Hi Alexandru,

Alexandru Mihail <alexandru_mih...@protonmail.ch> writes:

>> 2. I found an inaccuracy in the upstream sections of debian/changelog;
>> please fix it. Plain old grep or manual header check should be enough
>> to spot this.
> Can you please elaborate a bit ? Are you referring to my changelog entry or 
> any mistakes in upstream.changelog or older debian/changelog entries ?

Sorry, my mistake.  I meant to write "debian/copyright".  One or more
entries in the copyright file conflicts with upstream evidence.  Our
obligation is to accurately represent upstream's claims; however, if you
think the existing state better represents reality, and that upstream's
copy is inaccurate, then please do something like 1. Correct our copy of
upstream's claims.  2. Make a note about how the file previously
contained a different claim, which you think is correct, and write why.
The field that is used for this can be (quickly) found in this


>> 3. Do the patches have accurate filenames, subjects, and synopses?
>> Adopting a package is the perfect time to fix anything misleading.
> Most of them are fine, I'd change the filename of "0006-fix-makefile", a bit 
> too generic, it changes some install dirs and adds -lssl to a compile target, 
> not exactly something obvious when you read "fix-makefile". I'll come up with 
> a better name.

I agree most are fine, and yes the one you've pointed out could be
nicer.  The one I'm concerned about has a subject that doesn't appear to
describe what the patch actually does, which is misleading.  Strictly
speaking these patch fixups aren't release critical, and you can ignore
them if you'd like.

>> Would you please push your work to your personal Salsa namespace (fork
>> relationship optional), and provide the link to the repo? This way I
> Will do, it was a very busy week :)

No worries :)

>> P.S. It seems like Debian's copy might be the defacto upstream, as of
>> eight years ago, when someone wrote we were "doing a good job"
>> maintaining mini_httpd.
> Hah, I've heard the same thing from an OpenWRT maintainer a few years ago. 
> We're their defacto upstream as well (and any OpenWRT based router firmwares 
> such as Tomato, etc etc). Long live the red spiral, I guess :)

Wow, I guess it's true then, and that your work will benefit more people
than anticipated!  This makes me think of the Civil Infrastructure

> Have a great day, 

Likewise, you too!

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