presence of the old elements in the analysis.

To my eyes, Footnote 12 of the Diehr opinion does a good job of
explaining why they didn't need to overrule Flook to arrive at this

It is argued that the procedure of dissecting a claim into old and new
elements is mandated by our decision in Flook which noted that a
mathematical algorithm must be assumed to be within the prior art.
It is from this language that the petitioner premises his argument
that if everything other than the algorithm is determined to be old in
the art, then the claim cannot recite statutory subject matter. The
fallacy in this argument is that we did not hold in Flook that the
mathematical algorithm could not be considered at all when making the
101 determination. To accept the analysis proffered by the petitioner
would, if carried to its extreme, make all inventions unpatentable

OT: How I learned to stop worrying and love software patents

2005-07-24 Thread Michael K. Edwards
[Note to d-l readers: the subject is tongue-in-cheek, mmmkay?  Film reference.]

On 7/24/05, Nathanael Nerode [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael K. Edwards wrote:
  Patent is not copyright; you don't obtain a monopoly on describing
  your method, you obtain a monopoly on its commercial application.  No
  patent prohibits you from making a computer program implementing any
  algorithm you like; but if you sell it as a solution to the problem
  addressed in the patent, without authorization from the patent holder,
  you are infringing.  The same goes for selling its output, if that's
  covered by the patent -- compare against the enforcement of chemical
  process patents.

 Thanks for this informative comment.  So I guess you would phrase the problem
 differently, but perhaps you agree on the existence of the problem.  As far
 as I can tell, (a) mathematical problems are being used as problems in the
 patent domain (apart from solving a system of linear equations, a cipher is
 a mathematical transformation and the problem of finding one is a
 mathematical problem); (b) giving things away is considered just as bad as
 selling them; and (c) selling it as a solution for a different problem is
 considered just as much a violation as selling it as a solution for the same
 problem.  I really hope one or all of these is not true, but every time I
 look at something in software, they all seem to be true.

I think these are all judgment calls under the current system, and
doomed to be judgment calls under any system that is making an honest
effort to promote progress in the useful arts and sciences.  Let's
take your example of ciphers as mathematical problems. 
Cryptanalysis is higher math, all right, and no patent on a technique
of cryptanalysis should be permitted to issue (and as far as I know,
none ever has).  But the design of a cipher resistant to cryptanalysis
shades over into industrial application of that math as well as the
more mundane techniques of efficient coding, just as the design of a
corrosion-resistant alloy is an industrial application of surface
chemistry as well as metallurgy per se.

As for (b) and (c):  There is not ordinarily a distinction between
giving away and selling an infringing item -- after all, there are
ways to profit from undermining part of a rival's business model other
than extracting per-unit revenues from his potential customers.  And
while the domain of application and the nature of the useful result
are supposed to be part of the statement of a patent's claims, there
is some leeway to argue that the disclosure equally teaches an
invention in a closely related area (such as video vs. still image
compression).  But constructing a device or writing a program that has
both infringing and non-infringing uses, and taking some care not to
encourage or extract revenues from infringing use, can be a pretty
good defense against a contributory infringement claim -- especially
where the novelty claimed in the patent is limited to applying a
well-known technique to an unexpected problem.  (IANAL, TINLA.)

There isn't a lot of litigation (as opposed to bluster, brinksmanship,
and political posturing) on software patents, and AFAICT what there is
is pretty benign.  I think the State Street decision is somewhat
dubious (as I have written earlier), simply because it risks a major
change in the effective scope of patent protection without any
indication of a legislative or Supreme Court mandate to do so.  Ditto
EPO parallels such as Sohei (T 769/92) and Pettersson (T 1002/92). 
The useful arts and sciences are traditionally understood to be
those that manipulate the natural world, not markets.  But I don't
really have any problem with jettisoning the dualist baggage and
adopting the Alappat test to call digital results tangible if they
represent a useful advance in the state of the art in an applied

In any case, just because a patent issues doesn't mean it isn't
complete crap.  Don't be fooled into lumping USPTO howlers (or, for
that matter, their EPO parallels) in with those which have survived
scrutiny in an adversarial setting.

   applications of software techniques to practical problems
  are just as patentable when stated using process lingo as when using
  machine lingo, certainly now (per ATT v. Excel) but AFAICT all

 Well, it's straightforward, anyway.  Any algorithm is a process by
 definition.  The problem is that it's a *mathematical* process.  If you don't
 have a prohibition on the patenting of mathematics -- and apparently we don't
 have one on the statute books in this country -- algorithms are obviously

Whether or not the statute calls it out explicitly, mathematics per se
is in the domain of laws of nature, natural phenomena, and abstract
ideas (quoted from Diehr, paraphrasing cases going back to 1853),
which are reliably excluded from patentable subject matter.  I invite
you to question the assumption that algorithms are mathematics.  

Re: OT: How I learned to stop worrying and love software patents

2005-07-24 Thread Pedro A.D.Rezende

Michael K. Edwards wrote:

On 7/24/05, Nathanael Nerode [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I invite
you to question the assumption that algorithms are mathematics.  My
preferred US dictionary (American Heritage, third edition) has it that
an algorithm is a step-by-step problem solving procedure, and goes
on to describe the computational specialization of this idea.  That's
not really theoretical mathematics any more than a titration technique
is theoretical chemistry.

Algorthms are, in a general sense, semiotics, for the step-by-step 
problem solving procedure processes data. When the processing is to be 
done by a digital computer, the instruction set in which the algorithm 
can be encoded sets and encloses, since Alan Turing's seminal work in 
the 1930's, the procedure into the realm of theoretical mathematics. And 
until Alonzo Church's thesis (cathegorizing this enclosure) is 
disproved, this enclosure is definite.

Either way, whether specifically as theoretical mathematics (via 
computers), or generally, for being semiotics, algorithms are in the 
domain of laws of nature, natural phenomena, and abstract ideas 
(refer to Charles Peirce, Ferdinand de Sausurre or Umberto Eco going 
back to 1867, only foourteen years later than the oldest quote allegedly 
paraphrased from Diehr)


Prof. Pedro Antonio Dourado de Rezende  /\
Ciencia da Computacao (61)3072702-212  /  \
Universidade de Brasilia, DF, Brasil  /\

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Re: OT: How I learned to stop worrying and love software patents

2005-07-24 Thread Michael K. Edwards
On 7/24/05, Pedro A.D.Rezende [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Algorthms are, in a general sense, semiotics, for the step-by-step
 problem solving procedure processes data. When the processing is to be
 done by a digital computer, the instruction set in which the algorithm
 can be encoded sets and encloses, since Alan Turing's seminal work in
 the 1930's, the procedure into the realm of theoretical mathematics. And
 until Alonzo Church's thesis (cathegorizing this enclosure) is
 disproved, this enclosure is definite.

Yes, all very lovely, I've read Douglas Hofstadter's books too. 
Likewise, chemistry is physics and psychology is biology.  But that
doesn't tell us anything about the skills applied by practicioners in
the field (hint: most coders can't do Big O analysis, let alone solve
an integral), or about which useful arts and sciences the
Constitution authorizes Congress to encourage through the patent
monopoly.  If you want to understand how far a court is willing to go
with you along the mathematics is in the realm of abstract ideas and
therefore unpatentable, you have to step from Church and Turing's
world into Von Neumann and T. J. Watson's.

 Either way, whether specifically as theoretical mathematics (via
 computers), or generally, for being semiotics, algorithms are in the
 domain of laws of nature, natural phenomena, and abstract ideas
 (refer to Charles Peirce, Ferdinand de Sausurre or Umberto Eco going
 back to 1867, only foourteen years later than the oldest quote allegedly
 paraphrased from Diehr)

Nice allegedly -- translates to I didn't bother to check, right? 
My quote from Diehr (1981) was exact; the Diehr opinion in turn quotes
from various other cases back to Le Roy v. Tatham (1853).  Here's the
Diehr link again, for your convenience: .  Allow me to suggest that,
if you do read it this time in search of rebuttal material, you at
least read Section III of both opinion and dissent.  You might also
evaluate the merits of Judge Plager's response to the concerns raised
in Justice Stevens's Diehr dissent, found in Section D of ATT v.
Excel ( ).

In any case, the writings of the most respected of philosophers and
novelists are of less precedential value than the most pedestrian of
appellate court decisions.  It is entirely possible that policy-makers
in Brasil have drawn the line differently -- as is well within their
rights -- but to prove it to me you will need to show me how it works
in your courts.

- Michael

P. S.  Watch for a possible grant of certiorari in Laboratory Corp. of
America Holdings v. Metabolite Laboratories, Inc., which could be
followed by a Supreme Court ruling giving better guidance on the whole
laws of nature, natural phenomena, and abstract ideas business from
Diehr.  The heads-up came from , which lists a
number of interesting upcoming decisions.

Re: OT: How I learned to stop worrying and love software patents

2005-07-24 Thread Michael K. Edwards
I wrote, in response to Prof. de Rezende:
 Yes, all very lovely, I've read Douglas Hofstadter's books too. ...

This was a cheap shot, and I'm ashamed to re-read it.  I didn't mean
by this that Prof. de Rezende was not right to ground the algorithms
are mathematics perspective in the primary literature of computer
science, or even that it isn't more correct in a theory-of-knowledge
sense than other perspectives.  It's just that I don't think this
calculus is helpful when interpreting a patent statute, because that
formal relationship is neither what the legislators had in mind nor
representative of the economics of the field.

In any case, Pedro didn't get those ideas secondhand from Douglas
Hofstadter, nor would they be any less valid if he had (I rather
enjoyed Hofstadter's books myself and appreciate his popularization of
topics that would perhaps otherwise be much less widely discussed
outside academia).  It really wasn't nice of me to dismiss Pedro's
comments in those terms, and I apologize and ask his pardon.

- Michael